Releases: sudomesh/disaster-radio
1.0.0-rc.1 (esp32 release candidate)
Disaster Radio v1.0.0-rc.1
This is the first release candidate for version 1.0.0 of the disaster radio firmware. It includes a number of major updates and is not backwards compatible with previous versions of the firmware.
Download firmware and web app binary
New features
- Ability to switch between WiFi and BLE user interface during operation added by @beegee-tokyo with #56
- Print a pretty banner to console output
- Updates LoRaLayer2 to sudomesh/LoRaLayer2@ae51303
-- now uses 4 byte addresses
-- packets now contain datagrams as their payload
-- first four bytes of datagrams are inspected for their destination address - Clients now communicate via datagrams, introduced by @paidforby and @beegee-tokyo in #68 and #56
- Telnet console now operates identically to serial console
0.2.0 (esp32_ttgo pre-release)
Disaster Radio v0.2.0
This is a minor developmental update to the pre-release of the disaster radio firmware for the LILY TTGO ESP32 V2.1_1.6 dev board.
Download firmware and web app binary
New features
- Bluetooth support added with PR #53 and DisasterRadio BLE Chatbox Android App
- OLED support added with PR #44
- Experimental GPS support added with PR #44
- Telnet support added with PR #44
- Chat history storage and replay support added with PR #44
- Slower clock speed support added with PR #54
- Firmware code restructured to be more modular with PR #44
-- Console now uses an IRC-like syntax
-- Welcome Message is now a middleware function sent to clients upon connecting - Updates LoRaLayer2 to sudomesh/LoRaLayer2@8509821
-- Exposes LoRa frequency and spreading factor
0.1.1 (esp32_ttgo pre-release)
Disaster Radio v0.1.1
Download firmware and web app binary
This is a developmental update to the pre-release of the disaster radio firmware for the LILY TTGO ESP32 V2.1_1.6 dev board.
New features
Includes console interface accessible over serial,
** View local node address withlr -a
** View current routing table withlr -r
** Transmit a test message withtx -m <message> -d <destination> -t <type>
Adds platformio as option for compiling firmware
Demo chat app displays current routing table
Updates library,
** sudomesh/LoRaLayer2@2f6ecd1
0.1.0 (esp32_ttgo pre-release)
Disaster Radio v0.1.0
Download firmware and web app binary
This is a developmental pre-release of the disaster radio firmware for the LILY TTGO ESP32 V2.1_1.6 dev board.
Flash firmware
To flash the binary to an ESP32 TTGO board, install a flashing tool. The recommended tool is the python package esptool
sudo pip install esptool -p /dev/ttyUSB0 erase_flash -p /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 460800 write_flash 0x00000 esp_flash.bin
This binary should contain both the main firmware code and the SPIFFS file system with the demo chat app. However, an microSD can also be used to store the chat app.
Note: the binary included in this release is only intended for use with the LILY TTGO ESP32 V2.1_1.6 dev board and has not been tested (and will most likely not work) with any other ESP32 or ESP8266 dev boards.
Create microSD card
To use a microSD card, first, format a 32GB or smaller microSD card as fat32. Then copy the pre-built cotents of web/static
from this download. Alternatively, build the chat app in the repo using npm and copy the generated cotents of web/static
Demo Chat App
To ues the demo chat app,
- connect to the SSID provided by the device, <MAC address>
- navigate to
- enter a nickname
- send a message
- to toggle the local echo, type
and press enter
- Demo chat app
- Broadcast messages to all neighboring nodes
- Supports microSD card (to store web apps)
- contains libraries:
** espressif/arduino-esp32@4638628
** me-no-dev/ESPAsyncWebServer@f13685e
** sandeepmistry/arduino-LoRa@1069ad7
** sudomesh/LoRaLayer2@6893b0e
** paidforby/AsyncSDServer@13375c6