There are two ways to contribute to Sumcoin Docs: Directly via Github website, or by running it locally. Follow the guide that better fits your needs (and knowledge).
- Edit any of the docs files;
- Submit a Pull Request with your changes.
Make sure you have Node.js installed. If you don't, please follow this guide. NVM is the easiest way. please follow this guide.
Ubuntu 18 NVM @ 14 Node 14.21.2 NPM 6.14.17
- Clone this repo:
git clone
- Inside the cloned folder, run:
npm i -g brunch && npm i
(skip the first command if you already have brunch
3. Run:
npm start
- Access http://localhost:3333/ in your browser.
Any changes in the project (both on docs and/or code) will be reflect automatically in the browser once you refresh it.
- In your local project, run:
npm run deploy
. - Access your changes at:
Note: is a test version of the docs, and thus shouldn't be shared openly as the production documentation website.