A music store application build using spring boot, spring security, postgres, bootstrap, jquery.
1. User mode: where user can browse music catalog, search musics, likes or dislikes a music
and see upcoming events in music industry.
2. Admin mode: The adminstrator here manage the whole app. He nanage musics, categories,
users and their roles.
1. The application are Unit tested(Junit)
2. The integration test is up(selinuim/webdriver),BDD.
3. Email notification during password reset and new user registration.
- Clone the repo
- Install postgres on your pc
- Create a database named musicdb own by user postgres
in application root folder- Run the command
gradle bootRun
- Launch a browser and visit this link http://localhost:8080
- Enjoy and rate the repo.
- Call me when you need help. Lol!