###Deploy to Docker
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory/docker-demo-example docker-demo-playbook.yml
###Deploy to hardware (i.e. demo1 & demo2)
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory/demo-example demo-playbook.yml
#####Install Options:
- "-e irods_version=<version number>"
- Specify the iRODS version to install (default = "3")
- "-e enable_debugging=True"
- Configure the demo-tests environment to build syndicate from source and install all dependencies for debugging (default = "False")
- "-e docker_preload_packages=<true|false>"
- Only for Docker, tell docker to pre-load prerequisite iRODS packages to the docker image (saves time if you plan to run multiple iRODS install tests, default = "false")
- "-e docker_container_uptime=<time>"
- Only for Docker, specify the time for the docker containers to remain up / running (default = "365d")
##Perform Demo Tests
- Login to the syndicate client test node (docker-synclient1) and run tests
docker exec -it docker-synclient1 bash
su - syndicate
cd syndicate-tests && ./testwrapper.sh
###Debugging with DDD in docker
docker exec -it docker-synclient1 bash
ifconfig eth0 #get your docker IP, or use "docker inspect docker-synclient1"
service ssh start
ssh -Y syndicate@<IP address of docker-synclient1>
#edit test to include debug: ddd ...
cd syndicate-tests && ./testwrapper.sh -n <test number>
This integrates Jenkins with jenkins-debian-glue, with an SSL terminating Apache HTTP proxy, and is used to build the jenkins server at https://butler.opencloud.cs.arizona.edu . Certain secure files (certificates, etc.) are not included.
Installs Hadoop on a system, with H-Syndicate.
Installs Syndicate MetadataService (MS) on a system.