This repository contains samples of application code that can be deployed with AWS Proton using AWS CloudFormation or Terraform templates.
To use these services, fork this repository and provide your forked repository as an input when you create a service. The AWS Proton sample templates include a pipeline parameter (service_dir) that allows you to select a directory within the repository, so that you can choose the right service for your particular template type.
Flask app that responds with a Hello message along with the Time. README
Application code to ping Fargate backend service using service discovery. README
Application code to ping ECS on EC2 backend service using service discovery. README
Python application that sends a random 5-letter string along with the time to the shared SNS topic, every 5 minutes. README
Containerized static website. README
Python application that polls the SQS queue for messages, and writes the message body to CloudWatch logs. README
Lambda function to send a random string and time to the shared SNS topic, whenever invoked by API Gateway HTTP API. README
Lambda function that writes the event, context object and SQS message to CloudWatch Logs. README
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
See CODE OF CONDUCT for more information.
This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.