Tetris Game for IOS
Swiftlint with custom rules. You can find the rules in .swiftlint.yml where you can modify it to your needs. Checkout SwiftLint swiftlint
Built with
To get the project started:
- Make sure you have cocoa pods installed (https://cocoapods.org) then install the pods
pod install
- Make sure you have .xcworkspace generated. Open this file instead of .xcodeproj in Xcode always.
- Add Config.xcconfig file in the root directory. Add the following lines. Replace with your bundle identifier
BUNDLE_ID = <identifier>.swiftris
PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER = <identifier>.swiftris
- Run the project by pressing the run button in xcode
The original game was developed through a great tutorial link:https://www.bloc.io/swiftris-build-your-first-ios-game-with-swift . Make sure to check the other tutorials