Convert Sentinel-2 JPEG2000 Tile image store on Amazon S3 into human readable RGB JPEG / TIFF image
Usage [-i] [-o] [-f] [-w] [-n] [-h] [-K]
-i | --input S2 tile directory or path to Amazon S3 bucket tile directory (e.g. aws:38/S/KC/2016/3/18)"
-o | --output Output directory (default current directory)
-f | --format Output format (i.e. GTiff or JPEG - default JPEG)
-w | --width Output width in pixels (Default same size as input image)
-q | --quality Output quality between 1 and 100 (For JPEG output only - default is no degradation (i.e. 100))
-y | --ycbr Add a "PHOTOMETRIC=YCBCR" option to gdal_translate
-n | --no-clean Do not remove intermediate files"
-K | --use-kakadu Use kdu_exand instead of gdal to uncompress JPEG2000 files (WARNING! Kakadu must be installed)"
-h | --help show this help
Note: this script requires gdal with JP2000 reading support and/or kdu_expand application from [Kakadu](
Make a 1000x1000 JPEG quicklook from a tile located on Amazon S3 storage -w 1000 -o output -i aws:30/T/YN/2015/12/3
Make a 1000x1000 JPEG quicklook from the same local tile S2A_OPER_MSI_L1C_TL_SGS__20151203T163340_A002336_T30TYN_N02.00 -w 1000 -o output -i S2A_OPER_MSI_L1C_TL_SGS__20151203T163340_A002336_T30TYN_N02.00