Package httptools is a collection of simple helper types for Go’s net/http.
For details and examples, please see the documentation.
r := httptools.NewRegexpSwitch(map[string]http.Handler{
"/people/(.+)": httptools.L{
"GET": ListPeople,
"PUT": http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
name := strings.StripPrefix(r.URL.Path, "/people/")
"/.+": http.FileServer(http.Dir("./static")),
http.ListenAndServe("localhost:8080", r)
httptools provides the following tools:
Define a sequence of http.Handler
. One will be executed after another.
If a silent handler produces output, it is assumed to be an error. If the silent handler is in a handler list, the execution of that list will be aborted.
Dispatch requests to different handlers according the the HTTP verb used in the request.
Dispatch requests to different handlers according to regexps being matched against the request path.
Dispatch requests to different handlers according to the hostname used in the request.
Dispatch requests to different handlers according to path prefixes. The path prefix will be stripped from the request before being passed to the handler.
Version 2.1.0