This software is no longer supported and should be used at your own risk. Please visit the "Security" tab to better understand those risks.
Bug fixes and new features will be added to the dev branch first.
Sweeper application for SmartCash cryptocurrency to allow easy retrieval of gift funds. Runs only on Windows 7, 8, and 10 at the moment. It isn't necessary to input your wallet passphrase to use SmartSweeper.
- Create projects to organize promotions
- Send funds to promotional wallets (1-500 wallets, inclusive)
- Retrieve promotional funds from wallets that were not redeemed
- Print paper wallets
- User action logs and system logs
- SmartCash Node Client for Windows - 1.2.6+ (there is a bootstrap file to reduce sync time)
- Installation
- Running from source
- Configuration
- Known issues
- Other software used
- Contributing to SmartSweeper development
Download a release and run the installer. You will need to run SmartSweeper as an administrator if you install it in Program Files.
Run node -v
and npm -v
from a command prompt to make sure both are in your PATH. Open your SmartCash node client to make sure it is synchronized before launching SmartSweeper.
npm install
npm start
SmartSweeper can be configured by modifying .env in the root directory. The app will create it for you the first time you load it, but you can create the file yourself prior to that, which will help if you didn't use the default SmartCash installation path. The default values for Windows are shown below.
smartcashPath=C:\Program Files\SmartCash\
- is the IP address that the SmartCash Node Client RPC server is bound to.
- rpc.port is the port that the SmartCash Node Client RPC server is listening on.
- rpc.username is the SmartCash Node Client RPC server username.
- rpc.password is the SmartCash Node Client RPC server password.
- smartcashPath is the full path to your SmartCash Node Client installation. You must include a trailing slash.
Your SmartCash Node Client must be started with the following arguments:
If it isn't running, SmartSweeper will attempt to start it for you with the above arguments. You can also edit your node client's smartcash.conf file. Please don't do this with your client running.
The values of, rpc.port, rpc.username, and rpc.password in .env must match those in the program arguments or the smartcash.conf file.
The database (smart-sweeper.json), the app config file (smart-sweeper-config.json), the saved dashboard data file (smart-sweeper-data.json) and the log files are saved in the following folder:
- Windows: %APPDATA%/SmartSweeper
It is strongly recommended that you regularly back up smart-sweeper.json to a safe place.
The log files are also in JSON format and can be viewed with a general log viewer such as glogg. The user logs record user actions while the system logs record system actions and errors (and includes transaction ids and public keys).
- SmartSweeper may not open the SmartCash Node Client. If smartcash.conf hasn't been modified with the info above, SmartSweeper won't work if the node client is run manually.
- electron-store error "EPERM operation not permitted" sometimes occurs on Windows when writing to a config file. SmartSweeper will exit when it does.
- Can't connect to the node client via RPC when it's syncing (SmartSweeper will display the "Can't connect to SmartCash Node Client." error). This will cause some actions to fail and some project data updates to not occur.
- Empty log files are sometimes created in the root SmartSweeper data folder.
- There is lag when entering text into input fields.
Software | License |
AngularJS | MIT |
AngularUI Bootstrap | MIT |
Bootstrap | MIT |
clipboard.js | MIT |
delayed-call | MIT |
devtron | MIT |
dialog | MIT |
electron | MIT |
electron-builder | MIT |
electron-debug | MIT |
electron-is-dev | MIT |
electron-store | MIT |
electron-unhandled | MIT |
electron-util | MIT |
exp-config | MIT |
melanke-watchjs | MIT |
Moment.js | MIT |
node-smartcash | MIT |
ps-node | MIT |
request | Apache-2.0 |
smartcashjs-lib | MIT |
SmartCash Paper Wallet Generator | ? |
winston | MIT |
The SmartCash Insight Explorer is used to check the current block count and to get information about project addresses.
- Basic app icons: Font Awesome
- Progress spinner:
You can contribute to the development of SmartSweeper by filing a bug report or by submitting a pull request. All contributors must follow our code of conduct.
Note: Some commits reference incorrect issue numbers because the project used to be hosted in a private repo. The old issues were recreated in GitHub and they reference the original issue numbers. The issues that the commits link to reference the recreated issues.