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Merge pull request #221 from svlobanov/x86-32-ci3 #19

Merge pull request #221 from svlobanov/x86-32-ci3

Merge pull request #221 from svlobanov/x86-32-ci3 #19

name: Run tests (x86_32)
- master
#if: ${{ false }} # disable for now
runs-on: ubuntu-24.04
name: Test in Qemu (x86_32 Alpine)
fail-fast: false
distro: [latest-stable, edge]
- name: Check out repository code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
path: "accel-ppp"
- name: Install build tools for qemu and required tools
run: >
sudo apt update &&
sudo -E apt -y install qemu-system-x86 qemu-utils wget openssh-client screen
- name: Prepare qemu files
run: |
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -q -N "" -f ssh-key
qemu-img create -f raw disk.raw 5G
wget -nv${{ matrix.distro }}/releases/x86/netboot/vmlinuz-lts
wget -nv${{ matrix.distro }}/releases/x86/netboot/initramfs-lts
- name: Run http server for ssh-key
run: |
sudo ip addr add dev lo # stable ip for http server
screen -dmS httpserver python3 -m http.server 8000
- name: Run target OS first time (for setup actions)
run: >
sudo screen -dmS qemu
qemu-system-i386 -accel kvm -M q35
-m 2048 -smp 2 -nographic
-net nic -net user,hostfwd=tcp::2222-:22
-drive format=raw,file=disk.raw
-kernel vmlinuz-lts
-initrd initramfs-lts
-append "ip=dhcp alpine_repo=${{ matrix.distro }}/main
modloop=${{ matrix.distro }}/releases/x86/netboot/modloop-lts
- name: Check that target OS is running
run: |
sleep 1
sudo screen -ls
- name: Wait for ssh connection
timeout-minutes: 30
run: >
while ! ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new -p2222 -o ConnectTimeout=5 -i ssh-key root@localhost "exit 0";
echo "Trying to establish ssh connection";
sleep 5;
cat ~/.ssh/known_hosts
- name: Setup alpine to disk
run: >
ssh -i ssh-key -p2222 root@localhost "setup-alpine -c setup_alpine_conf &&
sed -i '/^ROOTSSHKEY\|^DISKOPTS\|^APKREPOSOPTS=/d' setup_alpine_conf &&
echo '' >> setup_alpine_conf &&
echo 'DISKOPTS=\"-m sys /dev/sda\"' >> setup_alpine_conf &&
echo 'ROOTSSHKEY=\"\"' >> setup_alpine_conf &&
echo 'APKREPOSOPTS=\"${{ matrix.distro }}/main\"' >> setup_alpine_conf &&
cat setup_alpine_conf &&
yes | setup-alpine -e -f setup_alpine_conf"
- name: Poweroff the VM
timeout-minutes: 30
run: >
ssh -i ssh-key -p2222 root@localhost "poweroff" &&
while sudo screen -ls;
echo "Waiting for poweroff";
sleep 5;
- name: Run target OS
run: >
sudo screen -dmS qemu
qemu-system-i386 -accel kvm -M q35
-m 2048 -smp 2 -nographic
-net nic -net user,hostfwd=tcp::2222-:22
-drive format=raw,file=disk.raw
- name: Check that target OS is running
run: |
sleep 1
sudo screen -ls
- name: Wait for ssh connection
timeout-minutes: 30
run: >
while ! ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new -p2222 -o ConnectTimeout=5 -i ssh-key root@localhost "exit 0";
echo "Trying to establish ssh connection";
sleep 5;
cat ~/.ssh/known_hosts
- name: Display free space, current dir, kernel version and users
run: |
ssh -i ssh-key -p2222 root@localhost "df -h"
ssh -i ssh-key -p2222 root@localhost "pwd"
ssh -i ssh-key -p2222 root@localhost "uname -a"
ssh -i ssh-key -p2222 root@localhost "cat /etc/passwd"
- name: Install build tools (on target OS)
run: >
ssh -i ssh-key -p2222 root@localhost "setup-apkrepos -o && apk add --no-cache git cmake make g++ pcre2-dev openssl-dev linux-headers libucontext-dev lua5.1-dev linux-lts-dev py3-pip
ppp ppp-pppoe iproute2 dhclient &&
(pip3 install pytest pytest-dependency pytest-order || pip3 install --break-system-packages pytest pytest-dependency pytest-order)"
- name: Copy source code to target OS
run: |
tar -Jcf accel-ppp.tar.xz accel-ppp
scp -i ssh-key -P2222 accel-ppp.tar.xz root@localhost:
ssh -i ssh-key -p2222 root@localhost "tar -xf accel-ppp.tar.xz"
- name: Build accel-ppp
run: >
ssh -i ssh-key -p2222 root@localhost "cd accel-ppp && git config --global --add '*' &&
mkdir build && cd build &&
-DKDIR=/usr/src/linux-headers-\`uname -r\`
make && make install"
- name: Run tests (not related to ipoe and vlan_mon drivers)
timeout-minutes: 5
run: >
ssh -i ssh-key -p2222 root@localhost "cd accel-ppp/tests &&
python3 -m pytest -Wall --order-dependencies -v -m \"not ipoe_driver and not vlan_mon_driver and not chap_secrets\""
- name: Display processes and dmesg after tests
if: ${{ always() }}
run: ssh -i ssh-key -p2222 -o ConnectTimeout=5 root@localhost "ps aux | grep accel- && dmesg"
- name: Insert ipoe kernel module
run: >
ssh -i ssh-key -p2222 root@localhost "cd accel-ppp &&
insmod build/drivers/ipoe/driver/ipoe.ko &&
lsmod | grep ipoe"
- name: Run tests (not related to vlan_mon drivers)
timeout-minutes: 5
run: >
ssh -i ssh-key -p2222 root@localhost "cd accel-ppp/tests &&
python3 -m pytest -Wall --order-dependencies -v -m \"not vlan_mon_driver and not chap_secrets\""
- name: Display processes and dmesg after tests
if: ${{ always() }}
run: ssh -i ssh-key -p2222 -o ConnectTimeout=5 root@localhost "ps aux | grep accel- && dmesg"
- name: Insert vlan_mon kernel module
run: >
ssh -i ssh-key -p2222 root@localhost "cd accel-ppp &&
insmod build/drivers/vlan_mon/driver/vlan_mon.ko &&
lsmod | grep vlan_mon"
- name: Run tests (all)
timeout-minutes: 5
run: >
ssh -i ssh-key -p2222 root@localhost "cd accel-ppp/tests &&
python3 -m pytest -Wall --order-dependencies -v -m \"not chap_secrets\""
- name: Display processes and dmesg after tests
if: ${{ always() }}
run: ssh -i ssh-key -p2222 -o ConnectTimeout=5 root@localhost "ps aux | grep accel- && dmesg"