Welcome to the mini-version of concrexit. This is a small Django project that is used as a tutorial for new developers to get familiar with the actual concrexit codebase.
This project contains a virtually empty website for Thalia. It is a starting point for new developers, to try adding a feature quickly, without the distraction and intimidation of a large codebase.
There is an example issue that you can try to implement in this project. It is a realistic issue that could even one day be implemented in the real concrexit. You can find the issue here: #1.
To get set up very easily, without installing anything on your computer, you can use GitHub Codespaces. Press below to open a codespace for this project.
This will give you a full development environment with a proper Python version, Poetry, and the repository cloned. You should then continue at
poetry shell
The Technicie can help explain better, but here are some things you can do to get this project running on your own computer. First ensure you have Python and Poetry installed. Then:
# If you haven't cloned this yet:
git clone [email protected]:svthalia/miniconcrexit-tutorial.git
# To install the dependencies:
poetry install
# Open a shell where the dependencies are installed:
poetry shell
# To create or update the database:
python website/manage.py migrate
# To create a (super)user:
python website/manage.py createsuperuser
# To run the server:
python website/manage.py runserver
You do not have to do this yourself, this is just for reference.
mkdir miniconcrexit-tutorial
cd miniconcrexit-tutorial
git init
poetry init
poetry add Django
poetry add django-bootstrap5
poetry add --group dev black
poetry install
poetry shell
mkdir website
cd website
django-admin startproject miniconcrexit .