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Sysdig Secure Task Extension for Azure DevOps Pipelines

Sysdig Secure is a CNAPP Cloud Security Platform covering the following use cases

  • Cloud, Kuberenets & Container Detection and Response
  • Vulnerability Management
  • Posture Management
  • Permission & Entitlements

This extension provides integration with Sysdig Secure to scan container images for vulnerabilities within the Azure DevOps pipeline.

ONLY the image report is sent to Sysdig on completion of the scan.


You will require a valid Sysdig Secure API token.

Task usage

Default behaviour

By default, the task will simply scan a local image using Sysdig Secure CLI.

The task will output the policy results of the scan as well as send the reports to Sysdig Secure for review.

Under default behavior, the pipeline will not fail when the container does not pass the Sysdig Secure policy scan.

Example yaml:

- task: Sysdig-CLI-Scan@0
    sysdigurl: ''
    apikey: $(SYSDIG_API_TOKEN)
    image: $(imageName)

Failing the pipeline

In order to fail the pipeline when Sysdig Secure returns a fail based on the results of the Sysdig Secure scan, set the failBuild option to true.

Example yaml:

- task: Sysdig-CLI-Scan@0
    sysdigurl: ''
    apikey: $(SYSDIG_API_TOKEN)
    image: $(imageName)
    verbose: true
    failBuild: true

Example azure-pipelines.yaml

The below provides an example of a local image build which integrates with Sysdig Secure to scan the image. It will also fail the build if the Sysdig Secure policy scan returns a fail result.

- master

  vmImage: ubuntu-latest

- name: imageName
  value: 'nginx:latest'
  readonly: true
- group: sysdig
# Define proxy environment variables
# Proxy variables will be used by the task and the CLI itself to perform network calls via proxy
# For some steps different proxies are required, for instance the CLI download is only performed via HTTPS
- name: HTTP_PROXY
  value: 'http://proxy:8080'
  value: 'http://proxy:443'
- name: NO_PROXY
  value: '*'

- task: DockerInstaller@0
    dockerVersion: '17.09.0-ce'

- script:  docker pull $(imageName)
  ## workingDirectory: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/front-end/myAppFront/
  displayName: 'Docker Pull'

- task: Sysdig-CLI-Scan@1
  displayName: Sysdig CLI Scan
    sysdigurl: ''
    apikey: $(SYSDIG_API_TOKEN)
    image: $(imageName)
    verbose: true
    jsonOutput: true
    jsonOutputFile: 'sysdig-cli-scan-output.json'
    sysdigCliScannerVersion: '1.6.0'
    policy: my_custom_policy,my-custom-policy-ab

- task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
    PathtoPublish: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/output.html' # Path to the file or folder
    ArtifactName: 'html_report' # Name of the artifact
    publishLocation: 'Container' # Options: container, filePath

- task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
    PathtoPublish: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/sysdig-cli-scan-output.json' # Path to the file or folder
    ArtifactName: 'json_report' # Name of the artifact
    publishLocation: 'Container' # Options: container, filePath

Task Inputs

Mandatory Inputs

  • Sysdig Secure SaaS Region (sysdigurl): The region URL for Sysdig Secure. Must be one of the following:

    • US East (
    • US West (
    • US West - GCP (
    • European Union (
    • Asia Pacific (
    • Default:
  • Sysdig Secure API Token (apikey): Your Sysdig Secure API token for authentication.

  • Full Image Tag to Scan (image): The full tag of the image to be scanned, in the format <repo/image:tag>. Default: $(imageName):$(tag)

Optional Inputs

  • Fail Build (failBuild): Whether to fail the build if the policy evaluation fails. Default: false

  • Skip TLS Verification (skipTLS): Whether to skip TLS verification when calling Sysdig endpoints and downloading Sysdig binary. Default: false,

  • Verbose Logging Output (verbose): Enables more verbose logging output from the Sysdig CLI Scanner. Default: false,

  • Output Full Vulnerability Table (fullVulnsTable): Outputs the full vulnerability table in the console output. Default: false,

  • JSON Output (jsonOutput): Whether to export the JSON result file to $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/sysdig-cli-scan-output.json. Default: true,

  • JSON Output File (jsonOutputFile): The file name to export the JSON result to. This will be ignored if jsonOutput is false. Default: sysdig-cli-scan-output.json,

  • Sysdig CLI Scanner Version (sysdigCliScannerVersion): The version of the Sysdig CLI Scanner to use. Will use the latest version if not specified. Default: latest,

  • Policy (policy): Policy to evaluate in the pipeline execution. If not specified, only the Always Apply policy will be evaluated. Default: null,

More Information

For documentation on Sysdig Secure, including policy and capabilities see the Sysdig Secure Documentation