Sample POC Application to submit timesheet with all the features in Angular
- Visual studio 2017
- ASP.Net core with 2.1
- Node Js
- Npm
- SQL Server 2012
- Angular 6
- Download the project
- Restore the Packages
- Publish the SSDT Project(POC.Database) for Database setup
- Multi-layout and Multi-level Horizontal menu
- Bootstrap scss
- Routing and Route Guards
- Lazyloading modules
- Realtime Web Api integration with Http service calls
- Cross cutting concerns(Logging and exception Handling)
- Model driven Validations
- Custom controls and Shared components 8.1) Custom Grid with pagination and search
- Web-pack Integration for bundling ts and css,and scss files
- Authenication using Http-Interceptors
- Integrated 3rd party controls
1)POC.WebApi 2)POC.Repository
- Login
- Role based login (superadmin/demoadmin/demouser)
- Dashboard
- CRUD Operations
- Validations and toaster messages
- Custom Grid with Pagination and Search
- Upload and download documents
- TimeSheet 8.1) Save TimeSheet 8.2) Submit TimeSheet 8.3) Approve TimeSheet 8.4) Reject TimeSheet