Parkbuddy is a web application built on the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack, designed to streamline booking parking spaces. Whether you're a business offering parking services or an individual needing a parking spot, PaRkbuddy has you covered.
- User-friendly Interface: "The design is intuitive, making navigation effortless."
- Secure Authentication: User accounts will be authenticated with secure booking history and preferences.
- Booking Management: Book and manage parking spaces with ease.
- Real-time Availability: Check real-time availability of parking spots.
- Payment Integration: Used Stripe API for safe payment integration.
- Map Integration: Visual representation of parking locations for better decision-making.
Frontend: React.js
Backend: Node.js, Express.js
Database: MongoDB
Authentication: JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
Map Integration: Google Embed
The project is currently in Test mode using Stripe. Please use the following card details to test the payment service.
📝 Use this Card Number.