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a5k: How I remade Another World / Out of This World in hardware on the UP5K FPGA

NOTE: if you are updating please delete your previous files in ROMs/ as these need to be rebuild with the latest version.

Just want to test?

Simulation: Checkout the repo, install Silice put the game data in GAMEDATA and from a command line type in make simul1 (no need for an actual FPGA, this will run the intro in simulation).

Hardware: Current supported boards are the icebreaker + VGA PMOD, mch2022 badge and ULX3S over HDMI. Pre-built bitstreams are included but the game data is needed in GAMEDATA so the data packs can be prepared. Jump here if you'd like to test on hardware first.

Extras: On the mch2022 badge you can now select which game part to play from a menu! See here for more details.



This project is my personal homage to Another World. This game is not only a graphical and gameplay masterpiece, it is also a technical marvel: The entire game runs on a beautifully designed Virtual Machine (VM) that calls only a blitter and rasterizer to produce the graphics in four framebuffers! (what's a vm, blitter or rasterizer anyway?)

The VM is quite minimalistic, and both the blitter and rasterizer are good candidates for hardware designs. Therefore it was very tempting to create a hardware implementation of the entire framework : no standard CPU, a truly native hardware version of the Another World VM, blitter and rasterizer. While I'll keep referring to the "VM" in the following, keep it mind it will become an actual custom processor, implementing on an FPGA all of Another World opcodes in hardware. This is not a 6502, not a Z80, not a 68000: this is an Out-Of-This-World-chip!

As I started to explore hardware remakes of various game render loops (e.g. Wolfenstein3D, Comanche, Doom, Quake), the idea of doing a hardware version of Another World was very tempting. What really made it click is when I realized, reading @fabynou excellent blog, that the four framebuffers were 4-bits 320x200. That meant 128KB of data in total which precisely fits the Lattice UP5K SPRAM! This was too good to pass on!

SPRAM is a special fast memory embedded within the FPGA, more on this later.

The entire design revolves around four major components:

  • The VM that becomes an actual processor implemented in hardware,
  • The (hardware) blitter that copies data between framebuffers,
  • The (hardware) rasterizer that draws polygons in framebuffers,
  • The SOC that glues everything together, adding the display refresh.

The UP5K Lattice FPGA runs comfortably at 25 MHz. This makes it easy to meet game performance requirements (recall the original was running on 7-8 MHz machines). The challenge is more in terms of fitting memory and FPGA resource requirements. Indeed, an FPGA is a grid of programmable logic cells with programmable interconnect. There is a fixed number of cells, and even though a design could theoretically work in simulation it might not fit a given FPGA. The 'logic' - think of it as the code - has to fit within a budget. This budget is often expressed in number of 'LUT's which are the small programmable units of the FPGA fabric (LUT stands for Lookup Up Table, this is a simple yet powerful concept behind FPGAs).

To give you an idea, 1K LUTs lets you do a fairly capable dual core RISC-V 32 bits CPU and 5K LUTs (plus some DSPs) a SOC that can run Doom and a CPU+GPU capable of perspective correct 3D rendering (Comanche, Doom, Quake). Thus it seemed 5K LUTs ought to be enough for Another World.

Overall it really feels the design wanted to fit 5K LUTs, this is more or less where it ended without too much optimization effort. But it could, for sure, be a lot smaller.

However the framebuffers really are the 'hot piece'. They need to be accessed quickly for both display (screen refresh) and rendering (raster/blitter). It just happens that the UP5K features 128KB of SPRAM memory, a memory that can be accessed (read or write) in 1 cycle. And it features a write mask to write the memory by groups of 4-bits (nibbles), exactly matching a 4bpp palette. This makes it a perfect candidate.

So, let's get started!

If you'd rather skip the details and just want to run the design, jump here.

The making of

While I do not assume any prior knowledge in the following, let me recommend Fabien Sanglard excellent blog series on Another World before we get started. His posts give an in-depth overview of the engine. A lot here is based on Fabien's fork of the C++ port by Gregory Montoir.

Getting started

So how did I get started on this all? At first, the task of doing a remake can be intimidating. But as always I started from the data. Before anything you have to understand the data, how it is loaded, how large it is, how it flows through the code at runtime and how you can load it into your own version. This was greatly facilitated by the C++ port.

My first task was to check whether there were any dynamic loading of data during the game execution. A favorable scenario is to have a single data pack comfortably stored in ROM -- in our case the SPI-memory (see note below) -- and avoid any sort of runtime dynamic allocation. Because we won't have malloc or any sort of such luxury here :-D. By the way, data here means both the instructions for the VM, the graphics and sound. The graphics are (almost) entirely polygons, stored in a specific way that makes the rasterizer simpler. More on this later.

We are targeting FPGAs, and most boards typically feature a SPI-flash memory. This is a relatively large memory (e.g. 16 MB) that is slow to write to but quite fast to read from (think 10-20 cycles for random access). So from the design point of view it acts as a ROM. It also retains its content when powered off.

To track the data I started to dive into the C++ port. The VM is easily identified as vm.cpp, which essentially contains one method per operand plus the global orchestration of game threads (only one is active at a time, there is no true parallelism within the VM). From the code, we can see that there are 256 VM variables (VirtualMachine::vmVariables) as well as 64 records for threads (each record is 64 bits : two 16 bits data fields in threadsData, one 16 bits call stack pointer in _scriptStackCalls and two 8 bits active fields in vmIsChannelActive). This is already great news, as this means the entire VM state could fit into BRAMs -- another special type of memory distributed across the FPGA fabric that answers to read/write requests in just one cycle. So think of these variables and thread records as VM internal registers: it means the hardware 'VM' has 256 registers and 64 threads.

BRAM, contrary to SPRAM, can be initialized at power up. There are also variants allowing multiple read/write ports, we'll come back to this later. There is however not a lot of BRAM on FPGAs, the UP5K provides 120 Kbits.

Back to tracking game data. One operand stands out as being for data manipulation: VirtualMachine::op_updateMemList. Looking at the code, a resourceId is given as operand and loaded by Resource::loadPartsOrMemoryEntry (from resource.cpp). So this is where I started, adding "printf's" (the C++ port as a nice logging system that I used) and working my way down the chain. Beyond Resource::loadPartsOrMemoryEntry this led me to Resource::loadMarkedAsNeeded where actual loading occurs from the game resource management system -- exactly the type of runtime system I'd like to bypass :)

Looking at the logs confirmed that after an initial loading stage, the op code was no longer called until the end of a long section of the game. In addition, we can see in Engine::init (from engine.cpp) that single game sections -- or parts -- can be launched independently calling VirtualMachine::initForPart. For instance, the famous intro section is the second part (the first is the protection screen). Selecting various parts confirmed that loading indeed occurs only at the beginning of each of these sections.

This gave me hope that each game part could be stored into a single, separate game package loaded once at the start of the part. To try this I instrumented the calls to op_updateMemList such that a data pack would be dumped after each call, the idea being that the full pack for the part is dumped on the last call. The start address is Resource::_memPtrStart, after which loaded data is copied by calls to Resource::loadMarkedAsNeeded. The end address is Resource::_scriptCurPtr which advances each time a resource is loaded from Resource::loadMarkedAsNeeded.

After obtaining a first data pack, I commented out the content of op_updateMemList and loaded the pack once at the start of the game part, in Resource::setupPart. It worked!

To create the data packs the Makefile compiles and runs my fork of the C++ port, which outputs the data package of a part.

A data pack contains different sections of data, and their start offset is different for each game part. For now, these offsets are baked into the hardware design, which means we have one design for each game part. Not ideal. I did experiment with loading the offsets from the ROM (code is commented) but this incurs a relatively significant increase in LUTs. Quite sure this can be improved!

Time for a 'hardware VM'

Once the data pack obtained, I created a first minimalist SOC with SPI-memory and a skeleton of the VM. The overall execution pattern of the VM is to fetch the next instruction operator (a byte) from memory at the program counter pc address, select what to do, load the necessary operands from memory and act upon it. The number and size of operands varies between operators. Many operators only modify the VM state (registers, threads and pc) while others have side effects such as drawing polygons or using the blitter to transfer data between framebuffers.

SPI-memory is such that there is a latency to start reading from an address, but once started the data is streamed in every cycle (Quad SPI at 2x the clock). So to avoid a slow byte per byte reading and to amortize latency, I start by fetching some sufficient number of bytes (64) into a small BRAM cache, getting both the operator and all operands that might be required.

The overall process of fetching instructions is enclosed into an outer loop that deals with threads. For this I simply reproduced the logic from vm.cpp, adjusting for the use of BRAMs instead of arrays.

I first implemented all basic operands manipulating registers, leaving out operands regarding polygons, rasterizer and blitter. The key idea here is that the VM execution is not influenced by what happens in the blitter and rasterizer: these are outputs only from the VM. Thus, having these initial operands is enough to run the VM in simulation and compare its trace to the C++ version. I instrumented both, using __display in Silice to output a trace from simulation. Silice has a verilator framework and SPI-memory controllers that allow for simulation, reading data from a data.raw binary file in the current directory, so I could use the actual data packs in simulation.

From there on I spent some time looking a traces, comparing any divergence between simulated and reference C++ versions. Here's an excerpt of a trace (the number between [ ] is the cycle counter):

hostFrame() i=0x03 n=0x22d1
[   3722016] op_jmp 22cc
[   3722096] op_Polygon (vid_opcd_0x80) @0cb8
[   3730573] op_pauseThread
[thread   3] done
hostFrame() i=0x3c n=0x0091
[   3730824] op_jmp 007f
[   3730904] op_addConst [199]+=     1 (before:     33)
[   3730982] op_blitFramebuffer ff (swap:0)
[   3731691] op_selectVideoPage ff
op_condJmp b[250]:     0 a:     0 expr:0 [   3731773]
[   3731854] op_copyVideoPage 40 => ff
[   3731932] op_pauseThread
[thread  60] done
hostFrame() i=0x02 n=0x248a

Getting to this point was relatively easy, and soon I had a fully functional VM in terms of going through instructions. Only problem, it was not drawing anything!

The full VM hardware design is in

The framebuffers

Time to prepare for some graphics! The first step was to set up the four framebuffers.

The framebuffers are using the four SPRAM blocks of the UP5K. A SPRAM is similar to a BRAM but larger. Contrary to a BRAM, a SPRAM cannot be initialized with a specific content, but that is not something we need for framebuffers. Note that while BRAMs are very common in FPGAs, SPRAM blocks are rarely found so this is a nice feature of the UP5K.

Each SPRAM block is 32KB, with a 16 bits data interface and a write mask allowing to write nibbles (4 bits) independently. This is perfect for us as Another World uses a 16 colors palette (4 bits per pixel) in 320x200 resolution buffers. This makes each framebuffer 32KB, so one framebuffer maps perfectly onto a SPRAM block.

The videopage unit in implements a framebuffer in a SPRAM block, and four videopage units are instanced (page0 to page3) in the SOC main unit, one per framebuffer.

The videopage unit exposes a 4 bits interface with per-pixel addressing, and translates these addresses into 16 bits wide access in SPRAM with a write mask and adequate shifts.

This is slightly inefficient as accessing four neighboring pixels requires four accesses, while the 16 bits interface would allow to read/write all four at once. I chose to not optimize this as there is no strong pressure on performance. However, other designs like the hardware terrain project exploit this fully.

On the ULX3S the videpage unit is implemented with BRAM, a big luxury only possible on the much larger ECP5 FPGA.

The display

Let us first discuss the display controller. As we'd like to target VGA, HDMI or SPI-screens we'll settle on a common interface. We are going to assume that the display controller has the following requirements:

  • A frame is sent by streaming pixels at 25 MHz (the SOC frequency, and as it just happens this matches the pixel clock of 640x480 for VGA/HDMI).
  • Between two frames a blanking interval exists, as indicated by a vblank signal (high in between frames).

The display controller thus has to be consistently fed with pixels outside of the blank interval, and this process cannot be paused within a frame. Two framebuffers are special: page1 and page2. They are the one being sent to the display. Why two? Overall one is being sent while the game draws in the other, and the buffers are swapped when ready. This prevents visible blinking while new shapes are drawn, an approach known as double buffering.

However, the game sometimes reads from the buffer being displayed. The videopage (and underlying SPRAM) cannot support this: at a given cycle a single read or write is possible. To deal with this situation we have to restrict access to the displayed page, allowing other reads to occur only during the blanking interval, when the screen is not being refreshed. This is detected by setting the variable display_conflict that is used to disable the blitter and rasterizer when they should not access a videopage.

The display section accessing the pages can be seen in (for VGA/HDMI).

Some special BRAMs, called dual-port, support two accesses within the same cycle. Our SPRAMs are hower single port and perform a single access within a cycle. This is actually the meaning of SP- in SPRAM!

The blitter

Now that we have framebuffers and a display, it is time to look into the blitter. The role of the blitter is simple: it copies the content of one framebuffer to another, or fills a framebuffer with a solid color.

The VM has several outputs and one input regarding the blitter, all prefixed blitter_. The VM starts the blitter by pulsing blitter_start high, after setting blitter_src and blitter_dst to the index of one of the four framebuffers. The blitter may be already busy, so before starting it the VM waits on blitter_busy.

In simulation the blitter checks that there are no start pulses while busy, and uses __display and __finish to stop. A runtime assert!

The VM indicates a color fill by setting blitter_src[2,1] (bit two) in which case the blitter uses blitter_color instead of a source buffer.

The blitter unit in implements (surprise!) the blitter. The logic is simple: a count goes from 0 to 63999, visiting all pixel addresses for a 320x200 framebuffer. The count is triggered by the start pulse and increases every cycle while enabled is high. The count value is output in src_addr as well as in dst_addr but with a one cycle latency (prev_count). These addresses are used in main to access the pixels in the pages selected by blitter_src and blitter_dst. The one cycle latency is necessary as it takes one cycle to get the data from src_addr into src_data (through the videopage SPRAM). So the data written at dst_addr is the one that was accessed at src_data at the previous cycle.

The access logic is outside as it is shared with the rasterizer and display controller, so main acts as an arbiter. Understanding the 4 framebuffers and their interations with the blitter and rasterizer was a difficult part of the project, but I'll skip these details for now.

The blitter reports busy high as long as prev_count does not reach the last pixel. When it does, busy goes low. Note how busy also controls dst_wenable; when busy is low no writes can occur, so even though count keeps going nothing changes in the destination videopage anymore.

It might seem cleaner to stop count from increasing when done. But this adds extract logic -- and hence uses more LUTs -- without any gain. A typicaly case of hardware design where trying to not do something is more expensive than always doing it.

I mentioned earlier that count is only increasing when enabled is high. Looking into main we see that enabled is bound to vblank (see the line blitter blit( enabled <: video.vblank ); ). This ensures that the blitter only copies during vblank, such that the screen controller has access priority. The blitter pauses during display.

The rasterizer

Almost done! (famous last words - @sylefeb)

Now onto the rasterizer. There are two parts to this. First, how to get polygons from the data package, which is something to do in the VM. Second, the rasterizer itself. I'll focus on the first part and simply explain a nice aspect of the Another World rasterizer that I realized working on the engine. Detailing the rasterizer would go beyond the scope of this write up, but please see my tinygpus and flame writeups for more details on rasterization.

Again the crux of the matter is the data, in this case the polygons data. The rasterizer will need to read polygon vertices from somewhere. We can expect that polygons have a small number of vertices, so a BRAM seems again like a good choice. We will be using a dual-port BRAM called polygon in the VM. The dual-port is comfortable as it lets us have the VM always write vertex data on port 1, while the rasterizer reads data on port 0. The rasterizer (visible in the C++ port as Video::fillPolygon) needs a few other things like a translation vector, zoom factor and color, which are also passed from the VM to the rasterizer in all the rasterizer_ outputs.

So, now we only have to fill in polygon with vertex data, set the parameters and trigger the rasterizer from the VM, right?

Well, sure. Let's take a look. All VM opcodes having bits 6 (0x40) and 7 (0x80) set trigger polygon drawing. The other bits are then used for various options on how to obtain translation, zoom and color (from data or registers, etc.). (See virtual machine opcodes table in @fabynou's blog).

In the C++ port the VM then calls Video::readAndDrawPolygon. This function in turn calls Video::fillPolygon (the rasterizer) but it also calls ... Video::readAndDrawPolygonHierarchy.


I don't like to see hierarchy in this name. This smells like recursion... and it is! Video::readAndDrawPolygonHierarchy in turn can call Video::readAndDrawPolygon and so on. So our simple process of gathering the vertices in polygon just took quite a different turn. We are now looking and making a hardware version of this recursive function. Well fear not! We'll do just that!

Why is there a recursion here? Many polygon-based graphics engine have a notion of groups so that they can animate entire shapes at once. To create hierarchical animations -- think of a shoulder-elbow-wrist hierarchy -- a group contains polygons but also other sub-groups, each with a local transform. This is exactly what happens here.

How do we deal with recursion? We implement a stack! Another BRAM to the rescue and voilà. The process is in the subroutine readPolygons in A BRAM stack called polygonStack is used to keep track of the recursion status. Each time a polygon (leaf) is found it is sent to the rasterizer as soon as it is free (a loop waits on rasterizer_busy in case a previous polygon is still being drawn). Each time a recursive call occurs (node) the calls are pushed on the stack. This proceeds until the stack is emptied.

A tricky question is the stack size. I did set it up manually at 128 polygons. At this point we are using quite a lot of BRAM and there is not much left.

In my tests the stack size was enough, but I haven't done an exhaustive playthrough yet!

Alright, so now we have the VM visit polygons recursively, computing translations and colors. The VM triggers the rasterizer.

But the rasterizer is empty ...

Drawing polygons!

Finally we get to the rasterizer. The rasterizer unit is described in and is instanced in the main unit.

We are given a list of vertices in the polygon BRAM and have to draw the corresponding polygon in the framebuffer selected by rasterizer_dst.

The rasterizer itself does not know which framebuffer is selected -- again the main unit is acting as arbiter on the framebuffers. Instead it outputs pixels by setting pix_waddr, pix_wenable and pix_palid (the color index in the palette).

As most rasterizers, the polygon is decomposed into spans going from a left edge to the right edge. So the polygon is drawn one horizontal span at a time, going down vertically.

In general a polygon could be concave, producing more than one span along a horizontal line. However, all polygons in Aonther World are convex! This is ensured by construction, by the authoring tool.

Nice. But it does get better. Diving into the details of the rasterizer I realized something was not quite right: when arriving at the end of an edge, the rasterizer would go to the next edge on both sides at once, without checking whether the other edge extremity was actually reached. That could only mean that the polygons are specially constructed to have a specific property: starting from a top edge and going down, a vertex always exists on both the left/right side at a same horizontal location (see drawing below).

The vertex coordinates for this polygon are below. Note how matching *y* coordinates can be found on both sides:
(25,0) (34,4) (41,15) (32,19) - (8,19) (0,15) (6,4) (13,0)
^^^^ right side, goes down       ^^^^ left side, goes back up

This is why the rasterizer can be kept quite simple. Still, it has to deal with various cases of clipping as well as sub-pixel precision. But all in all it is relatively simple. My hardware version is very close to the C++ version in Video::fillPolygon, with some adjustments for BRAM access and latencies.

One last thing ...

Are we done yet? ... Transparency? What d'you mean transparency??

Yeah well of course there are details. The engine uses a nice palette trick to give the illusion of transparency (glass, cast light). Some polygons being drawn will only write the top bit in the framebuffer, switching the color already there to a higher part of the palette, giving the illusion of a transparent overlay.

This introduces some complexity in the rasterizer. To flip only one bit we need to know the prior value of the pixel at this location. This is why the rasterizer inner loop -- drawing a span -- proceeds in multiple cycles: read the previous value of the pixel, modify it (or override it), and write it back.

This is done in a slightly different order in the loop, for compactness and due to latencies of registers in the path between the rasterizer and framebuffer.

And, by the way, the engine does an even more impressive trick: sometimes a polygon is not drawn as a solid color or transparent, but instead copies its interior pixels from a source framebuffer! Like a simple form a texturing from a render target! This is used for instance in the intro to create the water 'shimmering' effect.

Adding this possibility is actually not too difficult. Since we are already reading pixels for transparency, we can simply read them from another source framebuffer instead of the current one.

Ah, we're done ... right?

At this stage we have a fairly competent graphical port!

Everything started great in the intro sequence.

Until text was reached.

Because yes, the game has a VM, a blitter, a rasterizer, and a font drawing engine.

Uh-oh. (didn't I say this already?)

But wait, there's yet another issue, which albeit seemingly unrelated can be solved elegantly with the same approach. In one particular part (part 6) the backgrounds are not drawn from polygons. Instead they are pre-rendered and loaded from data.

Well, at this stage I had only a small LUT budget left on the FPGA. One thing I do have plenty of, however, is ROM. The SPI-flash is generously large on most FPGA boards. So I though, what can you do with few LUTs and a lot of memory? Brute force of course! I went on to pre-render all fonts into pixel buffers stored in ROM. I then highjacked the op_drawString opcode to lookup a pre-rendered buffer address in a ROM table from the string id. The VM then copies over the data into the target framebuffer. That did the trick! And the same mechanism can be reused for pre-rendered framebuffers in part 6.

Left: Part 6 uses a pre-rendered buffer. Without it we get random garbage when the level starts! Right: After implementing loading pre-rendered buffers.

Using the same mechanism for both was luck, as I first implemented the op_drawString hack, before realizing the need to copy entire buffers from data to a framebuffer. Hey, sometimes there are good surprises!

Loading up the pre-rendered background required another trick, involving patching the corresponding calls to op_updateMemList in the game code and redirecting op_updateMemList to op_drawString.

Testing time

After getting the game data, you can test in simulation with make simulN (use N=1 for the intro). This is slow but still fun to see! For running on actual hardware, see next.

Really? That's it?

Are you kidding me? There's no sound and no music!!

Well, obviously I focused on graphics and making it playable. I think the sounds can be squeezed in, after regaining some LUTs. Music I am less certain, but perhaps we can also brute-force it with pre-rendered plain waves in ROM, as for op_drawString? Tempting!

There is another obvious limitation: each part has to be synthesized as a separate bitstream with a separate data pack. Can we stitch everything in a single coherent game? I think yes, but this will be a topic for future work!

I also skipped some gritty details in this write up that maybe I'll add at a later time:

  • adding inputs and such,
  • adjustments for SPI-screen,
  • the arbiter between blitter and rasterizer in main,
  • how colors are read from the palette and palettes are switched,
  • redirection of op_updateMemList to op_drawString.

See also my notes on future work.

Thanks for reading this far! Hope you enjoyed the read through and will have fun experimenting with this design. I am hoping to keep working on it, after taking a good break ;) Please feel free to reach out, @sylefeb on Twitter or Mastodon.

Next are details on the build process and various notes.

Where's All the Data?

This repository does not contain any game data, and of course the game data is needed to build the data packages required by the bitstreams. The game data comprises the following files:


These are easily copied from an official version of the game. I use the files from the Another World DOS version (dated 19/3/92 in the README). Simply copy these files to the GAMEDATA folder before anything else.

You might run into issues using different game versions, please let me know.

Building a5k

Make sure you have placed the game data where needed. For building from source you have to install Silice and its dependencies (yosys, nextpnr, verilator, etc.), but otherwise the Makefile will use the pre-build bitstreams. Please refer to Silice's getting started guide.

Important: The design enables Quad SPI on the flash memory. This can lead to difficulties in reflashing the board. Normally this is a solved issue on the icebreaker, a non issue on the mch2022, but can still be problematic on the ULX3S. My scripts do not flash the design on the ULX3S, only the data gets to flash, the design is programmed through SRAM. So there will be no trouble unless you manually flash the design on the board. In case of trouble there is a simple solution to exit Quad-SPI.

In simulation

Open a command line in the root directory of this repo, type in:

make simul1

This will run the intro sequence in simulation. Feel free to replace simul1 by simulN with N the game part.

On the icebreaker

For the icebreaker version you will need the Diligent VGA PMOD as well as ... a VGA screen (!!). Plays best on good old CRT! Plug the PMOD onto the icebreaker and run (the Makefile defaults to the icebreaker):

make play1

If necessary, adjust the serial port for sending data adjust SERIAL_PORT:

make play1 SERIAL_PORT=/dev/ttyUSB1

Under Windows it will be one of the COM ports. In any case, keep in mind the icebreaker exposes two ports: one for programming and one for UART. The second one (UART) has to be specified.

Of course, the game is not playable for lack of inputs. There is a way to plugin an Amiga joystick on the icebreaker to play the game. It does however require snipping away two pins from the VGA PMOD and a small breadboard for pull-up resistors. Besides, I am not entirely sure this is all safe for the icebreaker. So for now I'll keep that feature 'hidden', but please reach out if you feel adventurous ;)

On the mch2022 badge

If you have the badge, simply run

make play1 BOARD=mch2022

for a beautiful rendition of the intro. Replacing play1 by playN with N the game part you'd like to play, using the mch2022 stick and button.

If necessary, adjust the serial port for sending data adjust SERIAL_PORT. Under Linux this will typically be /dev/ttyACM1 or /dev/ttyUSB1:

make play1 BOARD=mch2022 SERIAL_PORT=/dev/ttyACM1

Under Windows it will be one of the COM ports. In any case, keep in mind the badge exposes two ports: one for programming and one for UART. The second one (UART) has to be specified.

On the ULX3S

Plug in an HDMI screen, connect the board to the computer and run

make play1 BOARD=ulx3s

Replacing play1 by playN with N the game part you'd like to play.

If necessary, adjust the serial port for sending data adjust SERIAL_PORT. Under Linux this will typically be /dev/ttyUSB1:

make play1 BOARD=ulx3s SERIAL_PORT=/dev/ttyUSB1

Under Windows it will be one of the COM ports. In any case, keep in mind the board exposes two ports: one for programming and one for UART. The second one (UART) has to be specified.

What's left to do?

Plenty! Here's a list in (sort of) order of increasing complexity:

  • Play the full game and see is there are any problems! I could not really do that for lack of time ... and skill.
  • Adjust timing so that it matches the original more accurately. The game tends to be too fast, even though I tried to roughly adjust it.
  • Fix the tiny dots sometimes appearing below text rendering (watch out for them in the intro).
  • Add the music. At least on the ULX3S the extra logic should be no problem. Music tracks can be pre-rendered as full waves and streamed.
  • Find a way to link parts together. This could be either keeping the designs separate and using warmboot (or equivalent) to jump to the next, or by implementing next part loading from a design properly dealing with data section offsets stored in ROM (might be easiest if not for the constrained LUT budget).
  • On the badge, I started experimenting with saving the game state. This actually works at a technical level (see ENABLE_GAMESTATE_EXPERIMENT in, however this would also require saving the framebuffers in SPI-memory (QSPRAM) and reloading them when restarting. The mechanism to load pre-renderered buffers could be reused for that, which likely requires patching the game code too. This one's quite difficult.

Something else that would be fun is to build other games or demos on top of this hardware. Given the tools now available, this seems very doable!

Easter egg

On most boards one button resets the main VM thread. However some threads typically survive the reset, creating interesting results. Have fun!


There are many great resources out there on Another World. Here are a few I used or came across:


The Silice design is all MIT License. This write up is under Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. The modified C++ port retains its original GPL license of course. The game data is copyrighted so please go buy the game if you don't own multiple copies already. It's well worth it!


A framebuffer refers to a piece of memory storing data meant to be displayed on screen, in this case this will be indices in a color palette.

A rasterizer is a device (or piece of code) to draw triangles or polygons into a framebuffer. Another World draws convex polygons.

A blitter is a device (or piece of code) to quickly copy data between memory locations, in this case an entire framebuffer into another.

A Virtual Machine (VM) is a piece of software that mimicks a CPU: it has a program counter and goes through instructions that change the values of its registers and write to memory, with various side effects. In the case of Another World, this was meant to help port the game: any complete implementation of the VM operands can run the game code correctly. We are about to turn the VM into an actual hardware design running on FPGA!

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Another World on a chip






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