The StickyColour gem is a Ruby solution for the pile of paper problem described in
- git clone
- gem build stickey_colour.gemspec
- gem install ./sticky_colour-MAJOR.MINOR.BUILD.gem
Prepare a input file containing the values: Have a look at for an example.
Basically the very first line defines the horizontal and vertical size of the sheet/canvas that is going to be used
for the notes.
(e.g.: 10 10).
The upcoming lines defining all sticky-notes that are going to be placed within the sheet/canvas in the manner of
colour, horizontal start position, vertical start position, horizontal width, vertical width.
(e.g.: 1 0 0 4 4)
Keep in mind that the values of the sticky-notes have to be within the given horizontal and vertical size.
Init irb with the new gem sticky_colour:
- irb
- require "sticky_colour"
Call the StickyColour::StartApp with the given file containing the values:
input_file = "path/to/your/input_file"
After StickyColour::StartApp.main is finished call last_run for results:
last_run = StickyColour::StartApp.last_run
last_run['sheet'] --> Returns 2d Array containing the very last state of the sheet including all stacked sticky notes.
last_run['available_colours'] --> Returns a Hash containing the total amount of each sticky-notes colour attribute that is visible after the last state.
The gem is mainly divided into 3 subclasses which can be found in lib/sticky_colour/, exchanging its
values through old-style getter/setter:
StickySheet is the class reprasenting the area/field for the StickyNote instances.
StickyNote is the class reprasenting a sticky-note that is going to be put onto the StickySheet.
StickyOutput is the class calculating (based on a specific strategy) the given amount of stacked StickyNotes colours stacked at the StickySheet.
The core method for StickySheet is defined as add
The core mehhod for StickyOutput is defined as calculate_and_print_colour_output_for
Currently StickyOutput implements only the method single_thread_line_calculator which calculates the whole amount iterative line per line.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.