Sends emails using templates. Useful for simple, bulk mailouts.
Use one of the binaries in builds/
go build mailer.go
Copy / Paste an email into a file to form the template; substitute values within the email file with template variables:
{{ .FirstName }}
{{ .LastName }}
{{ .Email }}
{{ .Subject }}
{{ .From }}
{{ .Url }}
{{ .Date }}
Send the email using:
mailer -username "fred.tester@example" -password "StrongPassword123" -subject "TEST" -sender "Fred Tester <fred.tester@example>" -f test.csv -t template.eml -host -port 587 -debug -url ""
Usage of ./mailer_macOS_amd64:
enable verbosity
-delay int
Delay between sending emails in ms (rate limit requests)
-f string
csv file containing list of 'first_name,last_name,email' with header row (check example.csv)
-host string
the smtp host
-password string
the smtp password
-port int
the smtp port (default 25)
-sender string
the from address (default "Test Person <[email protected]>")
Force use of SSL (typically on port 465)
-subject string
the email subject line (default "Test mail")
-t string
Email template file
-url string
The shonky URL to direct users to
-username string
the smtp username
Note EMAIL SUCKS. Make sure you test delivery to known addresses before attempting to send to unknown addresses; chances are the email won't arrive / will render incorrectly / is full of mistakes (especially where HTML templates are in use).
Gitlab issues
- Fix mailer to reuse a single connection instead of making a new SMTP client for every email
pull requests welcome
Peter Hannay <3 (@kronicd)