Powerful Telegram bot to generate Telegraph links for your media files. This bot can work also in group chats.
: Telegram API_ID, get it from my.telegram.org/appsAPI_HASH
: Telegram API_ID, get it from my.telegram.org/appsBOT_TOKEN
: A Valid Telegram Bot Token, get it from @Botfather
- For group chats.
Simply send a valid media file directly to bot's private chat.
Valid file types are 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'mp4' and 'gif'.
To generate links in group chats, add this bot to your group and send the command /tl as a reply to a valid media file.
- You are free to use this code in any of your projects, but you MUST include the following in your README.md (Copy & paste)
- [MediaToTelegraphLink bot by TeLe TiPs] (https://github.com/teletips/MediaToTelegraphLink-TeLeTiPs)