Canvas is a Flutter package that provides an editor toolkit like Canva.
- Dragging and resizing widgets
- Rotating widgets
- Flipping widgets
- Grouping widgets
Canvas is still in development, some features is still missing:
- Snapping objects
- Layouting (like AutoLayout in Figma)
- Undo/Redo
- FixedConstraints
- Param:
- Offset
- Rotation
- Scale
- Size
- Param:
- AnchoredConstraints
- Param:
- Offset
- Rotation
- Scale
- Size
- Horizontal Constraint (left, right, center, scale, leftAndRight, aligned(double alignment))
- Vertical Constraint (top, bottom, center, scale, leftAndRight, aligned(double alignment))
- Param:
- FlexibleConstraints
- Param:
- Width Constraint (fill, fixed(min, max), hug)
- Fill requires the parent layout to be FlexLayout
- Hug requires the item layout to be FlexLayout
- Height Constraint (fill, fixed(min, max), hug)
- Fill requires the parent layout to be FlexLayout
- Hug requires the item layout to be FlexLayout
- Width Constraint (fill, fixed(min, max), hug)
- Param:
- FixedLayout
- FlexLayout
- Param:
- Alignment
- Direction (horizontal, vertical)
- Gap
- Padding
- Param:
- WrapLayout
- Param:
- Alignment
- Direction (horizontal, vertical)
- Main Axis Gap
- Cross Axis Gap
- Padding
- Param: