A curated list of my GitHub stars! Generated by starred
- Agda
- AppleScript
- Arduino
- Awk
- Blade
- C
- C#
- C++
- Clojure
- CoffeeScript
- Common Lisp
- Crystal
- Cuda
- Cython
- Dart
- Dockerfile
- Elixir
- Elm
- Emacs Lisp
- F#
- Game Maker Language
- Gherkin
- Go
- Groovy
- Haml
- Handlebars
- Haskell
- Java
- JavaScript
- Jinja
- Julia
- Jupyter Notebook
- Kotlin
- Less
- Lua
- Makefile
- Matlab
- Max
- MoonScript
- Mustache
- Nextflow
- Nginx
- Nim
- Nunjucks
- Objective-C
- Objective-C++
- OpenEdge ABL
- OpenSCAD
- Others
- Perl
- PostScript
- PowerShell
- Processing
- Prolog
- Protocol Buffer
- Pug
- PureBasic
- PureScript
- Python
- R
- RMarkdown
- Reason
- Rebol
- Red
- Rich Text Format
- Roff
- Ruby
- Rust
- Scala
- Scheme
- Shell
- Slim
- Smarty
- Stata
- Stylus
- Svelte
- Swift
- Tcl
- TeX
- Twig
- TypeScript
- V
- Vim script
- VimL
- Visual Basic
- Vue
- Zig
- quchen/agda-learning - Stuff I’m writing to learn Agda.
- davepwsmith/zotpick-applescript - Leverage Better-BibTeX's citation picker in Scrivener
- vitorgalvao/custom-alfred-iterm-scripts - AppleScript for iTerm2 Alfred integration.
- lifepillar/CSVKeychain - Import/export between Apple Keychain.app and plain CSV file.
- fabiofortkamp/skim2md - AppleScript to write notes from a Skim document to a markdown file
- wafflesnatcha/AppleScripts - ~/Library/Scripts
- jgallen23/layouts - an applescript and alfred extension to manage window layouts
- Zettt/LaunchBar-Scripts - Scripts for LaunchBar, Alfred, Keyboard Maestro and more.
- jorgerance/catFeeder - Arduino based (NodeMCU - ESP8266) Telegram controlled cat feeder I use in order to keep my cats happy and healthy when I'm away.
- soimort/translate-shell - 💬 Command-line translator using Google Translate, Bing Translator, Yandex.Translate, etc.
- livewire/livewire - A full-stack framework for Laravel that takes the pain out of building dynamic UIs.
- sbu-fsl/kernel-ml - Machine Learning Framework for Operating Systems - Brings ML to Linux kernel
- containers/quadlet -
- csdvrx/sixel-tmux - sixel-tmux is a fork of tmux, with just one goal: having the most reliable support of graphics
- supabase/pg_net - A PostgreSQL extension providing an async networking interface accessible via SQL using a background worker and curl.
- ansilove/ansilove - ANSI and ASCII art to PNG converter in C
- waveshare/e-Paper -
- gnif/LookingGlass - An extremely low latency KVMFR (KVM FrameRelay) implementation for guests with VGA PCI Passthrough.
- dbohdan/hicolor - 🎨 Convert images to 15/16-bit RGB color with dithering
- stanfordnlp/GloVe - GloVe model for distributed word representation
- apache/incubator-age - Graph database optimized for fast analysis and real-time data processing. It is provided as an extension to PostgreSQL.
- transitive-bullshit/ffmpeg-gl-transition - FFmpeg filter for applying GLSL transitions between video streams.
- postgres-plr/plr - PL/R - R Procedural Language for PostgreSQL
- ec-/Quake3e - Improved Quake III Arena engine
- octalmage/robotjs - Node.js Desktop Automation.
- datoviz/datoviz - ⚡ High-performance GPU interactive scientific data visualization with Vulkan
- ankane/pgvector - Open-source vector similarity search for Postgres
- pramsey/pgsql-ogr-fdw - PostgreSQL foreign data wrapper for OGR
- maxmind/libmaxminddb - C library for the MaxMind DB file format
- lexrus/MMDB-Swift - A tiny wrapper for libmaxminddb which allows you to lookup Geo data by IP address.
- ptitSeb/box86 - Box86 - Linux Userspace x86 Emulator with a twist, targeted at ARM Linux devices
- nalgeon/sqlean - All the missing SQLite functions
- jart/cosmopolitan - build-once run-anywhere c library
- XProger/OpenLara - Classic Tomb Raider open-source engine
- skyjake/lagrange - A Beautiful Gemini Client
- jodavies/attractors - Draw attactors with OpenGL
- dmurdoch/rgl - rgl is a 3D visualization system based on OpenGL. It provides a medium to high level interface for use in R, currently modelled on classic R graphics, with extensions to allow for interaction.
- lawl/NoiseTorch - Real-time microphone noise suppression on Linux.
- facebook/zstd - Zstandard - Fast real-time compression algorithm
- cnlohr/channel3 - ESP8266 Analog Broadcast Television Interface
- abiliojr/fts5-snowball - Snowball tokenizer for SQLite FTS5
- durkie/ngx_http_mbtiles_module - A nginx module to serve map tiles directly from mbtiles container files
- labwc/labwc - A Wayland stacking compositor
- containers/crun - A fast and lightweight fully featured OCI runtime and C library for running containers
- traversc/stringfish -
- samsonmking/epaper.js - Node.js library for easily creating an ePaper display on a Raspberry PI using HTML and Javascript.
- brektrou/rtl8821CU - Realtek RTL8811CU/RTL8821CU USB Wi-Fi adapter driver for Linux
- rossumur/espflix - A free video streaming service that runs on a ESP32
- coolbutuseless/pixelweaver - Convert arrays/matrices to packed ARGB32 colour format
- jenssegers/RTL8188-hostapd - hostapd for Realtek RTL8188
- janat08/Realtek-USB-Wireless-Adapter-Drivers - Realtek USB Wireless Adapter Drivers [0bda:f179] (Kernel 4.15.x ~ 5.6.x)
- krallin/tini - A tiny but valid
for containers - Airblader/i3 - A fork of the i3 window manager with gaps and some other features
- tidwall/rtree.c - An R-tree implementation in C
- dog-qiuqiu/MobileNet-Yolo - MobileNetV2-YoloV3-Nano: 0.5BFlops 3MB HUAWEI P40: 6ms/img, YoloFace-500k:0.1Bflops 420KB:fire::fire::fire:
- tinyproxy/tinyproxy - tinyproxy - a light-weight HTTP/HTTPS proxy daemon for POSIX operating systems
- coolbutuseless/zstdlite - Fast, configurable in-memory compression of R objects with zstd
- Roche/pyreadstat - Python package to read sas, spss and stata files into pandas data frames. It is a wrapper for the C library readstat.
- lowlevel86/raster-to-vector - A fast way to convert rasterized straight edges into vectors.
- jeroen/mongolite - Fast and Simple MongoDB Client for R
- davatorium/rofi - Rofi: A window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement
- allinurl/goaccess - GoAccess is a real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer that runs in a terminal in *nix systems or through your browser.
- Entware/Entware - Ultimate repo for embedded devices
- robertdavidgraham/masscan - TCP port scanner, spews SYN packets asynchronously, scanning entire Internet in under 5 minutes.
- ahungry/puny-gui - A Puny GUI System
- fogleman/Craft - A simple Minecraft clone written in C using modern OpenGL (shaders).
- eradman/entr - Run arbitrary commands when files change
- hoijui/sent - a simple plaintext presentation tool
- moby/hyperkit - A toolkit for embedding hypervisor capabilities in your application
- uber/h3-go - Go bindings for H3, a hierarchical hexagonal geospatial indexing system
- MapServer/MapServer - Source code of the MapServer project. Please submit pull requests to the 'main' branch.
- traversc/qs - Quick serialization of R objects
- spatstat/s2 - R bindings for Google's s2 library for geometry on the sphere
- hrbrmstr/daybreak - 🌆Compute Sun Rise/Set Times, Start/End of Twilight, and the Length of the Day at Any Date and Latitude
- barabo/advanced-shell-history - Advanced command line shell history - save your bash history to sqlite3 automatically!
- koekeishiya/yabai - A tiling window manager for macOS based on binary space partitioning
- kondrak/vkQuake2 - id Software's Quake 2 v3.21 with mission packs and Vulkan support (Windows, Linux, macOS, FreeBSD, Raspberry Pi 4)
- dlr-eoc/pgh3 - PostgreSQL extension for the H3 hierarchical geospatial indexing system
- bytesandbrains/h3-pg - PostgreSQL bindings for H3, a hierarchical hexagonal geospatial indexing system
- MobilityDB/MobilityDB - MobilityDB is a geospatial trajectory data management & analysis platform, built on PostgreSQL and PostGIS.
- biovault/nptsne - nptsne is a numpy compatible python binary package that offers a number of APIs for fast tSNE calculation.
- bliksemlabs/rrrr - RRRR rapid real-time routing
- maierfelix/azula - Lightweight GPU accelerated HTML GUI for native JavaScript
- hypertidy/meshroom - IGNORE THIS see terrainmeshr https://github.com/tylermorganwall/terrainmeshr
- r-spatial/lwgeom - bindings to the liblwgeom library
- wrathematics/meanr - A sentiment analysis package for R.
- dvorka/hstr - bash and zsh shell history suggest box - easily view, navigate, search and manage your command history.
- fogleman/hmm - Heightmap meshing utility.
- pramsey/pgsql-postal - PostgreSQL binding for libpostal
- pramsey/pgsql-http - HTTP client for PostgreSQL, retrieve a web page from inside the database.
- ofajardo/pyreadr - Python package to read and write R RData and Rds files into/from pandas dataframes. No R or other external dependencies required.
- RedisTimeSeries/RedisTimeSeries - Time Series data structure for Redis
- catboost/catboost - A fast, scalable, high performance Gradient Boosting on Decision Trees library, used for ranking, classification, regression and other machine learning tasks for Python, R, Java, C++. Supports computation on CPU and GPU.
- douglashill/GitUp - My fork of GitUp, which I use daily
- symisc/sod - An Embedded Computer Vision & Machine Learning Library (CPU Optimized & IoT Capable)
- Genymobile/scrcpy - Display and control your Android device
- artetxem/phrase2vec - An extension of word2vec to learn phrase embeddings
- SanderMertens/bake - A build system that lets you clone, build and run C/C++ projects with a single command
- linux-noah/noah - Bash on Ubuntu on macOS
- yugabyte/yugabyte-db - The high-performance distributed SQL database for global, internet-scale apps.
- nalimilan/R.TeMiS - R.TeMiS: R Text Mining Solution
- CosmiQ/simrdwn - Rapid satellite imagery object detection
- bnosac/crfsuite - Labelling Sequential Data in Natural Language Processing with R - using CRFsuite
- dav/word2vec - This tool provides an efficient implementation of the continuous bag-of-words and skip-gram architectures for computing vector representations of words. These representations can be subsequently used in many natural language processing applications and for further research.
- r-lib/commonmark - High Performance CommonMark and Github Markdown Rendering in R
- ropensci/av - Working with Video in R
- cran/spatialkernel - ❗ This is a read-only mirror of the CRAN R package repository. spatialkernel — Non-Parametric Estimation of Spatial Segregation in a Multivariate Point Process. Homepage: https://github.com/becarioprecario/spatialkernel Report bugs for this package: https://github.com/becarioprecario/spatialkernel/issues
- Nowosad/geopat2 - GeoPAT 2 - a suite of modules dedicated to analysis of large datasets in their entirety using spatial and/or temporal patterns
- jekhor/darknet - Convolutional Neural Networks, fork with trained NN for aerial car detection
- MonetDB/MonetDBLite-R - MonetDB reconfigured as an R package - See below for an introduction. Edit
- zen-kernel/zen-kernel - Zen Patched Kernel Sources
- hypertidy/geodist - Ultra lightweight, ultra fast calculation of geo distances
- armgong/rjulia - R package which integrating R and Julia
- jevois/jevois - JeVois smart machine vision framework
- gonzoua/readmobi - Command-line utility for displaying MOBI file information/full text
- karolmajek/darknet-pjreddie - Convolutional Neural Networks
- reactos/reactos - A free Windows-compatible Operating System
- addy-dclxvi/almighty-dotfiles - A dump repository of my dotfiles since the first time I learned ricing. So everything is really messy here.
- lc-ui/lc-design - A UI component framework for building LCUI application.
- wren-lang/wren - The Wren Programming Language. Wren is a small, fast, class-based concurrent scripting language.
- Galleondragon/qb64 - Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/qb64
- streamich/bamboo - Bamboo - Node.js clone in pure JavaScript
- johanmalm/jgmenu - An X11 menu
- michaeldorman/nngeo - k-Nearest Neighbor Join for Spatial Data
- uber/h3 - Hexagonal hierarchical geospatial indexing system
- patperry/r-utf8 - UTF-8 Text Processing (R Package)
- openvenues/libpostal - A C library for parsing/normalizing street addresses around the world. Powered by statistical NLP and open geo data.
- yixuan/showtext - Using Fonts More Easily in R Graphs
- jarun/nnn - n³ The unorthodox terminal file manager
- hejiann/beautify - GIMP Beautify is a set of GIMP plug-ins for quickly and easily beautify photo
- s-macke/VoxelSpace - Terrain rendering algorithm in less than 20 lines of code
- saitoha/libsixel - A SIXEL encoder/decoder implementation derived from kmiya's sixel (https://github.com/saitoha/sixel).
- ttscoff/nv - MultiMarkdown version of Notational Velocity with Markdown editing features and preview
- ropensci/writexl - Portable, light-weight data frame to xlsx exporter for R
- tomoakin/RPostgreSQL - Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/rpostgresql
- tectonic-typesetting/tectonic - A modernized, complete, self-contained TeX/LaTeX engine, powered by XeTeX and TeXLive.
- jalvesaq/colorout - Colorize R output in terminal emulators
- ropensci/bibtex - bibtex parser for R
- memononen/nanovg - Antialiased 2D vector drawing library on top of OpenGL for UI and visualizations.
- jonclayden/ore - An R interface to the Onigmo regular expression library
- r-lib/zip - Platform independent zip compression via miniz
- ropensci/antiword - R wrapper for antiword utility
- timescale/timescaledb - An open-source time-series SQL database optimized for fast ingest and complex queries. Packaged as a PostgreSQL extension.
- huacnlee/rucaptcha - Captcha gem for Rails Application. No dependencies. No ImageMagick, No RMagick.
- kosukeimai/eco - R package eco
- hrbrmstr/QuickLookR - macOS QuickLook plugin for R save(), saveRDS() & feather files
- quiet/quiet - Transmit data with sound. Includes binaries for soundcards and .wav files.
- marcobambini/gravity - Gravity Programming Language
- r-lib/processx - Execute and Control Subrocesses from R
- ropensci/ssh - Native SSH client in R based on libssh
- Ironholds/rgeolocate - Generalised IP geolocation through R
- pickfire/spt - Simple pomodoro timer that doubles your efficiency
- hak5darren/USB-Rubber-Ducky -
- radfordneal/pqR - pqR - a "pretty quick" version of R
- breunigs/gnt-eval - G'n'T Eval is an evaluation suite that allows to carry out pen and paper evaluations. It ships with all necessary tools, i.e. management tools, form creation and printing as well as scanning and creating aggregated results.
- bartobri/no-more-secrets - A command line tool that recreates the famous data decryption effect seen in the 1992 movie Sneakers.
- hrbrmstr/htmltidy - 🚯 Tidy Up and Test XPath Queries on HTML and XML Content in R
- tidyverse/haven - Read SPSS, Stata and SAS files from R
- TTimo/GtkRadiant - The open source, cross platform level editor for idtech games
- andlabs/libui - Simple and portable (but not inflexible) GUI library in C that uses the native GUI technologies of each platform it supports.
- jhawthorn/fzy - 🔍 A simple, fast fuzzy finder for the terminal
- hashcat/hashcat-legacy - Advanced CPU-based password recovery utility
- mattn/mruby-require -
- tmathmeyer/maze - fancy image generator
- banister/texplay - image manipulation tool for ruby and gosu
- haasn/mpvhq-old - Video player based on MPlayer/mplayer2/mpv
- machyve/xhyve - xhyve, a lightweight OS X virtualization solution
- tliff/levenshtein -
- brianmario/escape_utils - Faster string escaping routines for your ruby apps
- emgram769/lighthouse - A simple scriptable popup dialog to run on X.
- mjolnirapp/mjolnir - Lightweight automation and productivity app for OS X
- majn/telegram-purple - Adds support for Telegram to Pidgin, Adium, Finch and other Libpurple based messengers.
- vonavi/pdf-show-highlights - Extract highlighted text from PDF file
- rubys/nokogumbo - A Nokogiri interface to the Gumbo HTML5 parser.
- visit1985/mdp - A command-line based markdown presentation tool.
- epichub/adium-tox-im - Adium plugin for Tox IM protocol
- haiwen/seafile - High performance file syncing and sharing, with also Markdown WYSIWYG editing, Wiki, file label and other knowledge management features.
- cmus/cmus - Small, fast and powerful console music player for Unix-like operating systems.
- mozilla/mozjpeg - Improved JPEG encoder.
- nbyouri/progress - Port of the NetBSD progress program to Darwin
- nbyouri/cliclock - a simple cli clock
- nbyouri/osxinfo - Info program for Mac OS X.
- nbyouri/moddedfonts - This is a collection of my modded fonts.
- platphorm/telegram_rb - Ruby gem for the Telegram api
- skullernet/q2pro - Enhanced Quake 2 client and server focused on multiplayer
- deweller/switchaudio-osx - Change the audio source for Mac OS X from the command line.
- vain/lariza - Simple WebKit2GTK+ Browser
- sparklemotion/nokogiri - Nokogiri (鋸) makes it easy and painless to work with XML and HTML from Ruby.
- venam/2bwm - A fast floating WM written over the XCB library and derived from mcwm.
- jdolan/quetoo - Quetoo ("Q2") is a free first person shooter based on id Tech2. GPL v2 license.
- Lokaltog/candybar - WebKit-based status bar for tiling window managers.
- CocoaBob/xee - Xee is an streamlined and convenient image viewer and browser. It is similar to Mac OS X's Preview.app, but lets you easily browse the entire contents of folders and archives, move and copy image files quickly, and supports many more image formats. The open source version is 2.2, I did some improvements to support retina display.
- ggreer/the_silver_searcher - A code-searching tool similar to ack, but faster.
- vysheng/tg - telegram-cli
- davidmoreno/onion - C library to create simple HTTP servers and Web Applications.
- davidfstr/rdiscount - Discount (For Ruby) Implementation of John Gruber's Markdown
- vasi/osxutils - Mac-specific command line utilities (UPDATES)
- unregistered/Maxel - A native download accelerator for Mac OS X.
- puffnfresh/toggle-osx-shadows - Tiny tool to toggle window shadows on OS X
- HalosGhost/shaman - A small, native C library and utility to fetch weather
- davepkennedy/quake2_FoD - Port of Quake 2 by Fruitz of Dojo
- aq2-tng/aq2-tng - Action Quake 2: The Next Generation (including CVS history from SF.net)
- jdolan/quake2 - Classic Quake II for Mac and Linux.
- nordlicht/nordlicht - Creates colorful timebars from video and audio files
- mpv-player/mpv - 🎥 Command line video player
- jorisvink/kore - An easy to use, scalable and secure web application framework for writing web APIs in C or Python. || This is a read-only mirror, please see https://kore.io/mail and https://kore.io/source for information on how to contribute via the mailing lists.
- georgi/audite - Portable mp3 player for Ruby
- hifi-unmaintained/aprq2 - Apprime Quake 2 client spinoff with more Action Quake 2 specific features
- LemonBoy/bar - A featherweight, lemon-scented, bar based on xcb
- moetunes/bipolarbar - A bar for window managers that takes two inputs
- profanity-im/profanity - Ncurses based XMPP client
- tj/watch - watch(1) periodically executes the given command - useful for auto-testing, auto-building, auto-anything
- tihirvon/dex - Dextrous text editor
- TrilbyWhite/swifer - Simple wifi connector tool with auto connect
- TrilbyWhite/interrobang - A tiny launcher menu packing a big bang (syntax)
- supercatexpert/RhythmCat2 - A music player on Linux/*BSD
- guard/rb-fsevent - FSEvents API with signals handled (without RubyCocoa)
- baskerville/bspwm - A tiling window manager based on binary space partitioning
- gajdusek/ulatencyd - daemon to minimize latency on a linux system using cgroups
- dividuum/info-beamer - The Multimedia Presenter for Lua (for commercial projects, use info-beamer pi instead)
- nsf/bmpanel - bmpanel - lightweight, netwm compliant, x11 panel with desktop switcher, taskbar, systray and clock
- nsf/bmpanel2 - bmpanel version 2
- muennich/sxiv - Simple X Image Viewer
- chjj/compton - A compositor for X11.
- stedolan/jq - Command-line JSON processor
- Hjdskes/dwm-patches - UNMAINTAINED -- A collection of patches for dwm
- Hjdskes/dwmst - UNMAINTAINED -- A hardcoded statusbar for DWM
- fjolnir/xnomad - A tiling window manager for OS X, written in tranquil.
- briandorey/BitmapToByteArrayConverter - Windows app to convert bitmap image to byte array to use with e-ink display
- mxgmn/WaveFunctionCollapse - Bitmap & tilemap generation from a single example with the help of ideas from quantum mechanics
- lambci/docker-lambda - Docker images and test runners that replicate the live AWS Lambda environment
- maajor/OSMTrafficSim - TrafficSim using Unity ECS 2019.3
- TheBerkin/rant3 - (Obsolete) Archive of Rant 3.x.
- wolfgarbe/SymSpell - SymSpell: 1 million times faster spelling correction & fuzzy search through Symmetric Delete spelling correction algorithm
- joshuamoore555/EyeTalk - The goal of this project is to provide a software solution adapted for use with the low-cost Tobii EyeX eye sensor that could provide communication for people with conditions that make communication and movement difficult. The software created will be a communication program that will aid people with limited communication and mobility, such as those with motor neurone disease or cerebral palsy, who may find it difficult to type with a keyboard, utilise the mouse, or speak.
- OptiKey/OptiKey - OptiKey - Full computer control and speech with your eyes
- relativty/wrmhl - (Archived) Simple communication between Unity3D and Arduino - by Maxim xyz.
- discontinuos/redatam-converter - Aplicación para extraer información de base de REDATAM
- markaren/threepp - C++17 port of three.js (r129)
- MasterQ32/kristall - Graphical small-internet client for windows, linux, MacOS X and BSDs. Supports gemini, http, https, gopher, finger.
- Roblox/luau - A fast, small, safe, gradually typed embeddable scripting language derived from Lua
- vizzuhq/vizzu-lib - Library for animated data visualizations and data stories.
- mmomtchev/node-gdal-async - Node.js bindings for GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library) with full async support
- ArkajyotiSaha/RandomForestsGLS -
- VROOM-Project/vroom - Vehicle Routing Open-source Optimization Machine
- sahrk/DGGRID - A command-line application that generates and manipulates icosahedral discrete global grids.
- mapbox/mvt-cruncher - web browser based MVT to SVG converter
- qpdf/qpdf - Primary QPDF source code and documentation
- jlblancoc/nanoflann - nanoflann: a C++11 header-only library for Nearest Neighbor (NN) search with KD-trees
- dblalock/bolt - 10x faster matrix and vector operations
- nmslib/nmslib - Non-Metric Space Library (NMSLIB): An efficient similarity search library and a toolkit for evaluation of k-NN methods for generic non-metric spaces.
- fanout/pushpin - Proxy server for adding push to your API
- coqui-ai/STT - The deep learning toolkit for Speech-to-Text. Training and deploying STT models has never been so easy.
- zeux/pugixml - Light-weight, simple and fast XML parser for C++ with XPath support
- google/nsjail - A light-weight process isolation tool, making use of Linux namespaces and seccomp-bpf syscall filters (with help of the kafel bpf language)
- systemed/tilemaker - Make OpenStreetMap vector tiles without the stack
- tuplex/tuplex - Tuplex is a parallel big data processing framework that runs data science pipelines written in Python at the speed of compiled code. Tuplex has similar Python APIs to Apache Spark or Dask, but rather than invoking the Python interpreter, Tuplex generates optimized LLVM bytecode for the given pipeline and input data set.
- yongjik/croquis - Python plotting library for Jupyter Notebook
- mlpack/mlpack - mlpack: a scalable C++ machine learning library --
- VowpalWabbit/vowpal_wabbit - Vowpal Wabbit is a machine learning system which pushes the frontier of machine learning with techniques such as online, hashing, allreduce, reductions, learning2search, active, and interactive learning.
- organicmaps/organicmaps - 🍃 Organic Maps is a free Android & iOS offline maps app for travelers, tourists, hikers, and cyclists. It uses crowd-sourced OpenStreetMap data and is developed with love by MapsWithMe (MapsMe) founders and our community. No ads, no tracking, no data collection, no crapware. Your donations and positive reviews motivate and inspire our small team!
- jlmelville/rnndescent - R package implementing the Nearest Neighbor Descent method for approximate nearest neighbors
- LANDrop/LANDrop - Drop any files to any devices on your LAN.
- tylermorganwall/rayvertex - 3D Software Rasterizer for R
- plv8/plv8 - V8 Engine Javascript Procedural Language add-on for PostgreSQL
- SerenityOS/serenity - The Serenity Operating System 🐞
- ClickHouse/ClickHouse - ClickHouse® is a free analytics DBMS for big data
- hosseinmoein/DataFrame - C++ DataFrame for statistical, Financial, and ML analysis -- in modern C++ using native types, continuous memory storage, and no pointers are involved
- GaudiLabs/PocketPCR - Pocket size USB powered PCR Thermo Cycler
- heremaps/pptk - The Point Processing Toolkit (pptk) is a Python package for visualizing and processing 2-d/3-d point clouds.
- munterfi/flexpolyline - The flexpolyline R package provides a binding to the C++ implementation of the flexible polyline encoding by HERE. The encoding is a lossy compressed representation of a list of coordinate pairs or coordinate triples.
- flashlight/flashlight - A C++ standalone library for machine learning
- sammycage/lunasvg - lunasvg is a standalone SVG rendering library in C++
- david-cortes/MatrixExtra - (R) Efficient methods and operators for the sparse matrix classes in 'Matrix' (esp. CSR format or "RsparseMatrix")
- osmcode/osmium-tool - Command line tool for working with OpenStreetMap data based on the Osmium library.
- facebookresearch/faiss - A library for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors.
- maplibre/maplibre-gl-native - The open-source fork of Mapbox GL Native: Code & SDK for iOS, Android and other platforms
- tomkwok/svgasm - SVG animation from multiple SVGs or single GIF using tracer
- akoyabio/rtree - R-Trees for point data in R
- GTAmodding/re3 - GTA III, Vice City
- Tw1ddle/geometrize - 🔳 Geometrize is a desktop app that geometrizes images into geometric primitives
- mapbox/wagyu - A general library for geometry operations of union, intersections, difference, and xor
- mamba-org/mamba - The Fast Cross-Platform Package Manager
- cldellow/sqlite-parquet-vtable - A SQLite vtable extension to read Parquet files
- facontidavide/PlotJuggler - The Time Series Visualization Tool that you deserve.
- r-lib/systemfonts - System Native Font Handling in R
- kyleneideck/BackgroundMusic - Background Music, a macOS audio utility: automatically pause your music, set individual apps' volumes and record system audio.
- MaybeShewill-CV/sky-detector - Sky area detection without deep neural networks https://maybeshewill-cv.github.io/sky-detector/
- RoutingKit/RoutingKit - RoutingKit is a C++ library that provides advanced route planning functionality.
- ar-/incron - cron-like daemon which handles filesystem events
- astroza/reba - Scalable service worker subset for running on server side
- wwmm/easyeffects - Limiter, compressor, convolver, equalizer and auto volume and many other plugins for PipeWire applications
- keur/prettyeq - prettyeq is a system-wide paramateric equalizer for pulseaudio
- thomasp85/euclid - Exact Computation Geometry Framework Based on 'CGAL'
- cztomczak/cefpython - Python bindings for the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF)
- ferrithemaker/covid-19-personal-cumulative-risk-index-tracker - Source code for covid-19 wireless accumulative risk index tracker personal device
- alandefreitas/matplotplusplus - Matplot++: A C++ Graphics Library for Data Visualization 📊🗾
- projectM-visualizer/projectm - projectM - cross-platform music visualization. Open-source and Milkdrop-compatible
- Ironholds/triebeard - Radix trees in Rcpp and R
- Genivia/ugrep - 🔍NEW ugrep v3.3: ultra fast grep with interactive query UI and fuzzy search: search file systems, source code, text, binary files, archives (cpio/tar/pax/zip), compressed files (gz/Z/bz2/lzma/xz/lz4/zstd), documents and more. A faster, user-friendly and compatible grep replacement.
- bauripalash/escraper - Scrap Email Addresses From PDFs and Photos! in C++ (Python was tooo easy to do)
- ad-freiburg/pfaedle - Precise map-matching for public transit feeds. Generates high-quality GTFS shapes from OSM data.
- typesense/typesense - Fast, typo tolerant, fuzzy search engine for building delightful search experiences ⚡ 🔍 ✨ An Open Source alternative to Algolia and an Easier-to-Use alternative to ElasticSearch.
- UnfoldedInc/deck.gl-native - C++ renderer for deck.gl
- r-lib/later - Schedule an R function or formula to run after a specified period of time.
- microsoft/ALEX - A library for building an in-memory, Adaptive Learned indEX
- johang/btfs - A bittorrent filesystem based on FUSE.
- oatpp/example-iot-hue-ssdp - Oat++ Example to emulate a Hue bridge using SSDP and HTTP
- patriciogonzalezvivo/OpenLiDAR - DIY 3D LiDAR Scanner
- arangodb/arangodb - 🥑 ArangoDB is a native multi-model database with flexible data models for documents, graphs, and key-values. Build high performance applications using a convenient SQL-like query language or JavaScript extensions.
- tpoechtrager/osxcross - Mac OS X cross toolchain for Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Android (Termux)
- yhirose/cpp-httplib - A C++ header-only HTTP/HTTPS server and client library
- nx10/httpgd - Asynchronous http server graphics device for R.
- khrykin/StrategrDesktop - No-Fuss Time Management App
- dcooley/geometries - R package for creating and manipulating geometric data structures
- r-spatial/s2 - Spherical Geometry Operators Using the S2 Geometry Library
- google/mediapipe - Cross-platform, customizable ML solutions for live and streaming media.
- sigmaai/self-driving-golf-cart - Be Driven 🚘
- dirkschumacher/wasmr - Execute WebAssembly from R using wasmer
- michelbierlaire/biogeme - Biogeme is an open source freeware designed for the maximum likelihood estimation of parametric models in general, with a special emphasis on discrete choice models.
- scottmmjackson/h3r - Uber's h3 bindings to the R Programming Language
- idea4good/GuiLite - ✔️The smallest header-only GUI library(4 KLOC) for all platforms
- neutralinojs/neutralinojs - Portable and lightweight cross-platform desktop application development framework
- pbek/QOwnNotes - QOwnNotes is a plain-text file notepad and todo-list manager with markdown support and Nextcloud / ownCloud integration.
- mapbox/node-or-tools - Node.js bindings for or-tools vehicle routing problems
- vesoft-inc/nebula - A distributed, fast open-source graph database featuring horizontal scalability and high availability
- dvorka/mindforger - Thinking notebook and Markdown editor.
- SymbolixAU/flatgeobufr -
- spotify/annoy - Approximate Nearest Neighbors in C++/Python optimized for memory usage and loading/saving to disk
- baddstats/polyclip - R package polyclip: a port of the Clipper library for polygon geometry
- RfastOfficial/Rfast - A collection of Rfast functions for data analysis. Note 1: The vast majority of the functions accept matrices only, not data.frames. Note 2: Do not have matrices or vectors with have missing data (i.e NAs). We do no check about them and C++ internally transforms them into zeros (0), so you may get wrong results. Note 3: In general, make sure you give the correct input, in order to get the correct output. We do no checks and this is one of the many reasons we are fast.
- canonical/multipass - Multipass orchestrates virtual Ubuntu instances
- openstreetmap/osm2pgsql - OpenStreetMap data to PostgreSQL converter
- FreeCAD/FreeCAD - This is the official source code of FreeCAD, a free and opensource multiplatform 3D parametric modeler. Issues are managed on our own bug tracker at https://www.freecadweb.org/tracker
- thomasp85/shady - Compile and Execute Shaders from R
- KlugerLab/FIt-SNE - Fast Fourier Transform-accelerated Interpolation-based t-SNE (FIt-SNE)
- ATFutures/exposure - Generate spatial layer of risk-ratio for exposure to urban pollution
- CanalTP/navitia - The open source software to build cool stuff with locomotion
- corels/rcppcorels - R Bindings to the Certifiably Optimal Rule Lists (Corels) Learner
- FD-/RPiPlay - An open-source AirPlay mirroring server for the Raspberry Pi. Supports iOS 9 and up.
- yvt/openspades - Compatible client of Ace of Spades 0.75
- TysonStanley/tidyfast - Fast and efficient alternatives to tidyr functions built on data.table #rdatatable #rstats
- interpretml/interpret - Fit interpretable models. Explain blackbox machine learning.
- ocornut/imgui - Dear ImGui: Bloat-free Graphical User interface for C++ with minimal dependencies
- cyang-kth/fmm - Fast map matching, an open source framework in C++
- hannesmuehleisen/miniparquet - Library to read a subset of Parquet files
- manticoresoftware/manticoresearch - Database for search
- KarthikRIyer/swiftplot - Swift library for Data Visualization 📊
- ganlumomo/BKISemanticMapping - Bayesian Spatial Kernel Smoothing for Scalable Dense Semantic Mapping
- cenuno/learning_cpp - Notes from "Sams Teach Yourself C++ in One Hour a Day"
- apple/foundationdb - FoundationDB - the open source, distributed, transactional key-value store
- riskaware-ltd/open-eaggr - The OpenEAGGR software library is an implementation of a Discrete Global Grid System (DGGS) which models the Earth's surface as a network of equal area cells.
- dusty-nv/jetson-inference - Hello AI World guide to deploying deep-learning inference networks and deep vision primitives with TensorRT and NVIDIA Jetson.
- triton-inference-server/server - The Triton Inference Server provides an optimized cloud and edge inferencing solution.
- vlarmet/cppRouting - Fast implementation of Dijkstra algorithm in R
- heremaps/tin-terrain - A command-line tool for converting heightmaps in GeoTIFF format into tiled optimized meshes.
- NVIDIA/Dataset_Synthesizer - NVIDIA Deep learning Dataset Synthesizer (NDDS)
- liquidSVM/liquidSVM - Support vector machines (SVMs) and related kernel-based learning algorithms are a well-known class of machine learning algorithms, for non-parametric classification and regression. liquidSVM is an implementation of SVMs whose key features are: fully integrated hyper-parameter selection, extreme speed on both small and large data sets, full flexibility for experts, and inclusion of a variety of different learning scenarios: multi-class classification, ROC, and Neyman-Pearson learning, and least-squares, quantile, and expectile regression.
- torressa/cspy - A collection of algorithms for the (Resource) Constrained Shortest Path problem in Python / C++ / C#
- tensorflow/serving - A flexible, high-performance serving system for machine learning models
- pisa-engine/pisa - PISA: Performant Indexes and Search for Academia
- duckdb/duckdb - DuckDB is an in-process SQL OLAP Database Management System
- ddsjoberg/gtsummary - Presentation-Ready Data Summary and Analytic Result Tables
- SymbolixAU/spatialwidget - Utility package to convert R data into JSON for use in htmlwidget mapping libraries
- Arnie0426/FastLDA -
- empirical-soft/empirical-lang - A language for time-series analysis
- microsoft/SPTAG - A distributed approximate nearest neighborhood search (ANN) library which provides a high quality vector index build, search and distributed online serving toolkits for large scale vector search scenario.
- r-lib/fastmap - Fast map implementation for R
- coolbutuseless/devout - Write R graphics output devices in plain R
- cbalint13/gdal-segment - GDAL Segment
- microsoft/BlingFire - A lightning fast Finite State machine and REgular expression manipulation library.
- nuspell/nuspell - 🖋️ Fast and safe spellchecking C++ library
- r-lib/ragg - Graphic Devices Based on AGG
- sefisher/fishyDIYdevices - A library to simplify creating, operating, and using DIY Internet of Things devices using NodeMCU (ESP8266) devices. Enables voice control using Amazon Echo (Alexa).
- jkrijthe/Rtsne - R wrapper for Van der Maaten's Barnes-Hut implementation of t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding
- ShiqiYu/libfacedetection - An open source library for face detection in images. The face detection speed can reach 1000FPS.
- ipkn/crow - Crow is very fast and easy to use C++ micro web framework (inspired by Python Flask)
- shunsukeaihara/pykwic - KWIC and Extruct maximal substrings Library for unicode text using Suffix Array.
- ropensci/qpdf - Split, Combine and Compress PDF files
- intel/hyperscan - High-performance regular expression matching library
- DmitryUlyanov/Multicore-TSNE - Parallel t-SNE implementation with Python and Torch wrappers.
- simdjson/simdjson - Parsing gigabytes of JSON per second
- fred-dev/ps3EyeSyphon_2 - Updated App for using multiple PS3Eye cameras with Syphon and OSC
- plasma-umass/Mesh - A memory allocator that automatically reduces the memory footprint of C/C++ applications.
- h2oai/datatable - A Python package for manipulating 2-dimensional tabular data structures
- StanfordSNR/puffer - Puffer is a free live TV streaming website and a research study at Stanford using machine learning to improve video streaming
- tmelliott/transitr - An R package for constructing and modelling a transit network in real time to obtain vehicle ETAs
- smallk/smallk - High-performance Non-negative Matrix Factorizations (NMF) - Python/C++
- OtterBrowser/otter-browser - Otter Browser aims to recreate the best aspects of the classic Opera (12.x) UI using Qt5
- wilkelab/isoband - isoband: An R package to generate contour lines and polygons.
- r-lib/vroom - Fast reading of delimited files
- mbedward/packcircles - R package for circle packing
- flashlight/wav2letter - Facebook AI Research's Automatic Speech Recognition Toolkit
- ggerganov/wave-share - Serverless, peer-to-peer, local file sharing through sound
- ethz-asl/aerial_mapper - Real-time Dense Point Cloud, Digital Surface Map (DSM) and (Ortho-)Mosaic Generation for UAVs
- rspatial/terra - R package for spatial data handling https://rspatial.github.io/terra/reference/terra-package.html
- bnosac/ruimtehol - R package to Embed All the Things! using StarSpace
- google/sentencepiece - Unsupervised text tokenizer for Neural Network-based text generation.
- gagolews/genie - Genie: A Fast and Robust Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm (this R package has now been superseded by genieclust)
- jolars/polylabelr - Find the Pole of Inaccessibility (Visual Center) of a Polygon
- s3fs-fuse/s3fs-fuse - FUSE-based file system backed by Amazon S3
- mapbox/tippecanoe - Build vector tilesets from large collections of GeoJSON features.
- MastaLomaster/bkb - Control keyboard/mouse with the eyetrackers: Tobii Eye Tracker 4C, EyeX, REX, TheEyeTribe, Gazepoint GP3. Also computer control by turning the head along with an Airmouse is supported.
- SymbolixAU/boostgeometry - R package wrapping boost::geometry
- gasevi/pyreclab - pyRecLab is a library for quickly testing and prototyping of traditional recommender system methods, such as User KNN, Item KNN and FunkSVD Collaborative Filtering. It is developed and maintained by Gabriel Sepúlveda and Vicente Domínguez, advised by Prof. Denis Parra, all of them in Computer Science Department at PUC Chile, IA Lab and SocVis Lab.
- Tencent/rapidjson - A fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with both SAX/DOM style API
- COVAIL/electron-quick-start - Clone to try a simple Electron app
- jupyter-xeus/xleaflet - C++ backend for the jupyter leaflet widget
- ValveSoftware/Proton - Compatibility tool for Steam Play based on Wine and additional components
- libspatialindex/libspatialindex - C++ implementation of R*-tree, an MVR-tree and a TPR-tree with C API
- JuniperKernel/JuniperKernel - R Kernel for Jupyter
- Ironholds/geohash - Geohash generation, decoding and manipulation in R
- r-barnes/dggridR - Discrete Global Grids for R: Spatial Analysis Done Right
- plaidml/plaidml - PlaidML is a framework for making deep learning work everywhere.
- wemap/pysupercluster - A fast geospatial point clustering module
- valhalla/valhalla - Open Source Routing Engine for OpenStreetMap
- TimoSaemann/caffe-segnet-cudnn5 - This repository was a fork of BVLC/caffe and includes the upsample, bn, dense_image_data and softmax_with_loss (with class weighting) layers of caffe-segnet (https://github.com/alexgkendall/caffe-segnet) to run SegNet with cuDNN version 5.
- ropensci/opencv - R bindings for OpenCV
- sckott/geoops - geoops does spatial operations on GeoJSON
- parro-it/libui-node - Node bindings for libui, an awesome native UI library for Unix, OSX and Windows
- gagolews/stringi - THE String Processing Package for R (with ICU)
- mpadge/spatialcluster - spatially-constrained clustering in R
- jbaileyh/geogrid - Turning geospatial polygons into regular or hexagonal grids. For other similar functionality see the tilemaps package https://github.com/kaerosen/tilemaps
- ATFutures/dodgr - Distances on Directed Graphs in R
- CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose - OpenPose: Real-time multi-person keypoint detection library for body, face, hands, and foot estimation
- bnosac/image - Computer Vision and Image Recognition algorithms for R users
- polybar/polybar - A fast and easy-to-use status bar
- ecohealthalliance/fasterize - High performance raster conversion for modern spatial data 🚀🌏▦
- xoseperez/espurna - Home automation firmware for ESP8266-based devices
- onnx/onnx - Open standard for machine learning interoperability
- michaelchughes/KMeansRex - Fast, vectorized C++ implementation of K-Means using the Eigen matrix template library. Includes Matlab and Python interfaces.
- Ironholds/poster - Address parsing and normalisation through libpostal
- Kagami/mpv.js - 🎥 mpv pepper plugin
- apple/turicreate - Turi Create simplifies the development of custom machine learning models.
- ChrisMuir/refinr - Cluster and merge similar char values: an R implementation of Open Refine clustering algorithms
- cnkuangshi/LightCTR - Lightweight and Scalable framework that combines mainstream algorithms of Click-Through-Rate prediction based computational DAG, philosophy of Parameter Server and Ring-AllReduce collective communication.
- ropensci/osmdata - R package for downloading OpenStreetMap data
- newsboat/newsboat - An RSS/Atom feed reader for text terminals
- pytorch/pytorch - Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration
- UDST/pandana - Pandas Network Analysis: fast accessibility metrics and shortest paths, using contraction hierarchies 🗺️
- kosukeimai/emIRT - emIRT: EM Algorithms for Estimating Item Response Theory Models
- r-lib/archive - R bindings to libarchive, supporting a large variety of archive formats
- jefferis/nabor - R package wrapping libnabo: fast K Nearest Neighbor search for low dimensions
- hunzikp/BoostLines - Fast geometric line operations in R
- pommedeterresautee/fastrtext - R wrapper for fastText
- mdsumner/gibble - Geometry map of component paths
- mhahsler/dbscan - Density Based Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) and Related Algorithms - R package
- yue/yue - A library for creating native cross-platform GUI apps
- mapbox/polylabel - A fast algorithm for finding the pole of inaccessibility of a polygon (in JavaScript and C++)
- imbs-hl/ranger - A Fast Implementation of Random Forests
- hunzikp/rtree - R-Trees for point data in R
- RobertSasak/react-native-openalpr - An open-source React Native automatic license plate recognition package for OpenALPR
- hungrxyz/RealtimeOCR - Realtime OCR with Tesseract and OpenCV in Swift
- tidyverse/readxl - Read excel files (.xls and .xlsx) into R 🖇
- ibaaj/dijkstra-cartography - Using Dijkstra's algorithm ("finding the shortest paths between nodes in a graph") to draw maps 🌍.
- Project-OSRM/osrm-backend - Open Source Routing Machine - C++ backend
- netheril96/securefs - Filesystem in userspace (FUSE) with transparent authenticated encryption
- ropensci-archive/webrockets - 🚀 websocket client for R!
- mapnik/mapnik - Mapnik is an open source toolkit for developing mapping applications
- sdllc/Basic-Excel-R-Toolkit -
- pmq20/node-packer - Packing your Node.js application into a single executable.
- rhysd/Dachs - Dachs; A Doggy 🐶 Programming Language
- cpanse/recmap - Draw your own Rectangular Statistical Cartogram - CRAN package
- xenron/sandbox-da-Caffe -
- razimantv/mazegenerator - Generate mazes of different shapes and arbitrary sizes using graph theory
- BVLC/caffe - Caffe: a fast open framework for deep learning.
- alexgkendall/caffe-segnet - Implementation of SegNet: A Deep Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Semantic Pixel-Wise Labelling
- ccoffing/OcherBook - Open-source replacement Kobo firmware
- qinwf/re2r - RE2 Regular Expression in R.
- google/guetzli - Perceptual JPEG encoder
- hadley/purrrlyr - Tools at the intersection of purrr and dplyr
- osmcode/libosmium - Fast and flexible C++ library for working with OpenStreetMap data.
- communi/communi-desktop - An IRC client for desktop environments
- nacnudus/tidyxl - Read untidy Excel files in R https://nacnudus.github.io/tidyxl/
- dmlc/xgboost - Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting (GBDT, GBRT or GBM) Library, for Python, R, Java, Scala, C++ and more. Runs on single machine, Hadoop, Spark, Dask, Flink and DataFlow
- minetest/minetest - Minetest is an open source voxel game engine with easy modding and game creation
- pqrs-org/Karabiner-Elements - Karabiner-Elements is a powerful utility for keyboard customization on macOS Sierra (10.12) or later.
- dannyedel/dspdfviewer - Dual-Screen PDF Viewer for latex-beamer
- wiseio/paratext - A library for reading text files over multiple cores.
- ruby-opencv/ruby-opencv - Versioned fork of the OpenCV gem for Ruby
- dpayne/cli-visualizer - CLI based audio visualizer
- vaiorabbit/ruby-opengl_c - Replaces pure-ruby OpenGL API calls in opengl-bindings ( https://github.com/vaiorabbit/ruby-opengl ) with native C function calls.
- kodi-pvr/pvr.iptvsimple - Kodi: IPTV Simple client addon
- seenaburns/dex-ui - A science fiction desktop running on Linux. Awesome.
- jaruba/PowderNPAPI - (deprecated) Peerflix interface for the browser. (npapi plugin)
- jorgegarciaflo/unoporuno - Unoporuno: web people search application specialized in professional mobility
- electron/electron - Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
- fernandotcl/btag - Command line based audio file tagger
- MasteringOpenCV/code - Code for the book "Mastering OpenCV with Practical Computer Vision Projects" by Packt Publishing 2012.
- timbaloney/decaf - Ruby in the browser.
- auriamg/macdylibbundler - Utility to ease bundling libraries into executables for OSX
- qbittorrent/qBittorrent - qBittorrent BitTorrent client
- kornelski/jpeg-compressor - Research JPEG encoder
- dhurum/mattext - [Mirror] Simple matrix-style pager
- pkunavin/ncxmms2 - ncurses xmms2 client
- KenjiTakahashi/newsoul - Museek+, a daemon/server based Soulseek client, resurrected.
- facebook/watchman - Watches files and records, or triggers actions, when they change.
- davidgfnet/whatsapp-purple - WhatsApp protocol implementation for libpurple (pidgin)
- hrydgard/ppsspp - A PSP emulator for Android, Windows, Mac and Linux, written in C++. Want to contribute? Join us on Discord at https://discord.gg/5NJB6dD or just send pull requests / issues. For discussion use the forums on ppsspp.org.
- thestinger/termite - Termite is obsoleted by Alacritty. Termite was a keyboard-centric VTE-based terminal, aimed at use within a window manager with tiling and/or tabbing support.
- kepano/obsidian-minimal - Meticulously designed to make Obsidian feel native on desktop, mobile and tablet. You can customize colors, fonts and more with the companion plugin Minimal Theme Settings.
- knhash/Pudhina - A simple, minimal Jekyll theme for a personal web page and blog, focusing on white space and readability
- Rosmaninho/Zotero-Dark-Theme - userChrome.css file for a Zotero dark theme. Suggestions for improvements are welcome.
- devyaz/sveltenative-mapbox - opengl maps the svelte way ;)
- janzheng/svelte-masonry - Masonry for Svelte
- Viglino/font-gis - Icon font and SVG for use with GIS and spatial analysis tools
- 1-2-3/remark-it - markdown -> slideshow ——Write PPT like a programmer
- alfarisi/leaflet-deepzoom - Display DeepZoom tiles with Leaflet
- simonw/museums - A website recommending niche museums to visit
- rstudio/quillt - A pkgdown template for the R Markdown Ecosystem
- aftertheflood/sparks - A typeface for creating sparklines in text without code.
- rfortherestofus/pagedreport - Templates for {pagedown}
- cormullion/juliamono - repository for JuliaMono, a monospaced font with reasonable Unicode support.
- SimplGy/jekyll-timeline - A visual timeline for your Jekyll sites that works with Github Pages
- susam/spcss - A simple, minimal, classless CSS for simple HTML pages
- rstudio-education/hopr - This is the development site for Hands-On Programming with R, a book that teaches how to program in R, with hands-on examples. Read the book at https://rstudio-education.github.io/hopr.
- issa4700/aurora-11ty - A 11ty static site template using Ghost as the content management system.
- picocss/pico - Minimal CSS Framework for semantic HTML
- shahinrostami/theme-purple-please - A JupyterLab theme extension which provides the Purple Please theme.
- Etesam913/slick-fox - 🦊 A firefox config that has rounded tabs and a url bar that can disappear when not selected on. It works with any theme.
- flumm/Themes - My collection of Themes for i3-wm
- hrbrmstr/21-recipes - 📕 An R/rtweet edition of Matthew A. Russell's Python Twitter Recipes Book
- EmilHvitfeldt/useR2020-text-modeling-tutorial -
- gadenbuie/cleanrmd - 📄✨Clean Class-Less R Markdown HTML Documents
- steveharoz/rmarkdown-css - Some custom css for RMarkdown's HTML output
- radames/observablehq-viewer - Simple service to generate Observablehq notebooks previews outside Observablehq UI. It's also reproducing Observablehq UI styles
- atusy/minidown - Create simple yet powerful html documents with light weight CSS frameworks.
- ajusa/lit - World's smallest responsive 🔥 css framework (395 bytes)
- creativetimofficial/tailwind-starter-kit - Tailwind Starter Kit a beautiful extension for TailwindCSS, Free and Open Source
- vincentarelbundock/ACMQ - Analyse Causale et Méthodes Quantitatives
- GeekyAnts/sb-admin-svelte - StartBootstrap SB Admin rebuilt using Svelte + Sveltestrap
- rundel/livecode -
- Grawl/mediawiki-docker - Ready to use and customize MediaWiki on Docker Compose
- saikocat/colorbrewer - ColorBrewer by Cynthia Brewer packaged as a node module (for browersify)
- RinteRface/argonDash - argon dashboard template
- rstats-wtf/what-they-forgot - "What They Forgot to Teach You About R" website / eBook
- diedummydie/Safari-Theme-for-Firefox - Make Firefox look more native on macOS. Light Mode / Dark Mode.
- Volmarg/personal-management-system - Your web application for managing personal data. <[email protected]>
- mauro-codes/sapper-tailwindcss-boilerplate - Sapper boilerplate including tailwindcss integration with purgeCSS
- JohnCoene/waiter - 🕰️ Loading screens for Shiny
- zzzeyez/xanthia - notification tool for macOS
- zzzeyez/pecan - menubar for macOS
- rmaziere/onePageGeo - An one page geocodding and reverse geocodding using the french addresses DB.
- Roboron3042/Cyberpunk-Neon - Cyberpunk Neon Themes for KDE Plasma, GTK, Telegram, Tilix, Vim, Zim and more.
- juliasilge/supervised-ML-case-studies-course - Supervised machine learning case studies in R! 💫 A free interactive tidymodels course
- rstudio-education/glossRy - A glossary of terms used in and around data science.
- svhawks/MacBookPrices -
- noamross/gams-in-r-course - Generalized Additive Models in R: A Free Interactive Course
- oatw/luda - A library helps to build cross-framework UI components.
- kognise/water.css - A drop-in collection of CSS styles to make simple websites just a little nicer
- nstrayer/tuftesque2 - A successor to the tuftesque blogdown theme. This time starting out as a rmarkdown theme.
- nwstephens/rmdcss - CSS templates for R Markdown documents
- ines/course-starter-python - 👩🏫🐍 Starter repo for building interactive Python courses
- judah-caruso/gridicarus - A structural approach to CSS Grids
- omarsar/nlp_overview - Overview of Modern Deep Learning Techniques Applied to Natural Language Processing
- arnehilmann/markdeck - presentations as code - author cool slide decks, text-only, offline-ready, collaborative
- stop-predatory-journals/stop-predatory-journals.github.io - A listing of predatory academic journals and publishers.
- paflov/lensGalleyBits - OJS³ Plugin for JATS/BITS Galleys with enhanced LENS viewer
- fbkarsdorp/doc2vec - Tutorial and review of word2vec / doc2vec
- picturepan2/spectre - Spectre.css - A Lightweight, Responsive and Modern CSS Framework
- jweslley/hugo-conference - The easiest way to create websites for conference/events
- sarahromanes/r-ladies-ML-1 - ⭐ Files for my R-Ladies ML workshop - Supervised Learning 101 ⭐
- chaimpeck/spray - An open-source speed-reading application written in Javascript
- WorldBank-Transport/ram - Rural Accessibility Map Documentation
- koalaverse/homlr - Supplementary material for Hands-On Machine Learning with R, an applied book covering the fundamentals of machine learning with R.
- muckSponge/MaterialFox - A Material Design-inspired userChrome.css theme for Firefox
- Nowosad/geostat18 - Presentation "GeoPAT 2: analysis of spatial and temporal patterns" - GeoStats 2018
- JesseVent/shiny-components - Work in Progress of custom shiny widgets for use in dashboards
- ihansel/deckard - Large scale data visualisation in R using deck.gl
- artemsheludko/flexton - Flexton is an ultra-minimalist and responsive theme for Jekyll
- bbucior/drposter - Generate Academic Posters in R Markdown and CSS, inspired by 'reveal.js'
- tdsmith/aRrgh - A newcomer's (angry) guide to data types in R
- rileytwo/darkstudio - darkstudio. A dark grey alternative to RStudio's default dark theme.
- jpswalsh/academicons - An icon font for academics
- academicbio/academic-minima - A simple, minimal Jekyll theme for an academic website based on the minima theme
- fenwick67/bumbler - A pragmatic static site CMS
- samesies/barber-jekyll -
- regmtait/Toasty-Jekyll - A super simple white label website built with Jekyll and using Dan Eden's Toast grid layout.
- dhg/Skeleton - Skeleton: A Dead Simple, Responsive Boilerplate for Mobile-Friendly Development
- erjan-A/hitmap - Hitmap is a standalone web application which evaluates the neighborhood of the hotels within a city thus easing the travel research for travelers and helping them to find the most suitable place to stay that fits his or her travel needs and context.
- IBM/css-gridish - Automatically build your grid design’s CSS Grid code, CSS Flexbox fallback code, Sketch artboards, and Chrome extension.
- arcticicestudio/nord - An arctic, north-bluish color palette.
- ovrdc/gis-tutorials - Short snippets on web mapping with Leaflet and Mapbox GL JS
- progrhyme/hugo-theme-bootie-docs - A simple Hugo theme for documentation
- IBM/plex - The package of IBM’s typeface, IBM Plex.
- pat-s/xaringan-metropolis - Metropolis theme of R package xaringan
- erictreacy/mimic.css - Everyone else is doing it!
- brendansudol/dc-food-trucks - 🏛 + 🍴 + 🚚
- Appsilon/shiny.semantic - Shiny support for powerful Semantic UI library.
- daattali/shinycssloaders - ⌛ Add loading animations to a Shiny output while it's recalculating
- creativetimofficial/material-dashboard - Material Dashboard - Open Source Bootstrap 5 Material Design Admin
- karthik/dashboard - A R package dashboard generator
- creativetimofficial/paper-dashboard - Paper Dashboard is a Bootstrap Admin Panel which combines soft colors with beautiful typography and spacious cards and graphics.
- rstudio/shinydashboard - Shiny Dashboarding framework
- ua-snap/shiny-apps - R Shiny apps
- mkchoi212/paper-jekyll-theme - A minimal Jekyll theme for personal blogs
- humburg/reportmd - Create multi-page HTML reports in R
- chrisalbon/MachineLearningFlashcards.com - The website for the machine learning flashcards project.
- smallmuou/Jekyll-Pithy - Pithy Jekyll Theme
- thephuse/strange_case - A theme for Jekyll
- the-development/flex - A responsive, flexible, Jekyll theme based on The Development's first design.
- C-JSN/D3-ID3 - iD3: an Integrated Development Environment for D3.js
- mapskin/mapskin - Geospatial Web Font
- jgthms/bulma - Modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
- datadotworld/data.world-r - R library for data.world
- dunovank/jupyter-themes - Custom Jupyter Notebook Themes
- oxalorg/sakura - 🌸 a minimal css framework/theme.
- tachyons-css/tachyons - Functional css for humans
- benadam11/sfxo - A simple parallax website to promote a friend's business using Preact.js
- kalaomer/griflex - Light Bootstrap version
- Chalarangelo/mini.css - A minimal, responsive, style-agnostic CSS framework!
- lingxz/sparrow - ✌️ A clean and minimal Jekyll theme for writers.
- toland/qlmarkdown - QuickLook generator for Markdown files.
- sharu725/slides - A presentstion theme
- lazarljubenovic/grassy - Build layout through ASCII art in Sass (and more). No pre-built CSS. No additional markup.
- fegemo/bespoke-theme-fancy - A fancy, sassy styled theme for Bespoke.js
- bhaskarvk/fontMPlus - ggplot2 themes based on M+ fonts
- walshbr/textanalysiscoursebook -
- artemsheludko/mr-brown - Mr.Brown is a responsive Jekyll theme
- UrbanInstitute/spark-social-science-manual - A manual for researchers on using Spark for social science.
- gaalcaras/academic - Jekyll theme with a focus on simplicity, typography and flexibility
- lpsandaruwan/surgeon-tux - A Jekyll theme for Terminal lovers
- thesowah/wangana - Wangana is a responsive Jekyll theme, perfect for powering your GitHub hosted blog.
- mr-ubik/atom-hackerman-syntax - Atom Syntax theme inspired by the 80s Retrofuturism/Synthwave/Outrun aesthetics
- tabulapdf/tabula - Tabula is a tool for liberating data tables trapped inside PDF files
- hrbrmstr/shiny-vagrant - ✨ Vagrant image & supporting infrastructure for easy Shiny Server testing in VirtualBox
- Turbo87/sidebar-v2 - A responsive sidebar with tabs for Leaflet, OpenLayers, Google Maps, ...
- sysgears/grain-theme-portfolio - Grain Bootstrap Theme Stylish Portfolio
- kishaningithub/hugo-creative-portfolio-theme - Port of the creative portfolio theme to Hugo
- chrisanthropic/starving-artist-jekyll-theme - A portfolio theme for Jekyll for artists to display their work - http://chrisanthropic.github.io/starving-artist-jekyll-theme/
- nicnocquee/appolo - Plugins and Themes for Jekyll to create App Portfolio for Developers
- alexandersimoes/oec - The website powering the Observatory of Economic Complexity
- yihui/xaringan - Presentation Ninja 幻灯忍者 · 写轮眼
- ryanoasis/nerd-fonts - Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher. 3,600+ icons, 50+ patched fonts: Hack, Source Code Pro, more. Glyph collections: Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, Octicons, & more
- wallapatta/wallapatta - Markdown for Edward Tufte style documents
- nielsenramon/chalk - Chalk is a high quality, completely customizable, performant and 100% free Jekyll blog theme.
- jez/tufte-pandoc-css - Starter files for using Pandoc Markdown with Tufte CSS
- Heydon/fukol-grids -
- plotly/academy -
- delight-im/HTML-Sheets-of-Paper - Word processor in your browser using HTML and CSS (for invoices, legal notices, etc.)
- miguelpaz/normalista - A Jekyll course template for teachers who like to write markdown, host in Github pages and hate worrying about servers
- rubyfu/RubyFu - Rubyfu, where Ruby goes evil!
- userexec/Pi-Kitchen-Dashboard - A simple HTML/CSS/JS time and weather dashboard for use with Raspberry Pi and Chromium
- fractaledmind/pandoc-templates - Some elementary templates and css files for Pandoc, especially for .docs
- hemangsk/Gravity - Minimal is the new cool.
- rohitkrai03/pills - A simple responsive CSS Grid for humans. View Demo -
- silentbicycle/markdown_to_reveal - minimal plumbing to convert slides in markdown to reveal.js presentations via pandoc
- willmanio/avocado - A simple one-page Jekyll vCard theme
- t413/SinglePaged - SinglePaged - Simple Jekyll template
- andrewheiss/Global-Pandoc-files - Stuff that goes in ~/.pandoc
- henrythemes/jekyll-minimal-theme - jekyll minimal theme (for blog posts with archive and feed)
- danielcardoso/load-awesome - An awesome collection of — Pure CSS — Loaders and Spinners
- chinchang/hint.css - A CSS only tooltip library for your lovely websites.
- vav17/PrettyWhatsappWeb - Make Whatsapp Web prettier!
- SpinaCMS/Spina - Spina CMS
- philipisapain/super-awesome-handlebars-renderer - Simple tool for rendering handlebars templates with JSON values. Useful for building HTML emails that use handlebars tokens for mail-merge (e.g. MailChimp) or for general app templates.
- eirikhanssen/ojs-themes - themes for OJS
- tatygrassini/landio-html - Landio design (Sketch to HTML)
- superorbital/golangcookbook.github.io - Golang Cookbook
- lmgonzalves/segment - A JavaScript library to draw and animate SVG path strokes
- Code-for-All/civicpatterns.org - A collection of design patterns and best practice for the civic community.
- tzi/chewing-grid.css - A CSS Grid ideal for card listing design like tiles, videos or articles listing. Responsive without media-queries.
- jaischeema/resumerator - Create resumes from YAML files with style and ease
- ictineo/ojs-paperssociologiaTheme - Theme OJS per Papers de Sociologia UAB
- mmistakes/jekyll-theme-skinny-bones - A Jekyll starter with a variety of flexible layouts and components.
- t0m/select2-bootstrap-css - simple css to make select2 widgets fit in with bootstrap
- ictineo/ojs-educarTheme - Theme for "Educar" journal (UAB)
- d0nd3r3k/PiR.tv - Pirate TV on the the Raspberry PI
- sankage/sankage.github.io - a resume/portfolio site built with Jekyll and Github Pages
- am/cv - My resume (cv) in markdown - powered by Jekyll
- blmoore/md-cv - markdown cv / résumé built with jekyll
- nternetinspired/jekyll-resume - A Github Pages hosted, Jekyll-powered, html résumé.
- bgreenlee/bgreenlee.github.io - Personal site (footle.org)
- mdrmike/jekyll-theme-PartyOnGarth - A multipurpose "onepage" Bootstrap theme using sass and configured for quick Jekyll customization
- aniketpant/journal - Jekyll powered jrnl
- Fruitfulcode/Fruitful - Free WordPress theme
- contentful/sinatra-blog -
- ConnorAtherton/loaders.css - Delightful, performance-focused pure css loading animations.
- jeromelachaud/grayscale-theme - Jekyll theme based on Grayscale Start Bootstrap theme
- drannex42/avadabrowser - Got bored, made a browser, currently renders 138% faster than chrome.
- codrops/TextInputEffects - Simple styles and effects for enhancing text input interactions.
- ruipenso/ucss - UCSS - Utility CSS
- Ra1ny/Kaleidoscope - Kaleidoscope app
- codrops/MorphingSearch - A simple effect idea for a search input that morphs into a fullscreen overlay. The idea is to enlarge the search input and show some relevant content or search results.
- ENFOS/FlowupLabels.js - Augments form labels to behave like placeholders, but with a twist. See:
- denisfl/thane - Thane — is a Middleman template, based on HTML5 Boilerplate. It also contains some Bootstrap styles.
- codrops/PagePreloadingEffect - A simple page preloading animation based on the effect seen on Fontface Ninja
- tictail/bounce.js - Create beautiful CSS3 powered animations in no time.
- codrops/PageTransitions - A showcase collection of various page transition effects using CSS animations.
- carlwoodhouse/jquery.hoverGrid - A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a grid of images which when hovered reveals a caption
- alssndro/bloodhound - A Sinatra app to view a Tumblr user's Asks, interview-style
- maxfriedrich/quiet-facebook - Hide Facebook's News Feed
- adobe-fonts/source-serif - Typeface for setting text in many sizes, weights, and languages. Designed to complement Source Sans.
- animate-css/animate.css - 🍿 A cross-browser library of CSS animations. As easy to use as an easy thing.
- alssndro/trianglify-background-generator - Generate backgrounds using the trianglify plugin
- hakimel/Sphere - Tiny experiment which generates a particle Sphere on HTML5 canvas
- thoughtbot/refills - [no longer maintained]
- ymtk/lesswords - theme for Ghost
- mseri/purity - a PureCSS responsive Ghost theme, with snippets for many comment systems and social icons ready to be used.
- thomascullen/Ellie - A theme for Ghost
- ThemeSpectre/Linen - A Starter Theme for Ghost
- djeglin/ignition-scss - Tired of hard-boiled css grid frameworks? Why not roll your own as you go, but with none of the hassle?
- quartzmo/email-landing-page - Bootstrap-based, Heroku-ready, easily customizable marketing landing page that integrates with MailChimp. Simple Sinatra server app.
- beardedstudio/stubble - Stubble: A front end starter kit
- benschwarz/gallery-css - CSS only Gallery
- egonSchiele/mdpress - [DEAD] Make impress.js presentations from markdown files.
- Manoz/Tumblr-minimal-ui - Simple Tumblr theme starter
- ushis/webmpc - Realtime mpd client running in the browser.
- tobiashenn/sinatra_blog - Simple Sinatra & Markdown Blog Engine
- JaimeLynSchatz/idea_box - Yet Another Sinatra App Project
- lokesh/instapicker - Small webapp for finding images on Flickr that are 100% free to use.
- rosario/kasper - Ghost's default theme (Casper v1.0) on Jekyll
- nilliams/jekyll-minimal-blog-theme - A minimal, responsive theme for Jekyll
- danharper/Singing-with-Sinatra - Project files for a Nettuts+ series on Sinatra
- mil/markdown-tree - A Sinatra script to serve a hierarchy / tree directory of markdown files. Use intended for small sites built in markdown.
- appleton/chalk - A theme for Textual IRC
- jondot/graphene - Graphene is a realtime dashboard & graphing toolkit based on D3 and Backbone.
- colleenpalmer/batmobile - Small base starter Jekyll app that uses Slim & Sass
- mattvh/jekyllthemes - A directory of the best-looking themes for Jekyll blogs
- jxnblk/Heather - A HyperMinimal Jekyll Theme
- poole/hyde - A brazen two-column theme for Jekyll.
- ColeTownsend/Balzac-for-Jekyll - Your favorite AnchorCMS theme, now for Jekyll!
- philipwalton/solved-by-flexbox - A showcase of problems once hard or impossible to solve with CSS alone, now made trivially easy with Flexbox.
- jxnblk/Ashley - A Readable & Responsive Theme for Tumblr
- beakable/beakpi - Raspberry Pi home automation using dojo
- adamavenir/bumble - A very simple markdown blog module
- nathansmith/960-Grid-System - The 960 Grid System is an effort to streamline web development workflow.
- holman/left - Left is a clean, whitespace-happy layout for Jekyll.
- alagu/pagoda - Zen-like blogging interface for Jekyll (login: admin/admin)
- rstacruz/sinatra-assetpack - Package your assets transparently in Sinatra.
- cjdsie/wirefy - Wirefy is a browser based responsive wireframe tool, which allows you to create functional wireframes using standard elements. Think of it as the foundation for your content to be built on. This allows you to focus on the content rather than the design to get faster sign off. Wirefy is not a one-solution answer.
- codrops/SlitSlider - A responsive slideshow with a twist: the idea is to slice open the current slide when navigating to the next or previous one. Using jQuery and CSS animations we can create unique slide transitions for the content elements.
- codrops/ItemSlider - A tutorial on how to create a simple category slider with a minimal design using CSS animations and jQuery. The idea is to slide the items sequentially depending on the slide direction.
- swanson/LandingPad.rb - "Just Add Water" landing page -- Sinatra + Heroku + MongoHQ
- dargullin/icheck - Highly customizable checkboxes and radio buttons (jQuery & Zepto)
- derny/reuze - Reuze is a teeny-tiny front end tool that makes structuring HTML and CSS for blogs and article-heavy sites a breeze.
- niklausgerber/PreLoadMe - PreLoadMe, a lightweight jQuery website preloader.
- ionelmc/jquery-gp-gallery - jQuery gallery plugin (ala google plus photo galeries)
- creotiv/jquery-photowall - jQuery photo wall gallery plugin (like in google)
- at-import/toolkit - Toolkit for Responsive Web Design and Progressive Enhancement with Compass
- theleagueof/ostrich-sans - A gorgeous modern sans-serif with a very long neck.
- davetron5000/trickster - Developer-Friendly, In-Browser Presentation Software with auto-resize and syntax highlighting
- kolber/stacey-site - The source of the official stacey website
- toxinu/leselys - I'm Leselys, your very elegant RSS reader.
- TremayneChrist/Photofy - jQuery plugin for randomly shuffling and swapping photos/images
- eddiemachado-zz/bones - A Mobile-First, Responsive WordPress starter theme based off 320 and Up & HTML5 Boilerplate.
- MoOx/compass-recipes - UNMAINTAINED compass/sass mixins and snippets.
- jonikorpi/Frameless - The spiritual successor to Less Framework
- milohuang/reverie - Reverie is a versatile HTML5 responsive WordPress framework based on ZURB's Foundation.
- maciakl/Sample-Jekyll-Site - A simplistic site for Jekyll
- stfalcon-studio/opencart-theme_tecart - Tecart is awesome OpenCart template. It's specially designed for electronics, computers, mobile stores. Intuitive navigation. Great colors combination of blue, green and gray. It's compatible with features of default template. All sub pages are carefully customized.
- twbs/ratchet - Build mobile apps with simple HTML, CSS, and JavaScript components.
- logseq/logseq - A privacy-first, open-source platform for knowledge management and collaboration. Desktop app download link: https://github.com/logseq/logseq/releases, roadmap: https://trello.com/b/8txSM12G/roadmap
- athensresearch/athens - Free self-hosted desktop app: https://github.com/athensresearch/athens/releases; Try the demo at https://athensresearch.github.io/athens; Docs viewable at https://athensresearch.github.io/docs/
- into-docker/into-docker - Never write another Dockerfile
- pkamenarsky/atea - A minimalistic menu bar time tracker for MacOS
- metabase/metabase - The simplest, fastest way to get business intelligence and analytics to everyone in your company 😋
- hiposfer/kamal - A routing engine service using Open Street Maps and GTFS as data source
- coast-framework/coast - The fullest full stack clojure web framework
- quil/quil - Main repo. Quil source code.
- tonsky/FiraCode - Free monospaced font with programming ligatures
- liquidz/misaki - Jekyll inspired static site generator in Clojure
- digitalocean/heartbot - A shot of love for your favorite chat client.
- RocketChat/hubot-natural - Natural Language Processing Chatbot for RocketChat
- rastapasta/tilegrinder - ♻️ A node.js GIS helper library for easy alteration of Vector Tiles in an MBTiles container
- Appsilon/r2d3 - R domain specific language for D3.js
- jescalan/roots - a toolkit for rapid advanced front-end development
- georoot/jekyll.js - Simple in browser editor for jekyll compatible with github api
- JunoLab/uber-juno - Installer package for the Juno IDE
- mojs/mojs - The motion graphics toolbelt for the web
- basecamp/trix - A rich text editor for everyday writing
- wstrinz/BSB - Consume All The Informations
- felixhageloh/uebersicht-widgets - A collection of community widgets for Übersicht
- gss/engine - GSS engine
- JoelBesada/webflix - A lightweight web app wrapper for peerflix
- matthodan/bookmarklet-loader - Template bookmarklet that injects a .js and .css into the current page when clicked
- sgentle/mpd-rest - RESTful MPD interface
- jaymedavis/hubble - A dashboard that displays in the terminal
- chaitanyagupta/ec2-price-finder - Quickly find the cheapest EC2 instance that you need across multiple AWS regions.
- atlas-engineer/nyxt - Nyxt - the hacker's power-browser.
- dimitri/pgloader - Migrate to PostgreSQL in a single command!
- GrottoPress/mel - A scalable asynchronous event-driven jobs engine
- drhuffman12/ai4cr - Artificial Intelligence for Crystal (based on https://github.com/SergioFierens/ai4r)
- hugopl/fzy - A Crystal port of awesome Fzy project fuzzy finder algorithm.
- mint-lang/mint - 🍃 A refreshing programming language for the front-end web.
- crystal-data/num.cr - Scientific computing in pure Crystal
- amberframework/granite - ORM Model with Adapters for mysql, pg, sqlite in the Crystal Language.
- blocknotes/kemal-rest-api - Crystal library to create REST API with Kemal
- iv-org/invidious - Invidious is an alternative front-end to YouTube
- sam0x17/gcf.cr - gcf.cr provides serverless execution and deployment of crystal language code in Google Cloud Functions
- S-YOU/h2o.cr - h2o bindings for Crystal
- Ghrind/hydra - Terminal interface for Crystal
- samueleaton/raze - Modular, light web framework for Crystal
- Exilor/matrix - A Matrix class for the Crystal programming language.
- andre/geocoder - Simple Geocoding in Crystal
- faustinoaq/secrets - Useful to get input on noecho, secrets, passwords, token, hints
- anykeyh/clear - Advanced ORM between postgreSQL and Crystal
- codingphasedotcom/rocky - React Over Crystal Kemal and Yarn
- drujensen/amber-auth-example - Example of how to perform authentication in an Amber App
- kostya/entities - Crystal html entities decoder
- luckyframework/lucky - A full-featured Crystal web framework that catches bugs for you, runs incredibly fast, and helps you write code that lasts.
- amberframework/amber - A Crystal web framework that makes building applications fast, simple, and enjoyable. Get started with quick prototyping, less bugs, and blazing fast performance.
- mathieulaporte/machine - Simple machine learning algorithm for crystal lang
- Nephos/stats - An expressive crystal implementation of statistical distributions and usual math functions. 📊
- tbrand/router.cr - Minimum High Performance Middleware for Crystal Web Server.
- malina/metascraper - Metascraper is a Crystal library for web scraping.
- madeindjs/Crystagiri - An Html parser library for Crystal (like Nokogiri for Ruby)
- whity/crystal-i18n -
- marceloboeira/satriani - 🎸 A micro-framework for creating REST-like APIs in Crystal
- crystal-community/crystal-patterns - 📖 Examples of GOF patterns written in Crystal
- ysbaddaden/selenium-webdriver-crystal - Selenium Webdriver client for the Crystal programming language
- askn/progress - [==..] Progress bar for Crystal Programming Language
- askn/spinner - Terminal Spinner for Crystal Programming Language
- MakeNowJust/crustache - {{Mustache}} for Crystal 💎
- f/kamber - Static site server (basically blogs) with Crystal Language
- tbpgr/crystal_samples -
- crystal-lang/shards - Dependency manager for the Crystal language
- dhruvrajvanshi/Moonshine - Web framework for Crystal language [DEPRECATED in favour of kemal]
- veelenga/awesome-crystal - 💎 A collection of awesome Crystal libraries, tools, frameworks and software
- kemalcr/kemal - Fast, Effective, Simple Web Framework
- amethyst-framework/amethyst - Amethyst is a Rails inspired web-framework for Crystal language
- crystal-lang/crystal - The Crystal Programming Language
- 0x73/hoop - Building native OSX apps.
- rapidsai/cuml - cuML - RAPIDS Machine Learning Library
- CannyLab/tsne-cuda - GPU Accelerated t-SNE for CUDA with Python bindings
- cair/TextUnderstandingTsetlinMachine - Using the Tsetlin Machine to learn human-interpretable rules for high-accuracy text categorization with medical applications
- gunrock/gunrock - High-Performance Graph Primitives on GPUs
- luvsound/pippi - computer music with python
- timoknapp/sound-on-fire - 🔊☁️ 🔥📺 A Flutter based SoundCloud App for your Fire TV
- Solido/awesome-flutter - An awesome list that curates the best Flutter libraries, tools, tutorials, articles and more.
- flutter/flutter - Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond
- andrewheiss/docker-plumber-nginx-letsencrypt - Example repository showing how to get plumber, nginx, and Let's Encrypt all working together nicely with Docker Compose
- binakot/PostgreSQL-PostGIS-TimescaleDB - PostgreSQL + PostGIS + TimescaleDB docker image 🐘🌎📈
- tyluRp/pirate - 🏴☠️ A personal platform for R programming
- hexops/dockerfile - Dockerfile best-practices for writing production-worthy Docker images.
- carlosonunez/firefox-lambda - Run Firefox on Lambda!
- axiom-data-science/docker-luigi - 🐍 🐳 Luigi in Docker - alpine and ubuntu images available
- haydster7/TCMD-docker - TRIGGERcmd docker image
- cboettig/cron-container - Run an R script as a cron job using Docker
- mikeal/publish-to-github-action - A GitHub Action to push any local file changes, including new files, back to master
- camptocamp/docker-mapserver - https://hub.docker.com/r/camptocamp/mapserver/
- PDOK/mapserver-docker - Mapserver OGR GDAL PostGIS WMS WCS WFS with Lighttpd in Docker
- wikimedia/mediawiki-docker - Docker container for MediaWiki
- joyzoursky/docker-python-chromedriver - Dockerfile for running Python Selenium in headless Chrome (Python 2.7 / 3.6 / 3.7 / 3.8 / Alpine based Python / Chromedriver / Selenium / Xvfb included in different versions)
- bitner/mapserverless-layer - An AWS Lambda Layer for UMN MapServer
- linuxserver/docker-kanzi -
- thesattiraju/docker-build-push -
- rocker-org/binder - Adds binder to tidyverse, providing JupyterHub
- joergklein/docker-jupyterhub - Docker base image for JupyterHub and JupyterLab
- ricardbejarano/nginx - ⚙️ Built-from-source container image of the NGINX HTTP server
- Auswaschbar/alpine-localized-docker - Adding locales to an alpine container in a single easy step
- seabbs/tidyverse-gpu - Adding in support for GPU acceleration via CUDA to rocker/tidyverse
- eldridgea/erised - Adblocking DNS-Over-TLS Proxy
- jannes-m/docker-rqgis -
- developmentseed/geo-ml-docker - Docker Image for Machine Learning with Geospatial Data in Python
- developmentseed/geolambda - Create and deploy Geospatial AWS Lambda functions
- Paperspace/fastai-docker-deprecated - Fast.AI course complete docker container for Paperspace and Gradient
- sshuair/dl-docker-geospatial - Deep learning docker files and docker images for geospatial anaysis.
- postgis/docker-postgis - Docker image for PostGIS
- underyx/url - A dead-simple Docker image to run dead-simple scripts without their own image.
- rocker-org/geospatial - Docker-based Geospatial toolkit for R, built on versioned Rocker images
- nuest/fastr-docker - FastR Dockerfile
- belsander/docker-cronicle - Docker container for a Cronicle single-server master node
- phpearth/docker-php - 🐳 Docker For PHP developers - Docker images with PHP, Nginx, OpenLiteSpeed, Apache, Lighttpd, and Alpine
- bitnami/bitnami-docker-php-fpm - Bitnami PHP-FPM Docker Image
- marcbria/docker-pkp-ojs - Public Knowledge Project's Open Journal System image.
- pacuna/rails5-docker-alpine - Lightweight Docker development environment for Rails using Alpine Linux
- yukinying/chrome-headless-browser-docker - Continuously building Chrome Docker image for Linux.
- Gioni06/terminal.css - Modern and minimalistic CSS framework for terminal enthusiasts
- mapbox/mbview - View mbtiles locally
- firezone/firezone - WireGuard-based VPN server and firewall
- elixir-nx/nx - Multi-dimensional arrays (tensors) and numerical definitions for Elixir
- supabase/realtime - Listen to your to PostgreSQL database in realtime via websockets. Built with Elixir.
- jonklein/niex - Niex is an interactive Elixir code notebook built with Phoenix LiveView.
- sasagawa888/deeppipe2 - Deep Learning library using GPU(CUDA/cuBLAS)
- phoenixframework/phoenix_live_view - Rich, real-time user experiences with server-rendered HTML
- discord/semaphore - Fast semaphore using ETS.
- versilov/matrex - A blazing fast matrix library for Elixir/Erlang with C implementation using CBLAS.
- bryanjos/geo - A collection of GIS functions for Elixir
- fredwu/crawler - A high performance web crawler / scraper in Elixir.
- h4cc/awesome-elixir - A curated list of amazingly awesome Elixir and Erlang libraries, resources and shiny things. Updates:
- pablomartinezalvarez/glayu - A static site generator for mid-sized sites.
- sergiotapia/magnetissimo - Web application that indexes all popular torrent sites, and saves it to the local database.
- veelenga/dress - 👗 Dress up your stdout
- eikek/docspell - Assist in organizing your piles of documents, resulting from scanners, e-mails and other sources with miminal effort.
- bryanjenningz/25-elm-examples - 25 Elm examples - starting from an static view and gradually progressing to an interactive web app with routing
- rougier/elegant-emacs - A very minimal but elegant emacs (I think)
- nnicandro/emacs-jupyter - An interface to communicate with Jupyter kernels.
- pigoz/dotfiles - ⚗ my dotfiles
- Lokaltog/home - Lokaltog's home repo. Contains emacs config files and various local config files (for git, fish, bspwm, etc.)
- mgorinova/SlicStan - A Stan-like probabilistic programming language.
- pa1nki113r/Project_Brutality - This is the primary repository for collaborative efforts between Doom developers on Project Brutality. This is the bleeding-edge version that is constantly being developed on, and not meant in any way shape or form to be representative of the final version of the mod.
- Argon-/mpv-config - Personal mpv configuration files and scripts (for syncing my computers). NOTE: my VO config is dynamic and relies on certain scripts (see corresponding comments in mpv.conf)
- bobricius/armachat - Doomsday LORA QWERTY communicator
- middleman/middleman-blog - Middleman : Blog Engine Extension
- FerretDB/FerretDB - A truly Open Source MongoDB alternative
- stitchfix/flotilla-os - Open source Flotilla
- pdfcpu/pdfcpu - A PDF processor written in Go.
- wailsapp/wails - Create desktop apps using Go and Web Technologies.
- axiomhq/variance - Go implementation Welford’s method for one-pass variance computation
- m3o/m3o - Next Generation Cloud Platform
- getlantern/systray - a cross platfrom Go library to place an icon and menu in the notification area
- caseymrm/menuet - Go library to create menubar apps- programs that live only in OSX's NSStatusBar
- moby/buildkit - concurrent, cache-efficient, and Dockerfile-agnostic builder toolkit
- c9s/bbgo - The modern cryptocurrency trading bot written in Go.
- juanfont/headscale - An open source, self-hosted implementation of the Tailscale control server
- lima-vm/lima - Linux virtual machines, on macOS (aka "Linux-on-Mac", "macOS subsystem for Linux", "containerd for Mac", unofficially)
- containerd/nerdctl - contaiNERD CTL - Docker-compatible CLI for containerd, with support for Compose, Rootless, eStargz, OCIcrypt, IPFS, ...
- thanosKontos/gravelmap - A simple router for osm data with custom profilers
- varbhat/exatorrent - Self-hostable , easy-to-use , lightweight and feature-rich torrent client written in Go . It comes with beautiful Web UI and Optional Multi-User Support . Run Locally or Host in Server . Open/Download/Stream Torrents in Browser Right Away!
- psanford/sqlite3vfshttp - Go sqlite3 http vfs: query sqlite databases over http with range headers
- itchyny/gojq - Pure Go implementation of jq
- jamesroutley/news.routley.io - 🗞 My personal RSS feed
- panz3r/news-feed - My personal RSS feed generator
- DataHenHQ/till - DataHen Till is a companion tool to your existing web scraper that instantly makes it scalable, maintainable, and more unblockable, with minimal code changes on your scraper. Integrates with any scraper in 5 minutes.
- smhanov/dawg - Efficient DAWG implementation in GO
- mkabilov/pg2ch - Data streaming from postgresql to clickhouse via logical replication mechanism
- asciimoo/filtron - Filtering reverse HTTP proxy
- asciimoo/morty - Privacy aware web content sanitizer proxy as a service
- lukeroth/gdal - Go (golang) wrapper for GDAL, the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
- aler9/rtsp-simple-server - ready-to-use RTSP / RTMP / HLS server and proxy that allows to read, publish and proxy video and audio streams
- containers/toolbox - Tool for containerized command line environments on Linux
- flaviostutz/wfs-tiler - A Mapbox Vector Tile provider that uses a WFS3 service as data source
- flaviostutz/wfsgis - WFS3 Server with backend in Postgis
- MauriceGit/Voronoi_Image_Manipulation - A system independent tool for interactive image manipulation with Voronoi and Delaunay data structures.
- kevin-hanselman/dud - A lightweight CLI tool for versioning data alongside source code and building data pipelines.
- kopia/kopia - Cross-platform backup tool for Windows, macOS & Linux with fast, incremental backups, client-side end-to-end encryption, compression and data deduplication. CLI and GUI included.
- codenotary/immudb - immudb - world’s fastest immutable database, built on a zero trust model
- amitsaha/gitbackup - Tool to backup your Bitbucket, GitHub and GitLab repositories
- rodrigo-brito/ninjabot - A fast cryptocurrency trading bot implemented in Go
- grailbio/reflow - A language and runtime for distributed, incremental data processing in the cloud
- AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome - Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server
- linuxkit/linuxkit - A toolkit for building secure, portable and lean operating systems for containers
- authelia/authelia - The Single Sign-On Multi-Factor portal for web apps
- adamlouis/squirrelbyte - a tool for gathering & exploring data
- twpayne/chezmoi - Manage your dotfiles across multiple diverse machines, securely.
- mautrix/whatsapp - A Matrix-WhatsApp puppeting bridge
- ledisdb/ledisdb - A high performance NoSQL Database Server powered by Go
- airbusgeo/godal - golang wrapper for github.com/OSGEO/gdal
- irevenko/tiktik - 📱🥴 TikTok terminal client for browsing & downloading videos
- nikolaydubina/go-ml-benchmarks - ⏱ Benchmarks of machine learning inference for Go
- glassechidna/serverlessish - Run the same Docker images in AWS Lambda and AWS ECS
- benbjohnson/litestream - Streaming replication for SQLite.
- ContainerSSH/ContainerSSH - ContainerSSH: Launch containers on demand
- progrium/macdriver - Native Mac APIs for Go
- consbio/mbtileserver - Basic Go server for mbtiles
- petarov/nenu - A tiny, static site builder for your journal (Jekyll alternative)
- sorintlab/stolon - PostgreSQL cloud native High Availability and more.
- dpapathanasiou/simple-graph - This is a simple graph database in SQLite, inspired by "SQLite as a document database"
- tidwall/osmfile - A downloader and reader for the OSM planet files.
- borud/broker - Trivial message broker
- openfaas/faas-cli - Official CLI for OpenFaaS
- bsdavidson/trimetric - Realtime visualization of Portland's transit system
- rootVIII/pdfinverter - darken (or lighten) a PDF
- containrrr/watchtower - A process for automating Docker container base image updates.
- containers/podman - Podman: A tool for managing OCI containers and pods.
- lox/alfred-github-jump - An alfred plugin to quickly jump to a github repository page
- h2non/imaginary - Fast, simple, scalable, Docker-ready HTTP microservice for high-level image processing
- lucascalion/tile38-webserver -
- uber/kraken - P2P Docker registry capable of distributing TBs of data in seconds
- enjuus/soryu - glitch an image in the terminal
- go-spatial/jivan - जीवन
- greenpau/caddy-auth-portal - Authentication Plugin for Caddy v2 implementing Form-Based, Basic, Local, LDAP, OpenID Connect, OAuth 2.0 (Github, Google, Facebook, Okta, etc.), SAML Authentication. MFA with App Authenticators and Yubico.
- tidbyt/pixlet - Build apps for pixel-based displays.
- saltbo/zpan - A self-hosted cloud disk base on the cloud storage./ 一个基于云存储的网盘系统,用于自建私人网盘或企业网盘。
- cloudreve/Cloudreve - 🌩支持多家云存储的云盘系统 (Self-deployed file management and sharing system, supports multiple storage providers)
- chriswalz/bit - Bit is a modern Git CLI
- gideonred/dockerdoomd - Daemon for Docker Doom
- mikefarah/yq - yq is a portable command-line YAML processor
- dbohdan/automatic-api - A list of software that turns your database into a REST/GraphQL API
- apex/up - Deploy infinitely scalable serverless apps, apis, and sites in seconds to AWS.
- int3rlop3r/jot - Jot stuff down without messing up your workspace!
- cli/cli - GitHub’s official command line tool
- milvus-io/milvus - An open-source vector database for embedding similarity search and AI applications.
- nkanaev/yarr - yet another rss reader
- wagoodman/dive - A tool for exploring each layer in a docker image
- eatonphil/dbcore - Generate applications powered by your database.
- octoproject/octo-cli - CLI tool to expose data from any database as a serverless web service.
- gokcehan/lf - Terminal file manager
- gotenberg/gotenberg - A Docker-powered stateless API for PDF files.
- erroneousboat/slack-term - Slack client for your terminal
- schollz/croc - Easily and securely send things from one computer to another 🐊 📦
- GeertJohan/go.rice - go.rice is a Go package that makes working with resources such as html,js,css,images,templates, etc very easy.
- bbernhard/nextload-core - Download youtube videos and upload them to your nextcloud instance
- prdpx7/go-fileserver - A simple HTTP Server to share files over WiFi via Qr Code
- RedHatOfficial/GoCourse - Go language course
- siegerts/drip - 🚰 Watch and automatically restart Plumber APIs during development.
- jwilder/dockerize - Utility to simplify running applications in docker containers
- se7entyse7en/pydockenv - Python virtual environment, but backed by Docker!
- go-spatial/atto - PDF renderer for Mapbox-GL-Native
- nlpodyssey/spago - Self-contained Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing library in Go
- jerson/pgrok - Free Introspected tunnels to localhost, like ngrok but free and unlimited
- goplus/gop - GoPlus - The Go+ language for engineering, STEM education, and data science
- Luqqk/wms-tiles-downloader - Command line application for downloading wms-tiles from given URL with specified bbox and zoom parameters.
- plentico/plenti - Static Site Generator with Go backend and Svelte frontend
- praveenpenumaka/numpygo -
- greenpau/caddy-authorize - Authorization Plugin for Caddy v2 (JWT/PASETO)
- tarent/loginsrv - JWT login microservice with plugable backends such as OAuth2, Google, Github, htpasswd, osiam, ..
- larrabee/s3sync - Really fast sync tool for S3
- dertuxmalwieder/rssfs - The RSS file system (Git mirror)
- ginuerzh/gost - GO Simple Tunnel - a simple tunnel written in golang
- dan-v/awslambdaproxy - An AWS Lambda powered HTTP/SOCKS web proxy
- StationA/tilenol - Scalable, multi-backend geo vector tile server
- nektos/act - Run your GitHub Actions locally 🚀
- luraproject/lura - Ultra performant API Gateway with middlewares. A project hosted at The Linux Foundation
- go-rod/rod - A Devtools driver for web automation and scraping
- hyacinthus/caddy-api-gateway-demo - Use caddy as API gateway in microservice.
- xuqingfeng/caddy-rate-limit - A rate limit plugin for caddy
- ddz/whatsapp-media-decrypt - Decrypt WhatsApp encrypted media files
- apptainer/singularity - Singularity: Application containers for Linux
- gonum/plot - A repository for plotting and visualizing data
- aaronjanse/3mux - Terminal multiplexer inspired by i3
- dolthub/dolt - Dolt – It's Git for Data
- go-gota/gota - Gota: DataFrames and data wrangling in Go (Golang)
- cenkalti/dalga - ⏰ MySQL backed Job Scheduler with a HTTP interface
- contribsys/faktory - Language-agnostic persistent background job server
- ajvb/kala - Modern Job Scheduler
- gopherjs/gopherjs - A compiler from Go to JavaScript for running Go code in a browser
- fogleman/ln - 3D line art engine.
- liamg/shox - 🍫 A customisable, universally compatible terminal status bar
- netgusto/nodebook - Nodebook - Multi-Lang Web REPL + CLI Code runner
- CrunchyData/pg_tileserv - A very thin PostGIS-only tile server in Go. Takes in HTTP tile requests, executes SQL, returns MVT tiles.
- CrunchyData/pg_featureserv - Lightweight RESTful Geospatial Feature Server for PostGIS in Go
- schollz/cowyo - A feature-rich wiki webserver for minimalists 🐮 💬
- go-spatial/tegola-postgis - A version of of tegola that that leverages PostGIS ST_AsMVT
- cube2222/octosql - OctoSQL is a query tool that allows you to join, analyse and transform data from multiple databases and file formats using SQL.
- hoanhan101/ultimate-go - The Ultimate Go Study Guide
- hakluke/hakrawler - Simple, fast web crawler designed for easy, quick discovery of endpoints and assets within a web application
- timeglass/glass - Automated time tracking for Git repositories. [DEPRECATED]
- tomarrell/lbadd - LBADD: An experimental, distributed SQL database
- charmbracelet/glow - Render markdown on the CLI, with pizzazz! 💅🏻
- jesseduffield/lazygit - simple terminal UI for git commands
- zhenghaoz/gorse - An open source recommender system service written in Go
- derailed/popeye - 👀 A Kubernetes cluster resource sanitizer
- kjk/notionapi - Unofficial Go API for Notion.so
- jesseduffield/lazydocker - The lazier way to manage everything docker
- bcicen/ctop - Top-like interface for container metrics
- pa-m/sklearn - bits of sklearn ported to Go #golang
- sjwhitworth/golearn - Machine Learning for Go
- rylio/ytdl - YouTube download library and CLI written in Go
- restic/restic - Fast, secure, efficient backup program
- cortexlabs/cortex - Production infrastructure for machine learning at scale
- cjkreklow/t38c - Tile38 client library for Go
- fogleman/rbgg - Isolate and remove the background gradient from images of paper.
- gokadin/ai-simplest-network - The simplest form of an artificial neural network explained and demonstrated.
- arp242/goatcounter - Easy web analytics. No tracking of personal data.
- adnanh/webhook - webhook is a lightweight incoming webhook server to run shell commands
- crawlab-team/crawlab - Distributed web crawler admin platform for spiders management regardless of languages and frameworks. 分布式爬虫管理平台,支持任何语言和框架
- bitleak/lmstfy - Implements task queue in Golang which based on Redis storage
- jaredallard/minecraft-preempt - Automatically start your minecraft server when a user joins
- solo-io/gloo - The Feature-rich, Kubernetes-native, Next-Generation API Gateway Built on Envoy
- rqlite/rqlite - The lightweight, distributed relational database built on SQLite
- gopherdata/gophernotes - The Go kernel for Jupyter notebooks and nteract.
- yunabe/lgo - Interactive Go programming with Jupyter
- ory/hydra - OpenID Certified™ OpenID Connect and OAuth Provider written in Go - cloud native, security-first, open source API security for your infrastructure. SDKs for any language. Compatible with MITREid.
- aws/aws-lambda-go - Libraries, samples and tools to help Go developers develop AWS Lambda functions.
- kellydunn/golang-geo - Geographical calculations in Go.
- olivia-ai/olivia - 💁♀️Your new best friend powered by an artificial neural network
- helm/helm - The Kubernetes Package Manager
- jasonwinn/geocoder - Google Go (golang) Geocoding Package
- bellecp/fast-p -
- nndi-oss/pg_reloaded - A simple tool to help administrators restore PostgreSQL databases periodically
- google/gvisor - Application Kernel for Containers
- nuclio/nuclio - High-Performance Serverless event and data processing platform
- pachyderm/pachyderm - Reproducible Data Science at Scale!
- txthinking/mr2 - mr2 can help you expose local server to external network. Support both TCP/UDP, of course support HTTP. Zero-Configuration. mr2 帮助你将本地端口暴露在外网.支持TCP/UDP, 当然也支持HTTP.
- AnalogJ/lantern - Peer into your requests.
- hishamkaram/gismanager - Publish Your GIS Data(Vector Data) to PostGIS and Geoserver
- maxence-charriere/go-app - A package to build progressive web apps with Go programming language and WebAssembly.
- mlabouardy/komiser - ☁️ Cloud Environment Inspector 👮🔒 💰
- eBay/akutan - A distributed knowledge graph store
- go-spatial/tegola - Tegola is a Mapbox Vector Tile server written in Go
- go-spatial/geocatalogo - Geospatial Catalogue in Go
- tidwall/buntdb - BuntDB is an embeddable, in-memory key/value database for Go with custom indexing and geospatial support
- skx/tunneller - Allow internal services, running on localhost, to be accessed over the internet..
- johnlonganecker/libpostal-rest -
- fyne-io/examples - Examples apps using the Fyne toolkit
- antoniomika/sish - HTTP(S)/WS(S)/TCP Tunnels to localhost using only SSH.
- dgraph-io/dgraph - Native GraphQL Database with graph backend
- MontFerret/ferret - Declarative web scraping
- peterlamar/go-examples - Collection of Go examples for beginner back end developers
- harboe/gogeo - CLI and http server, for reversed geocoding, address lookup, and image rendering. for varies providers, in a common format.
- k3s-io/k3s - Lightweight Kubernetes
- jdkato/prose - 📖 A Golang library for text processing, including tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, and named-entity extraction.
- qri-io/qri - you're invited to a data party!
- bitly/oauth2_proxy - A reverse proxy that provides authentication with Google, Github or other provider
- caddyserver/caddy - Fast, multi-platform web server with automatic HTTPS
- schollz/find-lf - Track the location of every Wi-Fi device (:iphone:) in your house using Raspberry Pis and FIND
- thomseddon/traefik-forward-auth - Minimal forward authentication service that provides Google/OpenID oauth based login and authentication for the traefik reverse proxy
- esimov/triangle - Convert images to computer generated art using delaunay triangulation.
- oxplot/pdftilecut - pdftilecut lets you sub-divide a PDF page(s) into smaller pages so you can print them on small form printers.
- ohtomi/scrapbox - This tool provides command line interface for scrapbox.io.
- tidwall/geojson - GeoJSON for Go. Used by Tile38
- genuinetools/img - Standalone, daemon-less, unprivileged Dockerfile and OCI compatible container image builder.
- esimov/pigo - Fast face detection, pupil/eyes localization and facial landmark points detection library in pure Go.
- docker-slim/docker-slim - DockerSlim (docker-slim): Don't change anything in your Docker container image and minify it by up to 30x (and for compiled languages even more) making it secure too! (free and open source)
- rclone/rclone - "rsync for cloud storage" - Google Drive, S3, Dropbox, Backblaze B2, One Drive, Swift, Hubic, Wasabi, Google Cloud Storage, Yandex Files
- motiv-labs/janus - An API Gateway written in Go
- dewey/feedbridge - Plugin based RSS feed generator for sites that don't offer any. Serves RSS, Atom and JSON Feeds.
- GoogleCloudPlatform/gcsfuse - A user-space file system for interacting with Google Cloud Storage
- orisano/dlayer - dlayer is docker layer analyzer.
- minio/minio - High Performance, Kubernetes Native Object Storage
- michenriksen/gitrob - Reconnaissance tool for GitHub organizations
- fairfaxmedia/flywheel - HTTP proxy for AWS cost control
- tidwall/tile38 - Real-time Geospatial and Geofencing
- dshearer/jobber - An alternative to cron, with sophisticated status-reporting and error-handling
- omniscale/imposm3 - Imposm imports OpenStreetMap data into PostGIS
- wtfutil/wtf - The personal information dashboard for your terminal
- gocolly/colly - Elegant Scraper and Crawler Framework for Golang
- arsham/figurine - Print your name in style
- donkeysharp/gocho - A local area network file-sharing application with nodes auto-discovery
- schollz/find3 - High-precision indoor positioning framework, version 3.
- matryer/xbar - Put the output from any script or program into your macOS Menu Bar (the BitBar reboot)
- chrislusf/seaweedfs - SeaweedFS is a fast distributed storage system for blobs, objects, files, and data lake, for billions of files! Blob store has O(1) disk seek, cloud tiering. Filer supports Cloud Drive, cross-DC active-active replication, Kubernetes, POSIX FUSE mount, S3 API, S3 Gateway, Hadoop, WebDAV, encryption, Erasure Coding.
- traefik/traefik - The Cloud Native Application Proxy
- fogleman/primitive - Reproducing images with geometric primitives.
- gopasspw/gopass - The slightly more awesome standard unix password manager for teams
- ansible-semaphore/semaphore - Modern UI for Ansible
- prest/prest - pREST (PostgreSQL REST), low-code, simplify and accelerate development, ⚡ instant, realtime, high-performance on any Postgres application, existing or new
- cheat/cheat - cheat allows you to create and view interactive cheatsheets on the command-line. It was designed to help remind *nix system administrators of options for commands that they use frequently, but not frequently enough to remember.
- upspin/upspin - Upspin: A framework for naming everyone's everything.
- kryptco/kr - A dev tool for SSH auth + Git commit/tag signing using a key stored in Krypton.
- andyleap/fileportal - A portal gun for your files!
- rancher/os - Tiny Linux distro that runs the entire OS as Docker containers
- arachnys/athenapdf - Drop-in replacement for wkhtmltopdf built on Go, Electron and Docker
- pingcap/tidb - TiDB is an open source distributed HTAP database compatible with the MySQL protocol
- whalebrew/whalebrew - Homebrew, but with Docker images
- mcuadros/ofelia - A docker job scheduler (aka. crontab for docker)
- kubernetes/kubernetes - Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management
- inconshreveable/ngrok - Introspected tunnels to localhost
- rkt/rkt - [Project ended] rkt is a pod-native container engine for Linux. It is composable, secure, and built on standards.
- nlf/dlite - The simplest way to use Docker on OS X
- huydx/hget - interruptable, resumable download accelerator written in golang
- andlabs/dumpattachments - Program to bulk-dump attachments from an IMAP account.
- kenshinx/godns - A fast dns cache server written by go
- looterz/grimd - ⚡ fast dns proxy that can run anywhere, built to black-hole internet advertisements and malware servers
- zyedidia/micro - A modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor
- fabiofalci/sconsify - A spotify console application
- bndw/pick - A secure and easy-to-use CLI password manager for macOS and Linux
- ravenac95/sudolikeaboss - Get 1password access from iterm2
- junegunn/fzf - 🌸 A command-line fuzzy finder
- cayleygraph/cayley - An open-source graph database
- monochromegane/the_platinum_searcher - A code search tool similar to ack and the_silver_searcher(ag). It supports multi platforms and multi encodings.
- andlabs/ui - Platform-native GUI library for Go.
- steeve/torrent2http - Torrent to HTTP client for https://github.com/steeve/xbmctorrent
- marksamman/gotorrent - BitTorrent client written in Go
- laurent22/massren - massren - easily rename multiple files using your text editor
- gohugoio/hugo - The world’s fastest framework for building websites.
- joewalnes/websocketd - Turn any program that uses STDIN/STDOUT into a WebSocket server. Like inetd, but for WebSockets.
- jehiah/json2csv - command line tool to convert json to csv
- jondot/groundcontrol - Manage and monitor your Raspberry Pi with ease
- jericks/geoc - A geospatial command line application.
- romicofre/terraform_exercises - Studying terraform
- amoffat/tf-jitsi - 5-minute self-hosted Jitsi on AWS
- Netflix/metaflow-tools - 🚀 Deployment tools/scripts for Metaflow!
- joshuakalla/tf-jupyterhub-aws - Launch JupyterHub on AWS using Terrraform
- damoeb/rss-proxy - RSS-proxy allows you to do create an RSS or ATOM feed of almost any website, just by analyzing just the static HTML structure.
- ritijjain/pudhina-fresh - A minimal yet feature-rich Jekyll theme made for personal websites and blogs.
- xyzshantaram/campfire - a cozy web framework
- z3tt/beyond-bar-and-box-plots - Hands–on code to create and style chart alternatives with ggplot2
- mattelisi/Bayes-multilevel-tutorial - A tutorial on Bayesian multilevel modeling using R and Stan.
- subspacecommunity/subspace - A fork of the simple WireGuard VPN server GUI community maintained
- departmentfortransport/R-cookbook - Work in progress - R coding guidance for DfT
- ankitskvmdam/clean-jsdoc-theme - A beautifully crafted theme / template for JSDoc 3
- jthomasmock/tidymodels-workshops -
- themesberg/flowbite - Open-source component library built with Tailwind CSS.
- edrubin/EC607S21 - Causal-inference oriented doctoral econometrics course at UO
- ericchiang/pup - Parsing HTML at the command line
- walkerke/census-with-r-book - Source for Analyzing US Census Data: Methods, Maps, and Models in R by Kyle Walker, forthcoming with CRC Press
- ecological-cities/home2park - home2park: Assess the spatial provision of urban parks
- jakespracher/ml-synth-preset-generator - Machine Learning with Synthesizers
- emilyriederer/data-disasters -
- paezha/spatial-analysis-r - Open Educational Resource for teaching spatial data analysis and statistics with R
- bradp/pears - 🍐️ A starter kit for building static sites quickly, easily, and efficiently.
- tinystats/teacups-giraffes-and-statistics - Online teaching modules for stats and R coding inside a fictional narrative about a miniature giraffe species.
- mapbox/storytelling - Storytelling with maps template
- louismerlin/concrete.css - A simple and to the point classless CSS framework
- pinecreativelabs/Brutalist-Framework - A framework for the brutalist web design trend.
- vikdiesel/admin-one-bulma-dashboard - Admin One HTML — Free Bulma Admin Dashboard Template (HTML + CSS/SCSS)
- HSchuette/mailmask - mailmask.me - Generate a unique and random forwarding address so you can still receive every email, newsletter etc. without sharing your personal address.
- topepo/aml-london-2019 - Course materials for Applied Machine Learning course in 2019 in London
- rCarto/geoteca_mapsf -
- kokes/nbviewer.js - Client side rendering of Jupyter notebooks
- luisfantozzialvarez/ta_microeconometrics - Scripts from 2020 Microeconometrics TA Sessions
- jhelvy/xaringanBuilder - An R package for building xaringan slides into multiple outputs, including html, pdf, png, gif, pptx, and mp4.
- fcorowe/countdata_modelling - Quick Guide for Modelling Count Data in A Multilevel Framework
- ClaudioZandonella/trackdown - R package for collaborative writing and editing of R Markdown (or Sweave) documents in Google Docs.
- z3tt/OutlierConf2021 - ⭕ Slides and hands-on codes for my talk "ggplot Wizardry: My Favorite Tricks and Secrets for Beautiful Plots in R" at the 1st OutlierConf, February 4–7 2021.
- ccgilroy/csss564-labs-2019 - Lab materials for CSSS 564: Bayesian Statistics for the Social Sciences. Spring 2019 at the University of Washington
- ChartsCSS/charts.css - Open source CSS framework for data visualization.
- jhelvy/distillery - A distill blog and showcase about building distill websites and blogs!
- terkelg/awesome-creative-coding - Creative Coding: Generative Art, Data visualization, Interaction Design, Resources.
- NickCH-K/CausalitySlides - Slides for the Seattle University Causal Inference Class
- dustinfife/flexplavaan - strategies for visualizing structural equation models
- yoshiharuyamashita/blackburn - A Hugo theme built using Yahoo's Pure CSS
- Vimux/blank - Starter Hugo theme for use as a template for building custom themes
- jonasstrehle/supercookie -
⚠️ Browser fingerprinting via favicon! - appelmar/r-spatial-cloud - Blog post on the analysis of satellite images with STAC, COGs, and data cubes in the cloud (work in progress)
- hackboard/hackboard - An intuitive and polished kanban board.
- datastorm-open/shinymanager - Simple and secure authentification mechanism for single shiny applications.
- thesephist/blocks.css - Add some dimension to your page with blocks 🚀
- dicook/explore-data - A book about exploratory data analysis in the 21st century
- abhiprojectz/motionia - Motionia is a lightweight simplified on demand animation library! https://git.io/motionia
- amirmasoudabdol/preferably - An accessible template for
websites with dynamic light/dark mode support - victoriadrake/hugo-theme-introduction - Minimal, single page, smooth-scrolling theme for Hugo static site generator.
- favstats/rmdprotectr - Very simple implementation of a password protected RMarkdown document.
- javascript-tutorial/en.javascript.info - Modern JavaScript Tutorial
- alpinejs/alpine - A rugged, minimal framework for composing JavaScript behavior in your markup.
- isubirana/compareGroups - R package to easily build publication-ready univariate or bivariate descriptive tables from a data set.
- seankross/postcards - 💌 Create simple, beautiful personal websites and landing pages using only R Markdown.
- aleszu/text-mining-course - This O'Reilly course will introduce participants to the techniques and applications of text mining and sentiment analysis by training them in easy-to-use open-source tools and scalable, replicable methodologies that will make them stronger data scientists and more thoughtful communicators.
- nelsontky/gh-pages-url-shortener - Minimal URL shortener that can be entirely hosted on GitHub pages.
- tangrams/simple-demo - The simplest possible stand-alone Tangram setup.
- cjvanlissa/worcs - Rstudio project template and convenience functions for the Workflow for Open Reproducible Code in Science (WORCS)
- simonw/sf-tree-search - San Francisco Tree Search - a simple Datasette demo application
- MarcSkovMadsen/awesome-streamlit - The purpose of this project is to share knowledge on how awesome Streamlit is and can be
- cyclist-grid/cyclist-jekyll - Jekyll theme using open-source typography.
- latam-polmeth/Meeting2020 -
- codazoda/neatcss - Rapidly build efficient sites with Neat, the minimalist css framework.
- rstudio/concept-maps - Concept maps for all things data science
- leggett/simplify - Issue tracker for Simplify Gmail, a browser extension to simplify Gmail's interface
- mlr-org/mlr3-learndrake - Template for using mlr3 with drake
- fastai/word-embeddings-workshop - This contains materials for the word embeddings workshop
- oscarbaruffa/BigBookofR - The biggest collection of R books (and maybe later some other resources too)
- JuanmaMN/tidyverse-ggplot2 - Publish ggplot2 analysis
- cwickham/munsell - munsell colour system for R
- mebucca/cda_soc3070 - Notes course on categorical data analysis (in spanish)
- jbkunst/highcharter-rmarkdown -
- andrespnc/Scrapping_CH - Scrapping project for NLP analysis - Chilean Press Presidency
- tidymodels/recipes - Pipeable steps for feature engineering and data preprocessing to prepare for modeling
- LucyMcGowan/user2020-causal-inference -
- pagedjs/pagedjs - Display paginated content in the browser and generate print books using web technology
- rfortherestofus/omni - RMarkdown template, ggplot2 theme, and table function for OMNI Institute
- sergiouribe/Introduction-to-Data-Science-RSU - Course Materials from Introduction to Data Science, Riga Stradins University
- ValenzuelaBeltran/Taller-de-Investigacion-2020-Administracion-Publica-y-Ciencia-Politica-UdeC -
- chrisalbon/notes - Notes On Using Data Science & Artificial Intelligence To Fight For Something That Matters.
- gvegayon/website -
- tmieno2/R-as-GIS-for-Economists - This repository has codes for the R as GIS for Economists book including the Rmd files for the book chapters.
- akgold/erum-big-shiny - Materials for my E-Rum 2020 presentation on Design Patterns for Big Shiny Apps
- juba/robservable - Observable notebooks as R htmlwidgets
- mwouts/itables - Interactive Tables in Jupyter
- SamLau95/nbinteract - Create interactive webpages from Jupyter Notebooks
- datasciencecampus/proper - A repository for the R tool propeR, which analyses travel time and cost using an OTP graph (see datasciencecampus/graphite)
- DesiQuintans/Pebble-safe - Light and dark RStudio 1.2.x themes with colourblind-safe colours.
- bansal-io/pattern.css - CSS only library to fill empty background with beautiful patterns.
- PAIR-code/what-if-tool - Source code/webpage/demos for the What-If Tool
- walkerke/mb-immigrants -
- xz/new.css - A classless CSS framework to write modern websites using only HTML.
- wbonat/MCIE - Métodos Computacionais para Inferência Estatística
- sporella/rsc -
- koheiw/newspapers - R package to import articles from newspaper databases
- mdvandergon/monetary-policy - An exploration of policy rates using d3
- friendly/Vis-MLM - Tutorials on Visualizing Multivariate Linear Models in R
- r-lib/webfakes - Fake web apps for HTTP testing R packages
- tsdataclinic/newerhoods - A Data Clinic project that aggregates NYC Open Data at the tract-level and uses Machine Learning techniques to re-imagine neighborhood boundaries.
- alexeygrigorev/data-science-interviews - Data science interview questions and answers
- vincentarelbundock/modelsummary - Beautiful and customizable model summaries in R.
- vitorbaptista/google-covid19-mobility-reports - Data extraction of Google's COVID-19 Mobility Reports
- JohnCoene/firebase - Google FIrebase for shiny
- andybrewer/mvp - MVP.css — Minimalist stylesheet for HTML elements
- clbustos/analisis_covid19_chile - Ejemplo de analisis de serie de tiempo sobre casos Covid-19. Se presenta un reporte comparativo de Chile con otros países, así como por regiones.
- chiphuyen/machine-learning-systems-design - A booklet on machine learning systems design with exercises
- shagunsodhani/ml-logger - Logging utility for ML experiments
- neulab/Text-Summarization-Papers - An Exhaustive Paper List for Text Summarization
- gadenbuie/gentle-ggplot2 - 📊 A Gentle Guide to the Grammar of Graphics with ggplot2
- dwyl/learn-tachyons - 😍 Learn how to use Tachyons to craft beautiful, responsive and fast UI with functional CSS!
- allisonhorst/esm244-w2020-lab8 - Text mining, sentiment analysis, and visualization
- USCbiostats/partition - A fast and flexible framework for data reduction in R
- smaakage85/dockr - create lightweight docker image for an R package
- TerriaJS/TerriaMap - Catalog-based web geospatial visualisation platform.
- hypertidy/silicate - A general form for complex data
- bsssshhhhhhh/svelte-data-grid - Lightweight and powerful data grid for svelte
- PetersonGIS/NightVision - A basemap style built for use with a Tegola data endpoint
- rstudio-conf-2020/design-ds-classroom - Materials for the Designing the Data Science Classroom workshop at rstudio::conf 2020
- rstudio-conf-2020/applied-ml - Code and Resources for "Applied Machine Learning"
- rstudio-conf-2020/intro-to-ml-tidy - Intro to Machine Learning with the Tidyverse
- efcaguab/demografia-del-voto - Cómo votan los colombianos
- ThinkR-open/golemstream - Streams by the {golem} team
- dirkschumacher/encryptedRmd - 🔑 Password protected markdown html reports in R using libsodium
- ganprad/rentorbuy - A Project that uses Zillow research data on Quandl, Prophet for time series forecasting, Altair for vega-lite charts and Folium for an creating interactive map.
- chrisjsewell/ipypublish - A workflow for creating and editing publication ready scientific reports and presentations, from one or more Jupyter Notebooks, without leaving the browser!
- mtmx/carto_d3 -
- qgises/qgis_es_site - Pagina del Grupo de usuarios de QGIS España
- lucas-uk/shanghaiR - Maps and analysis of Shanghai using R
- jacobkap/fastDummies - The goal of fastDummies is to quickly create dummy variables (columns) and dummy rows.
- seeingtheory/Seeing-Theory - A visual introduction to probability and statistics.
- kcf-jackson/sketch - Interactive sketches in R
- erikgahner/qpolr - Quantitative Politics with R
- akimous/akimous - Machine learning-assisted Python IDE
- iangelmx/NaturalLanguageProcessing - Aquí residen desarrollos de Computing Selected Topics acerca del Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural en Python
- benwansell/General-Election-Predictor - 2019 GE Predictor
- NikolaiT/GoogleScraper - A Python module to scrape several search engines (like Google, Yandex, Bing, Duckduckgo, ...). Including asynchronous networking support.
- Tikam02/DevOps-Guide - DevOps Guide - Development to Production all configurations with basic notes to debug efficiently.
- kazzkiq/svero -
⚠️ ⚠️ (DEPRECATED) A simple router for Svelte 3 - turiguiliano88/svelte-router-example -
- powerpak/anki-slideshow - A Sinatra app for showing Anki flashcards in a slideshow on a webpage.
- edzer/sdsc19 - slides for Spatial Data Science Conference 2019
- holtzy/data_to_viz - Leading to the dataviz you need
- WhyR2019/presentations -
- jdeisenberg/color_inventory - Choose the main colors from an image and get an inventory of their proportions.
- diegoquintanav/pinochet-analyze - A repository for exploring the pinochet dataset [freire2019pinoche]
- ronv/colorie - Colorie - Single column blog and portfolio Jekyll theme
- brentthorne/posterdown - Use RMarkdown to generate PDF Conference Posters via HTML
- godsylla/python-for-R-users - high level overview of python for R users, data cleaning, preprocessing, modeling, model evaluation
- rpsychologist/powerlmm - powerlmm R package for power calculations for two- and three-level longitudinal multilevel/linear mixed models.
- rudeboybert/SDS192 - Webpage Source Code for 2019-09 Smith College Intro to Data Science
- tidymodels/aml-training - The most recent version of the Applied Machine Learning notes
- ScPoEcon/ScPoEconometrics - Undergraduate textbook for Econometrics with R
- divshot/geo-bootstrap - A timeless Twitter Bootstrap theme built for the modern web.
- datadesk/django-shp2svg - Convert a shapefile into an SVG you can use with JavaScript libraries
- kirbs-/hide_code - Code, prompt and output hiding for Jupyter/IPython notebooks.
- hrbrmstr/ggchicklet - 🀫 Create Chicklet (Rounded Segmented Column) Charts
- edgararuiz-zz/tensorflow-con-R -
- topepo/FES - Code and Resources for "Feature Engineering and Selection: A Practical Approach for Predictive Models" by Kuhn and Johnson
- developmentseed/satellite-3d - Using rio-tiler-mvt to create Mapbox satellite + Elevation 3d Vector tiles.
- cholmes/cog-map - A viewer for Cloud Optimized GeoTiffs, based on Openlayers
- JasonKessler/Scattertext-PyData - Notebooks for the Seattle PyData 2017 talk on Scattertext
- favstats/TASM_conf_slides - Slides for the Terrorism and Social Media Conference 2019 in Swansea
- GerkeLab/betterposter - 👩🔬👨🔬 Another R Markdown Better Scientific Poster
- wlandau/learndrake - An interactive free online short course on the drake R package
- ankythshukla/underexpress - A free, responsive, ready to use website ui kit, built with bootstrap 4.
- EdwinTh/ADSwR - "Agile Machine Learning with R - A workflow" is an opinionated take on how to do a data science project in R
- bollu/bollu.github.io - code + contents of my website, and programming life
- clauswilke/practical_ggplot2 - Step-by-step examples of building publication-quality figures in ggplot2
- miromannino/Justified-Gallery - Javascript library to help creating high quality justified galleries of images. Used by thousands of websites as well as the photography community 500px.
- allisonhorst/allison-tidy-tuesdays -
- aljrico/gameofthrones - 🎨 Game of Thrones inspired palette for R
- uwdata/latent-space-cartography - Visual analysis of vector space embeddings
- vegawidget/ggvega - Translator from 'ggplot2' to 'Vega-Lite'
- Track3/hermit - A minimal & fast Hugo theme for bloggers
- urbica/citibike-nyc - Mapbox GL JS feature state usage example
- holtzy/epuRate - A clean R Markdown template for your reports
- FrontendMasters/front-end-handbook-2019 - [Book] 2019 edition of our front-end development handbook
- leeoniya/dropcss - An exceptionally fast, thorough and tiny unused-CSS cleaner
- uswds/public-sans - A strong, neutral, principles-driven, open source typeface for text or display
- quanteda/quanteda.classifiers - quanteda textmodel extensions for classifying documents
- radogado/niui - Lightweight, feature-rich, accessible front-end library
- cbpuschmann/stm_ic2s2 - Tutorial “Structural topic models for enriching quantitative text analysis” at the International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2) in Amsterdam, NL, July 17th
- EvaMaeRey/ggplot_flipbook - This is a flipbook that builds up plots with ggplot2.
- mjskay/uncertainty-examples - Uncertainty visualization examples
- JohnCoene/chirp - 🔬Visualise Twitter Interactions
- mathieudutour/refined-github - Safari extension that simplifies the GitHub interface and adds useful features
- creativetimofficial/material-kit - Free and Open Source UI Kit for Bootstrap 4, React, Vue.js, React Native and Sketch based on Google's Material Design
- rsbivand/ectqg19-workshop - R&Py Spatial Analysis Workshop, 5 September 2019: European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography
- github/personal-website - Code that'll help you kickstart a personal website that showcases your work as a software developer.
- jrfarrer/fake_news - Final project using a survey commissioned by Buzzfeed to identify the factors that best predict whether someone can correctly distinguish between accurate and inaccurate news headlines
- edzer/sdsr - Spatial Data Science
- bbc/rcookbook - Reference manual for creating BBC-style graphics using the BBC's bbplot package built on top of R's ggplot2 library
- sejas/react-desde-cero - Un tutorial con ejemplos paso a paso para aprender los fundamentos React desde cero. (99% sin ES2015/ES6)
- danilofreire/pols1600.github.io - Course repository for POLS 1600 - Political Research Methods (Brown University)
- bgreenwell/pdp - A general framework for constructing partial dependence (i.e., marginal effect) plots from various types machine learning models in R.
- kellobri/shiny-prod-book - Supplemental Materials for the Shiny in Production Course
- stevage/ndgeojson - Moved to subfolder of https://github.com/stevage/geojson-spec
- hecgarri/observatoriolaboral - Observatorio Laboral
- jorgeperezrojas/DL-blog - Deep Learning sin Farándula: Blog de docencia e investigación en Deep Learning (Español e Inglés).
- jgm/pandoc-templates - Templates for pandoc, tagged to release
- wesslen/Topic-Modeling-Workshop-with-R - A workshop on analyzing topic modeling (LDA, CTM, STM) using R
- rstudio-education/teach-shiny - Materials for the Shiny Train the Trainer workshop
- sjankin/nlpps - Natural Language Processing for Political Science
- slu-openGIS/areal - R package for areal interpolation
- diflores/ezproxypuc-link-generator - Pequeña herramienta para obtener enlaces a papers utilizando Ezproxy.
- ignacioabe/mapa-ciclovias - Es un mapa que muestra las ciclovías de Chile
- camelot-dev/excalibur - A web interface to extract tabular data from PDFs
- maczokni/crimemapping_textbook_bookdown - Workbook for crime mapping course
- AdrienGuille/TOM - A library for topic modeling and browsing
- wesslen/text-analysis-org-science - Replication materials including code and data for "A Review of Best Practice Recommendations for Text Analysis in R (and a User-Friendly App)"
- dondealban/learning-stm - Learning structural topic modeling using the stm R package.
- tonyelhabr/tetweets - #rstats R project for mining Twitter data
- spcotter/visualizing-pittsburgh-transit - What does 6,500 trips per day look like? Let's use GTFS data to find out.
- andytimm/andytimm.github.io - My personal website, for displaying projects
- pablobarbera/text-analysis-vienna -
- jrowen/rhandsontable - A htmlwidgets implementation of Handsontable.js
- KevCaz/mapsWithR - 📖 A document to learn how to make maps with R 🗺️
- aloy/qqplotr - Extending some ggplot2 functionalities by permitting the drawing of both quantile-quantile (Q-Q) and probability-probability (P-P) points, lines, and confidence bands
- trinker/pacman - A package management tools for R
- ksasso/Electron_ShinyApp_Deployment -
- reshamas/fastai_deeplearn_part1 - Notes for Fastai Deep Learning Course
- adbeda/image-analysis-tutorials - Visit: https://adbeda.github.io/image-analysis-tutorials
- mciastek/sal - 🚀 Performance focused, lightweight scroll animation library 🚀
- hrbrmstr/taucharts - 📊 An R htmlwidget interface to the TauCharts javascript library
- ASKurz/Statistical_Rethinking_with_brms_ggplot2_and_the_tidyverse - The bookdown version lives here: https://bookdown.org/content/3890
- mmistakes/minimal-mistakes - 📐 Jekyll theme for building a personal site, blog, project documentation, or portfolio.
- LatinR/presentaciones-LatinR2018 - presentaciones LatinR 2018
- svmiller/svm-r-markdown-templates - This is my (deprecated) suite of R Markdown templates for academic manuscripts, beamer presentations, and syllabi. DOWNLOAD {stevetemplates} INSTEAD.
- papis/papis - Powerful and highly extensible command-line based document and bibliography manager.
- dicook/Statistical_Thinking - Notes for ETC2420 Monash University
- pablobarbera/ECPR-SC105 - ECPR Summer School: Big Data Analysis in the Social Sciences
- riffomonas/reproducible_research - Website for the Riffomonas Reproducible Research Tutorial Series
- jareware/chilipie-kiosk - Easy-to-use Raspberry Pi image for booting directly into full-screen Chrome, with built-in convenience features for unattended operation. Perfect for dashboards and build monitors.
- fghjorth/lqrps17 - Information about and materials for graduate course "Logic of Quantitative Research in Political Science" at the University of Copenhagen, February 6-10, 2017
- tslumley/useRfasteR - for a tutorial at useR2018
- GetPublii/Publii - Publii is a desktop-based CMS for Windows, Mac and Linux that makes creating static websites fast and hassle-free, even for beginners.
- mkearney/uslides - Rmarkdown template for pretty university-themed beamer presentations.
- coordcity/coord-workshops - Boilerplate/demo code for Coord workshops
- CrumpLab/statistics - An open statistics textbook for Psychology undergraduates
- djnavarro/psyr - R for Psychological Science
- bmschmidt/wordVectors - An R package for creating and exploring word2vec and other word embedding models
- hypertidy/anglr - Mesh creation and topology for spatial data (and not just geographic)
- ksasso/useR_electron_meet_shiny - Presentation and Instructional Materials for Utilizing Electron to Package Shiny WebApp as standalone application. Ideas for use cases
- kateto/R-Network-Visualization-Workshop - Static and dynamic network visualization with R - code and tutorial from Sunbelt 2019 workshop.
- mkearney/mocktwitter - 🐧🐦 Generate HTML pages for Twitter statuses.
- rafalab/dsbook - Repository for data science book
- moderndive/ModernDive_book - Statistical Inference via Data Science: A ModernDive into R and the Tidyverse
- pablobarbera/POIR613-2019 - Course materials: POIR 613 - Computational Social Science - USC Fall 2019
- vasile/mapkit-js-demo -
- ThemesGuide/bootstrap-themes - Free, open source Bootstrap 4 themes
- ropenscilabs/qcoder - Lightweight package to do qualitative coding
- openanalytics/shinyproxy-config-examples - Configuration examples for ShinyProxy
- carlislerainey/methods - notes, exercises, and data for undergraduate political science research methods
- yous/whiteglass - Minimal, responsive Jekyll theme for hackers
- rstudio-education/datascience-box - Data Science Course in a Box
- holtzy/Pimp-my-rmd - A few tips about R markdown
- tabler/tabler - Tabler is free and open-source HTML Dashboard UI Kit built on Bootstrap
- datacarpentry/r-socialsci - R for Social Scientists
- angela-li/rladies-spatial-data - Materials for spatial data analysis talk for R-Ladies Chicago, April 2018
- jillymackay/BeginnersTextMining - A collection of thoughts and methods for text mining in R
- sindresorhus/screenfull - Simple wrapper for cross-browser usage of the JavaScript Fullscreen API
- RevillWeb/img-2 - Replace <img /> elements with <img-2> to automatically pre-cache images and improve page performance.
- wesslen/fakenews-textfeatures - Predicting Suspicious Twitter Media Outlets using textfeatures Package
- lbusett/insert_table - R function and addin to easily insert tables in Rmd code chunks
- sachsmc/tufterhandout - Output formats for Tufte-style handouts in pdf and html for Rmarkdown
- AckerDWM/gg3D - A ggplot2 extension enabling 3D projections
- mazipan/bulma-admin-dashboard-template - 🐝 Free admin dashboard template with bulma css
- danilofreire/pols1824w - Course materials for "Political Violence", Brown University, Fall 2019
- jjallaire/deep-learning-with-r-notebooks - R notebooks for the code samples of the book "Deep Learning with R"
- alexsingleton/urban_analytics -
- hbnordin2/spiralHeatMaps - Inspired by: https://bl.ocks.org/tomshanley/0a024581fd0b7c4e483203d5bff9631b
- iandurbach/datasci-fi - Material for the "Data Science for Industry" course
- 1000ch/grd - A CSS grid framework using Flexbox. Only 321 bytes (Gzipped).
- holtzy/R-graph-gallery - A website that displays hundreds of R charts with their code
- poucotm/Guna - 🍁 Most Innovative Theme for Sublime Text 3
- skosch/Crimson - The Crimson Text typeface
- mdsumner/spbabel - Many voices for Spatial.
- Financial-Times/chart-doctor - Sample files to accompany the FT's Chart Doctor column
- bborgesr/rstudio-conf-2018 - Drill-down data discovery with Shiny
- brodieG/oshka - Simple Programmable R NSE
- rCarto/caRtosm - Cartographic explorations of the OpenStreetMap database with R
- jeroenjanssens/data-science-at-the-command-line - Data Science at the Command Line
- clauswilke/dataviz - A book covering the fundamentals of data visualization
- klokantech/mapbox-gl-js-offline-example - Sample vector tiles displayed with local copy of MapBox GL JS
- ColinFay/purrr-cookbook - [Work In Progress] A cookbook of purrr recipes
- rochelleterman/PS239T - Introduction to Computational Tools and Techniques for Social Research
- ribernhard/PS239T - Introduction to Computational Tools for Social Science
- mindaslab/I-Love-Ruby - A free Ruby programming book.
- ovrdc/tileserver - A NodeJS vector tile server with a preview page. Originally a fork of mbtiles-server.
- ovrdc/ovrdc.github.io - OVRDC Web Apps, Data Visualization Templates and Examples
- charpeni/svelte-example - 🚀 📚 Some examples to test the Svelte Framework
- voxmedia/Transcriber - NWJS os x desktop based application that given a video/audio file returns a transcription using IBM Watson Speech to text API
- d3plus/d3plus-workshop - Guided tutorials for learning d3plus.
- sashakavun/leaflet-canvasicon - Canvas Icon plugin for Leaflet library
- matcornic/hugo-theme-learn - Porting Grav Learn theme to Hugo
- amcat/amcat - Amsterdam Content Analysis Toolkit
- jashkenas/docco - Literate Programming can be Quick and Dirty.
- jenil/chota - A micro (3kb) CSS framework
- hrbrmstr/streamgraph - 〰️ htmlwidget for creating streamgraph visualizations in R
- econandrew/ggtreemap - Treemaps for ggplot2
- SmartcitySantiagoChile/onlineGPS - Web app to visualize online buses of public transport system of Santiago, Chile "Transantiago"
- mgimond/Presentations -
- benbalter/retlab - A minimalist Jekyll theme for your personal site
- froala/design-blocks - A set of 170+ Bootstrap based design blocks ready to be used to create clean modern websites.
- gavinsimpson/gams-yorku-canada-150 - GAM Workshop at York University, October 2018
- wowchemy/wowchemy-hugo-themes - 🔥 Hugo website builder, Hugo themes & Hugo CMS. No code, build with widgets! 创建在线课程,学术简历或初创网站。
- hrbrmstr/metricsgraphics - 📈 htmlwidget interface to the MetricsGraphics.js D3 chart library
- npct-archive/pctSchoolsUK - Analysis and modelling of school travel data to estimate the geographic distribution of the potential uptake of cycling to school
- larmarange/analyse-R - Introduction à l'analyse d'enquêtes avec R et RStudio
- weiweihuanghuang/Work-Sans - A grotesque sans.
- romainfrancois/rsciinema - r and asciinema
- WinVector/vtreat - vtreat is a data frame processor/conditioner that prepares real-world data for predictive modeling in a statistically sound manner. Distributed under choice of GPL-2 or GPL-3 license.
- AdeelK93/collapsibleTree - Create Interactive Collapsible Tree Diagrams in R using D3.js
- cenuno/cenuno.github.io - Urban Data Science: Using Open-Source Tools to Study Urban Life
- OolonColoophid/octavo - Create a range of documents (PDF, .docx, html, spoken word) from a single Markdown source
- stoltzmaniac/ML-Image-Processing-R - Facial Recognition in R
- yonicd/ggedit - Interactively edit ggplot layer aesthetics and theme definitions
- koka-lang/madoko - Madoko is a fast markdown processor for high quality academic and technical articles
- bioconda/bioconda.github.io - Bioconda is a distribution of bioinformatics software realized as a channel for the versatile package manager Conda.
- ThinkR-open/shinytodocx - POC permettant de montrer comment construire un rapport .docx à partir d 'une application shiny
- eueung/hugo-paper-now - writing scientific article with hugo (port of PeerJ/paper-now)
- privacytools/privacytools.io - 🛡🛠 You are being watched. Protect your privacy against global mass surveillance.
- broccolini/50shadesofblk - An exploration of black color palettes.
- milligram/milligram - A minimalist CSS framework.
- thomasp85/tidygraph - A tidy API for graph manipulation
- halogenica/beautifulhugo - Theme for the Hugo static website generator
- jhudsl/ari - 👯 The Automated R Instructor
- jenil/bulmaswatch - Themes for Bulma
- xuyiqing/POLI273 - Course Website for Causal Inference at UCSD
- cboettig/hugo-cover-theme - A hugo theme / template based on bootstrap Cover example
- riatelab/cartostats - Reproducible Cartography
- frogcat/retroscope - Leaflet multiple tile layer with spotlight effect
- stoltzmaniac/Mushroom-Classification - Using the UC Irvine data for a classification example
- stoltzmaniac/Medicare -
- ropensci/skimr - A frictionless, pipeable approach to dealing with summary statistics
- frippz/frippz.se - The Jekyll files for my blog
- xcodebuild/inoreader-app - Unofficial electron app for inoreader
- elbamos/largeVis - An implementation of the largeVis algorithm for visualizing large, high-dimensional datasets, for R
- odeleongt/flexdashboard-poster - Minimal template for a flexdashboard poster
- jrnold/2017 - Website for University of Washington: POLS 501 "Advanced Political Research Design and Analysis" (Winter 2017)
- feedreader/pluto.starter - planet pluto quick starter kit - (auto-) build your own (static) planet news site from web feeds
- ShawnTeoh/matjek - Material theme based on Materialize.css for jekyll sites
- wemake-services/jekyll-theme-hackcss - Dead simple CSS framework now with Jekyll.
- ccamacho/phd - Ph.D dissertation website
- crossedbanana/Multiple-Factor-Analysis-in-R - An R package for Multiple Factor Analysis
- 1wheel/swoopy-drag - Artisanal label placement for d3 graphics
- WinVector/Examples - Various examples for different articles
- kshaffer/presidencyproject - Code to scrape and parse documents in The American Presidency Project
- hail2u/html-best-practices - For writing maintainable and scalable HTML documents
- rough-stuff/rough - Create graphics with a hand-drawn, sketchy, appearance
- EricArcher/rfPermute - Estimate Permutation p-Values for Random Forest Importance Metrics
- bbolker/mixedmodels-misc - miscellaneous materials for mixed models, mostly in R
- uc-cfss/course-site - Course site for Computing for the Social Sciences (MACS-30500)
- CloudCannon/urban-jekyll-template - ☁️ Agency template for Jekyll
- CloudCannon/justice-jekyll-template - 🏢 Law firm themed business template for Jekyll
- una/CSSgram - CSS library for Instagram filters
- kxxvii/Kikofri - Kikofri, a Jekyll Theme, and a fork of Kiko.
- thesowah/redcup - This is a Jekyll Theme
- EmailThis/typographic-email - Responsive email template that is optimised for readability.
- codrops/SearchUIEffects - A couple of schematic, inspirational proof-of-concepts for how to show the search interface on a website using CSS animations.
- iros/patternfills - A collection of svg patterns and build scripts that allow utilizing them in svg, css and d3.
- mhshaaban/testmap6 -
- xavriley/pdf-to-csv-ruby - Proof of concept for extracting CSV data from image based pdfs using open source tools
- nandomoreirame/simplest - 💎 Simple and beautiful Jekyll theme
- dixonandmoe/rellax - Lightweight, vanilla javascript parallax library
- n457/Uncolored - (Un)colored — Next generation desktop rich content editor that saves documents with themes. HTML & Markdown compatible. For Windows, OS X & Linux. — http://n457.github.io/Uncolored/
- jekynewage/jekynewage.github.io - Start Boostrap New Age Theme for Jekyll
- ajmcoqui/webAPIsR - Example scripts for "Using web APIs in R" presentation, rstudio::conf 2017
- timelyportfolio/explodingboxplotR - d3.js exploding boxplots for R as an htmlwidget
- yihui/hugo-lithium - Lithium - A simple responsive Hugo theme
- geanders/RProgrammingForResearch -
- kbenoit/ITAUR - Introduction to Text Analysis Using R
- timelyportfolio/parsetR - R htmlwidget for d3-parsets from Jason Davies
- kaapiandcode/hugo-goa - Simple Minimalistic Theme for Hugo
- jessekorzan/scatter-plot - Simple responsive CSS scatter plot chart
- mknapper1/Spotify-Electron - Spotify web app wrapped with Electron
- etiennebr/visualraster - Illustrate some operations of the raster package
- timwis/jkan-demo - Demo instance of timwis/jkan
- pkremp/polls -
- Vorago/pandoc-presentations - Convert .md files into html presentations
- nikoheikkila/dotpandoc - Pandoc data files (incl. stylesheets, reference files and templates)
- maelle/colourlovers_patterns - See andrewheiss/colourlovers#4
- jbryer/likert - Package to analyze likert based items.
- mojombo/mojombo.github.io - Jekyll source for my personal blog.
- alfredxing/brick - Open-source webfont service
- nxskok/markpaper - how to write an academic paper using R Markdown
- ankitsultana/researcher - A jekyll based resume template
- volny/stylish-portfolio-jekyll - A Jekyll implementation of the Stylish Portfolio template by Start Bootstrap
- sergiokopplin/violet - 🔮 Violet Jekyll Template
- tma02/baritone - Spotify controls that live in your menubar.
- TaylanTatli/Moon - Moon is a minimal, one column jekyll theme.
- danilofreire/rmarkdown-templates - A collection of personal templates for RMarkdown
- tthibo/SQL-Tutorial - A Gentle Introduction to SQL Using SQLite
- FranciscoAlonso/Proyecto_Mineria_de_Datos_2-2015 - Proyecto Minería de Datos
- sergiokopplin/indigo - 🍜 Minimalist Jekyll Template
- sunbliss/photorama - "PHOTORAMA" template for Jekyll
- tompollard/phd_thesis_markdown - Template for writing a PhD thesis in Markdown
- siawyoung/immaculate - A beautiful, fast, AMP-compliant Jekyll theme based on Tufte CSS.
- chrisalbon/mlai - Notes on machine learning and artificial intelligence.
- RhymeTek/Minima - A Bootstrap theme for GitHub pages
- shower/ribbon - Ribbon theme for Shower HTML presentation engine
- shower/material - Material theme for Shower HTML presentation engine
- dh-notes/pandoc-workflow -
- bitmand/utterson - A Jekyll web backend written in ruby, for a more user friendly management of http://jekyllrb.com/ websites.
- timwis/jkan - A lightweight, backend-free open data portal, powered by Jekyll
- jmunoz298/Presentaciones - Presentaciones Reveal.js
- noahcoad/google-spell-check - Uses Google Search spelling magic to fix words or phrases for Sublime Text.
- henrythemes/jekyll-starter-theme-v2 - jekyll starter theme v2
- timwis/jekyll-travis-gh-pages - Deploy jekyll sites to gh-pages with plugins, etc. using Travis CI
- henrythemes/jekyll-bootstrap-theme - jekyll starter theme w/ bootstrap (sass version)
- henrythemes/jekyll-starter-theme - jekyll starter theme - minimial
- jonkpirateboy/refocus - A lightweight jQuery plugin to focus and unfocus like a camera
- sdogruyol/crystal_for_rubyists - Crystal For Rubyists
- voidlabs/mosaico - Mosaico - Responsive Email Template Editor
- ImageOptim/ImageOptim - GUI image optimizer for Mac
- sindresorhus/github-markdown-css - The minimal amount of CSS to replicate the GitHub Markdown style
- maptimelex/d3-mapping - Introduction to D3.js Web Mapping Through 7 Simple Maps
- codrops/PricingTablesInspiration - A couple of styles and inspiration for responsive, flexbox-based HTML pricing tables.
- rails/weblog -
- hashicorp/otto - Development and deployment made easy.
- remonbonbon/jekyll-editor - Web UI for editing the Jekyll posts.
- ptwobrussell/Mining-the-Social-Web-2nd-Edition - The official online compendium for Mining the Social Web, 2nd Edition (O'Reilly, 2013)
- PeerJ/paper-now - Create, edit and display a journal article, entirely in GitHub
- wenzhixin/bootstrap-table-examples - Bootstrap table examples
- ellekasai/shiori - [Unmaintained] A Bootstrap-based Jekyll Theme.
- icco/resume - A markdown port of my resume
- ellekasai/resumecards - [Unmaintained] A Markdown based resume generator. It looks great on mobile/desktop and can be saved as PDF.
- jglovier/resume-template - 📄💼🎩 A simple Jekyll + GitHub Pages powered resume template.
- koushy/mpvremote - control mpv from a browser
- floere/picky - Picky is an easy to use and fast Ruby semantic search engine that helps your users find what they are looking for.
- eidge/ruby-captcha-breaker - A captcha solver written in Ruby. Proof-of-concept.
- mushishi78/one-page-wonder-jekyll - Jekyll port of One Page Wonder
- scotte/jekyll-clean - A simple and clean Jekyll theme that's easy to modify.
- nfriedly/spam-free-php-contact-form - Simple, human-friendly contact form (no captchas). Uses JavaScript and hidden fields to thwart spammers.
- getbase/base - Base - A Rock Solid, Responsive CSS Framework built to work on all devices big, small and in-between.
- Eonasdan/tempus-dominus - A powerful Date/time picker widget.
- wesleyit/ruby_sinatra_blog - Static blog build using Sinatra
- rjames86/download_pinboard - Download your pinboard bookmarks as webloc files with Mac OS X tags
- groundworkcss/groundwork - Say hello to responsive design made easy.
- keen/dashboards - Responsive dashboard templates 📊✨
- michahell/pinbored-nwjs - native application http://www.pinboard.in client built with AngularJS and http://nwjs.io/
- jsor/jcarousel - Riding carousels with jQuery.
- weshatheleopard/rubyXL - Ruby lib for reading/writing/modifying .xlsx and .xlsm files
- javierhonduco/dulcinea - A nebrija frontend + api.
- samdutton/simpl - Simplest possible examples of HTML, CSS and Javascript:
- gnab/remark - A simple, in-browser, markdown-driven slideshow tool.
- stephenhutchings/typicons.font - 336 pixel perfect, all-purpose vector icons in a web-font kit
- google/web-starter-kit - Web Starter Kit - a workflow for multi-device websites
- padolsey/sonic.js - ➿ Create loopy loading animations
- Xeoncross/jr - Jr. the static, static javascript site generator (you should see this)
- justalever/tumblrboilerplate - Tumblr Boiler Plate Theme
- leemunroe/responsive-html-email-template - A free simple responsive HTML email template
- daylerees/colour-schemes - Colour schemes for a variety of editors created by Dayle Rees.
- CrossTheStreams/sinatra_boilerplate - Super basic boilerplate using HAML and Bootstrap 3
- aekaplan/grid - A simple guide to responsive design.
- paolotripodi/Landy-v1.0 - A flexible one-page fully responsive HTML template for your app
- coolwanglu/pdf2htmlEX - Convert PDF to HTML without losing text or format.
- uwosh/uwo-jekyll - Code for UW Oshkosh's new design.
- cheeaun/life - Life - a timeline of important events in my life
- maciakl/MarkdownJournal - Plain text journaling with Markdown and Dropbox on the Sinatra platform.
- corygibbons/yuki - ❄️ Responsive masonry style theme for Tumblr.
- benpickles/peity - Progressive <svg> pie, donut, bar and line charts
- LindseyB/blog - A blog in Sinatra for great good
- peachananr/loading-bar - Add a Youtube-like loading bar to all your ajax links
- peachananr/simple-text-rotator - Add a super simple rotating text to your website with little to no markup
- hakimel/css - Assorted CSS and UI experiments.
- utdemir/furby - A simplified rawdog clone, in Ruby
- YePpHa/YouTubeCenter - YouTube Center is a userscript designed to expand the functionality of YouTube. It includes the ability to download the video you're watching, auto selecting your preferred video quality and much more.
- paulstraw/FancySelect - A better select for discerning web developers everywhere.
- peachananr/flat-shadow - A small jQuery plugin that will automatically cast a shadow creating depth for your flat UI elements
- propublica/upton - A batteries-included framework for easy web-scraping. Just add CSS! (Or do more.)
- shower/shower - Shower HTML presentation engine
- shower/jekyller - Shower presentation generator with Jekyll underneath
- muan/scribble - 🍅 A Jekyll theme.
- caarlos0-graveyard/up - Clean and beautiful bootstrap based layout for Jekyll.
- davatron5000/FitText.js - A jQuery plugin for inflating web type
- codrops/DirectionAwareHoverEffect - How to create a direction-aware hover effect using CSS3 and jQuery. The idea is to slide in an overlay from the direction we are moving with the mouse.
- codrops/AnimatedResponsiveImageGrid - A jQuery plugin for creating a responsive image grid that will switch images using different animations and timings. This can work nicely as a background or decorative element of a website since we can randomize the appearance of new images and their transitions.
- codrops/ResponsiveMultiLevelMenu - A responsive multi-level menu that shows its submenus in their own context, allowing for a space-saving presentation and usage.
- sapegin/jquery.mosaicflow - Pinterest like responsive image grid that doesn’t suck
- blueimp/jQuery-Image-Gallery - This project is deprecated in favor of blueimp Gallery.
- ubuwaits/beautiful-web-type - In-depth guide to the best open-source typefaces: https://beautifulwebtype.com
- atlemo/SubtlePatterns - All the patterns
- weightshift/The-Personal-Page - This simple one-page website is a way for people to have a very quick and easy personable website that aggregates your activity and positions a simple logo, a portrait and some description text in a nicely-formatted manner. This is licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
- davist11/jQuery-One-Page-Nav - Smooth scrolling and smart navigation when user scrolls on one-page sites.
- Prinzhorn/skrollr - Stand-alone parallax scrolling library for mobile (Android + iOS) and desktop. No jQuery. Just plain JavaScript (and some love).
- desandro/masonry - 🏩 Cascading grid layout plugin
- danielmcgraw/Jekyll-Base - Base files and folder structure for Jekyll
- foundation/foundation-sites - The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world. Quickly create prototypes and production code for sites that work on any kind of device.
- matthewbuchanan/tumblr-kit - A jQuery plugin for importing post data from Tumblr’s API.
- mpv-player/mpv.io - 🌎 website source code
- yeun/open-color - Color scheme for UI design.
- jonschoning/espial - Espial is an open-source, web-based bookmarking server.
- tweag/HaskellR - The full power of R in Haskell.
- Yvee1/hascard - flashcard TUI with markdown cards
- spwhitton/pandoc-citeproc-preamble - Insert a preamble before pandoc-citeproc's bibliography
- carp-lang/Carp - A statically typed lisp, without a GC, for real-time applications.
- jaspervdj/patat - Terminal-based presentations using Pandoc
- essandess/adblock2privoxy - Convert adblock config files to privoxy format
- ondrap/mapbox-filter - Utilities for filtering vector mbitles files according to Mapbox GL styles
- jgm/pandoc-citeproc - Library and executable for using citeproc with pandoc
- HuwCampbell/grenade - Deep Learning in Haskell
- jez/pandoc-sidenote - Convert Pandoc Markdown-style footnotes into sidenotes
- mb21/pandoc-placetable - Pandoc filter to include CSV data (from file or URL)
- baig/pandoc-csv2table - A Pandoc filter that renders CSV as Pandoc Markdown Tables.
- jgm/pandoc - Universal markup converter
- osener/markup.rocks - Pandoc based document editor and converter in your browser.
- lierdakil/pandoc-crossref - Pandoc filter for cross-references
- elm/compiler - Compiler for Elm, a functional language for reliable webapps.
- PostgREST/postgrest - REST API for any Postgres database
- keithshep/txt-sushi - The SQL link in your *NIX chain
- sebadoom/mpvguihs - A minimalist mpv GUI written in I/O heavy Haskell
- WallPanel-Project/wallpanel-android - This project is deprecated; try out this active fork: https://thanksmister.com/wallpanel-android/
- waigitdas/Neo4j-Genealogy-PlugIns - Genealogy plugin for Neo4j
- open-metadata/OpenMetadata - Open Standard for Metadata. A Single place to Discover, Collaborate and Get your data right.
- baremaps/baremaps - Create custom vector tiles from OpenStreetMap and other data sources with Postgis and Java.
- Docile-Alligator/Infinity-For-Reddit - A Reddit client for Android
- pschoepf/naturalbreaks - Ports of fisher natural breaks optimization with O(k×n×log(n)) complexity
- GeyserMC/Geyser - A bridge/proxy allowing you to connect to Minecraft: Java Edition servers with Minecraft: Bedrock Edition.
- bmwcarit/barefoot - Java map matching library for integrating the map into software and services with state-of-the-art online and offline map matching that can be used stand-alone and in the cloud.
- OpenLauncherTeam/openlauncher - Customizable and Open Source Launcher for Android
- airbytehq/airbyte - Airbyte is an open-source EL(T) platform that helps you replicate your data in your warehouses, lakes and databases.
- yuliskov/SmartTubeNext - Ad free app for watching tube videos on Android TV boxes
- IQSS/dataverse - Open source research data repository software
- apache/pulsar - Apache Pulsar - distributed pub-sub messaging system
- spotify/styx - "The path to execution", Styx is a service that schedules batch data processing jobs in Docker containers on Kubernetes.
- haifengl/smile - Statistical Machine Intelligence & Learning Engine
- weltond/LearnBasicBigDataTech - 🚀Some projects on Big Data Analysis like Spark, Hive, Presto and Data Visualization like Superset
- geoserver/geoserver-cloud - Cloud Native GeoServer is GeoServer ready to use in the cloud through dockerized microservices.
- questdb/questdb - An open source SQL database designed to process time series data, faster
- GIScience/ohsome-api - API for analysing OpenStreetMap history data
- heremaps/xyz-hub - XYZ Hub is a RESTful web service for the access and management of geospatial data.
- confluentinc/ksql - The database purpose-built for stream processing applications.
- graphhopper/map-matching - The map matching functionality is now located in the main repository https://github.com/graphhopper/graphhopper#map-matching
- geosolutions-it/http-proxy - Lean and Mean HTTP Proxy written in Java
- jericks/geoserver-shell - Manage GeoServer using a CLI similar to Spring Roo
- graphhopper/jsprit - jsprit is a java based, open source toolkit for solving rich vehicle routing problems
- theonedev/onedev - Super Easy All-In-One DevOps Platform
- shunfei/indexr - An open-source columnar data format designed for fast & realtime analytic with big data.
- martykan/forecastie - A simple, opensource weather app for Android.
- ggomes/otm-sim - Open Traffic Models - A framework for hybrid traffic simulation
- TACC/MassivePixelEnvironment - Massive Pixel Environment (MPE) is a Processing library for easily extending sketches to distributed display environments.
- OpenTreeMap/otm-android - An OpenTreeMap client for Android. The OpenTreeMap code can be downloaded at https://github.com/OpenTreeMap/otm-core.
- google/open-location-code - Open Location Code is a library to generate short codes, called "plus codes", that can be used as digital addresses where street addresses don't exist.
- LibrePDF/OpenPDF - OpenPDF is a free Java library for creating and editing PDF files with a LGPL and MPL open source license. OpenPDF is based on a fork of iText. We welcome contributions from other developers. Please feel free to submit pull-requests and bugreports to this GitHub repository. ⛺
- blobcity/db - A blazing fast ACID compliant NoSQL DataLake with support for storing 17 formats of data. Full SQL and DML capabilities along with Java stored procedures for advanced data processing.
- georchestra/georchestra - This is the main geOrchestra Spatial Data Infrastructure repository, which hosts the source code.
- plechi/mini-geocoder - Minimal Geocoder and Geocoding REST-API you can run on your Server. Uses Openstreetmap data.
- gisgraphy/gisgraphy - geocoding and geolocalisation webservices for Geonames, Openstreetmap, Openaddresses, Tiger and quattroshapes data
- aseldawy/spatialhadoop2 - The second generation of SpatialHadoop that ships as an extension
- apache/incubator-sedona - A cluster computing framework for processing large-scale geospatial data
- garybentley/quollwriter - Quoll Writer - A writing application that lets you focus on your words.
- AugustoEst/gazetrack - This library enables the use of different eye-trackers on the Processing environment.
- tillnagel/unfolding - A library to create interactive maps and geovisualizations in Processing and Java
- senbox-org/snap-desktop - Desktop GUI for SNAP based on NetBeans Platform
- GIScience/openrouteservice - 🌍 The open source route planner api with plenty of features.
- calebwin/quill - A high-level API for computing edit distance
- osmlab/atlas - OSM in memory
- sidewalklabs/totx-r5 - Rapid Realistic Routing on Real-world and Reimagined networks
- bizreach/drill-excel-plugin - Apache Drill plugin for Excel files
- google/data-transfer-project - The Data Transfer Project makes it easy for people to transfer their data between online service providers. We are establishing a common framework, including data models and protocols, to enable direct transfer of data both into and out of participating online service providers.
- conveyal/r5 - Developed to power a web-based interface for scenario planning and land-use/transport accessibility analysis, R5 is Conveyal's routing engine for multimodal (transit/bike/walk/car) networks with a particular focus on public transit
- graphhopper/graphhopper - Open source routing engine for OpenStreetMap. Use it as Java library or standalone web server.
- h2oai/steam - DEPRECATED Build, manage and deploy H2O's high-speed machine learning models.
- TeamNewPipe/NewPipe - A libre lightweight streaming front-end for Android.
- oracle/graal - GraalVM: Run Programs Faster Anywhere 🚀
- oracle/fastr - A high-performance implementation of the R programming language, built on GraalVM.
- dbeaver/dbeaver - Free universal database tool and SQL client
- pridiltal/staplr - PDF Toolkit. 📎 🔨 🔧 ✂️ 📑 📁📎 🔖 🚧 👷
- processing-r/Processing.R - R Language Mode in Processing for Creative Coding, created by @gaocegege, maintained by @jeremydouglass
- processing/processing - Source code for the Processing Core and Development Environment (PDE)
- Freeyourgadget/Gadgetbridge - We are on codeberg.org now! https://codeberg.org/Freeyourgadget/Gadgetbridge - Gadgetbridge - A free and cloudless replacement for your gadget vendors' closed source Android applications. Supports Pebble, Mi Band, Liveview, HPlus and more.
- kennycason/kumo - Kumo - Java Word Cloud
- guardianproject/haven - Haven is for people who need a way to protect their personal spaces and possessions without compromising their own privacy, through an Android app and on-device sensors
- hrbrmstr/pdfbox - 📄◻️ Create, Maniuplate and Extract Data from PDF Files (R Apache PDFBox wrapper)
- orientechnologies/orientdb - OrientDB is the most versatile DBMS supporting Graph, Document, Reactive, Full-Text and Geospatial models in one Multi-Model product. OrientDB can run distributed (Multi-Master), supports SQL, ACID Transactions, Full-Text indexing and Reactive Queries. OrientDB Community Edition is Open Source using a liberal Apache 2 license.
- avram/zandy - Zotero on Android
- mimno/Mallet - MALLET is a Java-based package for statistical natural language processing, document classification, clustering, topic modeling, information extraction, and other machine learning applications to text.
- conjugateprior/yoshikoder - Simple cross-platform multilingual content analysis
- openanalytics/shinyproxy - ShinyProxy - Open Source Enterprise Deployment for Shiny
- locationtech/geogig - GeoGig project
- freeplane/freeplane -
- opentripplanner/OpenTripPlanner - An open source multi-modal trip planner
- JonathanLink/PDFLayoutTextStripper - Converts a pdf file into a text file while keeping the layout of the original pdf. Useful to extract the content from a table in a pdf file for instance. This is a subclass of PDFTextStripper class (from the Apache PDFBox library).
- stathissideris/ditaa - ditaa is a small command-line utility that can convert diagrams drawn using ascii art ('drawings' that contain characters that resemble lines like | / - ), into proper bitmap graphics.
- tsauvine/omr - Optical mark recognition
- redbear/Duo - Resources for the RedBear Duo IoT development board.
- dlazaro66/QRCodeReaderView - Modification of ZXING Barcode Scanner project for easy Android QR-Code detection and AR purposes
- sphinx02/AppStarter - AppStarter | AppDrawer and Kodi / SPMC Updater for Amazon FireTV. Works without rooting your FireTV.
- MovingBlocks/Terasology - Terasology - open source voxel world
- OpenRefine/OpenRefine - OpenRefine is a free, open source power tool for working with messy data and improving it
- jay-to-the-dee/TumblrLikesViewer - A graphical Java Tumblr client that utilises the Jumblr library
- Athou/commafeed - Google Reader inspired self-hosted RSS reader.
- grifotv/grifotv-portfolio - My portfolio developed using Sublime, CoffeeScript, Backbone.js, jQuery Isotope, Paper.js and Google Docs spreadsheet as CMS.
- louislam/uptime-kuma - A fancy self-hosted monitoring tool
- sushrut141/bubblesjs - Lightest weight charts that look great on mobile.
- anotherglitchinthematrix/monochrome - Monochromatic theme collection, for those who seeks.
- rknightuk/alfred-workflows - Alfred workflows I use. Script to automatically export.
- giswqs/jupyter-qgis - Run a Linux Desktop on a JupyterHub
- OpenGeoscience/geojs - High-performance visualization and interactive data exploration of scientific and geospatial location aware datasets
- ThatGuySam/doesitarm - 🦾 A list of reported app support for Apple Silicon and the new Apple M1 Macs
- michalsnik/aos - Animate on scroll library
- y252328/Instagram_Download_Button - Add download button to download media in the post and the story in Instagram
- Spope/MiniMasonry.js - Minimalist dependancy free Masonry layout library
- CoeJoder/waitForKeyElements.js - A utility function for userscripts that detects and handles AJAXed content.
- SkepticMystic/graph-analysis - Analyse the structure of your Obsidian graph using various analysis techniques
- man-group/dtale - Visualizer for pandas data structures
- niespodd/browser-fingerprinting - Analysis of Bot Protection systems with available countermeasures 🚿. How to defeat anti-bot system 👻 and get around browser fingerprinting scripts 🕵️♂️ when scraping the web?
- aholstenson/miio - Control Mi Home devices, such as Mi Robot Vacuums, Mi Air Purifiers, Mi Smart Home Gateway (Aqara) and more
- merdok/homebridge-xiaomi-fan - Homebridge plugin for Xiaomi Smartmi and Mija fans
- mourner/simplify-js - High-performance JavaScript polyline simplification library
- mdiener21/python-geospatial-analysis-cookbook - Over 60 recipes to work with topology, overlays and indoor routing
- testdrivenio/flask-spa-auth - Session-based Auth with Flask for Single Page Apps
- i5ik/cs.js - Computer Science Data Structures and Algorithms in JavaScript ( Node.JS, ES ) in simple, clean, reusable code
- tailwind-mobile/tailwind-mobile - Mobile UI components made with Tailwind CSS
- adamschwartz/web.scraper.workers.dev - Scrape websites for text by CSS selector.
- regl-project/regl - 👑 Functional WebGL
- carbonplan/maps - interactive multi-dimensional data-driven web maps
- stackgl/shader-school - 🎓 A workshopper for GLSL shaders and graphics programming
- TinkerTurtle/Sentry-Picam - A simple wildlife camera for Raspberry Pis.
- medialab/artoo - artoo.js - the client-side scraping companion.
- featureform/embeddinghub - A vector database for machine learning embeddings.
- crossfilter/crossfilter - Fast n-dimensional filtering and grouping of records.
- medusajs/medusa - The open-source Shopify alternative ⚡️
- ccxt/ccxt - A JavaScript / Python / PHP cryptocurrency trading API with support for more than 100 bitcoin/altcoin exchanges
- imRohan/tabbyjs - 🐈 An easy-to-use js library to add tabby cats to your site. Simply include the js library and hit [Tab + b].
- chrisleekr/binance-trading-bot - Automated Binance trading bot - Trade multiple cryptocurrencies. Buy low/sell high with Grid Trading. Integrated with TradingView technical analysis
- pointhi/leaflet-color-markers - color variations of the standard leaflet marker
- FrankFlitton/autoyeai.com - A tensorflowJS Kanye West lyrics generator and data ingestion pipeline.
- sachinchoolur/replace-jquery - Automatically finds jQuery methods from existing projects and generates vanilla js alternatives.
- nodeca/pako - high speed zlib port to javascript, works in browser & node.js
- planetlabs/viewpoints - Viewpoints is a tool for visualizing high dimensionality data using linked scatter plots.
- ffmpegwasm/ffmpeg.wasm - FFmpeg for browser and node, powered by WebAssembly
- guadag12/talk-textmining-uba - Talk about text mining in the University of Buenos Aires
- stla/prettifyAddins - RStudio addins to prettify JavaScript/HTML/CSS/Markdown/C++ and more.
- bumbeishvili/data-driven-range-slider - D3.js based data-driven range slider, date time support
- jspreadsheet/ce - Jspreadsheet is a lightweight vanilla javascript plugin to create amazing web-based interactive tables and spreadsheets compatible with other spreadsheet software.
- galkatz373/svelte-apexcharts - Svelte wrapper for ApexCharts
- treenotation/treenotation.org - TreeNotation.org website
- alyssaxuu/mapus - A map tool with real-time collaboration 🗺️
- mapbox/concaveman - A very fast 2D concave hull algorithm in JavaScript
- GenieFramework/Stipple.jl - The reactive UI library for interactive data applications with pure Julia.
- ambanum/OpenTermsArchive - Tracks and makes visible changes to the Terms Of Service of the main online services.
- lowlighter/metrics - 📊 An infographics generator with 30+ plugins and 200+ options to display stats about your GitHub account and render them as SVG, Markdown, PDF or JSON!
- paradigmadigital/ChaiHttp-sample - Ejemplo Chai HTTP
- thesephist/monocle - Universal personal search engine, powered by a full text search algorithm written in pure Ink, indexing Linus's blogs and private note archives, contacts, tweets, and over a decade of journals.
- eyeseast/ulysses-js - This is a tool for creating stories around maps.
- maxogden/adventure-time - a web based environment for doing nodeschool adventures
- mayswind/AriaNg - AriaNg, a modern web frontend making aria2 easier to use.
- trufi-association/osm-public-transport-export - OSM Public Transport Export to GeoJSON
- rodrigogs/mysql-events - A node package that watches a MySQL database and runs callbacks on matched events.
- origo-map/origo - Origo
- mmomtchev/intercity - Intercity.js is an Express-like middleware for serving dynamic geospatial data over WMS, WMTS, WCS and WFS [WIP]
- migueravila/Bento - 🍱 The minimalist, elegant and hackable startpage.
- jsprog/sciterjs-svelte-template -
- eidam/cf-workers-status-page - Monitor your websites, showcase status including daily history, and get Slack/Telegram/Discord notification whenever your website status changes. Using Cloudflare Workers, CRON Triggers, and KV storage.
- VandyHacks/vhl.ink - custom domain link shortener using cloudflare workers + kv
- my-telegram-bots/hitokoto_bot - A Telegram bot hosted in cloudflare workers
- samueldobbie/markup - A web-based text annotation tool, powered by active learning 🚀
- kindoflew/svelte-parallax - a spring-based parallax component for Svelte
- arkenfox/user.js - Firefox privacy, security and anti-tracking: a comprehensive user.js template for configuration and hardening
- lokesh/color-thief - Grab the color palette from an image using just Javascript. Works in the browser and in Node.
- lowdefy/lowdefy - An open-source, self-hosted, low-code framework to build internal tools, web apps, admin panels, BI dashboards, workflows, and CRUD apps with YAML or JSON.
- RobinLinus/snapdrop - A Progressive Web App for local file sharing
- anvaka/ngraph.path.demo - This is a demo project for ngraph.path
- saasform/saasform - Add signup & payments to your SaaS in minutes.
- stebogit/matrix-to-grid - Takes a matrix of numbers and returns a point grid with the correspondent 'property' values
- ToolJet/ToolJet - ToolJet is an open-source low-code platform for building and deploying internal tools with minimal engineering efforts 🚀
- maxto/ubique - A mathematical and quantitative library for Javascript and Node.js
- KibaeKim/SectorTradingAlgorithm -
- MIDIBlocks/handsfree - Quickly integrate face, hand, and/or pose tracking to your frontend projects in a snap ✨👌
- brycedorn/svelte-reactive-map-list -
- tricinel/svelte-chroma-picker - A color picker written in Svelte
- ugo-h/weather-app -
- dechristopher/tegola-omt - OpenMapTiles import procedure and configuration for the Tegola tileserver.
- pngwn/MDsveX - A markdown preprocessor for Svelte.
- Superalgos/Superalgos - Free, open-source crypto trading bot, automated bitcoin / cryptocurrency trading software, algorithmic trading bots. Visually design your crypto trading bot, leveraging an integrated charting system, data-mining, backtesting, paper trading, and multi-server crypto bot deployments.
- vincjo/svelte-simple-datatables - A Datatable component for Svelte
- mourner/bullshit.js - A bookmarklet for translating marketing speak into human-readable text. 💩
- d3/d3-scale - Encodings that map abstract data to visual representation.
- nestauk/svizzle - Svelte components for data visualisation and utilities for data transformation.
- mkshio/tiny-robots - Tiny Robots is a frontend build system and anti-framework built on top of Svelte designed help you ship ambitious web apps faster.
- malinajs/malinajs - Frontend compiler, inspired by Svelte
- nodegui/svelte-nodegui-starter -
- Swechhya/excelR - An Interface to 'jExcel.js' Library
- timdream/wordcloud2.js - Tag cloud/Wordle presentation on 2D canvas or HTML
- ecomfe/echarts-wordcloud - Apache ECharts Word Cloud extension based on wordcloud2.js
- asrenninger/gravity - using gravity models to understand foot traffic
- watergis/postgis2mbtiles - A module extracting the data from PostGIS to mbtiles by using tippecanoe.
- narwassco/vt - This is to manage vectortiles for Narok Water in Github pages.
- iarna/iarna-toml - Better TOML parsing and stringifying all in that familiar JSON interface.
- Geodan/postgis-mvt-server -
- lana-k/sqliteviz - Instant offline SQL-powered data visualisation in your browser
- uwdata/arquero - Query processing and transformation of array-backed data tables.
- alafr/SVG-to-PDFKit - Insert SVG into a PDF document created with PDFKit
- jakesgordon/bin-packing - A javascript binary tree based algorithm for 2d bin-packing suitable for generating CSS sprites
- onsetsu/buoyancy-chart - A d3 visualization inspired by Shan Carter's visualization on Obama’s Budget Proposal.
- armanabkar/svelte-easy-paginate - A Svelte plugin for paginating your data in no time.
- sveltejs/template - Template for building basic applications with Svelte
- derhuerst/gtfs-via-postgres - Yet another tool to process GTFS using PostgreSQL.
- sigdeletras/d3-geom-geodevelopers - Materiales de la charla "Introducción a D3-geom" en la comunidad Geodevelopers
- timvisee/send - 📬 Simple, private file sharing. Mirror of https://gitlab.com/timvisee/send
- rveciana/d3-composite-projections - Set of d3 projections for showing countries distant lands together
- christian-fei/minimal-analytics - Read more at https://cri.dev/posts/2021-04-28-fullstack-nodejs-preact-minimal-web-analytics-introduction/
- nijikokun/generate-schema - 🧞 Convert JSON Objects to MySQL, JSON Schema, Mongoose, Google BigQuery, Swagger, and more.
- topliceanu/mongoose-gen - generates mongoose schemas from json documents, supports DBRefs and Arrays of DBRef
- krg7880/json-schema-generator - Generates draft v4 schema from a local file or a remote JSON url.
- doersino/tixyz - A minimalist three-dimensional coding environment. Control 8x8x8 dots with a single JavaScript function.
- lackrobin/svelte-i18n-light - Translation library for svelte (no dependencies)
- fagoner/svelte-i18n - Svelte translate i18n + LocalStore
- NUKnightLab/StoryMapJS - Maps that tell stories.
- bigskysoftware/_hyperscript - a small scripting language for the web
- pedroslopez/whatsapp-web.js - A WhatsApp client library for NodeJS that connects through the WhatsApp Web browser app
- kwhitley/apicache - Simple API-caching middleware for Express/Node.
- weecology/DeepForest - Python Package for Tree Crown Detection in Airborne RGB imagery
- jberg/butterchurn - Butterchurn is a WebGL implementation of the Milkdrop Visualizer
- openaddresses/TileBase - Range based Single File MBTiles like Store
- matkoniecz/lunar_assembler - SVG maps from OpenStreetMap data. Available at https://mapsaregreat.com/osm_to_svg_in_browser/
- heybereket/hiddentools - 🚀 Discover a wide collection of tools made by the community - for you. Search, filter, and find new tools.
- AlexxNB/tinro - Highly declarative, tiny, dependency free router for Svelte's web applications.
- ashok-khanna/pdf - Tutorial on paged.js
- anvaka/map-of-reddit - Interactive map of reddit
- chjj/blessed - A high-level terminal interface library for node.js.
- maeriens/trust - An interactive guide to the game theory of cooperation
- lukePeavey/SplitType - Javascript utility that splits text into lines, words, characters for animation
- brambow/koop-provider-postgis - PostGIS provider for Koop.js
- mrpandey/d3graphTheory - 💥 Interactive and colorful 🎨 graph theory tutorials made using d3.js ⚡
- luruke/aladino - 🧞♂️ Your magic WebGL carpet
- allyoucanmap/geojson-to-wav - geojson-to-wav
- andymckay/cancel-action -
- lgaticaq/codigo-postal - Get postal code from Correos de Chile
- jpvanoosten/discord-user-manager - This is intended to be used as a Discord bot that manages invites to a Discord server based on a user's G suite account.
- gajus/pg-formatter - A PostgreSQL SQL syntax beautifier.
- lirantal/express-security-txt - A Node.js middleware for Express that implements Security.txt - A Method for Web Security Policies
- sandoche/Terminhack - 👨💻 Impress your friends by pretending to be a real hacker
- SchemaStore/schemastore - A collection of JSON schema files including full API
- stevage/mbsprite - Command line utilities for exploding/bundling Mapbox GL spritesheets
- neuralmagic/sparsify - Easy-to-use UI for automatically sparsifying neural networks and creating sparsification recipes for better inference performance and a smaller footprint
- mkfreeman/hierarchical-models - A Visual Introduction to Hierarchical Modeling
- mattdesl/workshop-generative-art - A workshop on creative coding & generative art
- publicdomaincompany/scroll - The extensible alternative to Markdown.
- swsoyee/nivor - NIVO Visualization Components in R
- TheNeuronProject/ef.js - The timeless, future facing front-end framework
- ashiguruma/patternomaly - Easily generate patterns for use in data graphics
- bigskysoftware/htmx - </> htmx - high power tools for HTML
- cvalenzuela/Mappa - A canvas wrapper for Maps 🗺 🌍
- hackmdio/codimd - CodiMD - Realtime collaborative markdown notes on all platforms.
- SteinHQ/Stein - Use Google Sheets as your no-setup database
- simonw/datasette-leaflet - Datasette plugin adding the Leaflet JavaScript library
- apache-superset/superset-ui-plugins-deckgl - deck.gl plugins for Superset
- thesephist/frieden - My personal, read-only public availability calendar
- thesephist/torus - Torus is an event-driven model-view UI framework for the web, focused on being tiny, efficient, and free of dependencies.
- Wildhoney/Leaflet.FreeDraw - 🌏 FreeDraw allows the free-hand drawing of shapes on your Leaflet.js map layer – providing an intuitive and familiar UX for creating geospatial boundaries similar to Zoopla and others. Included out-of-the-box is the concaving of polygons, polygon merging and simplifying, as well as the ability to add edges and modify existing shapes.
- npretto/pathfinding - Visual explanation of pathfinding algorithms and how a*, Dijkstra and BFS can be seen as the same algorithm with different parameter/data structures used under the hood
- evanw/source-map-visualization - A simple visualization of source map data
- visjs/vis-network - 💫 Display dynamic, automatically organised, customizable network views.
- defx/synergy - Synergy is a tiny runtime library for building web user interfaces
- divestedcg/Brace - Toolkit compatible with multiple Linux distros that allows for installation of handpicked applications, along with corresponding configs that have been tuned for reasonable privacy and security.
- gossip-ink/gossip - An online user interface to efficiently author and delivery awesome and informative presentation. 🚀
- iamadamdev/bypass-paywalls-chrome - Bypass Paywalls web browser extension for Chrome and Firefox.
- LuisAraujo/Covid19-Simulator - Simulation of COVID-19 with HTML5 Canvas. This Simulator was inspired in a Whatsapp video (Undefined author).
- mljs/ml - Machine learning tools in JavaScript
- DenisCarriere/mbtiles-server - Provides a compatible WMTS Tile Server from MBTiles.
- maps-gl/maps-gl - community fork of mapbox-gl-js: leaders and contributors welcome!
- sql-js/sql.js - A javascript library to run SQLite on the web.
- altrdev/hugo-leaflet - Hugo Shortcodes for inserting a OSM Map, Marker or Track into your posts by using leaflet
- ttntm/hugo-tailwind-boilerplate - A boilerplate for Hugo sites based on Tailwind CSS.
- ttntm/hugo-leaflet-store-locator - A Leaflet based store locator rendered as a static site by hugo
- ihmissuti/hacker-ai - Pre-test Hacker News Show HN post subtitles with machine learning algorithm
- Wicklets/wick-editor - A free and open-source tool for creating games, animations and everything in-between!
- mfogel/polygon-clipping - Apply boolean polygon clipping operations (union, intersection, difference, xor) to your Polygons & MultiPolygons.
- gokertanrisever/leaflet-ruler - A simple leaflet plugin to measure true bearing and distance between clicked points
- felixpalmer/procedural-gl-js - Mobile-first 3D mapping engine with emphasis on user experience
- mapbox/dobbyscan - A very fast density based clustering library for geographic points
- RFJHaans/topicmodeling - This is the central repository for literature on and applications of the topic modeling methodology. This page was specifically designed for the professional development workshop (PDW) on topic modeling that have taken place at the 2017 and 2018 iterations of the annual Academy of Management Meeting, but is open to anyone interested.
- kennysong/adversarial.js - Break neural networks in your browser 🦹♂️
- distillpub/template - This is the repository for the distill web framework
- tangrams/highways-demo - A demo of zoom-dependent road styling
- vvondra/tedis - Tile38 UI written in Electron
- leighghunt/tile38-viewer - A tool to visualise geofences and realtime events in Tile38 on a map
- 11ty/eleventy-navigation - A plugin for creating hierarchical navigation in Eleventy projects. Supports breadcrumbs too!
- Artsdatabanken/tiny-tileserver - A minimal http server with mbtiles (SQLite) raster and vector tiles support.
- sw-yx/svelte-amplify-datastore-demo - How to do Auth + Amplify Data Store with Svelte
- muZk/tax-cl - Librería cálculo de impuestos y cotizaciones en Chile 🇨🇱
- jaedle/mirror-to-gitea - Mirror your github repositories to your gitea server
- magda-io/magda - A federated, open-source data catalog for all your big data and small data
- checkly/headless-recorder - Chrome extension that records your browser interactions and generates a Playwright or Puppeteer script.
- hql287/Manta - 🎉 Flexible invoicing desktop app with beautiful & customizable templates.
- slymax/cloak - disable search history suggestions in chrome
- capnmidnight/Calla - Virtual Meetups through Jitsi
- Asabeneh/30-Days-Of-React - 30 Days of React challenge is a step by step guide to learn React in 30 days. It requires HTML, CSS, and JavaScript knowledge. You should be comfortable with JavaScript before you start to React. If you are not comfortable with JavaScript check out 30DaysOfJavaScript. This is a continuation of 30 Days Of JS. This challenge may take more than 100 days, follow your own pace.
- ines/termynal - ⬛️ Lightweight and modern terminal animations using async/await
- dataformsjs/dataformsjs - 🌟 DataFormsJS 🌟 A minimal JavaScript Framework, standalone React and Web Components, and JSX Compiler for rapid development of high quality websites and single page applications.
- sm64js/sm64js - A Super Mario 64 Native Javascript Port
- HelikarLab/ccNetViz - JavaScript library for visualization of large-scale network graphs using WebGL
- publiclab/Leaflet.DistortableImage - A Leaflet extension to distort or "rubber sheet" images
- googleworkspace/solutions - Community contributed solutions for Google Workspace
- jsumners/alfred-emoji - Alfred workflow for searching and copying emoji
- stepankuzmin/h3-polyfill - Uber h3 polyfill CLI
- Turfjs/turf - A modular geospatial engine written in JavaScript
- victordibia/neuralqa - NeuralQA: A Usable Library for Question Answering on Large Datasets with BERT
- obviyus/pooductivity - A web extension to replace all mentions of productivity to the poo emoji
- LingDong-/q5xjs - A small and fast alternative (experimental) implementation of p5.js
- DIYgod/RSSHub - 🍰 Everything is RSSible
- Picovoice/rhino - On-device speech-to-intent engine powered by deep learning
- r-lib/diffviewer - HTML widget to visually compare files
- mikecao/umami - Umami is a simple, fast, website analytics alternative to Google Analytics.
- ijkilchenko/Fuzbal - Chrome extension: Gives Ctrl+F like find results which include non-exact (fuzzy) matches using string edit-distance and GloVe/Word2Vec. Also searches by regular expressions.
- drillan/jupyter-black - Black formatter for Jupyter Notebook
- RinteRface/shiny386 - Provides an old school Bootstrap 4 template for Shiny. It is built on top of the Bootstrap 386 HTML template
- visgl/hubble.gl - A client-side JavaScript library for animating data visualizations and rendering videos.
- rstudio/shinytest - Automated testing for shiny apps
- simple-statistics/simple-statistics - simple statistics for node & browser javascript
- ashlinchak/mdanki - Markdown to Anki converter
- DavidWells/serverless-auth-strategies - How to handle authentication with serverless functions
- inertiajs/inertia - Inertia.js lets you quickly build modern single-page React, Vue and Svelte apps using classic server-side routing and controllers.
- rstudio/shinyvalidate - Input validation package for the Shiny web framework
- dataflownb/dfkernel - A kernel to support Python dataflows in the Jupyter Notebook environment
- statsd/statsd - Daemon for easy but powerful stats aggregation
- dgmid/nextcloud-notes-mac-client - Access and edit your Nextcloud Notes on the Mac
- XavierBerger/RPi-Monitor - Real time monitoring for embedded devices
- TomFevrier/kiwis - A Pandas-inspired data wrangling toolkit in JavaScript
- breejs/bree - 🚥 The best job scheduler for Node.js and JavaScript with cron, dates, ms, later, and human-friendly support. Works in Node v12.11.0+, uses worker threads to spawn sandboxed processes, and supports async/await, retries, throttling, concurrency, and cancelable promises (graceful shutdown). Simple, fast, and lightweight. Made for @ForwardEmail and @ladjs.
- brownhci/WebGazer - WebGazer.js: Scalable Webcam EyeTracking Using User Interactions
- mapbox/shelf-pack - A 2D rectangular bin packing data structure that uses the Shelf Best Height Fit heuristic
- blaze33/map33.js - A JavaScript library to make 3D maps with three.js.
- iterative/cml - ♾️ CML - Continuous Machine Learning | CI/CD for ML
- openforis/sepal - Geographical Data Processing in the Cloud
- fusioncharts/svelte-fusioncharts - Svelte Component for FusionCharts JavaScript Charting Library
- Rich-Harris/pancake - Experimental charting library for Svelte
- duiker101/twitter-interaction-circles - A guide project on how to make interaction circles for Twitter
- sbma44/uber-cities - Collect geo information on the cities that Uber is operating in
- consbio/mbgl-renderer - Static renderer for Mapbox GL
- silverwind/droppy - ARCHIVED Self-hosted file storage
- HandsOnDataViz/leaflet-storymaps-with-google-sheets - Scroll-driven story map, with point markers and narrative text in GeoJSON, using Leaflet and jQuery
- frameable/tragopan - Minimal dependency-free pan/zoom library
- Yomguithereal/talisman - Straightforward fuzzy matching, information retrieval and NLP building blocks for JavaScript.
- simonw/datasette-vega - Datasette plugin for visualizing data using Vega
- simonw/datasette-cluster-map - Datasette plugin that shows a map for any data with latitude/longitude columns
- mheap/github-default-branch - Rename your default branch on GitHub
- vthommeret/mathtocode -
- Rich-Harris/svelte-workshop - The website for the Svelte workshop
- sindresorhus/terminal-image - Display images in the terminal
- GIScience/Leaflet.Heightgraph - Leaflet plugin to visualize height information and road attributes.
- szimek/sharedrop - Easy P2P file transfer powered by WebRTC - inspired by Apple AirDrop
- fossgis-routing-server/osrm-frontend - Modular rewrite of the OSRM frontend using LRM
- pouchdb/pouchdb - 🐨 - PouchDB is a pocket-sized database.
- mapbox/mapbox-gl-draw - Draw tools for mapbox-gl-js
- Mini-Conf/Mini-Conf - Run a conference from your backyard.
- GeoNode/geonode - GeoNode is an open source platform that facilitates the creation, sharing, and collaborative use of geospatial data.
- mapbiomas-brazil/nexgenmap - This repository have Google Earth Engine scripts that presents the results of LULC Classification of the article submited to Remote Sensing: Improving Land Use Land Cover Mapping with Machine Learning, PlanetScope imagery, and Google Earth Engine.
- neomjs/neo - The application worker driven frontend framework
- sw-yx/gh-action-data-scraping - this shows how to use github actions to do periodic data scraping
- tomshanley/d3-sankey-circular - A fork of the d3-sankey library to allow circular links.
- daranzolin/textych - Create interactive text parallels 📃 📃 📃
- saasify-sh/saasify - The easiest way to monetize your API. 🚀
- vasturiano/three-globe - WebGL Globe Data Visualization as a ThreeJS reusable 3D object
- leeoniya/uPlot - 📈 A small, fast chart for time series, lines, areas, ohlc & bars
- hamada2029/instagram_without_login - Open post and scroll window without login.
- TeehanLax/Hyperlapse.js - JavaScript hyper-lapse utility for Google Street View.
- strapi/strapi - 🚀 Open source Node.js Headless CMS to easily build customisable APIs
- sharedstreets/curb-wheel-archive - Curb mapping wheel - ARCHIVE
- datenguide/explorables - A collection of components for building explorable explainers
- Oxygem/Kanmail - 📥 An email client that functions like a kanban board.
- arijs/ari -
- amark/gun - An open source cybersecurity protocol for syncing decentralized graph data.
- gka/chroma.js - JavaScript library for all kinds of color manipulations
- ricklamers/gridstudio - Grid studio is a web-based application for data science with full integration of open source data science frameworks and languages.
- wwwouaiebe/leaflet.TravelNotes - A complete mapping application. With this, you prepare a complete travel, adding itineraries and personnal notes to the map. When you travel is complete, you can save it to a file, export the itineraries to a gpx files, print the itineraries and a roadbook with the notes and itineraries description.
- timelyportfolio/nebular - nebula.gl experiment for R
- plotly/falcon - Free, open-source SQL client for Windows and Mac 🦅
- css-doodle/css-doodle - 🎨 A web component for drawing patterns with CSS.
- yue/wey - Fast open source Slack desktop app
- w8r/geojson2svg - Render geojson into SVG using inline or external stylesheet
- carolina-vallejo/sound-territory - Map visualisation experiments with Pixi.js (WebGL), Leaflet and D3
- rowanwins/leaflet-simplestyle - Extends L.geoJSON to support the simplestyle spec with 1kb
- angeloonline/GeoJsonMapServer - A simple GeoJson Map server built with Node.js, Express and MapBox
- chelm/mbtiles-server - A very simple node.js server for mbtiles
- nicolas-t/Chocolat - Chocolat : the lightbox so cool horses use it 🐴
- HarryStevens/swiftmap - A JavaScript library for making data-driven maps.
- HarryStevens/stupid-sheets - A stupid simple Google Sheets reader.
- HarryStevens/jquery-scrape - Use jQuery as your selection engine on the result of an HTTP/HTTPS request.
- jitsi/docker-jitsi-meet - Jitsi Meet on Docker
- enolgor/ungoogled-chromium-extension-installer - Extension for Ungoogled Chromium that allows easy installation of extensions from Chrome webstore.
- pattrn-project/pattrn - Data-driven, participatory fact-mapping
- jitsi/jitsi-meet - Jitsi Meet - Secure, Simple and Scalable Video Conferences that you use as a standalone app or embed in your web application.
- 3DStreet/3dstreet - 🚲🚶🚌 Web-based 3D visualization of streets using A-Frame
- datproject/dat-desktop - Peer to peer data syncronization
- paperjs/paper.js - The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting – Scriptographer ported to JavaScript and the browser, using HTML5 Canvas. Created by @lehni & @puckey
- fabricjs/fabric.js - Javascript Canvas Library, SVG-to-Canvas (& canvas-to-SVG) Parser
- alyssaxuu/animockup - Create animated mockups in the browser 🔥
- uber-web/math.gl - A 3D/WebGL math library
- transitive-bullshit/ffmpeg-concat - Concats a list of videos together using ffmpeg with sexy OpenGL transitions.
- stevage/map-gl-utils - A utility library that makes Mapbox GL JS or Maplibre GL a bit more convenient to work with.
- gja/cloudflare-worker-local - Run a Cloudflare Worker Locally
- morgan3d/quadplay - The quadplay✜ fantasy console
- tabler/tabler-icons - A set of over 1400 free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG icons for you to use in your web projects.
- finnp/view-geojson - geojson viewer with streaming support
- stuartlynn/wasm_geo_agg -
- dsmorse/gridster.js - gridster.js is a jQuery plugin that makes building intuitive draggable layouts from elements spanning multiple columns
- serverless/serverless-python-requirements - ⚡️🐍📦 Serverless plugin to bundle Python packages
- hmarr/alfred-workflow-translate - 🎩 Quick access to Google Translate via Alfred
- xfslove/alfred-google-translate - Alfred 3 workflow - translate with google api💵🚫
- jalal246/textics - 📉 JavaScript Text Statistics that counts lines, words, chars, and spaces.
- sverhoeven/docker-cartodb - Dockerized CartoDB
- CartoDB/cartodb - Location Intelligence & Data Visualization tool
- ideditor/imagery-index - 🛰 An index of aerial and satellite imagery useful for mapping
- universal-tilt-js/universal-tilt.js - 🎆 Parallax tilt effect library
- magnolia1234/bypass-paywalls-firefox-clean - Bypass Paywalls Clean for Firefox (lot of updates and bug-fixes)
- brob/eleventy-plugin-blog-tools - A collection of shortcodes, filters and tags that make blogging on 11ty more fun
- ramiroaznar/react-flask-carto - A basic React, Flask, Mapbox GL and CARTO VL application
- geosolutions-it/MapStore2 - Modern webmapping with OpenLayers, Leaflet and React
- Cingulara/cesium-starterkit - CesiumJS Starter Kit - A menu, event triggers, and drawing objects to get started with CesiumJS.
- d3/d3 - Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉
- herqooly/herqooly - Interactive Computing for Humans
- anvaka/city-roads - Visualization of all roads within any city
- r-lib/actions - GitHub Actions for the R community
- ckan/ckanext-geoview - CKAN Geospatial ResourceView
- tilemill-project/tilemill - TileMill is a modern map design studio
- tilemill-project/millstone - middleware for map styles and datasources
- HarryStevens/d3-geo-scale-bar - Displays automatic scale bars for projected geospatial data.
- rstudio-conf-2020/js-for-shiny - ⚡ JavaScript for Shiny Users ✨
- uhlerlab/causaldag - Python package for the creation, manipulation, and learning of Causal DAGs
- koopjs/winnow - Run SQL queries against GeoJSON without a database
- iTowns/itowns - A Three.js-based framework written in Javascript/WebGL for visualizing 3D geospatial data
- ProfessionalWiki/Maps - 🗺 Maps is the MediaWiki extension that enables visualization of geographic data with dynamic embedded maps.
- gadenbuie/xaringanExtra - 🎡 A playground of enhancements and extensions for xaringan slides.
- cugos/dropchop - 🍴 browser-based spatial operations
- tobinbradley/dirt-simple-postgis-http-api - Dirt Simple PostGIS HTTP API
- rstudio/learnr - Interactive Tutorials with R Markdown
- mhkeller/layercake - graphics framework for sveltejs
- gillyb/ppd - The "Poorman's Paywall Destroyer"
- iag-geo/bootleaf - An open-source version of IAG's Bootleaf fork
- VizierDB/web-ui - Web User Interface
- plotly/dashR - Create data science and AI web apps in R
- susielu/d3-legend - A reusable d3 legend component.
- vlandham/js_data - Data manipulation and processing in JavaScript
- felixhayashi/TW5-TiddlyMap - Map drawing and topic visualization for your wiki
- Jermolene/TiddlyDesktop - A custom desktop browser for TiddlyWiki 5 and TiddlyWiki Classic, based on nw.js
- TiddlyWiki/TiddlyWiki - TiddlyWiki Classic - see https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 for the new version
- Gmousse/dataframe-js - A javascript library providing a new data structure for datascientists and developpers
- elshor/dstools - Javascript tools and utilities for the data scientist
- NeverDecaf/chromium-web-store - Allows adding extensions from chrome web store on ungoogled-chromium. Also adds semi-automatic extension updating.
- n-riesco/ijavascript - IJavascript is a javascript kernel for the Jupyter notebook
- hrbrmstr/pluralize - An R package to "Pluralize and Singularize Any Word"
- anvaka/extract-osm-roads - A simple utility to fetch a city graph from OSM
- DeMoorJasper/parcel-plugin-svelte - A parcel plugin that enables svelte support
- cytoscape/cytoscape.js - Graph theory (network) library for visualisation and analysis
- MichaelKreil/routing.js - GTFS routing in the browser #dbhackathon
- jtextor/dagitty - Graphical analysis of structural causal models / graphical causal models.
- lutzroeder/netron - Visualizer for neural network, deep learning, and machine learning models
- gildas-lormeau/SingleFile - Web Extension for Firefox/Chrome/MS Edge and CLI tool to save a faithful copy of an entire web page in a single HTML file
- roxiness/routify - Automated Svelte routes
- keithchev/cycling-viz - Brush-able line plots and histograms for GPS data
- d3/d3-brush - Select a one- or two-dimensional region using the mouse or touch.
- stla/shinyAmBarCharts - 'AmCharts' bar charts for Shiny
- riatelab/rgvzall - Tool for regional comparison and data visualisation with data for ✨ France, Europe and Tunisia ✨ 📊 📈
- pbeshai/deckgl-point-animation - Demo of animating points in deck.gl
- Swizec/serverlesshandbook.dev - A resource for frontend engineers to learn everything about modern backend development.
- overshard/timelite - Why is it 5 AM? Isn't there something simple I can use to track what I'm doing with all this time?
- architect/architect - The simplest, most powerful way to build serverless applications
- naptha/tesseract.js - Pure Javascript OCR for more than 100 Languages 📖🎉🖥
- stevage/sheets2geojson - Convert a Google Sheet to GeoJSON
- graphhopper/isochrone-experiments - Some experiments with isochrones
- brunosimon/keppler - Real time code sharing for your lectures and presentations.
- fabianehmel/haacker - A library of scripts to generate static maps using open source technology.
- dayjournal/mapbox-gl-opacity - Make multiple tile layers transparent.
- sismics/docs - Lightweight document management system packed with all the features you can expect from big expensive solutions
- julianh2o/RokuAlexaLambdaSkill - An Alexa Skill that allows voice control of your Roku
- ProgressiveMass/legislator-scorecard - 🗳️ Explore MA state representatives' voting records
- kodi-connect/kodi-alexa-video -
- CrumpLab/jspsychr - Write and run jspsych experiments with R studio
- gflowiz/arabesque - Javascript Application for vizualisation of geographical flow data
- victorqribeiro/hntitlenator - Test your HN title against a neural network
- yonson2/mla - Magic League Administrator - Easily run and manage a Magic: The Gathering monthly league
- JohnCoene/grapher - ✍️ Large interactive graphs
- manuelbieh/geolib - Zero dependency library to provide some basic geo functions
- beyonk-adventures/svelte-scrollspy - Scroll Spy component for Svelte
- treekit/treekit - Mobile interface for street tree data collection.
- nagix/mini-tokyo-3d - A real-time 3D digital map of Tokyo's public transport system
- w8r/L.Control.LineStringSelect - Polyline selection control for Leaflet
- ccd-adc-dev/sapper-mapbox -
- langbamit/sapper-postcss-tailwind-rollup -
- sveltejs/sapper-template - Starter template for Sapper apps
- evilsocket/pwnagotchi - (⌐■_■) - Deep Reinforcement Learning instrumenting bettercap for WiFi pwning.
- CartoDB/carto-vl - CARTO VL: a Javascript library to create vector-based visualizations
- EricPKerr/sapper-tailwindcss - Sapper, Svelte, TailwindCSS, PurgeCSS starter with Prettier and ESLint enabled
- sveltecasts/003-auth-ssr-firebase-svelte - Svelte + Sapper + Firebase Auth
- halfnelson/svelte-native-hackernews - Simple HackerNews client in Svelte Native
- rollup/rollup-plugin-json - This module has moved and is now available at @rollup/plugin-json / https://github.com/rollup/plugins/blob/master/packages/json
- marcograhl/tailwindcss-svelte-starter - Tailwindcss v1 + Svelte v3 = <3
- inoda/ontrack - 💸 A simple self-hosted budgeting app
- anvaka/pm - package managers visualization
- 0x4447/0x4447-cli-node-grapes - 🍇 This is a small framework to make it easier to work with AWS CloudFormation files.
- gajus/swing - A swipeable cards interface. The swipe-left/swipe-right for yes/no input. As seen in apps like Jelly and Tinder.
- marcy-terui/serverless-alexa-skills - Manage your Alexa Skills with Serverless Framework
- jspenguin2017/uBlockProtector - An anti-adblock defuser for Nano Adblocker and uBlock Origin
- JohnCoene/g3r - 3D, VR and AR Maps in R
- rivasd/jsPsychHardware - A Google Chrome Extension and native hosts allowing jspsych to interact with hardware
- djnavarro/xprmntr - Build browser-based behavioural experiments in R
- mapbox/mapbox-tile-copy - From geodata files to tiles on S3
- go-shiori/shiori - Simple bookmark manager built with Go
- Pessimistress/isochronic-map-gpu - 2019 Vis Team Hackathon
- nowthis/sankeymatic - A Sankey diagram builder for everyone
- YaleDHLab/pix-plot - A WebGL viewer for UMAP or TSNE-clustered images
- juhis/scatter - Fast 3D visualization of large, high-dimensional datasets in the browser
- UpwardTrajectory/meander-maker - Find dense clusters for Theme-Walks or Topic Exploration with HDBSCAN and GoogleMaps API
- romannurik/SlidesCodeHighlighter - A little web app that helps you copy+paste syntax-highlighted code into slide decks.
- axa-group/nlp.js - An NLP library for building bots, with entity extraction, sentiment analysis, automatic language identify, and so more
- cmiscm/leonsans - Leon Sans is a geometric sans-serif typeface made with code in 2019 by Jongmin Kim.
- fulcrumapp/geojson-dashboard - A configurable framework for building a geographic "data dashboard" from a GeoJSON file.
- doersino/markdeep-slides - Build presentation slides with Markdeep and present them right in your browser.
- staltz/ssb-room - A server to find and connect to other SSB peers – a meeting place. AGPL-3.0
- mapbox/martini - A JavaScript library for real-time RTIN terrain mesh generation
- 11ty/eleventy - A simpler static site generator. An alternative to Jekyll. Transforms a directory of templates (of varying types) into HTML.
- alexpate/dynamic-twitter-cover - A script that generates a time-of-day based Twitter cover
- JMPerez/c - A collaborative listening room using Spotify
- mapbox/tilebelt - simple tile utilities
- mapbox/tile-cover - Generate the minimum number of tiles to cover a geojson geometry
- derhuerst/combine-tiles - Combine map tiles into a single large image.
- authcov/authcov - Web app authorization coverage scanning
- nodeca/pica - Resize image in browser with high quality and high speed
- HaschekSolutions/opentrashmail - Open Source standalone trashmail solution that ships its own mail server
- khanhas/Spicetify - Spice up your Spotify client
- uber-web/mjolnir.js - A gesture/event manager for browsers (based on hammerjs)
- victorqribeiro/digitRecognition - Implementation of a digit recognition using my Neural Network with the MNIST data set.
- radiantearth/stac-spec - SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog specification - making geospatial assets openly searchable and crawlable
- LADCO/NetAssessApp - Ambient Air Monitoring Network Assessment Tool
- 1995parham/github-do-not-ban-us - GitHub do not ban us from open source world 🇮🇷
- emeeks/d3.geom.concaveHull - Calculate concave hull(s) from an array of points
- ggolikov/Leaflet.River - Draw river-like polylines (extending from the beginning to the end) with Leaflet
- glin/reactable - Interactive data tables for R
- processing/p5.js - p5.js is a client-side JS platform that empowers artists, designers, students, and anyone to learn to code and express themselves creatively on the web. It is based on the core principles of Processing. http://twitter.com/p5xjs —
- santiesque/instagram-hashtag-scrapper - NodeJS module for loading media from Instagram by hashtag, individual media and location media without API access by means of scraping.
- county-of-simcoe-gis/SimcoeCountyWebViewer - Web Map Viewer built with React and OpenLayers. Built for GeoServer and ArcGIS Server.
- johnfactotum/foliate - A simple and modern GTK eBook reader
- dherault/serverless-offline - Emulate AWS λ and API Gateway locally when developing your Serverless project
- cerivitos/INeedToilet - An unofficial listing of toilets rated by the Restroom Association (Singapore)
- door2door-io/osrm-express-server-demo - A brief example to combine OSRM with Express (NodeJs)
- hiroppy/fusuma - ✍️Fusuma makes slides with Markdown easily.
- mapbox/osm-coverage - Compute Road Coverage in OpenStreetMap
- mapbox/tile-reduce - mapreduce vector tile processing
- js-cookie/js-cookie - A simple, lightweight JavaScript API for handling browser cookies
- gbif/maps - GBIF mapping service built on HBase and ElasticSearch, supporting Mapbox Vector Tiles and PNGs
- puneet29/stylizeapp - A flask website for style transfer
- lindeloev/tests-as-linear - Common statistical tests are linear models (or: how to teach stats)
- halolimat/Geoann - 🌐 🌎 Geoann is an annotation tool for geocoding location names in texts
- hallahan/LeafletPlayback - This is a Leaflet plug-in that plays back points that have a time stamp synchronized to a clock.
- opendatacam/opendatacam - An open source tool to quantify the world
- Keplerjs/Kepler - The open source full-stack geosocial network platform
- vladocar/keywordsextract - keywords-extract - Command line tool extract keywords from any web page.
- go-spatial/fresco - An open source vector tile style editor
- mapbox/mapbox-gl-leaflet - binding from Mapbox GL JS to the Leaflet API
- SpatialServer/Leaflet.MapboxVectorTile - A Leaflet Plugin that renders Mapbox Vector Tiles on HTML5 Canvas.
- hfu/balzac - Fast fude by Mapbox GL JS
- derhuerst/print-gtfs-rt-cli - Read a GTFS Realtime feed from stdin, print human-readable or as JSON.
- glmack/review_text_classifier - text classification using online customer reviews of restaurants
- Jinksi/ericjinks.com - Personal website. Built with Gatsby
- metafizzy/zdog - Flat, round, designer-friendly pseudo-3D engine for canvas & SVG
- marcotcr/lime - Lime: Explaining the predictions of any machine learning classifier
- eashish93/imgsquash - Simple image compression full website code written in node, react and next.js framework. Easy to deploy as a microservice.
- ulfaslak/network_styling_with_d3 - (1) Input a network. (2) Style it. (3) Download the result.
- cornflourblue/react-basic-authentication-example - React - Basic HTTP Authentication Tutorial & Example
- defringe/verminal - A Hyper theme. 💻
- perrygeo/leaflet-simple-csv - Put points on a map. CSV-driven, clustered, mobile-ready, filterable.
- satyarohith/shark - A command line tool to interact with DigitalOcean.
- stevage/tileinfo - Get tilejson info from an mbtiles file
- ITSLeeds/TDS - Transport Data Science
- carsonip/alexa-pomodoro -
- ersel/spotify-cli-mac - 🎶 A nodejs app to control Spotify without leaving your terminal. 🎶
- Symbitic/markbook - Write books in CommonMark.
- nytimes/library - A collaborative documentation site, powered by Google Docs.
- complexdatacollective/Interviewer - Simplifying complex network data collection.
- williamy2k/HTML5-video-scroll-triggered-autoplay - A script that makes all HTML5 videos in a document start playing when they're scrolled fully in to the viewport.
- maxrolon/video-in-out.js - 🎬 Play and pause videos automatically based on scroll position
- Zverik/leaflet-grayscale - Grayscale TileLayer for Leaflet
- NaturalNode/natural - general natural language facilities for node
- mgckind/imax - A large-image collection explorer and fast classification tool
- khanhas/spicetify-cli - Commandline tool to customize Spotify client. Supports Windows, MacOS and Linux.
- urbica/react-map-gl - React Component Library for Mapbox GL JS
- share/sharedb - Realtime database backend based on Operational Transformation (OT)
- mapbox/csv2geojson - magically convert csv files to geojson files
- placemark/togeojson - convert KML, TCX, and GPX to GeoJSON, without the fuss
- vigorousnorth/Maine-commuting-labor - Interactive maps showing time and labor value lost to long commutes in the state of Maine
- kalisio/krawler - A minimalist (geospatial) ETL
- t9tio/tomato-pie - A new UI for Pomodoro Technique. Schedule your time directly with a clock.
- mskcc-clinbx/python-jwt-react-login-flow - Example of a token-based authentication with a Flask backend and a React frontend
- victorqribeiro/MLP - A multilayer perceptron in JavaScript
- leon-ai/leon - 🧠 Leon is your open-source personal assistant.
- stefanocudini/leaflet-panel-layers - Leaflet Control Layers extended with support groups and icons
- r-spatial/leafsync - Small Multiples for Leaflet Webmaps
- jwasilgeo/leaflet-experiments - Demos and experiments with LeafletJS
- dzt/easy-proxy - Make mass proxies easily. (DigitalOcean)
- sharedstreets/trip-simulator - probabilistic multi-agent trip simulation with physically realistic GPS modeling
- forwardemail/free-email-forwarding - The best free email forwarding for custom domains. Visit our website to get started (SMTP server)
- vitorgalvao/pinplus - GUI to add Pinboard bookmarks, controllable via CLI
- peterlamar/vue-examples - Collection of Vue examples for beginner front end developers
- kturney/ember-mapbox-gl - Ember integration for Mapbox GL JS
- wesm/feather - Feather: fast, interoperable binary data frame storage for Python, R, and more powered by Apache Arrow
- victorqribeiro/perceptron - The simplest Perceptron you'll ever see
- NYCPlanning/ember-mapbox-composer - Ember components and models for large mapping applications
- NYCPlanning/labs-factfinder - New York City Census Reporting Tool
- NYCPlanning/labs-community-profiles - A site for exploring indicators, data, and information for NYC community districts
- NYCPlanning/labs-postgis-preview - A lightweight express app and leaflet frontend for previewing PostGIS queries
- alexbrillant/react-native-deck-swiper - tinder like react-native deck swiper
- aaronr/bboxfinder.com - Helper page for finding bbox values from a map to help with interaction with tools like gdal, leaflet, openlayers, etc.
- adblockradio/adblockradio - An adblocker for live radio streams and podcasts. Machine learning meets Shazam.
- jeremydaly/lambda-api - Lightweight web framework for your serverless applications
- jaywcjlove/amac - This is developed for Awesome-Mac.
- roramirez/MMM-TransantiagoCL-Paraderos - Modulo para MagicMirror con información de arribo de transporte público sistema Transantiago en Chile
- react-R/reactR - React for R
- e-oj/Magic-Grid - A simple, lightweight Javascript library for dynamic grid layouts.
- ndabAP/vue-go-example - Vue.js and Go example project
- pownjs/proxy - Pown Proxy is a versatile web application security testing proxy with cool TUI features.
- dominiek/word2vec-explorer - Tool for exploring Word Vector models
- HandsOnDataViz/leaflet-maps-with-google-sheets - Customize Leaflet maps with a linked Google Sheets template and GeoJSON data on GitHub
- allyoucanmap/mondo - print spatial data on origami
- w3reality/three-geo - 3D geographic visualization library
- mourner/simpleheat - A tiny JavaScript library for drawing heatmaps with Canvas
- pa7/heatmap.js - 🔥 JavaScript Library for HTML5 canvas based heatmaps
- ineventapp/musjs - 🐁 Mouse tracking javascript library - Follow me on Twitter @mauriciogior
- progrium/nullmq - ZeroMQ-like sockets in the browser. Used for building gateways and generally applying ZeroMQ philosophy to browser messaging.
- fabienvauchelles/scrapoxy - Scrapoxy hides your scraper behind a cloud. It starts a pool of proxies to send your requests. Now, you can crawl without thinking about blacklisting!
- GitSquared/edex-ui - A cross-platform, customizable science fiction terminal emulator with advanced monitoring & touchscreen support.
- chrisdiana/cms.js - Client-Side JavaScript Site Generator
- ssbc/patchwork - A decentralized messaging and sharing app built on top of Secure Scuttlebutt (SSB).
- cirlam/georbush - Geographical extension for rbush
- AdguardTeam/AdGuardForSafari - AdGuard for Safari app extension
- fxi/shinyCluster - Node.js module to launch a R Shiny app in multiple workers
- ModelChimp/modelchimp - Experiment tracking for machine and deep learning projects
- kamranahmedse/pennywise - Cross-platform application to open any website or media in a floating window
- chriswhong/nyctaxi - Repo for NYC Taxis: A Day in the Life, a data visualization that shows the movements and earnings of a single NYC taxi over 24 hours.
- conveyal/transitive.js - Transit data visualization
- kaschioudi/ojs3-markup - markup plugin for OJS3
- andris9/auth-proxy - WebAuth – a basic auth replacement http proxy
- susam/texme - Self-rendering Markdown + LaTeX documents
- pkp/texture - Texture JATS XML editor integration for OJS
- NghiaTranUIT/data-visualization-deck-gl - A experiment to visualize Tree in NewYork and Flight record data. Using Deck.gl and Kaggle
- oobrien/vis - Mapped-based data visualisations, often of London and/or transport/transit.
- pkp/classic - An official theme for OJS 3.1.1+
- luin/medis - 💻 Medis is a beautiful, easy-to-use Mac database management application for Redis.
- Tencent/omi - Front End Cross-Frameworks Framework - 前端跨框架跨平台框架
- r-hub/rhub-server - Deploy your own R-hub-like server -- experimental
- the-happy-hippo/sprits-it - sprits-it! — Awesome Speed-Reading
- stvno/worlda11y - A comprehensive travel time dataset for the entire landmass of the world to the nearest town.
- oscarmorrison/md-page - 📝 create a webpage with just markdown
- gatsbyjs/gatsby - Build blazing fast, modern apps and websites with React
- Kcnarf/d3-voronoi-treemap - D3 plugin which computes a treemap based on a Voronoi tesselation
- datavized/morph - Morph is a free and open-source tool for creating designs, animations or interactive visualizations from data.
- hyperstack-org/hyperstack - Hyperstack ALPHA https://hyperstack.org
- JATOS/JATOS - Just Another Tool for Online Studies
- expfactory/expfactory.github.io - reproducible container experiments
- FelixHenninger/lab.js - Online research made easy
- Hitachi-Automotive-And-Industry-Lab/semantic-segmentation-editor - Web labeling tool for bitmap images and point clouds
- jspsych/jsPsych-Redux-GUI - A browser-based interface for creating experiments with jsPsych
- MrMufflon/Leaflet.Coordinates - Leaflet plugin to view mouse coordinates
- mapcode-foundation/mapcode-js - Mapcode Library for JavaScript
- ardhi/Leaflet.MousePosition - A mouse position control for Leaflet
- tailwindlabs/tailwindcss - A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.
- PrincetonVision/TurkerGaze - a webcam-based eye tracking game for collecting large-scale eye tracking data via crowdourcing
- schollz/rwtxt - A cms for absolute minimalists.
- azavea/tilegarden - Serverless raster and vector map tile generation using Mapnik and AWS Lambda
- topepo/NY-ML-2018 - Materials for the Applied Machine Learning Workshop in New York
- aysark/sky-insight - Hack the Map 2018 Winning Entry: Easily train machine learning models using tile maps & ArcGIS.
- Nozbe/WatermelonDB - 🍉 Reactive & asynchronous database for powerful React and React Native apps ⚡️
- staeco/gtfs-stream - Streaming GTFS and GTFS-RT parser for node
- pd4d10/device-art - Wrap app screenshots in device artwork
- noncomputable/AgentMaps - Make social simulations on interactive maps with Javascript! Agent-based modeling for the web.
- OpenDroneMap/WebODM - User-friendly, commercial-grade software for processing aerial imagery. 🛩
- Tom-Alexander/regression-js - Curve Fitting in JavaScript.
- Parallels/rq-dashboard - Flask-based web front-end for monitoring RQ queues
- mapbox/supercluster - A very fast geospatial point clustering library for browsers and Node.
- swagger-api/swagger-ui - Swagger UI is a collection of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS assets that dynamically generate beautiful documentation from a Swagger-compliant API.
- stevage/mapbox-choropleth - Generate choropleth layers in Mapbox-GL-JS
- Hokid/vue-loaders - Vue + loaders.css
- anharu2394/flask-hyperapp-todo_app - A Todo App with Flask and Hyperapp
- perliedman/leaflet-routing-machine - Control for routing in Leaflet
- mrohnstock/lrm-tomtom - Support for TomTom in Leaflet Routing Machine
- mapbox/polyline - polyline encoding and decoding in javascript
- calvinmetcalf/shapefile-js - Convert a Shapefile to GeoJSON. Not many caveats.
- ml5js/ml5-library - Friendly machine learning for the web! 🤖
- Picovoice/porcupine - On-device wake word detection powered by deep learning.
- jxnblk/mdx-deck -
♠️ React MDX-based presentation decks - tangrams/tangram - WebGL map rendering engine for creative cartography
- uber/geojson2h3 - Conversion utilities between H3 indexes and GeoJSON
- larsvers/d3-hexgrid - Regular hexagon tessellation with edge cover detection.
- apexcharts/apexcharts.js - 📊 Interactive JavaScript Charts built on SVG
- jupyter-widgets/ipyleaflet - A Jupyter - Leaflet.js bridge
- rstudio/reactlog - Shiny Reactivity Visualizer
- nstrayer/shinysense - A bunch of shiny modules that let shiny sense the world around it.
- mapbox/node-mbtiles - mbtiles utility, renderer, and storage backend for tilelive
- mapbox/mapbox-gl-geocoder - Geocoder control for mapbox-gl-js using Mapbox Geocoding API
- mourner/road-orientation-map - A visualization of road orientations on an interactive map
- NYCPlanning/labs-zola - NYC Planning's Zoning and Land Use App
- llSourcell/Financial_Forecasting_with_TensorflowJS - This is the code for "Financial Forecasting with Tensorflow.js" By Siraj Raval on Youtube
- terkelg/prompts - ❯ Lightweight, beautiful and user-friendly interactive prompts
- orta/Arena-for-Safari - Adds an are.na button to Safari
- kcf-jackson/rjs - R package: Modelling in R. Interactivity in JS.
- urbica/tessella - Lightweight Node.js Mapbox Vector Tiles server
- mojodna/tessera - A tilelive-based tile server.
- urbica/galton - Lightweight Node.js isochrone map server
- urbica/ui-kit - Urbica UI Kit 🐋
- ElemeFE/vue-infinite-scroll - An infinite scroll directive for vue.js.
- marko-js/marko - A declarative, HTML-based language that makes building web apps fun
- vega/vega - A visualization grammar.
- idyll-lang/idyll - Create explorable explanations and interactive essays.
- dylrich/simple-vector-tile-server - A simple vector tile server written in Node/Express to be used as an example.
- makinacorpus/django-leaflet - Use Leaflet in your Django projects
- mocnik-science/geogrid.js - Leaflet plugin for Visualizing Discrete Global Grid Systems
- GIScience/openrouteservice-app - 🚙 The open source route planner app with plenty of features.
- JKHeadley/rest-hapi - 🚀 A RESTful API generator for Node.js
- openlayers/openlayers - OpenLayers
- openglobus/openglobus - JavaScript 3d maps and geospatial data visualization engine library.
- winkjs/wink-sentiment - Accurate and fast sentiment scoring of phrases with #hashtags, emoticons :) & emojis 🎉
- winkjs/wink-statistics - Fast & numerically stable statistical analysis
- winkjs/wink-naive-bayes-text-classifier - Configurable Naive Bayes Classifier for text with cross-validation support
- vercel/now-desktop - An example of building a desktop application using the Now API
- developmentseed/skynet-data - [DEPRECATED] Data pipeline for machine learning with OpenStreetMap
- verticalgrain/CMSish - The worlds simplest CMS, using a google doc as a database / backend, and tabletop.js + handlebars.js as a frontend.
- uber/h3-js - h3-js provides a JavaScript version of H3, a hexagon-based geospatial indexing system.
- syt123450/giojs - 🌏 A Declarative 3D Globe Data Visualization Library built with Three.js
- kyle8998/Vynchronize - Watch videos with friends online with the new real time video synchronization platform
- openaddresses/openaddresses - A repository of global open address data.
- geoman-io/leaflet-geoman - 🍂🗺️ The most powerful leaflet plugin for drawing and editing geometry layers
- mapbox/osrm-isochrone - Generate drivetime isochrones from OpenStreetMap data using OSRM
- riatelab/magrit - ♠ Thematic cartography ♠
- Leaflet/Leaflet.draw - Vector drawing and editing plugin for Leaflet
- makinacorpus/Leaflet.Snap - Enables snapping of draggable markers to polylines and other layers
- nbremer/occupationscanvas - The "Division of Occupations" piece remade in canvas
- spite/polygon-shredder - The polygon shredder that takes many cubes and turns them into confetti
- mnmxmx/shadowmap-fog-demo -
- mattdesl/jsconfeu-generative-visuals - Code for the generative projection mapped animations during JSConf EU 2018 in Berlin.
- trestletech/shinyTable - An R package that integrates Handsontable with Shiny
- keplergl/kepler.gl - Kepler.gl is a powerful open source geospatial analysis tool for large-scale data sets.
- sindresorhus/fkill-cli - Fabulously kill processes. Cross-platform.
- alshedivat/al-folio - A beautiful, simple, clean, and responsive Jekyll theme for academics
- Simpleyyt/jekyll-theme-next - Elegant theme for Jekyll.
- StephanGeorg/staticmaps - A Node.js library for creating map images with markers, polylines, polygons and text.
- mapbox/mapbox-isochrone - Isochrone generator built atop the Mapbox Matrix API, with CONREC polygonization.
- pelias/polygon-lookup - Fast point-in-polygon intersection for large numbers of polygons.
- dugwood/isochrone-isodistance-with-google-maps - Isochrone and isodistance: draw polygons on your Google Maps
- jaywcjlove/hotkeys - ➷ A robust Javascript library for capturing keyboard input. It has no dependencies.
- node-schedule/node-schedule - A cron-like and not-cron-like job scheduler for Node.
- maczokni/intro_data_course - course for open data manchester
- mimecorg/vuido - Native desktop applications using Vue.js.
- RelaxedJS/ReLaXed - Create PDF documents using web technologies
- hrbrmstr/blackmagic - 🎩 Automagically Convert XML to JSON an JSON to XML
- sebastianquek/commute - An interactive visualisation dashboard for transportation and land use data
- stitchfix/pyxley - Python helpers for building dashboards using Flask and React
- mapbox/geobuf - A compact binary encoding for geographic data.
- jhuckaby/Cronicle - A simple, distributed task scheduler and runner with a web based UI.
- ajnyga/lensGalley - Galley viewer plugin integrating eLife Lens for OJS 3.0: fork using the latest develop branch of Lens
- pkp/ots - PKP XML Parsing Service
- elifesciences/lens - A novel way of seeing content
- visgl/deck.gl - WebGL2 powered visualization framework
- osmlab/osm-community-index - 💬 An index of community resources for OpenStreetMap
- mermaid-js/mermaid - Generation of diagram and flowchart from text in a similar manner as markdown
- AnarchyLinux/installer - Anarchy Linux - A simple and intuitive Arch Linux installer. https://anarchyinstaller.org/
- nenadmarkus/picojs - A face detection library in 200 lines of JavaScript
- FrontendMasters/front-end-handbook-2018 - 2018 edition of our front-end development handbook
- fabiospampinato/phoenix - My Phoenix setup. Powerful, easy to customize, tuned for web development, adds a space switcher.
- JohnCoene/echarts4r - 🐳 ECharts 5 for R
- tmcw/big - presentations for busy messy hackers
- mourner/flatbush - A very fast static spatial index for 2D points and rectangles in JavaScript
- tyrasd/osm-node-density - 🌇 a visualization of OpenStreetMaps node density
- d4t4x/node_apply-magic-sauce -
- d4t4x/data-selfie - Data Selfie - a browser extension to track yourself on Facebook and analyze your data.
- alexnathanson/JustTheCalendar -
- williaster/data-ui - A collection of data-rich UI components 📈
- chen0040/js-simulator - General-purpose discrete-event multiagent simulation library for agent-based modelling and simulation
- jonklein/breve.js - A Simple Javascript Multi-Agent Simulation Kit
- ulasozguler/acan - Simple agent-based model simulation.
- fatiherikli/crowd-simulation - Crowd simulation on Istanbul Streets
- Esri/geotour-js - A JS component to animate a tour between stops on a map.
- riatelab/regioviz - Regioviz - Outil de visualisation et de comparaison régionale 📊 📈
- marktext/marktext - 📝A simple and elegant markdown editor, available for Linux, macOS and Windows.
- documize/community - Modern Confluence alternative designed for internal & external docs, built with Golang + EmberJS
- auth0/shiny-auth0-plus - Auth0 Shiny proxy with user authentication and authorization
- agenda/agendash - Agenda Dashboard
- dmsl/anyplace - A free and open Indoor Navigation Service with superb accuracy!
- mapbox/sentinel-tiler - A serverless Sentinel-2 tiles server using AWS Lambda
- cpsievert/LDAvis - R package for web-based interactive topic model visualization.
- Rudloff/spotslim - Open source Spotify client
- anvaka/ngraph.path - Path finding in a graph
- nativescript-vue/nativescript-vue - Native mobile applications using Vue and NativeScript.
- maxogden/geojson2rtree - generate a static rtree (using terraformer) from a set of geojson features
- bradley/Blotter - A JavaScript API for drawing unconventional text effects on the web.
- hundredrabbits/Left - Distractionless Writing Tool
- kantord/just-dashboard - 📊 📋 Dashboards using YAML or JSON files
- maputnik/editor - An open source visual editor for the 'Mapbox Style Specification'
- Leaflet/Leaflet.VectorGrid - Display gridded vector data (sliced GeoJSON or protobuf vector tiles) in Leaflet 1.0.0
- igdmapps/igdm - Desktop application for Instagram DMs
- carbon-app/carbon - 🖤 Create and share beautiful images of your source code
- nteract/semiotic - A data visualization framework combining React & D3
- lukechilds/reverse-shell - Reverse Shell as a Service
- russellgoldenberg/scrollama - Scrollytelling with IntersectionObserver.
- microsoft/monaco-editor - A browser based code editor
- yuanqing/charming - 🎩 Lettering.js in vanilla JavaScript
- juliangarnier/anime - JavaScript animation engine
- asciidisco/cfp-magick - Show JavaScript and Web conferences with open calls for papers in your terminal
- mapbox/mapbox-studio-classic -
- anvaka/ngraph.pixel - Fast graph renderer based on low level ShaderMaterial from three.js
- anvaka/VivaGraphJS - Graph drawing library for JavaScript
- yonicd/rpdf - pdf.js htmlwidget for R
- Scarysize/transit-pi - Offline GTFS based transit schedule for a raspberry pi with an Papirus e-ink display
- mapbox/geojson-thumbnail - Generate thumbnails for GeoJSON features
- maptiler/tileserver-gl - Vector and raster maps with GL styles. Server side rendering by Mapbox GL Native. Map tile server for Mapbox GL JS, Android, iOS, Leaflet, OpenLayers, GIS via WMTS, etc.
- thinreports/thinreports-editor - A template editor for Thinreports
- lukeed/polka - A micro web server so fast, it'll make you dance! 👯
- turban/Leaflet.SpotTracker - Real-time tracking from your SPOT unit.
- vlandham/bubble_chart_v4 - d3v4 implementation of bubble charts.
- k0ff33/web-bluetooth-mi-band-1s - Realtime step tracking in Mi Band 1s using web bluetooth
- springmeyer/landspeed.js - WMS server using node-mapnik
- Bart6114/scheduleR - An interface to schedule R scripts
- timelyportfolio/imageR - intense-images htmlwidget for R
- linkeddata/dokieli - 💡 dokieli is a clientside editor for decentralised article publishing, annotations and social interactions
- mourner/rbush - RBush — a high-performance JavaScript R-tree-based 2D spatial index for points and rectangles
- jbkunst/uso-de-graficos - Parte "Uso adecuado de graficos" del worshop "Manejo de datos y transparencia pública" para VISData | Santiago_SCL
- volkhin/RoadTrafficSimulator - Road traffic simulator and signals optimizer in CoffeeScript & HTML5
- vincelwt/RaspberryCast - 📺 Transform your Raspberry Pi into a streaming device. Videos can be sent from mobile devices or computers (Chrome extension).
- aframevr/aframe -
🅰️ web framework for building virtual reality experiences. - rstudio/leaflet - R Interface to Leaflet Maps
- prettier/prettier - Prettier is an opinionated code formatter.
- rte-antares-rpackage/leaflet.flow - Leaflet plugin to represent flows between two points on a map
- moshe/tplot - Easy to use plotting tool for the terminal
- watson/34c3 - Chaos Communication Congress 2017 Schedule for the Command Line
- dc-js/dc.leaflet.js - DC charts using Leaflet maps
- Datawheel/canon - Reusable React environment and components for creating visualization engines.
- mbloch/mapshaper - Tools for editing Shapefile, GeoJSON, TopoJSON and CSV files
- imgntn/prettymuni - Real-time vehicle maps with D3.js
- Leaflet/Leaflet.heat - A tiny, simple and fast heatmap plugin for Leaflet.
- jwasilgeo/Leaflet.Canvas-Flowmap-Layer - A LeafletJS custom map layer for mapping the flow of objects, ideas, people, etc. with Bezier curves rendered on the HTML canvas.
- mapbox/leaflet-pip - point in polygon intersections for leaflet
- reyemtm/parcel-viewer - Open Parcel Viewer - A mobile ready web app for displaying 50k parcels or polygons without needing a GIS server.
- CartoDB/Leaflet.CanvasLayer - full screen canvas layer for Leaflet
- cyrilcherian/Leaflet-Fullcanvas - Showing points/Connecting lines between points on a single canvas.
- Sumbera/gLayers.Leaflet - generic layers for Leaflet : L.CanvasLayer - full canvas layer
- PacktPublishing/Building-Smart-Homes-with-Raspberry-Pi-Zero - Code repository for Building Smart Homes with Raspberry Pi Zero, published by Packt publishing
- rstudio/shiny-server - Host Shiny applications over the web.
- samyk/poisontap - Exploits locked/password protected computers over USB, drops persistent WebSocket-based backdoor, exposes internal router, and siphons cookies using Raspberry Pi Zero & Node.js.
- parasew/instiki - a basic wiki clone so pretty and easy to set up, you’ll wonder if it’s really a wiki.
- tecfu/tty-table - Terminal table for Windows, Linux, and MacOS. Written in nodejs. Also works in browser console. Word wrap, padding, alignment, colors, Asian character support, per-column callbacks, and you can pass rows as objects or arrays. Backwards compatible with Automattic/cli-table.
- senthilchandrasegaran/textplorer - Visual analytics application for qualitative text analysis
- imagemin/imagemin-pngquant - Imagemin plugin for
- vsetka/deepl-translator - This module provides promised methods for translating text using DeepL Translator (https://www.deepl.com/translator) undocumented API.
- wekan/wekan - The Open Source kanban (built with Meteor). Keep variable/table/field names camelCase. For translations, only add Pull Request changes to wekan/i18n/en.i18n.json , other translations are done at https://transifex.com/wekan/wekan only.
- egeriis/zipcelx - Turns JSON data into
files in the browser - frappe/charts - Simple, responsive, modern SVG Charts with zero dependencies
- Bogdan-Lyashenko/js-code-to-svg-flowchart - js2flowchart - a visualization library to convert any JavaScript code into beautiful SVG flowchart. Learn other’s code. Design your code. Refactor code. Document code. Explain code.
- tylingsoft/markdown-plus - Markdown editor with extra features.
- muZk/transantiago-api-client - Unofficial API Client for querying data from Transantiago.
- dinoshunter/transantiago-client - npm package for query data from Transantiago
- maptalks/maptalks.js - A light and plugable JavaScript library for integrated 2D/3D maps.
- openstreetmap/iD - 🆔 The easy-to-use OpenStreetMap editor in JavaScript.
- damianavila/RISE - RISE: "Live" Reveal.js Jupyter/IPython Slideshow Extension
- SparkPost/heml - HEML is an open source markup language for building responsive email.
- smitty1788/DCPolicyCenter - Code Behind visuals
- public-transport/gtfs-to-fptf - Convert GFTS data to FPTF: lib & CLI.
- artf/grapesjs - Free and Open source Web Builder Framework. Next generation tool for building templates without coding
- spirit/spirit - 🙌 Play Spirit animations on the web
- BoostIO/BoostNote-Legacy - This repository is outdated and new Boost Note app is available! We've launched a new Boost Note app which supports real-time collaborative writing. https://github.com/BoostIO/BoostNote-App
- Trixieapp/react-virgin - The react-native UI Kit you've been looking for.
- yangshun/tech-interview-handbook - 💯 Curated interview preparation materials for busy engineers
- wch/webshot - Take screenshots of web pages from R
- tipsy/bubbly-bg - Beautiful bubbly backgrounds in less than 1kB (750 bytes gzipped)
- rawgraphs/rawgraphs-app - A web interface to create custom vector-based visualizations on top of RAWGraphs core
- AndriiHeonia/hull - JavaScript library that builds concave hull by set of points
- brmagnuson/LandFallowingInEarthEngine - These scripts show how I used Google Earth Engine to estimate Central Valley land fallowed due to drought between 2010 and 2015.
- zorzalerrante/datagramas - datagramas - view and scaffold d3.js visualizations in Jupyter notebooks
- matthewmueller/x-ray - The next web scraper. See through the <html> noise.
- mhdawson/MqttDlnaPlay - Simple dlna player that takes requests through mqtt
- rzane/dlnanow - Stream video to DLNA-capable devices from the commandline
- oeuillot/upnpserver-cli - Command line interface for upnpserver
- ropensci/unconf16 - rOpenSci's San Francisco hackathon/unconf 2016
- wandergis/leaflet-echarts3 - A plugin for leaflet to load echarts3 map and Make big data visualization easier.
- Lchiffon/wordcloud2 - R interface to wordcloud for data visualization.
- andrewharvey/geojson-polygon-labels - Command line tool to generate point labels from GeoJSON polygons
- hackmdio/hackmd-desktop - 📓 HackMD Desktop Application
- Viber/build-a-bot-with-zero-coding - An example of using Google Sheets to create a Viber survey chat bot without a backend server
- stefanocudini/leaflet-search - Search stuff in a Leaflet map
- pyllyukko/user.js - user.js -- Firefox configuration hardening
- Fil/semiotic - A data visualization framework combining React & D3
- wachunei/directUC - Web Extension for logging in to multiple services provided by PUC (Chile)
- G2Jose/wheres-my-ttc - A visualization of near-realtime TTC vehicles using react-map-gl & nextbus API
- vue-leaflet/Vue2Leaflet - Vue 2 components for Leaflet maps
- auth0/shiny-auth0 - Auth0 shiny proxy
- geodocker/geodocker-geomesa - Containers for GeoMesa enable Accumulo
- NickCis/polygonize - Javascript Implementation of GEOS's Polygonize function
- seifer08ms/Rmarkmap - R Interface to markmap library
- dinoshunter/bikesantiago-client - Scraping data from bikesantiago page.
- ncase/trust - An interactive guide to the game theory of cooperation
- tmcw/biggie - everyone can get big
- denysdovhan/wtfjs - 🤪 A list of funny and tricky JavaScript examples
- glenrobertson/leaflet-tilelayer-geojson - Leaflet TileLayer for GeoJSON tiles
- nyurik/leaflet-vega - Leaflet layer based on Vega visualization grammar
- ritiek/play-on-kodi - Stream your local/network content directly to Kodi by making HTTP requests
- derhuerst/transit-map-generator - [work in progress] – Generate and optimize transit maps interactively.
- zemirco/gartner-wcm-d3 - Interactive summary of Gartner's Magic Quadrant for Web Content Management with d3.js
- gilbitron/Raneto - Markdown powered Knowledgebase for Nodejs
- akveo/blur-admin - AngularJS Bootstrap Admin Panel Framework
- sheetdb/sheetsu-web-client - Sheetsu Web Client
- manrajgrover/organize-cli - 📋 Organize your files, imagine cleaning up your downloads in an instant
- kbrsh/moon - 🌙 The minimal & fast library for functional user interfaces
- ProgramadoresChile/SDKBCI_Node - SDK Node from Api Bci
- fiduswriter/fiduswriter - Fidus Writer is an online collaborative editor for academics.
- hrbrmstr/xmlview - 📃 Format, Query and Pretty Print 'HTML'/'XML' Content in R (RStudio viewer or browser)
- substance/texture - A visual editor for research.
- solzimer/skmeans - Super fast simple k-means implementation for unidimiensional and multidimensional data.
- reactioncommerce/reaction - Mailchimp Open Commerce is an API-first, headless commerce platform built using Node.js, React, GraphQL. Deployed via Docker and Kubernetes.
- OnsenUI/OnsenUI - Mobile app development framework and SDK using HTML5 and JavaScript. Create beautiful and performant cross-platform mobile apps. Based on Web Components, and provides bindings for Angular 1, 2, React and Vue.js.
- emotion-js/emotion - 👩🎤 CSS-in-JS library designed for high performance style composition
- express-vue/express-vue - Vue rendering engine for Express.js. Use .Vue files as templates using streams
- jlanio/Geogig-Desktop - Desktop interface (geogig) for spatial information versioning
- eadpucv/pix - Interaction notation for UX design
- turtl/desktop - Turtl's desktop app
- nathos/amicus - Amicus is a clean project template for the Middleman static site generator. It includes HTML5 Boilerplate, the awesome Susy grid system, and lots of best practices.
- hoodiehq/hoodie - 🐶 The Offline First JavaScript Backend
- typicode/json-server - Get a full fake REST API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds (seriously)
- IonicaBizau/scrape-it - 🔮 A Node.js scraper for humans.
- perry-mitchell/mead - Mead - Dead simple markdown editor for Windows, Linux and Mac
- scienceai/tsne-js - t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) algorithm implemented in JavaScript
- faradayio/tilesplash - a light and quick nodejs vector tile server for use with a postgis backend
- jczaplew/dbgeo - Node.js module for converting database query results to GeoJSON or TopoJSON
- mapbox/geojson-vt - Slice GeoJSON into vector tiles on the fly in the browser
- be5invis/Iosevka - Versatile typeface for code, from code.
- derhuerst/geojson-to-svg-cli - Command line tool to convert GeoJSON to SVG.
- golden-layout/golden-layout - A multi window layout manager for webapps
- photopea/UPNG.js - Fast and advanced PNG (APNG) decoder and encoder (lossy / lossless)
- zotero/zotero - Zotero is a free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources.
- nbremer/d3-loom - d3 plugin to create a loom chart layout (for d3-v4)
- mapbox/leaflet-omnivore - universal format parser for Leaflet & Mapbox.js
- Kitware/vtk-js - Visualization Toolkit for the Web
- amitkaps/visdown - Visualisation Markdown
- sindresorhus/term-img-cli - Display images in iTerm
- sindresorhus/term-img - Display images in iTerm
- larsgw/citation.js - Citation.js converts formats like BibTeX, Wikidata JSON and ContentMine JSON to CSL-JSON to convert to other formats like APA, Vancouver and back to BibTeX.
- mapbox/delaunator - An incredibly fast JavaScript library for Delaunay triangulation of 2D points
- tbranyen/hyperlist - A performant virtual scrolling list utility capable of rendering millions of rows
- mavoweb/mavo - Create web applications entirely by writing HTML and CSS!
- rstudio/crosstalk - Inter-htmlwidget communication for R (with and without Shiny)
- bryanph/GeistMap - An experimental personal knowledge base with a focus on connections
- mithril-components/mithril-node-linechart - Simple Line chart component for Mithril-NodeJS using SVG.
- spencermountain/compromise - modest natural-language processing
- riot/riot - Simple and elegant component-based UI library
- Jkassof/rsquaire - Htmlwidget for responsive equal-square cartographs in R
- icyleaf/wasp - A Static Site Generator written in Crystal.
- mamboer/vue-easy-gantt - A simple Vue.js gantt chart plugin for presenting weekly tasks
- joelgombin/concaveman - A very fast 2D concave hull algorithm
- IrosTheBeggar/mStream - The easiest music streaming server available
- el1t/uBlock-Safari - uBlock Origin - An efficient blocker for Chromium, Firefox, and Safari. Fast and lean.
- portainer/portainer - Making Docker and Kubernetes management easy.
- maxogden/javascript-for-cats - an introduction to the javascript programming language. intended audience: cats
- hrbrmstr/vegalite - R ggplot2 "bindings" for Vega-Lite
- matthaywardwebdesign/aus-search - A collection of Node JS scripts to create an Elasticsearch index of Australian addresses.
- britecharts/britecharts - Client-side reusable Charting Library based on D3.js v5 that allows easy and intuitive use of charts and components that can be composed together creating amazing visualizations.
- bmcbride/bootleaf - Template for building simple and elegant web mapping applications with Bootstrap and Leaflet
- nuxt/nuxt.js - The Intuitive Vue Framework
- sylvainpolletvillard/postcss-grid-kiss - A PostCSS plugin to keep CSS grids stupidly simple
- edent/SuperTinyIcons - Under 1KB each! Super Tiny Icons are miniscule SVG versions of your favourite website and app logos
- d3plus/d3plus-timeline - An easy-to-use javascript timeline.
- bredele/vomit - 😷 A minimal high order function for building user interfaces
- jacobtipp/hypernews - hackernews clone with hyperapp
- tmcgee/cmv-widgets - Widgets for CMV, the Configurable Map Viewer.
- Jam3/extract-streetview - extract street view spherical images and depth information
- Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI - Semantic is a UI component framework based around useful principles from natural language.
- Tithen-Firion/openload-dl - Downloads videos from Openload
- MichMich/MagicMirror - MagicMirror² is an open source modular smart mirror platform. With a growing list of installable modules, the MagicMirror² allows you to convert your hallway or bathroom mirror into your personal assistant.
- nstrayer/shinyswipr - An R Shiny module to put swiping interfaces in your app!
- tsur/node-rae - Diccionario Público Real Academia de la Lengua Española
- liabru/matter-js - a 2D rigid body physics engine for the web ▲● ■
- netlify/headlesscms.org - Source for headlesscms.org
- digitalheir/bibliography-js - 📚 Javascript library for working with bibliographic references, based on BiBTeX
- vercel/next.js - The React Framework
- sindresorhus/leven - Measure the difference between two strings with the fastest JS implementation of the Levenshtein distance algorithm
- ycabon/brick-layer - Experiment of a custom layer that pixelates image map tiles, built with ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.0.
- ezekielaquino/Marquee3000 - Marquees for the new millenium
- BlueHatbRit/mdpdf - Markdown to PDF command line app with support for stylesheets
- arturi/lettuja - A smart static site and blog generator 📚
- arturi/kotihome - Home automation system based on Arduino with sensors, Raspberry Pi, Node.js and React
- codrops/ExpandingBarMenus - An experimental tab-like navigation that expands a content area when clicked.
- jcheng5/user2016-tutorial-shiny -
- ziishaned/opus - Open source knowledge base application for Teams
- yoshuawuyts/vmd - 🙏 preview markdown files
- terkelg/ramme - Unofficial Instagram Desktop App.
- hackjutsu/Lepton - 💻 Democratizing Snippet Management (macOS/Win/Linux)
- xcatliu/pagic - A static site generator powered by Deno + React
- Workshape/mandi - Plug and play, JSON configurable Node.js CMS
- eggplanetio/mert - ▢ An iTerm 3-compatible window, tab, and pane manager.
- twitter/labella.js - Placing labels on a timeline without overlap.
- kristw/d3kit-timeline - A simple timeline component that labels do not overlap.
- tinker10/D3-Labeler - D3 plug-in for automatic label placement using simulated annealing.
- rmnppt/rc3 - bindings for c3 in R via htmlwidgets (forked from https://github.com/FrissAnalytics/shinyJsTutorials)
- anishathalye/offix - "Who is in the office?" 👀
- Zulko/eagle.js - A hackable slideshow framework built with Vue.js
- ourresearch/unpaywall-extension - Firefox/Chrome extension that gives you a link to a free PDF when you view scholarly articles
- amitmerchant1990/pomolectron - 🍅 A pomodoro app for your menubar/tray.
- tyrasd/osmtogeojson - convert osm to geojson
- kabirvirji/singlespotify - 🎵 Create Spotify playlists based on one artist through the command line
- Esri/dashboard-samples - Using the ArcGIS API for JavaScript, you can develop widget, map tools, and feature action extensions for Operations Dashboard running on Windows and in a browser.
- paulmillr/chokidar - Minimal and efficient cross-platform file watching library
- opendevise/bespoke-nav - A composite plugin that combines the keyboard and touch navigation plugins for Bespoke.js into a single plugin.
- equitablegrowth/Playfair - Web application for creating publication ready charts and graphs
- henrygd/bigpicture - Lightweight JavaScript image / video viewer. Supports Youtube, Vimeo, etc.
- kvnneff/hackernews-choo - A Hacker News reader built with Choo
- superhighfives/tweetflight-presentation - Tweetflight Presentation
- mikemaccana/rejectjs2013 - Welcome our new ES5 Overlords
- aaronpowell/bespoke-markdown - Allows you to use Markdown for the content of your slides
- bespokejs/bespoke - DIY Presentation Micro-Framework
- grssnbchr/rddj - Resources for doing data journalism with R.
- Automattic/cli-table - Pretty unicode tables for the CLI with Node.JS
- MrRio/vtop - Wow such top. So stats. More better than regular top.
- rampatra/photography - A free online portfolio website to showcase your photos.
- feross/yt-player - Simple, robust, blazing-fast YouTube Player API
- devinhalladay/spotio - A proof-of-concept Rdio-inspired skin for Spotify.app
- brave/browser-laptop - [DEPRECATED] Please see https://github.com/brave/brave-browser for the current version of Brave
- c0b41/hyper-fsociety - 🔼 Hyper terminal theme
- webmatze/hyperborder - adds a gradient border to the Hyper terminal
- vadimdemedes/trevor - 🚦 Your own mini Travis CI to run tests locally
- atogle/walkshed.js - Measure pedestrian access using raster analysis in JavaScript.
- tangrams/filters-demo - A demo showing ways of filtering data in Tangram.
- koopjs/FeatureServer - An open source Geoservices Implementation
- tslide/tslide - Terminal SlideDeck, supporting markdown.
- yonicd/slickR - slick carousel htmlwidget for R
- thesowah/GridGallery - A responsive grid gallery based on the Google Chromebook getting started guide gallery.
- cerebroapp/cerebro - Open-source productivity booster with a brain
- rehypejs/rehype - HTML processor powered by plugins part of the @unifiedjs collective
- Yuyz0112/vuelize - vue.js visualization modules
- tesera/esri-service-catalog - Harvests ArcGIS REST JSON metadata endpoints into single JSON file.
- frappe/gantt - Open Source Javascript Gantt
- juanpabloaj/platon - Slideshow from markdown
- rahatarmanahmed/nanopush - A tiny push notification app
- sindresorhus/manage-wifi-cli - Turn your Wi-Fi on and off
- metrue/Cici - Yet another static website generator built on top of Vue 2 and Webpack
- cosname/recharts - An interface to ECharts
- ecomfe/vue-echarts - Apache ECharts component for Vue.js.
- derhuerst/svg-radar-chart - Generate SVG radar charts.
- derhuerst/svg-patterns - SVG patterns for Data Visualization.
- btmills/geopattern - Generate beautiful SVG patterns
- shevawen/Weather-Screen - Weather Screen is a forecast viewer designed for non-interactive screens.
- riccardoscalco/textures - Textures.js is a JavaScript library for creating SVG patterns
- choojs/choo - 🚂🚋 - sturdy 4kb frontend framework
- senadores-chile/senadores - 💩 Datos publicos disponibles en la pagina www.senado.cl
- MithrilJS/mithril.js - A JavaScript Framework for Building Brilliant Applications
- luisvinicius167/notti - Dead simple user notification.
- bytebase/star-history - The missing star history graph of GitHub repos - https://star-history.com
- mapsam/mbgeocode - CSV > GeoJSON geocoder
- jorgebucaran/hyperapp - The tiny framework for building hypertext applications.
- FrontendMasters/front-end-handbook - The resources and tools for learning about the practice of front-end development.
- FrontendMasters/front-end-handbook-2017 - 2017 edition of our front-end development guide
- rybotron/EMIT-Quartz-Composer-Library - A Quartz Composer library designed for the easy creation of reactive and generative graphics
- mbasso/natural-regex - Create regex from natural language
- iRaul/creative-portfolios - 🌀 A curated list of Creative Portfolios
- segdeha/SlideKit - Slide deck presentation framework leveraging WebKit transitions
- NoDivide/astrum - A lightweight pattern library designed to be included with any web project.
- gorhill/uBO-Extra - A companion extension to uBlock Origin
- wagerfield/parallax - Parallax Engine that reacts to the orientation of a smart device
- yigityuce/Leaflet.Control.Custom - Customizable Leaflet Control Panel
- Turbo87/leaflet-sidebar - A responsive sidebar for Leaflet maps
- alangrafu/votaciones-senado-congreso.cl - Extracción, parsing y conversión de votaciones del senado de Chile a RDF
- christophercliff/flatmarket - A free, open source e-commerce platform for static websites.
- tryolabs/libreQDA -
- artpi/Qualify - Performing Qualitative data analysis on text saved in Evernote
- nishanths/zoom.js - No jQuery dependency fork of fat/zoom.js
- afaqurk/linux-dash - A beautiful web dashboard for Linux
- Leaflet/Leaflet.markercluster - Marker Clustering plugin for Leaflet
- devongovett/regexgen - Generate regular expressions that match a set of strings
- Drivetech/hubot-cne - A hubot script to get fuel price in Chile from cne api
- lgaticaq/bip - Get balance of bip card (Chile)
- lgaticaq/chilexpress-cli - Check shipping status in chilexpress CLI
- timelyportfolio/sunburstR - R htmlwidget for interactive sunburst plots
- walkerke/bsselectR - In-progress htmlwidget for bootstrap-select
- bhaskarvk/widgetframe - Embed htmlwidgets in Responsive iframe.
- rstudio/revealjs - R Markdown Format for reveal.js Presentations
- dimsemenov/Touchfolio - Free responsive portfolio WordPress theme with touch navigation
- Phlow/feeling-responsive - »Feeling Responsive« is a free flexible theme for Jekyll built on Foundation framework. You can use it for your company site, as a portfolio or as a blog.
- clhenrick/portfolio - Portfolio and blog using Jekyll with the Feeling Responsive theme created by @Phlow
- FormidableLabs/victory - A collection of composable React components for building interactive data visualizations
- rstudio/flexdashboard - Easy interactive dashboards for R
- markmarkoh/datamaps - Customizable SVG map visualizations for the web in a single Javascript file using D3.js
- nakajmg/talkie-generator - Templates generator for Talkie.js
- ysugimoto/resumify - Capture screenshot and make PDF on your HTML presentation.
- reimertz/lagom - 🖼 simplistic presentation generator
- appbaseio/gem - 💎 GUI for Data Modeling with Elasticsearch
- goessner/mdmath - LaTeX Math for Markdown inside of Visual Studio Code.
- humangeo/leaflet-dvf - Leaflet Data Visualization Framework
- Tasemu/Simple-PGP - Electron based client for easy usage of PGP encryption and communication.
- juba/scatterD3 - R scatter plot htmlwidget based on D3.js
- tannerjt/weathertinturf - Visualize weather patterns with turf.js and NOAA NCDC weather.
- mapbox/mapbox-gl-js - Interactive, thoroughly customizable maps in the browser, powered by vector tiles and WebGL
- tiaanduplessis/pomd - 🍅 A good old cli based Pomodoro timer with native notifications
- GetStream/Winds - A Beautiful Open Source RSS & Podcast App Powered by Getstream.io
- juliasilge/old_bloggy_blog - My older Jekyll blog, based on the So Simple theme 🔗
- tobiasahlin/infinite-jekyll - Infinite scroll for Jekyll based blogs
- mifi/lossless-cut - The swiss army knife of lossless video/audio editing
- Jasonette/JASONETTE-iOS - 📡 Native App over HTTP, on iOS
- feross/spoof - Easily spoof your MAC address in macOS, Windows, & Linux!
- arve0/markdown-it-attrs - Add classes, identifiers and attributes to your markdown with {} curly brackets, similar to pandoc's header attributes
- relax/relax - New generation CMS on top of React, Redux and GraphQL
- yatemmma/sliderify - Simple markdown slide
- Erichain/blur-image - A plugin used to make blur effect on image that needs to be preloaded.
- openaddresses/esri-dump - A Node module to assist with pulling data out of an ESRI ArcGIS REST server into GeoJSON.
- tannerjt/AGStoShapefile - Convert ArcGIS Server Dynamic Map Service to GeoJSON and Shapefile
- JasonSanford/shapefile-ags - CLI to scrape ArcGIS Server instances and export as shapefiles
- slothspot/open-with-mpv -
- sarcadass/granim.js - Create fluid and interactive gradient animations with this small javascript library.
- facebookarchive/exerslide - A framework to create React-based HTML presentations and tutorials.
- egoist/eme - Elegant Markdown Editor.
- andrscrrn/tumblr-lks-downldr-cli - Command line interface for the tumblr-lks-downldr module.
- jekyll/jekyll-admin - A Jekyll plugin that provides users with a traditional CMS-style graphical interface to author content and administer Jekyll sites.
- jwillmer/jekyllDecent - Blog Template for Jekyll
- nishimaki10/pandoc-mermaid-filter - mermaid filter for pandoc
- raghur/mermaid-filter - Pandoc filter for creating diagrams in mermaid syntax blocks in markdown docs
- awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted - A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers
- marcbouchenoire/sketch-constraints - 📏 A plugin that integrates constraints in Sketch to lay out layers.
- netlify/netlify-cms - A Git-based CMS for Static Site Generators
- Mailtrain-org/mailtrain - Self hosted newsletter app
- abynim/sketchy-pies - A Sketch plugin to magically convert regular circle layers into pie charts!
- BlueSpire/Durandal - Durandal has evolved to the next generation: Aurelia.
- TooTallNate/node-spotify-web - Node.js implementation of the Spotify Web protocol
- hacksalot/HackMyResume - Generate polished résumés and CVs in HTML, Markdown, LaTeX, MS Word, PDF, plain text, JSON, XML, YAML, smoke signal, and carrier pigeon.
- filipedeschamps/rss-feed-emitter - Super RSS News Feed aggregator written in Node.js and ES6
- styledown/styledown - Markdown-based styleguide generator
- mholt/PapaParse - Fast and powerful CSV (delimited text) parser that gracefully handles large files and malformed input
- keeweb/keeweb - Free cross-platform password manager compatible with KeePass
- metalsmith/metalsmith - An extremely simple, pluggable static site generator.
- peachananr/zoom-scroller - Create a Subtle Zoom Animation on Images while Scrolling
- imsky/holder - 🌇 Client-side image placeholders.
- tholman/cursor-effects - Only 90's kids remember... well not really, but these beloved effects that would follow your mouse around will always be classic reminders of the old, beloved internet.
- mdbootstrap/mdb-ui-kit - Bootstrap 5 & Material Design 2.0 UI KIT
- ember-infinity/ember-infinity - ⚡ Simple, flexible Infinite Scroll for Ember CLI Apps.
- bantic/ember-infinite-scroll - An example of infinite scrolling using ember
- jwagner/smartcrop.js - Content aware image cropping
- dimsemenov/Magnific-Popup - Light and responsive lightbox script with focus on performance.
- vuejs/vue - 🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.
- yhat/rodeo - A data science IDE for Python
- hongkhanh/cropbox - A lightweight and simple JavaScript, Jquery, YUI plugin to crop your avatar
- novus/nvd3 - A reusable charting library written in d3.js
- igorescobar/jQuery-Mask-Plugin - A jQuery Plugin to make masks on form fields and HTML elements.
- DemocracyOS/democracyos - Democracia en Red is focusing on specific implementations of DemocracyOS. We are working now working with governments and activists all over Latin America. If you are interested in our online participation tools you can check them out on our site.
- d3/d3-voronoi - Compute the Voronoi diagram of a set of two-dimensional points.
- jbt/markdown-editor - Live (Github-flavored) Markdown Editor
- alecgorge/MarkdownEditor - A completely web based MarkDown editor--with live preview!
- bevacqua/dragula - 👌 Drag and drop so simple it hurts
- jaredreich/notie - 🔔 a clean and simple notification, input, and selection suite for javascript, with no dependencies
- plotly/plotly.js - Open-source JavaScript charting library behind Plotly and Dash
- williamngan/roll - roll and scroll tracking -- a tiny javascript library
- jaruba/PowderPlayer - Hybrid between a Torrent Client and a Player (torrent streaming) -
- kenwheeler/slick - the last carousel you'll ever need
- nylas/nylas-mail - 💌 An extensible desktop mail app built on the modern web. Forks welcome!
- finnp/feature-scaling - Scale the values of an array or stream of objects within [0,1]
- Leaflet/Leaflet - 🍃 JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps
- pagina-io/pagina.io - Pagina.io is a nice editor for Jekyll sites hosted on Github Pages. You can use it to edit your pages using a pleasant WYSIWYG interface.
- captn3m0/potion - Potion is github-pages compatible editor for jekyll blogs.
- shinemoon/jekyller - Github Page Jekyll Editor for Chrome & Edge Browser
- xat/castnow - commandline chromecast player
- Popmotion/popmotion - Simple animation libraries for delightful user interfaces
- jasonmayes/Particle-Engine - A simple efficient configurable particle engine written in JavaScript using HTML5 canvas 2D which works on desktop and mobile by Jason Mayes
- joakimbeng/unistyle - Write modular and scalable CSS using the next version of ECMAScript
- usablica/intro.js - Lightweight, user-friendly onboarding tour library
- ForeignPolicyMagazine/profiler - Template for profiling people in the news.
- justinmanley/playfair - Generate charts and graphs from the command line using d3 and PhantomJS.
- astroza/chrome_ogg_encoder - A web worker for Ogg encoding
- bassjobsen/Bootstrap-3-Typeahead - The Typeahead plugin from Twitter's Bootstrap 2 ready to use with Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4
- albburtsev/jquery.lookingfor - Fast search as you type jQuery-plugin
- kkga/spacegray - A Hyperminimal UI Theme for Sublime Text
- uncss/uncss - Remove unused styles from CSS
- round/enhance.js - Not maintained. Zoom & dynamically crop images. Based on http://github.com/fat/zoom.js by @fat.
- mislav/sinatra-boilerplate - Sinatra + Haml Sass Compass Bourbon CoffeeScript
- webtorrent/webtorrent-hybrid - WebTorrent (with WebRTC support in Node.js)
- sdelements/lets-chat - Self-hosted chat app for small teams
- matthewowen/jekyll-slideshow - A Jekyll plugin for FancyBox (etc) style slideshows - generates thumbnails, and provides slideshow Javascript
- hakimel/Meny - A three dimensional and space effecient menu
- Mango/slideout - A touch slideout navigation menu for your mobile web apps.
- OscarGodson/EpicEditor - EpicEditor is an embeddable JavaScript Markdown editor with split fullscreen editing, live previewing, automatic draft saving, offline support, and more. For developers, it offers a robust API, can be easily themed, and allows you to swap out the bundled Markdown parser with anything you throw at it.
- refactory-id/bootstrap-markdown - Bootstrap plugin for markdown editing
- leonidas/transparency - Transparency is a semantic template engine for the browser. It maps JSON objects to DOM elements by id, class and data-bind attributes.
- TryGhost/Ghost - Turn your audience into a business. Publishing, memberships, subscriptions and newsletters.
- Dogfalo/materialize - Materialize, a CSS Framework based on Material Design
- alfredobarron/smoke - Smoke form validation and components for Bootstrap
- Mineduc-Exploratorium/visualizaciones - Repositorio general de visualizaciones Mineduc
- Marak/faker.js - generate massive amounts of realistic fake data in Node.js and the browser
- endSly/world-universities-csv - List of all universities in the world in CSV
- dineshhv/dropList - dropList is a lightweight jQuery plugin to customize the UI style of drop down list. The plugin has droplist, multilist and combo list (search and dropdown) options
- zeusdeux/fuzzy-dropdown - Converts a select box into a fuzzy searchable dropdown (using https://github.com/zeusdeux/subsequence-search)
- gorhill/uBlock - uBlock Origin - An efficient blocker for Chromium and Firefox. Fast and lean.
- sandi-racy/infiniteScroll - jQuery Infinite Scroll is a simple jQuery lazy loading
- KimmoHernborg/tumblrposts-jquery - A jQuery plugin and a simple one page js app for responsive browsing of Tumblr blogs
- PixelsCommander/HTML-GL - Get as many FPS as you need and amazing effects by rendering HTML/CSS in WebGL
- flesler/jquery.scrollTo - Lightweight, cross-browser and highly customizable animated scrolling with jQuery
- pablomarambio/jquery.rut - Formato y validación de RUT Chileno / jQuery 1.4+
- 1000hz/bootstrap-validator - A user-friendly HTML5 form validation jQuery plugin for Bootstrap 3
- wenzhixin/bootstrap-table - An extended table to integration with some of the most widely used CSS frameworks. (Supports Bootstrap, Semantic UI, Bulma, Material Design, Foundation, Vue.js)
- smolleyes/StreamStudio - Node-webkit app to stream video services
- tholman/overscroll - Javascript for adding small easter eggs when over scrolling on apple devices.
- zetavg/alfred-google-translate-workflow - Alfred Google Translate Workflow. Alfred 多語言翻譯 Workflow,含有拼字校正、近似詞建議功能。(Temporally broken, use zetavg/alfred-google-translate-workflow#8)
- yaronn/blessed-contrib - Build terminal dashboards using ascii/ansi art and javascript
- avocode/combokeys - Web browser keyboard shortcuts. CommonJS, NPM.
- maciejczyzewski/hyhyhy - A tool for creating nice looking HTML5 presentations.
- metafizzy/flickity - 🍃 Touch, responsive, flickable carousels
- francois2metz/trello-calendar - A calendar for Trello with all your cards with a due date.
- eligrey/FileSaver.js - An HTML5 saveAs() FileSaver implementation
- vvo/gifify - 😻 Convert any video file to an optimized animated GIF.
- kethinov/BubblePainter - 🎨 Customize the chat bubbles in Messages.app.
- dimsemenov/PhotoSwipe - JavaScript image gallery for mobile and desktop, modular, framework independent
- jansmolders86/mediacenterjs - A HTML/CSS/Javascript (NodeJS) based Media center
- VincentGarreau/particles.js - A lightweight JavaScript library for creating particles
- addyosmani/tmi - TMI (Too Many Images) - discover your image weight on the web
- little-vince/tumblr-header-hider - A userscript to hide the tumblr header when scrolling after Tumblr update.
- kimmobrunfeldt/progressbar.js - Responsive and slick progress bars
- savulchik/clippy - Google Chrome extension for copying selected text to clipboard using custom keyboard shortcut.
- parameshyss/URL-Abridger - A Chrome extension to shorten the URL of current tab using bit.ly & copy the shortened URL to clipboard
- KaTeX/KaTeX - Fast math typesetting for the web.
- jnicol/particleground - A jQuery plugin for snazzy background particle systems
- kbwood/countdown - jQuery Countdown Plugin
- mrchimp/tock - Timer Object/Class. Kickass!
- albert-gonzalez/easytimer.js - Easy to use Timer/Stopwatch/Countdown library compatible with AMD, ES6 and Typescript
- hexojs/hexo - A fast, simple & powerful blog framework, powered by Node.js.
- ysugimoto/nw-alfred - Alfred clone on node-webkit
- takuyakanbr/web-reader - NW.js based RSS reader
- jipegit/OSXAuditor - OS X Auditor is a free Mac OS X computer forensics tool
- marcj/css-element-queries - CSS Element-Queries aka Container Queries. High-speed element dimension/media queries in valid css.
- datazenit/sensei-grid - Simple and lightweight data grid in JS/HTML
- regularjs/regular - regularjs: a living template engine that helps us to create data-driven component.
- scottgarner/Thumblr - HTML 5 + CSS 3 Slideshow for Tumblr
- jonom/jquery-focuspoint - jQuery plugin for 'responsive cropping'. Dynamically crop images to fill available space without cutting out the image's subject. Great for full-screen images.
- panicsteve/cloud-to-butt - Chrome extension that replaces occurrences of 'the cloud' with 'my butt'
- designmodo/Flat-UI - Flat UI Free - Design Framework (html/css3/less/js). Flat UI is based on Bootstrap, a comfortable, responsive, and functional framework that simplifies the development of websites.
- slap-editor/slap - Sublime-like terminal-based text editor
- liferay/sennajs.com - 🌱 Website of Senna.js library
- FGRibreau/dot-clipboard - 👝 dot-clipboard monitors your clipboard and runs scripts based on its content
- eduardolundgren/tracking.js - A modern approach for Computer Vision on the web
- jprichardson/node-google - A Node.js module to search and scrape Google.
- dropzone/dropzone - Dropzone is an easy to use drag'n'drop library. It supports image previews and shows nice progress bars.
- addyosmani/critical - Extract & Inline Critical-path CSS in HTML pages
- urlysses/wrong - Writing app
- kenkeiter/Tweam - A tiny Twitter Stream-reader written in Ruby w/help from Sinatra, Erb, and Sass.
- pcostantini/subdivx-dl - cli tool - subtitle downloader for subdivx.com
- breach/breach_core - A Browser written in JS. Free. Modular. Hackable.
- tholman/giflinks - The best thing to happen to the internet since the <a> tag.
- Robdel12/DropKick - A JavaScript plugin for creating beautiful, accessible, and painless custom dropdowns.
- codrops/PFold - A highly experimental jQuery plugin that let's you unfold elements to reveal more content just like a piece of paper. Unfolding directions and number of steps can be specified.
- antpaw/bhf - Rails-Engine-Gem that offers an admin interface for trusted user
- jsonresume/resume-cli - CLI tool to easily setup a new resume 📑
- knrz/CSV.js - A simple, blazing-fast CSV parser and encoder. Full RFC 4180 compliance.
- agentejo/cockpit - Add content management functionality to any site - plug & play / headless / api-first CMS
- dkong/random-pictures-frame - SlideShow of random pictures
- leemark/better-simple-slideshow - Another simple DIY responsive image slideshow made with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript
- Automattic/cloudup-cli - cloudup command-line executable
- Automattic/auto-update-server -
- revuls/SlimCMS - CMS created with Slim Framework using Json files instead of Database
- janl/mustache.js - Minimal templating with {{mustaches}} in JavaScript
- OscarGodson/JSONP - Super Tiny JSONP Library
- afeld/jsonp - A proxy to help with cross-domain requests
- wagerfield/flat-surface-shader - Flat Surface Shader for rendering illuminated triangles
- datproject/dat - 💾 peer-to-peer sharing & live syncronization of files via command line
- primer/octicons - A scalable set of icons handcrafted with <3 by GitHub
- maxogden/torrent - download torrents with node from the CLI
- emberjs/ember.js - Ember.js - A JavaScript framework for creating ambitious web applications
- KittyGiraudel/Countdown.js - [UNMAINTAINED] A little JavaScript cutstomizable countdown
- peachananr/purejs-onepage-scroll - The javascript version of the infamous jQuery One Page Scroll without relying on jQuery.
- yify-pop/yify-pop - Inspired by Popcorn Time, a node web server to stream torrents from YIFY. Built using Geddy and the peerflix library.
- jaukia/zoomooz - An easy-to-use jQuery plugin for making zooming web pages.
- julianshapiro/velocity - Accelerated JavaScript animation.
- BastienClement/tget - Command-line torrent downloader and HTTP streaming server
- JustinWi/NewsDownloader - Search Google News and easily download the results to a CSV.
- apg/wipes - Pipe text to a WebSocket server
- asapach/peerflix-server - Streaming torrent client for Node.js with web ui.
- anijs/anijs - A Library to Raise your Web Design without Coding.
- jzwinck/wswatch - Unix watch(1) via a web browser
- bfirsh/jsnes - A JavaScript NES emulator.
- mailvelope/mailvelope - Browser extension for OpenPGP encryption with Webmail
- jdan/cleaver - 30-second slideshows for hackers
- mafintosh/torrent-mount - Mount a torrent (or magnet link) as a filesystem in real time using torrent-stream and fuse. AKA MAD SCIENCE!
- gstf/trianglify-wallpaper - CLI tool to generate wallpaper from Trianglify
- Psep/ConsultaBip - Firefox OS App para consultar el Saldo de la tarjeta Bip!, medio de pago del transporte público de la ciudad de Santiago de Chile.
- pederan/Parallax-ImageScroll - JQuery and amd compatible plugin to create a parallax effect as seen at spotify.com
- mrdoob/three.js - JavaScript 3D Library.
- squarefeet/ShaderParticleEngine - A GLSL-heavy particle engine for THREE.js. Originally based on Stemkoski's great particle engine (see README)
- drawcall/Proton - Javascript particle animation library
- peachananr/interactive_3d - Create a 3D interactive object using images and one simple JS call
- qrohlf/snowing - An "is it snowing" page coded and deployed in < 15 minutes to prove a point
- qrohlf/trianglify - Algorithmically generated triangle art
- docwhat/magic_reveal - Create presentations with markdown and ease!
- webpro/reveal-md - reveal.js on steroids! Get beautiful reveal.js presentations from any Markdown file
- webtorrent/webtorrent - ⚡️ Streaming torrent client for the web
- Owyn/HandyImage - browser userscript (extension) which Shows just fullsize Image with hotkeys & without pop-ups on many image-hosting sites
- cggaurav/milkshake - A Spotify app with Winamp like visualizations
- jernejcic/GhostThemeStarter - Ghost Theme Starter is a repo to make it easy to get start creating a new theme for the Ghost blogging platform.
- bmcmahen/itty-bitty-torrent - Deprecated -- use something else
- andrscrrn/tumblr-lks-downldr - Node module for downloading Tumblr liked posts from an specific user.
- poderopedia/powermapa - CMS for Poderopedia
- mafintosh/torrent-stream - The low level streaming torrent engine that peerflix uses
- SamyPesse/tv.js - Apple TV for Torrent Streaming in JS (Node/Chrome)
- mitukiii/gifvj - You can VJ with GIF animation of Tumblr
- grosser/reduce - Ruby/CLI: minify javascript + stylesheets, lossless image optimization
- mafintosh/peerflix - Streaming torrent client for node.js
- sstrigler/tumbsup - lets you backup (parts) of your tumblr blog and more
- jimhigson/oboe.js - A streaming approach to JSON. Oboe.js speeds up web applications by providing parsed objects before the response completes.
- twitter/typeahead.js - typeahead.js is a fast and fully-featured autocomplete library
- documentcloud/visualsearch - A Rich Search Box for Real Data
- shipshapecode/tether - A positioning engine to make overlays, tooltips and dropdowns better
- adrai/flowchart.js - Draws simple SVG flow chart diagrams from textual representation of the diagram
- eknkc/alfred-pinboard - Pinboard Search Weorkflow for Alfred 2
- katel/omeka-foundation - An Omeka theme using the Foundation CSS framework
- gvn/hoardr - Scrape all your liked images from Tumblr.
- cphoniball/tumblrbackup - Node.js backup command line tool for Tumblr blogs. May eventually spawn a site, who knows?
- p3drosola/eeenter - Tumblr for the stylish socialite
- ducksboard/gridster.js - gridster.js is a jQuery plugin that makes building intuitive draggable layouts from elements spanning multiple columns
- plasm/simplemodal - Modal window
- czarneckid/twitter-bootstrap-examples-haml - Twitter Bootstrap Example Templates in Haml
- thunderbird-conversations/thunderbird-conversations - An extension for Thunderbird that allows you to view threads as "real" conversations, including your own emails. This extension also adds a bunch of useful UI features in the conversation view.
- nakupanda/bootstrap3-dialog - Make use of Twitter Bootstrap's modal more monkey-friendly.
- kud/krr - kud's rss reader.
- kud/breather - Help you to take a break.
- jlmakes/scrollreveal - Animate elements as they scroll into view.
- fontello/fontello - Iconic fonts scissors
- oTranscribe/oTranscribe - A free & open tool for transcribing audio interviews
- impress/impress.js - It's a presentation framework based on the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers and inspired by the idea behind prezi.com.
- harish-io/Impressionist - Visual tool to create impress.js presentations
- alvarotrigo/fullPage.js - fullPage plugin by Alvaro Trigo. Create full screen pages fast and simple
- xxuejie/mruby-web-irb - mruby interpreter running in a browser
- fncombo/tumblr-image-downloader - Download images from Tumblr with a single click.
- joenas/first-deadly-sin - (Faye & Sinatra) MPD web-client
- phoboslab/WebGLImageFilter - Fast image filters for Browsers with WebGL support
- pinkhominid/pinboard - jQuery plugin that helps create and manage a responsive column layout of widgets
- yyx990803/zoomerang - drop in zoom anything
- fungus-prc/ReloadDashboard - This chrome-extension inserts links for reloading dashboard on the Tumblr for each set of new posts.
- rathrio/blog_engine - Simple file based blog engine
- taitems/bootstrap.footnotes.js - Instapaper-style foonotes/endnotes brought to the web.
- fcapovilla/caporss - A simple web RSS reader
- pahnin/musictab - MusicTab player is a music player with htlm5 frontend, you can play and make playlists of you music collection in you browser tab. It is powered by sinatra server in the backed and html5 audio player
- jmcmanus/pagedown-extra - Markdown Extra Plugins for Pagedown
- archseer/boombox - A HTML5 web music library with a Sinatra backend. Works like a proper native application.
- nitrotasks/nitro - The beautiful way to get things done.
- joewalnes/smoothie - Smoothie Charts: smooooooth JavaScript charts for realtime streaming data
- yhnavein/d3-hierarchical-pie - It's a d3 sample pie chart for interacting with hierarchical data in nice and easy way for user. It's great for showing categories structure.
- alanshaw/meteor-browpie - Live updated pie charts of browser usage share
- zurb/pizza - Better pie, donut, line, and bar graphs.
- rendro/easy-pie-chart - easy pie chart is a lightweight plugin to draw simple, animated pie charts for single values
- chartjs/Chart.js - Simple HTML5 Charts using the <canvas> tag
- bmcmurray/hekyll - a Jekyll generator for Impress.js presentations
- bellbind/chrome-extension-from-bookmarklet-example - Example for convert bookmarklet to chrome extension package
- bcaccinolo/jekyll-impressjs-plugin - Jekyll plugin to create Impress.js presentations
- bchanx/slidr - add some slide effects.
- peachananr/immersive-slider - Create an immersive slider that changes the whole container to match the viewing slide
- peachananr/notify-better - An all in one jQuery plugin that let you change your favicon, browser's title and more to reflect new notifications
- jrsconfitto/katiejamie - Katie and Jamie
- jlord/sheetsee.js - 👀 📈 Visualize Data from a Google Spreadsheet
- jsoma/tabletop - Tabletop.js gives spreadsheets legs
- handlebars-lang/handlebars.js - Minimal templating on steroids.
- theycallmeswift/quill - Quill is a simple blog engine inspired by Jekyll. Quill runs on node and has an easy command line interface. Themeing is as simple as editing a single html page.
- peachananr/onepage-scroll - Create an Apple-like one page scroller website (iPhone 5S website) with One Page Scroll plugin
- kolber/audiojs - A cross-browser javascript wrapper for the html5 audio tag
- pianopiano/tumblr-slide-viewer - tumblr slide viewer
- benweet/stackedit - In-browser Markdown editor
- guard/guard-livereload - Guard::LiveReload automatically reload your browser when 'view' files are modified.
- archiloque/Tumblr-Machine - A Tumblr feedreader and reblogging tool
- ericlbarnes/wardrobe - A Minimal Blog App
- bittorrenttorque/btapp - Btapp.js is a backbone library that provides easy access to Torque/BitTorrent/uTorrent clients.
- steve228uk/CandyCMS - A Simple CMS in PHP
- btbytes/jekyll_960 - Jekyll blog template using 960.gs css framework
- pure-css/pure - A set of small, responsive CSS modules that you can use in every web project.
- willdurand/anchorify.js - A dead simple JavaScript library for automatically creating anchored headings in your HTML documents.
- cesarmiquel/backuplikes - Creates a backup of all liked photo posts in your Tumblr account.
- sdague/weather-underground.rb - Ruby modules for weather underground
- davatron5000/Lettering.js - A lightweight, easy to use Javascript <span> injector for radical Web Typography
- defunkt/facebox - Facebook-style lightbox, built in jQuery
- hillman/phog - Static photo gallery generator with S3 uploader
- jakiestfu/Snap.js - A Library for creating beautiful mobile shelfs in Javascript (Facebook and Path style side menus)
- hakimel/reveal.js - The HTML Presentation Framework
- farinspace/jquery.imgpreload - The jQuery.imgpreload plugin lets you preload images before and after the DOM has loaded.
- alexrabarts/jquery-cacheimage - A simple jQuery plugin for pre-caching images.
- yasuoza/Pagify - Effortlessly create single page web sites with this jQuery plugin.
- house9/jquery-iframe-auto-height - jQuery plugin to set the height of an iframe to its contents height
- codrops/3DRestaurantMenu - A responsive 3D menu concept for a restaurant website. The idea is to show the menu as a folded flyer and unfold it in order to show the menu items.
- scottjehl/Respond - A fast & lightweight polyfill for min/max-width CSS3 Media Queries (for IE 6-8, and more)
- naggie/megafilter - 2013: Single-user Google RSS Reader alternative, with RESTful API
- rstacruz/jquery.transit - Super-smooth CSS3 transformations and transitions for jQuery
- instanceofme/jquery-infieldlabels - This is a simple plugin that turns properly formatted HTML forms into forms with in-field label support. Labels fade when the field is focused and disappear when text entry begins. Clearing a field brings back the label.
- gbirke/jquery_pagination - A Pagination module for jQuery
- sebarmeli/JAIL - JqueryAsynchImageLoader Plugin for jQuery
- viljamis/responsive-nav.js - Responsive navigation plugin without library dependencies and with fast touch screen support.
- Shopify/dashing - The exceptionally handsome dashboard framework in Ruby and Coffeescript.
- glynnbird/birdreader - Home-made Google Reader replacement powered by Node.js and Cloudant
- marcstober/google-reader-takeout-reader - A simple tool to take your Google Reader data from Google Takeout and convert it into a nicely formatted list of links to browse and re-bookmark/subscribe in your new favorite service (or simply save as a backup).
- diy/jquery-placeholder - A jQuery plugin that polyfills the HTML5 "placeholder" attribute.
- spoof/jquery.parallax-gallery - Yet another gallery for jQuery with parallax effect
- oetiker/jquery.EmbedPicasaGallery - Insert a images from picasa directly into your webpage
- ress/galleriffic - A jQuery plugin for photo galleries
- rainerborene/jquery-slideshow - jQuery plugin for awesome slideshow on your website.
- igorescobar/jGallery - jGallery - A jQuery plugin for image galleries
- stylehatch/photoset-grid - A simple jQuery plugin to arrange images into a flexible grid, based on Tumblr's photoset feature.
- codrops/GammaGallery - Gamma Gallery is an experimental responsive image gallery that attempts to provide an adjustable responsive images approach taking its grid layout and the full slideshow view into account.
- Goszu/picture_gallery - Picture gallery with backend section to manage images and text.
- tubalmartin/riloadr - Riloadr - A cross-browser framework-independent responsive images loader written in Javascript.
- buildinternet/supersized - Full screen background slideshow plugin for jQuery
- kamens/jQuery-menu-aim - jQuery plugin to fire events when user's cursor aims at particular dropdown menu items. For making responsive mega dropdowns like Amazon's.
- buildinternet/mosaic - A jQuery plugin for sliding boxes with captions.
- krio/jquery-image-loader-plugin - A plugin that loads images with a visually appealing fade when they have been completely downloaded instead of displaying partial images.
- kopipejst/coin-slider - jQuery Image Slider with Unique Transitions Effects
- prydie/jQuery-GreyScale-Plugin - A plugin for jQuery convert images to grayscale on the fly and reveal the coloured version on hover
- Codeinwp/Nivo-Slider-jQuery - Nivo Slider - The Most Awesome jQuery Image Slider
- tuupola/lazyload - Vanilla JavaScript plugin for lazyloading images
- DmitryBaranovskiy/g.raphael - Charts for Raphaël
- zachleat/BigText - jQuery plugin, calculates the font-size and word-spacing needed to match a line of text to a specific width.
- karthikv/my-style - My Style is a Google Chrome extension that allows you to insert custom CSS into pages, immediately see the visual results, and have that CSS persist for future visits.
- coryschires/hover-caption - Simple jQuery plugin that adds both a caption and a gray-out effect when hovering over an image.
- flesler/jquery.localScroll - Animated anchor navigation made easy with jQuery
- imakewebthings/waypoints - Waypoints is a library that makes it easy to execute a function whenever you scroll to an element.
- GalleriaJS/galleria - The JavaScript Image Gallery
- jackwanders/GalleryView - jQuery plugin for creating photo galleries
- ferman/php-auto-gallery -
- yconst/Assemblage - A template for the Stacey CMS. Now at Release 3! (Version 1.0)
- cmpolis/Pagify - Effortlessly create single page web sites with this jQuery plugin.
- iatek/one-page-app - Single page application boilerplate for Web or mobile using Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery and Javascript on Node.js. Create a responsive one page app for with a lightweight data store. Features long scrolling page sections, image slider, scroll to top button and dot navigation.
- jquery-backstretch/jquery-backstretch - Backstretch is a simple jQuery plugin that allows you to add a dynamically-resized, slideshow-capable background image to any page or element. The image will stretch to fit the page/element, and will automatically resize as the window/element size changes.
- jalxob/cool-kitten - A parallax scrolling responsive framework
- markdalgleish/stellar.js - Stellar.js - Parallax scrolling made easy
- amigojapan/3dpl - 3dpl (3D Programming Language), A language based on Unity3d's JS for new programmers to learn programming and 3D game programming at the same time, and while having fun! It includes 17 tutorials, which include how to make a simple cube how to color the cubes how to make 3D brakeout(arkanoid) and how to make a 3D space first person shooter. Also you can upload your programs to the (cloud server, still in development stage) and enjoy a huge library of programs made by other users! Please go to the official web site http://amigojapan.github.com/3dpl/
- sdepold/jquery-rss - An easy-to-use rss plugin for jquery with templating.
- unconed/TermKit - Experimental Terminal platform built on WebKit + node.js. Currently only for Mac and Windows, though the prototype works 90% in any WebKit browser.
- andytlr/cssgrid - The 1140px CSS Grid, fluid to mobile.
- jcubic/jquery.terminal - jQuery Terminal Emulator - JavaScript library for creating web-based terminals with custom commands
- nwjs/nw.js - Call all Node.js modules directly from DOM/WebWorker and enable a new way of writing applications with all Web technologies.
- meteor/meteor - Meteor, the JavaScript App Platform
- laktek/punch - A fun and easy way to build modern websites
- jonathanKingston/britto - Britto - a blog made using Meteor
- binux/yaaw - Yet Another Aria2 Webui in pure HTML/CSS/Javascirpt
- begriffs/css-ratiocinator - because your CSS is garbage
- rigoneri/syte - [Archived] A really simple but powerful packaged personal site that has social integrations like twitter, github, dribbble, instagram, foursquare, tumblr, wordpress, linkedin, spotify/last.fm, and much more...
- groovemonkey/jekyll-foundation-base - An "empty" jekyll base structure, with the foundation web framework built-in and ready to use
- supabase/postgres - Unmodified Postgres with some useful plugins
- forem/selfhost - Selfhost your Forem Community on your own infrastructure 🎉
- hackersandslackers/flask-blueprint-tutorial - 📘 📦 Structure your Flask apps in a scalable and intelligent way using Blueprints.
- JuliaPluto/PlutoPDF.jl - Don't let your printer miss out on the fun
- cesaraustralia/GrowthMaps.jl - Generate population growth rate maps from spatial data
- JuliaData/DataFramesMeta.jl - Metaprogramming tools for DataFrames
- viraltux/Forecast.jl - Julia package containing utilities intended for Time Series analysis.
- juliohm/CBMina2021 - Minicurso GeoStats.jl no CBMina 2021
- baggepinnen/Hyperopt.jl - Hyperparameter optimization in Julia.
- evetion/GeoDataFrames.jl - Simple geographical vector interaction built on top of ArchGDAL
- AdarshKumar712/Metrics.jl - Metrics for evaluation of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models
- JuliaStats/Clustering.jl - A Julia package for data clustering
- JuliaEarth/GeoTables.jl - Geospatial tables compatible with the GeoStats.jl framework
- FluxML/FastAI.jl - Repository of best practices for deep learning in Julia, inspired by fastai
- mauriciotejada/curso_programacion_julia -
- mossr/BeautifulAlgorithms.jl - Concise and beautiful algorithms written in Julia
- JuliaPlots/Makie.jl - High level plotting on the GPU.
- alyst/SpatialIndexing.jl - Spatial data indexing in pure Julia (R*-trees etc)
- JuliaPluto/PlutoUI.jl -
- alan-turing-institute/MLJ.jl - A Julia machine learning framework
- tlienart/Franklin.jl - (yet another) static site generator. Simple, customisable, fast, maths with KaTeX, code evaluation, optional pre-rendering, in Julia.
- mitmath/18S191 - Course 18.S191 at MIT, Spring 2021 - Introduction to computational thinking with Julia:
- JuliaEarth/GeoClustering.jl - Geostatistical clustering methods for the GeoStats.jl framework
- compleathorseplayer/Neptune.jl - Simple (Pluto-based) non-reactive notebooks for Julia
- rafaqz/Rasters.jl - Raster manipulation for the Julia language
- neuropsychology/Psycho.jl - The Julia Toolbox for Psychological Science
- JuliaEarth/GeoStatsTutorials - Tutorials in the form of Jupyter notebooks for the GeoStats.jl framework
- h-Klok/StatsWithJuliaBook -
- fonsp/Pluto.jl - 🎈 Simple reactive notebooks for Julia
- TuringLang/Turing.jl - Bayesian inference with probabilistic programming.
- JuliaGeo/Geodesy.jl - Work with points defined in various coordinate systems.
- waralex/Dashboards.jl - Julia backend for Plotly Dash
- JuliaStats/SVM.jl - SVM's for Julia
- FluxML/Flux.jl - Relax! Flux is the ML library that doesn't make you tensor
- pszufe/OpenStreetMapX.jl - OpenStreetMap (*.osm) support for Julia 1.0 and up
- yeesian/ArchGDAL.jl - A high level API for GDAL - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library
- JuliaEarth/GeoStats.jl - An extensible framework for high-performance geostatistics in Julia
- probcomp/Gen.jl - A general-purpose probabilistic programming system with programmable inference
- texty/manipulative_news_methodology - Classifier, data collection scripts, and annotation tool for project on manipulative news
- joshday/OnlineStats.jl - ⚡ Single-pass algorithms for statistics
- cstjean/ScikitLearn.jl - Julia implementation of the scikit-learn API https://cstjean.github.io/ScikitLearn.jl/dev/
- JuliaPy/PyCall.jl - Package to call Python functions from the Julia language
- JuliaWeb/JuliaWebAPI.jl - Julia package for deploying APIs
- malmaud/TensorFlow.jl - A Julia wrapper for TensorFlow
- JuliaLang/julia - The Julia Programming Language
- JuliaLang/IJulia.jl - Julia kernel for Jupyter
- pluskid/Mocha.jl - Deep Learning framework for Julia
- ghing/python-data-cheatsheet - Things in Python, Pandas, GeoPandas and Jupyter that I've had to look up or weren't obvious in the documentation.
- yromano/cqr - Conformalized Quantile Regression
- rapidsai/cugraph - cuGraph - RAPIDS Graph Analytics Library
- lanha/DSen2 - Super-Resolution of Sentinel-2 Images: Learning a Globally Applicable Deep Neural Network
- Ranlot/single-parameter-fit - Real numbers, data science and chaos: How to fit any dataset with a single parameter
- worldbank/Pakistan-Poverty-from-Sky - Develop machine learning models to estimate poverty levels in Pakistan using satellite imagery.
- jorisvandenbossche/DS-python-geospatial - Python for GIS and Geoscience - specialist course Doctoral schools of Ghent University
- data-8/textbook - The textbook Computational and Inferential Thinking: The Foundations of Data Science
- aahouzi/Instagram-Scraper-2021 - Scrape Instagram content and stories anonymously, using a new technique based on the har file (No Token + No public API).
- khanhnamle1994/cracking-the-data-science-interview - A Collection of Cheatsheets, Books, Questions, and Portfolio For DS/ML Interview Prep
- spaceml-org/Self-Supervised-Learner - Curator can be used to train a classifier with fewer labeled examples needed using self-supervised learning.
- marceloprates/prettymaps - A small set of Python functions to draw pretty maps from OpenStreetMap data. Based on osmnx, matplotlib and shapely libraries.
- fastai/ghapi - A delightful and complete interface to GitHub's amazing API
- avanetten/yoltv4 - Better, faster, peering over yonder. Improved large scale object detection in aerial/satellite imagery.
- jkbren/einet - Uncertainty and causal emergence in complex networks
- burstable-ai/burst - Command-line tool to remotely execute code in the cloud
- GenericMappingTools/GMT.jl - Generic Mapping Tools Library Wrapper for Julia
- martingerlach/hSBM_Topicmodel - Using stochastic block models for topic modeling
- rentruewang/learning-machine - A handbook for ML built on answers.
- deepklarity/jupyter-text2code - A proof-of-concept jupyter extension which converts english queries into relevant python code
- eyeseast/dorchester - A toolkit for making dot-density maps in Python
- microsoft/FLAML - A fast and lightweight AutoML library.
- librairy/bio-ner - Biomedical Named Entity Recognition and Normalization of Diseases, Chemicals and Genenetic entity classes through the use of state-of-the-art models.
- martibosch/detectree-example - Example computational workflows to classify tree/non-tree pixels in Zurich using DetecTree
- evidentlyai/evidently - Interactive reports to analyze machine learning models during validation or production monitoring.
- practical-nlp/practical-nlp-code - Official Repository for Code associated with 'Practical Natural Language Processing' book by O'Reilly Media
- pycaret/pycaret - An open-source, low-code machine learning library in Python
- microsoft/ML-For-Beginners - 12 weeks, 26 lessons, 52 quizzes, classic Machine Learning for all
- DahnJ/H3-Pandas - Integration of H3 with GeoPandas and Pandas
- ActivitySim/populationsim - An Open Platform for Population Synthesis
- aws-samples/aws-lambda-docker-serverless-inference - Serve scikit-learn, XGBoost, TensorFlow, and PyTorch models with AWS Lambda container images support.
- fchollet/deep-learning-with-python-notebooks - Jupyter notebooks for the code samples of the book "Deep Learning with Python"
- kuleshov/cornell-cs5785-2020-applied-ml - Teaching materials for the applied machine learning course at Cornell Tech
- benchmark-urbanism/cityseer-api - Computational tools for urban analysis
- dirkhovy/text_analysis_for_social_science - Code for the book on python for social scientists
- BenWilson2/ML-Engineering - Reference code base for ML Engineering, Manning Publications
- pysal/geopyter - GeoPyTeR: Geographical Python Teaching Resource
- danlewis85/pycno - Pycnophylactic smoothing with GeoPandas and Rasterio
- Alicechung/ML_finalPJT - 2018 Machine Learning Final Project
- jrieke/streamlit-theme-generator - 👩🎨️ Generate beautiful color themes for Streamlit, powered by colormind.io
- google/mediapy - This Python library makes it easy to display images and videos in a notebook.
- ccgilroy/word-embeddings-workshop - CSS workshop on word embeddings for the social sciences, 3/19/21
- litements/litequeue - Queue built on top of SQLite
- JuliaAcademy/DataScience - Data Science in Julia course for JuliaAcademy.com, taught by Huda Nassar
- TheEconomist/big-mac-data - Data and methodology for the Big Mac index
- SamComber/spacv - Spatial cross-validation in Python.
- qszhao/PTUA2022 - Programming Tools for Urban Analytics - University of Glasgow
- asu-trans-ai-lab/grid2demand - A tool for generating zone-to-zone travel demand based on grid zones and gravity model
- haltakov/natural-language-youtube-search - Search inside YouTube videos using natural language
- wowchemy/starter-hugo-academic - 🎓 Hugo Academic Theme 创建一个学术网站. Easily create a beautiful academic résumé or educational website using Hugo, GitHub, and Netlify.
- koaning/human-learn - Natural Intelligence is still a pretty good idea.
- microsoft/EconML - ALICE (Automated Learning and Intelligence for Causation and Economics) is a Microsoft Research project aimed at applying Artificial Intelligence concepts to economic decision making. One of its goals is to build a toolkit that combines state-of-the-art machine learning techniques with econometrics in order to bring automation to complex causal inference problems. To date, the ALICE Python SDK (econml) implements orthogonal machine learning algorithms such as the double machine learning work of Chernozhukov et al. This toolkit is designed to measure the causal effect of some treatment variable(s) t on an outcome variable y, controlling for a set of features x.
- Vatsalparsaniya/Social-Distance-Surveillance - Computer Vision and AI to detect if people are at a specific distance and adhere to social distancing or not.
- denisparra/GANs_coursera - Repositorio para curso de GANs de coursera
- GorillaBus/urban-audio-classifier - Urban sounds classification with Covnolutional Neural Networks
- jupyterlab/retrolab - JupyterLab distribution with a retro look and feel 🌅
- darribas/gds_course - Geographic Data Science, the course
- PUC-RecSys-Class/RecSysPUC-2020 - Material del curso de Sistemas Recomendadores IIC3633 PUC Chile
- pysentimiento/pysentimiento - A Python multilingual toolkit for Sentiment Analysis and Social NLP tasks
- spatialthoughts/projects -
- Placekey/placekey-notebooks -
- BrambleXu/nlp-beginner-guide-keras - NLP model implementations with keras for beginner
- CartoDB/research-public - This repository contains the code and data related to different research initiatives carried out at CARTO by the Data Science team
- facebookresearch/DensePose - A real-time approach for mapping all human pixels of 2D RGB images to a 3D surface-based model of the body
- fforster/ConsultaRenca2020 - Notebook con análisis de datos de votación Renca 2020
- atomic14/diy-alexa - DIY Alexa
- Living-with-machines/DeezyMatch - A Flexible Deep Learning Approach to Fuzzy String Matching
- intake/intake-examples - Intake examples
- Easy-Shu/Beautiful-Visualization-with-python - python数据可视化之美
- aws-samples/aws-machine-learning-university-accelerated-tab - Machine Learning University: Accelerated Tabular Data Class
- leoferres/mallmob - EPJ Mall Mobility
- ipython/ipyparallel - IPython Parallel: Interactive Parallel Computing in Python
- gvegayon/py-experiments -
- matheusfacure/python-causality-handbook - Causal Inference for the Brave and True. A light-hearted yet rigorous approach to learning about impact estimation and sensitivity analysis.
- umitkaanusta/TIA - Your Advanced Twitter stalking tool
- CartoDB/data-science-book -
- bajcmartinez/bitcoin-predict - Predicting the price of Bitcoin, intro to LSTM
- psalias2006/Google2Csv - Google2Csv a simple google scraper that saves the results on a csv/xlsx/jsonl file
- binder-examples/r - Using R with Jupyter / RStudio on Binder
- manifoldai/merf - Mixed Effects Random Forest
- estebaniglesias/defunciones-chile - Analizar los datos sobre defunciones en Chile
- CODAIT/text-extensions-for-pandas - Natural language processing support for Pandas dataframes.
- fastai/fastpages - An easy to use blogging platform, with enhanced support for Jupyter Notebooks.
- trekhleb/machine-learning-experiments - 🤖 Interactive Machine Learning experiments: 🏋️models training + 🎨models demo
- mljar/mljar-examples - Examples how MLJAR can be used
- rasbt/deeplearning-models - A collection of various deep learning architectures, models, and tips
- labmlai/labml - 🔎 Monitor deep learning model training and hardware usage from your mobile phone 📱
- dccuchile/CC6205 - Natural Language Processing
- ageron/handson-ml2 - A series of Jupyter notebooks that walk you through the fundamentals of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Python using Scikit-Learn, Keras and TensorFlow 2.
- datadesk/altair-latimes - A Los Angeles Times theme for Python's Altair statistical visualization library
- datadesk/california-coronavirus-data - The Los Angeles Times' open-source archive of California coronavirus data
- jorvlan/open-visualizations - Visualizations based on best open science practices.
- drivendataorg/open-cities-ai-challenge - Winners of the Open Cities AI Challenge competition
- gerson93/CovidChileArimaModel - Here you have a simple Arima model for forecasting Covid cases in Chile
- jrfiedler/causal_inference_python_code - Python code for part 2 of the book Causal Inference: What If, by Miguel Hernán and James Robins
- mohammed-rampurawala/tensorflow_linear_classifcation - Linear classification problem with tensorflow (Using LNNClassifier and DNNClassifier)
- deeplook/ipymaps - Implement an online/notebook maps application with customized features.
- MinCiencia/Datos-COVID19 - Para contactarnos usa la sección "issues", por favor. In order to contact us, please use "issues".
- Rohan0401/House-Price-Prediction-Analysis - This is Kaggle project for the house price prediction
- adarshmathew/Content-Analysis-2020 - Assignments for Computational Content Analysis 2020
- vericast/nbconflux - nbconflux converts Jupyter Notebooks to Atlassian Confluence pages
- pytransport/pytransport.github.io - Python Tutorial for Transportation Planning and Modeling
- pysal/tobler - Spatial interpolation, Dasymetric Mapping, & Change of Support
- jpn--/larch - Larch: a Python tool for choice modeling
- jgrss/geowombat - GeoWombat: Utilities for geospatial data
- PyTrans/Discrete-Choice-Models -
- PyTrans/Urban-Network-Analysis - Urban Network Analysis Tutorials in PyTrans's official website
- MatthewDaws/TileMapBase - Use OpenStreetMap tiles as basemaps in python / matplotlib
- bstabler/TransportationNetworks - Transportation Networks for Research
- fastai/fastbook - The fastai book, published as Jupyter Notebooks
- parrt/random-forest-importances - Code to compute permutation and drop-column importances in Python scikit-learn models
- ChristianFJung/NotebookToWebApp - 💭 This is the accompanying repo for my article on converting a Jupyter Notebook to a streamlit web app.
- SeanPLeary/time-series-h2o-automl-example - Time-series forecasting using H2O's AutoML example
- tylin30/Neural-and-Behavioral-Modeling2018Fall -
- advboxes/AdvBox - Advbox is a toolbox to generate adversarial examples that fool neural networks in PaddlePaddle、PyTorch、Caffe2、MxNet、Keras、TensorFlow and Advbox can benchmark the robustness of machine learning models. Advbox give a command line tool to generate adversarial examples with Zero-Coding.
- bhargavvader/Content-Analysis-2020 - Assignments for Computational Content Analysis 2020
- Computational-Content-Analysis-2020/Content-Analysis-2020 - Jupyter Notebooks to follow for each week
- jGaboardi/geopackage_tutorial - Quick tutorial for reading and writing GeoPackages
- sidgarimella/conveyor - A set of tools to accelerate work in Jupyter notebooks.
- fastai/fastai - The fastai deep learning library
- locationtech/rasterframes - Geospatial Raster support for Spark DataFrames
- fvillena/rut-a-edad - Obtener la edad y fecha de nacimiento de una persona desde su RUT. Acercamiento mediante herramientas de Data Science.
- sergeyprokudin/bps - Efficient Learning on Point Clouds with Basis Point Sets
- PacktPublishing/Geospatial-Data-Science-Quick-Start-Guide - Geospatial Data Science Quick Start Guide, published by Packt
- antontarasenko/gpq - A collection of tools for mining government data
- darribas/gds_env - A containerised platform for Geographic Data Science
- dssg/MLforPublicPolicy - Class resources for CAPP 30254 (Machine Learning for Public Policy)
- ivanliu1989/Real-time-Mobile-Video-Object-Detection -
- AndersonJo/code-snippet -
- tylerjereddy/pycon-2017 - Mastering scipy.spatial PyCon 2017 Tutorial
- decorrespondent/youtube_extremism - Repository for the research into radical and extremist infospheres on YouTube
- polynote/polynote - A better notebook for Scala (and more)
- whiteboxml/teaching-ml-in-production -
- andreyboytsov/LION-tSNE - LION-tSNE (Local Interpolation with Outlier detectioN). Extension of TSNE algorithm to incorporate new and changed data.
- tomalrussell/snkit - spatial networks toolkit (python)
- rapidsai/cuDataShader -
- ml-tooling/ml-workspace - 🛠 All-in-one web-based IDE specialized for machine learning and data science.
- gdsbook/book - This book serves as an introduction to a whole new way of thinking systematically about geographic data, using geographical analysis and computation to unlock new insights hidden within data.
- mrcagney/gtfs_kit - A Python tool kit for analyzing General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) data
- pablodms/wictionary_es_dump - Extraction of lemmas from Wicktionary ES XML dump
- apulverizer/allagash - A spatial optmization library for covering problems.
- OpenMined/PySyft - A library for answering questions using data you cannot see
- virgili0/Virgilio - Your new Mentor for Data Science E-Learning.
- dsgiitr/d2l-pytorch - This project reproduces the book Dive Into Deep Learning (https://d2l.ai/), adapting the code from MXNet into PyTorch.
- CosmiQ/solaris_tutorials - Tutorials and workshop materials for solaris
- raffg/harry_potter_nlp - Harry Potter and the Allocation of Dirichlet
- binder-examples/r_with_python - Minimal working example for a binder with both R and Python Jupyter and RMarkdown notebooks
- denadai2/google_street_view_deep_neural - Deep Neural Network model to predict security perception from Google Street View images. Model based on AlexNet CNNs
- Sardhendu/PropertyClassification - Classifying the type of property given Real Estate, satellite and Street view Images
- eswar3/Zillow-prediction-models - Machine Learning Project using Kaggle dataset
- Shreyas3108/house-price-prediction - Predicting house prices using Linear Regression and GBR
- hyattsaleh15/RealStateRecommender - This tools aims to recommend a user the top 5 real estate properties that matches their search using unsupervised clustering algorithms and supervised (decision trees) ones.
- denadai2/real-estate-neighborhood-prediction - Code to repeat the experiments of "The economic value of neighborhoods: Predicting real estate prices from the urban environment"
- firmai/industry-machine-learning - A curated list of applied machine learning and data science notebooks and libraries across different industries (by @firmai)
- radix-ai/sagemaker-tensorflow-tutorial -
- naxty/scikit-onnx-fastapi-example - Example project to predict housing pricing by using scikit, onnx and fastapi.
- uber/h3-py-notebooks - Jupyter notebooks for h3-py, a hierarchical hexagonal geospatial indexing system
- chnsh/deep-semantic-code-search - Deep Semantic Code Search aims to explore a joint embedding space for code and description vectors and then use it for a code search application
- rahulpatraiitkgp/Applied-Social-Network-Analysis-in-Python - Course - 5; Specialization: Applied Data Science with Python; University Of Michigan
- Currie32/Spell-Checker - A seq2seq model that can correct spelling mistakes.
- tensorflow/swift - Swift for TensorFlow
- justmarkham/pycon-2019-tutorial - Data Science Best Practices with pandas
- croach/statistics-for-hackers - A Jupyter notebook to accompany Jake VanderPlas's "Statistics for Hackers" talk from PyCon 2016.
- microsoft/MLOps - MLOps examples
- napo/geospatial_bigdive - the python notebooks used for the lesson "Spatial is Special: geo techologies and data" for BigDive
- vedipen/ToxicityCalculator - CNN with word embedding for toxicity analysis in any sentence
- briandalessandro/DataScienceCourse - This holds iPython notebooks and lecture slides for the Intro to Data Science Master's course I teach at NYU.
- fastai/numerical-linear-algebra - Free online textbook of Jupyter notebooks for fast.ai Computational Linear Algebra course
- PipelineAI/notebooks - Sample Notebooks for PipelineAI
- microsoft/tensorwatch - Debugging, monitoring and visualization for Python Machine Learning and Data Science
- fastai/course-nlp - A Code-First Introduction to NLP course
- rpmunoz/taller_tensorflow_v3 - Taller de TensorFlow dictado en Mayo del 2019
- Automunge/AutoMunge - Artificial Learning, Intelligent Machines
- NanoNets/object-detection-sample-python - NanoNets Object Detection API Example for Python
- m3at/coco-panoptic - Quick attempt at a panoptic segmentation model
- bentrevett/pytorch-sentiment-analysis - Tutorials on getting started with PyTorch and TorchText for sentiment analysis.
- learn-co-students/dsc-1-09-03-statistical-distributions-and-their-use-cases-seattle-ds-career-040119 -
- pysal/mgwr - Multiscale Geographically Weighted Regression (MGWR)
- ActivitySim/activitysim - An Open Platform for Activity-Based Travel Modeling
- parulnith/Building-a-Conversational-Chatbot-for-Slack-using-Rasa-and-Python - A guide to creating a chatbot with Rasa stack and Python and deploying it on Slack
- graykode/nlp-tutorial - Natural Language Processing Tutorial for Deep Learning Researchers
- geopandas/contextily - Context geo-tiles in Python
- llSourcell/spike_sorting - Python implementation of signal processing techniques and K-means clustering to sort spikes.
- switchablenorms/DeepFashion2 - DeepFashion2 Dataset https://arxiv.org/pdf/1901.07973.pdf
- ddemszky/framing-twitter - Code for the paper "Analyzing Polarization in Social Media: Method and Application to Tweets on 21 Mass Shootings"
- kavgan/nlp-in-practice - Starter code to solve real world text data problems. Includes: Gensim Word2Vec, phrase embeddings, Text Classification with Logistic Regression, word count with pyspark, simple text preprocessing, pre-trained embeddings and more.
- gboeing/asa - Advanced Spatial Analysis of Urban Systems at Northeastern University
- mayank408/Text-Summarizer - Text Summarizer using the State of the art Bert embeddings
- hse-aml/natural-language-processing - Resources for "Natural Language Processing" Coursera course.
- pysal/esda - statistics and classes for exploratory spatial data analysis
- pysal/segregation - Segregation Analysis, Inference, and Decomposition
- CreativeInquiry/terrapattern - Enabling journalists, citizen scientists, humanitarian workers and others to detect “patterns of interest” in satellite imagery.
- slundberg/shap - A game theoretic approach to explain the output of any machine learning model.
- rhiever/Data-Analysis-and-Machine-Learning-Projects - Repository of teaching materials, code, and data for my data analysis and machine learning projects.
- dpalominop/AdvacedSentimentAnalysis - Sentiment Analysis using Deep Learning for Spanish of short texts
- h2oai/tutorials - This is a repo for all the tutorials put out by H2O.ai. This includes learning paths for Driverless AI, H2O-3, Sparkling Water and more...
- fnielsen/afinn - AFINN sentiment analysis in Python
- fastai/course-v3 - The 3rd edition of course.fast.ai
- llSourcell/Neural_Differential_Equations - This is the code for "Neural DIfferential Equations" By Siraj Raval on Youtube
- lexfridman/mit-deep-learning - Tutorials, assignments, and competitions for MIT Deep Learning related courses.
- dibgerge/ml-coursera-python-assignments - Python assignments for the machine learning class by andrew ng on coursera with complete submission for grading capability and re-written instructions.
- trekhleb/homemade-machine-learning - 🤖 Python examples of popular machine learning algorithms with interactive Jupyter demos and math being explained
- adrianalbert/urbanization-patterns -
- amit-sharma/causal-inference-tutorial - Repository with code and slides for a tutorial on causal inference.
- yandexdataschool/nlp_course - YSDA course in Natural Language Processing
- graceyqlin/Natural-Language-Processing-NLP- -
- longhowlam/flowermodel - shiny app to predict flower species
- malev/pyfreeling - Freeling wrapper
- GokuMohandas/MadeWithML - Learn how to responsibly deliver value with ML.
- jenningsanderson/sotmus-analysis - OSM Data Analysis Workshop at State of the Map US 2018
- jhaber-zz/archive - OBSOLETE (see my other repos). Code for URL scraping, HTML parsing, and computational text analysis. My dissertation analyzes charter school website self-descriptions to look at identity patterns and relate them to community characteristics and state policy. Later I'll get longitudinal website data using the Internet Archive.
- PacktPublishing/Building-Machine-Learning-Systems-with-Python-Third-edition - Code repository for Building Machine Learning Systems with Python Third Edition, by Packt
- hse-aml/intro-to-dl - Resources for "Introduction to Deep Learning" course.
- paruby/ml-basics - python notebooks for revising machine learning basics
- joosthub/pytorch-nlp-tutorial-eu2018 - O'Reilly AI training - London 2018
- danielhanchen/hyperlearn - Waiting hours for a future prediction is unacceptable. Hyperlearn makes AI and ML algorithms 50% faster, use 90% less memory and doesn't require you to use new hardware! ML Algorithms like PCA, Linear Regression, NMF are all faster!
- Atcold/pytorch-Deep-Learning - Deep Learning (with PyTorch)
- caticoa3/malaria_hero - Deployable and containerized CNN for detection of malaria parasites in blood smears where images have been segmented into single cells.
- tensorflow/adanet - Fast and flexible AutoML with learning guarantees.
- adbeda/deep-learning-notebooks - notebooks on deep learning for satellite imagery
- MorvanZhou/PyTorch-Tutorial - Build your neural network easy and fast, 莫烦Python中文教学
- nealjean/predicting-poverty - Combining satellite imagery and machine learning to predict poverty
- azavea/raster-vision-examples - Examples of using Raster Vision on open datasets
- denisparra/pyreclab_tutorial - Tutorial files for pyreclab recommender systems library
- instillai/TensorFlow-Course - 📡 Simple and ready-to-use tutorials for TensorFlow
- Phlya/adjustText - A small library for automatically adjustment of text position in matplotlib plots to minimize overlaps.
- subarnop/AMachineLearningWalkThrough - This repository contains programs that are often used in machine learning problems implemented with minimal dependencies.
- blue-yonder/tsfresh - Automatic extraction of relevant features from time series:
- jakevdp/PythonDataScienceHandbook - Python Data Science Handbook: full text in Jupyter Notebooks
- diflores/sentiment-analysis-assignment - A little assignment for the Artificial Intelligence course of PUC Chile during the first semester of 2018. All explanations in Spanish.
- vega/falcon - Brushing and linking for big data
- TeconomicsBlog/notebooks -
- adrianalbert/urban-environments - Code for constructing the urban environments dataset and for land use classification via convolutional neural networks
- er214/spellchecker - A spell checker built from GloVe word vectors
- oveddan/presence - The code for Presence - a kinetic sculpture that detects a viewer's gaze in real-time using a neural network and moves in response to the gaze
- bartoszptak/PupilTracker - Follow the eye with the webcam. Tracking the pupil with the help of neural networks.
- sdobber/MLCrashCourse - Julia files inspired by Google's Machine Learning Crash Course
- MagNet-DL/magnet - Deep Learning Projects that Build Themselves
- urschrei/Geopython - Notebooks and libraries for spatial/geo Python explorations
- andri27-ts/Reinforcement-Learning - Learn Deep Reinforcement Learning in 60 days! Lectures & Code in Python. Reinforcement Learning + Deep Learning
- llSourcell/c_programming_for_machine_learning - This is the code for "C Programming for Machine Learning" By Siraj Raval on Youtube
- miquelmarti/DroneSegmentation - Tools for training Caffe models for Semantic Segmentation of drone images
- jorisvandenbossche/geopandas-tutorial - Tutorial on geospatial data manipulation with Python
- ljwolf/geopython -
- rpmunoz/python_uc - Taller de Python dictado a alumnos del diplomado de Data Science de la Facultad de Matemáticas UC
- pysal/mapclassify - Classification schemes for choropleth mapping.
- osin-vladimir/intro_to_data_science - Introduction to Data Science with Python
- geopandas/scipy2018-geospatial-data -
- ericmjl/Network-Analysis-Made-Simple - An introduction to network analysis and applied graph theory using Python and NetworkX
- pysal/pysal - PySAL: Python Spatial Analysis Library Meta-Package
- pysal/splot - Lightweight plotting for geospatial analysis in PySAL
- 0bserver07/Keras-SegNet-Basic - SegNet-Basic with Keras
- crowdAI/crowdai-mapping-challenge-mask-rcnn - Mask-RCNN baseline for the crowdAI Mapping Challenge
- rpautrat/SuperPoint - Efficient neural feature detector and descriptor
- karolmajek/Mask_RCNN - Mask R-CNN for object detection and instance segmentation on Keras and TensorFlow
- dccuchile/CC6204 - Material del curso de Deep Learning de la Universidad de Chile
- ilkarman/DemoNeuralNet - Toy project to create a simple working neural net in R
- babylonhealth/fastText_multilingual - Multilingual word vectors in 78 languages
- popabczhang/CS_Deep_Urban_Interaction - Analysis and visualize urban interaction using computer vision and deep learning.
- christophM/interpretable-ml-book - Book about interpretable machine learning
- STIMALiU/AdvMLCourse - Course repo for Advanced Machine Learning Course at Linköping University
- KnowledgeLab/content_analysis - Jupyter notebooks for Computational Content Analysis
- pandas-profiling/pandas-profiling - Create HTML profiling reports from pandas DataFrame objects
- norvig/pytudes - Python programs, usually short, of considerable difficulty, to perfect particular skills.
- pysal/giddy - Geospatial Distribution Dynamics
- tatsuyah/vehicle-detection - Vehicle detection using machine learning and computer vision techniques for Udacity's Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree.
- IamGianluca/arm - My solutions to the exercises in "Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models" by Andrew Gelman and Jennifer Hill
- Hvass-Labs/TensorFlow-Tutorials - TensorFlow Tutorials with YouTube Videos
- fscottfoti/pandana_presentation2 - Another Pandana presentation, years later
- gboeing/ppd599 - USC urban data science course series with Python and Jupyter
- gboeing/osmnx-examples - Usage examples, demos, and tutorials for OSMnx.
- davemfish/SocialMediaTrails -
- mquezada/uchile-cc5206 - Curso Introducción a la Minería de Datos [DCC UChile]
- cltl/python-for-text-analysis - If you want to use Python for text analysis, this course is for you!
- MetricLearning/diplomado_datascience - Diplomado de Data Science diseñado para profesionales del área de Analytics y Business Intelligence
- Katee/quietnet - Simple chat program that communicates using inaudible sounds
- organisciak/Text-Mining-Course - Course Notes for Text Mining - Prof. Peter Organisciak
- twosigma/beakerx - Beaker Extensions for Jupyter Notebook
- rpmunoz/datachile - Platform to analyze Chile public data
- nlintz/TensorFlow-Tutorials - Simple tutorials using Google's TensorFlow Framework
- uwescience/DSSG2016-SensingTheCensus -
- ivanliu1989/Driver-Telematics-Analysis -
- Firenze11/cv_streetview - Deep Learning for Recognizing Cities from their Google Street View Images
- rlabbe/statistical-rethinking - Notebooks containing R code from Richard McElreath's Statistical Rethinking
- quiltdata/quilt - Quilt is a self-organizing data hub for S3
- dempfi/ayu - 🎨🖌 Modern Sublime Text theme
- fbkarsdorp/python-course - Tutorial and introduction into programming with Python for the humanities and social sciences
- miguelgfierro/sciblog_support - Support content for my blog
- Guzpenha/Ecological-Inference-on-social-data - A comparison of Ecological Inference methods on the context of online social data
- Ronggui/SOCI620004 - Intermediate social statistics
- mattwaite/JOUR307-Data-Journalism - A collection of stuff for my Data Journalism class at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
- amitkaps/hackermath - Introduction to Statistics and Basics of Mathematics for Data Science - The Hacker's Way
- IRkernel/IRkernel - R kernel for Jupyter
- mjbommar/scotus-predict - Supreme Court prediction project
- seemoo-lab/AirGuard - Protect yourself from being tracked 🌍 by AirTags 🏷 and Find My accessories 📍
- traccar/traccar-sms-gateway - Traccar SMS Gateway for Android
- sssurvey/reader - A simple RSS reader. Client app for The Old Reader API
- MLReef/mlreef - The collaboration workspace for Machine Learning
- rhinoman/odmp - OpenDMP - An Open-Source Data Management Platform
- JetBrains/lets-plot - An open-source plotting library for statistical data.
- tanujnotes/Olauncher - Minimal AF launcher app for Android. Available at F-Droid and Play Store.
- ashutoshgngwr/noice - A native Android app to relax, improve focus and boost productivity with minimal background noise.
- streetcomplete/StreetComplete - Easy to use OpenStreetMap editor for Android
- georocket/georocket - 🚀 GeoRocket - A high-performance data store for geospatial files.
- cuongpm/youtube-dl-android - 📦📦Video downloader for Android - Download videos from Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Dailymotion, Vimeo and more than 1000 other sites
- benkyokai/tumpaca - The very bestest Tumblr client.
- mashaal/wild-cherry - 👸🌷👹 A fairy-tale inspired theme, with tasteful use of emojis
- NateWr/defaultManuscript - A clean, simple OJS 3 theme with a boxed layout that mimics a paper document.
- lite-xl/lite-xl - A lightweight text editor written in Lua
- a327ex/SNKRX - A replayable arcade shooter where you control a snake of heroes.
- niallel/amazon_fire_ip_usb - Driver to use a Raspberry Pi Zero W or Model 3A+ as a web controlled USB HID to control an amazon fire tv using IP.
- rustprooflabs/pgosm-flex - PgOSM-Flex provides high quality OpenStreetMap datasets in PostGIS using the osm2pgsql Flex output.
- osrm-decentralized/osrm_custom_pbf - OSRM docker recipe for running for any area whose pbf is available
- Planimeter/grid-sdk - The Grid SDK - Game engine for Lua
- rxi/lite - A lightweight text editor written in Lua
- ashfinal/awesome-hammerspoon - awesome configuration for Hammerspoon.
- a7hybnj2/dotfiles -
- miromannino/miro-windows-manager - Intuitive and clever mechanism for moving windows using only arrows, even resizing windows by thirds or quarters! For OSX
- fabiospampinato/termux-env - My super-quick-to-setup Termux environment.
- pandoc-scholar/pandoc-scholar - Create beautiful and semantically meaningful articles with pandoc.
- mfenner/pandoc-jats - A Lua custom writer for Pandoc generating JATS XML
- junyanz/CycleGAN - Software that can generate photos from paintings, turn horses into zebras, perform style transfer, and more.
- nathancahill/Anycomplete - The magic of Google Autocomplete while you're typing. Anywhere.
- lsyncd/lsyncd - Lsyncd (Live Syncing Daemon) synchronizes local directories with remote targets
- easysid/conky_configs -
- nagadomi/waifu2x - Image Super-Resolution for Anime-Style Art
- steinuil/mpv-livetweet - Send screenshots to twitter directly from mpv
- stobenski/pro - Awesome Pro themes
- torrvision/crfasrnn - This repository contains the source code for the semantic image segmentation method described in the ICCV 2015 paper: Conditional Random Fields as Recurrent Neural Networks. http://crfasrnn.torr.vision/
- hszhao/ICNet - ICNet for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation on High-Resolution Images, ECCV2018
- vigente/gerardus - Computational biology and medical image processing scripts and programs
- hectorm/docker-qemu-reactos - A Docker image for the ReactOS operating system.
- jduckles/dsskills - A skills matrix for Applied Data Science in Research
- rochacbruno/python-project-template - DO NOT FORK, CLICK ON "Use this template" - A github template to start a Python Project - this uses github actions to generate your project based on the template.
- metcalfc/docker-action-examples -
- robdelacruz/jstest -
- hrbrmstr/RSwitch - 🎛 A small menubar app that allows you to switch between R versions quickly (if you have multiple versions of R framework installed).
- cole-brokamp/singr - A singularity image designed for R and renv
- pablobarbera/POIR613-2017 - 2017 version of the PhD-level course POIR 613 - Computational Social Science
- sebastianbarfort/intro-r-phd - Introduction to R, PhD course at University of Copenhagen
- PostgresApp/PostgresApp - The easiest way to get started with PostgreSQL on the Mac
- o2r-project/architecture - Architecture and overarching documentation for o2r microservices
- mpadge/r4trans-april18 - Notes for Leeds Uni Workshop R for Transport Applications
- SynoCommunity/spksrc - Cross compilation framework to create native packages for the Synology's NAS
- eddelbuettel/samples-rmarkdown-metropolis - RMarkdown with Metropolis/Mtheme for Beamer
- sampsyo/madoko-template - style+Makefile skeleton for writing with Madoko
- PowaBanga/DDaynormandyFPS -
- martisak/kth_thesis - KTH Thesis Template using Markdown and Pandoc
- LineageOS/android_device_oneplus_bacon -
- rdpeng/rprogdatascience -
- jncraton/article-template - This is a simple template for writing academic papers. It uses bibtex for tracking bibliographic information and Pandoc to convert the content to a correctly formatted document.
- agoldst/memarticle - A pandoc template for an article (using the memoir class)
- kjhealy/rmd-starter -
- pietrodn/pandoc-templates - Simple templates for articles and slides in LaTeX generated with Markdown and Pandoc
- kjhealy/md-starter -
- kjhealy/workflow-paper - The .md source for "The Plain Person's Guide to Plain Text Social Science". To exactly reproduce the PDF you will need current versions of R, TexLive, biber, and the support files at http://www.kieranhealy.org/resources.html.
- unixorn/luggage - Project to automate OS X package creation without using the packagemaker GUI
- rkumar/rbcurse - ruby based curses widgets: fields, buttons, textarea. menus, message boxes, tabbed panes, tables, listboxes, splitpanes, scrollpanes. Event based, MVC architecture. (DEPRECATED - PLS USE rbcurse-core)
- thomasjlew/davis_tracker - Extracts features from usual images and tracks them using events from an "Event-Camera" such as the DAVIS.
- luanfujun/deep-photo-styletransfer - Code and data for paper "Deep Photo Style Transfer": https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.07511
- magenta/magenta-studio - Magenta Studio is a collection of music plugins built on Magenta’s open source tools and models
- torque/mpv-progressbar - A simple progress bar for mpv.
- Hydrospheredata/hydro-serving - MLOps Platform
- yonghah/geodata-pipeline - geodata pipeline recipes
- yglukhov/nimx - GUI library
- zedeus/nitter - Alternative Twitter front-end
- gregwolanski/eleventy-tailwindcss-alpinejs-starter - As little code as possible. Learn more: https://css-tricks.com/eleventy-starter-with-tailwind-css-alpine-js/
- TryGhost/eleventy-starter-ghost - A starter template to build websites with Ghost & Eleventy
- heyvito/podman-macos - 📦 Podman frontend for macOS
- Sequel-Ace/Sequel-Ace - MySQL/MariaDB database management for macOS
- expo/expo - An open-source platform for making universal native apps with React. Expo runs on Android, iOS, and the web.
- robaho/seashore - easy to use mac osx image editing application for the rest of us
- v002/v002-Camera-Live - Live Syphon Camera
- beardedspice/beardedspice - Mac Media Keys for the Masses
- unixpickle/JamWiFi - A GUI, easy to use WiFi network jammer for Mac OS X
- megabitsenmzq/Today-Scripts - A widget for running scripts in the Today View in macOS's Notification Center
- google/paco - The Paco behavioral science mobile research platform
- dteoh/SlowQuitApps - Add a global delay to Command-Q to stop accidental app quits.
- sequelpro/sequelpro - MySQL/MariaDB database management for macOS
- SelfControlApp/selfcontrol - 💀 Mac app to block your own access to distracting websites etc for a predetermined period of time. It can not be undone by the app or by a restart – you must wait for the timer to run out.
- krishkumar/BlockParty - Ad Blocker App for iOS, macOS
- Hammerspoon/hammerspoon - Staggeringly powerful macOS desktop automation with Lua
- sveinbjornt/Sloth - Mac app that shows all open files, directories, sockets, pipes and devices in use by all running processes. Nice GUI for lsof.
- whomwah/qlstephen - A QuickLook plugin that lets you view plain text files without a file extension
- jakob/TableTool - A simple CSV editor for the Mac
- LumingYin/macOSLucidaGrande - A small utility to set Lucida Grande as your Mac's system UI font.
- billziss-gh/EnergyBar - Supercharge your Mac's Touch Bar.
- w0lfschild/moreMenu - 👉 It's my menu and I need it now!
- hjuutilainen/munkiadmin - macOS app for managing Munki repositories
- heyvito/bedim - 🖥 Bedim blurs your wallpapers
- thebitguru/play-button-itunes-patch - Play Button iTunes Patch
- w0lfschild/mySIMBL - 📦 Plugin manager for macOS
- jguice/mac-bt-headset-fix - Small mac application that fixes broken bluetooth headset control by listening for events and sending them directly to apps
- git-up/GitUp - The Git interface you've been missing all your life has finally arrived.
- hschmidt/EnvPane - EnvPane - An OS X preference pane for environment variables
- rsms/fb-mac-messenger - ⚡️ Mac app wrapping Facebook's Messenger for desktop
- MacDownApp/macdown-gistit - Basic example of a plug-in for MacDown
- michaeltyson/Reginald - Regular Expression test application, using RegexKitLite
- anishathalye/lumen - Magic auto brightness based on screen contents 💡
- HackPlan/quark-shell-mac - Quark Shell for Mac helps web developers to create native-like Mac menubar app using HTML and JavaScript without writing any native code.
- MacPass/MacPassHTTP - KeePassHTTP Plugin MacPass
- marcuswestin/WebViewProxy - A standalone iOS & OSX class for intercepting and proxying HTTP requests (e.g. from a Web View)
- dataich/LiveDiag - Live Preview App for Markdown+blockdiag
- SevenBits/Mac-Linux-USB-Loader - Boot Linux on your Mac, easily
- matt-curtis/Fluid-for-Sketch - [Sketch Plugin] Sketch-flavored Auto Layout-like Constraints
- alexzielenski/AutumnBoard - Icon Theming Library for 10.10
- stonesam92/ChitChat - A native Mac app wrapper for WhatsApp Web
- tonsky/AnyBar - OS X menubar status indicator
- Kentzo/ShortcutRecorder - The best control to record shortcuts on macOS, written in ObjC with Swift in mind
- alexzielenski/ThemeEngine - OS X App to edit compiled .car files
- scturtle/QuickSmileText - status bar menu which puts smile texts into clipboard quickly
- fitztrev/shuttle - A simple shortcut menu for macOS
- kasper/phoenix - A lightweight macOS/OS X window and app manager scriptable with JavaScript
- fjolnir/Menufela - A little SIMBL hack that enables you to toggle the menubar on/off.
- gnachman/iTerm2 - iTerm2 is a terminal emulator for Mac OS X that does amazing things.
- felixhageloh/uebersicht - ˈyːbɐˌzɪçt
- jashephe/Gmail-Notifier - Minimalist Gmail inbox notifications for Mac OS X.
- MacPass/MacPass - A native OS X KeePass client
- prasmussen/chrome-cli - Control Google Chrome from the command line
- jimbojsb/launchrocket - A Mac PrefPane to manage all your Homebrew-installed services
- TheStalwart/Theremin - Undead Mac OS X MPD Client.
- ali-rantakari/setWeblocThumb - Assign web page thumbnails to .webloc files on OS X.
- CanvasPod/Canvas - Animate in Xcode without code
- aptonic/frenzy - A Dropbox powered social networking tool for the Mac.
- MacGapProject/MacGap1 - Desktop WebKit wrapper for HTML/CSS/JS applications.
- julienXX/terminal-notifier - Send User Notifications on macOS from the command-line.
- ugol/pomodoro - Time management for your Mac
- psychs/limechat - IRC Client for Mac
- MacIrssi/MacIrssi - Irssi but with a Cocoa interface
- tombenner/nui - Style iOS apps with a stylesheet, similar to CSS
- binarybucks/ospreyapp - The open source Mac XMPP messenger with class
- tmcw/heard - a minimal, local listener for iTunes data.
- fjolnir/WebAppKit - A framework for creating web applications using Cocoa and Objective-C, running on Mac OS X. <This fork is mostly intended for making it nice to work with from Tranquil, and less dependent on OS X specific features>
- johnboiles/obs-mac-virtualcam - ARCHIVED! This plugin is officially a part of OBS as of version 26.1. See note below for info on upgrading. 🎉🎉🎉Creates a virtual webcam device from the output of OBS. Especially useful for streaming smooth, composited video into Zoom, Hangouts, Jitsi etc. Like CatxFish/obs-virtualcam but for macOS.
- splintah/blur - A chunkwm plugin that blurs your wallpaper when you have open windows.
- dongyuwei/hallelujahIM - hallelujahIM(哈利路亚 英文输入法) is an intelligent English input method with auto-suggestions and spell check features, Mac only.
- fjolnir/Tranquil - A language built on top of the Objective-C runtime, and ABI compatible with Objective-C.
- textmate/textmate - TextMate is a graphical text editor for macOS 10.12 or later
- GretelDePaepe/FindingDonuts - Using Python to plot data points on a map and find real estate investment opportunities
- piomonti/DeepTextMining - Implementation of Deep Boltzmann Machines for text-mining
- nophead/NopSCADlib - Library of parts modelled in OpenSCAD and a framework for making projects
- JedStephens/Handbook-of-Small-Data-Sets - These are the data sets from the Handbook of Small Data Sets, Hand et al, 1994
- RoboDonut/awesome-spatial - A list of awesome spatial repositories.
- golanlevin/generative_covers - A resource about large-run books with generative covers
- mikelxc/Workarounds-for-ARM-mac - This repository describes how I get most of my configurations work on the new Apple Silicon Mac
- wch3n/computing-on-m1 - A concise description of getting scientific codes up and running on apple/arm64 machines (with Rosetta 2 and homebrew).
- mwidjaja1/DSOnMacARM - My notes on how I created my Data Science environment on macOS ARM
- maxvfischer/DIY-CNC-machine - How to build your own CNC machine from scratch
- vlang/awesome-v - A curated list of awesome V frameworks, libraries, software and resources.
- fiatjaf/awesome-loginless - an awesome list of internet services that don't require logins or registrations
- sorrycc/awesome-javascript - 🐢 A collection of awesome browser-side JavaScript libraries, resources and shiny things.
- mitre/advmlthreatmatrix - Adversarial Threat Matrix
- debarshibasak/awesome-paas - A curated list of PaaS, developer platforms, Self hosted PaaS, Cloud IDEs and ADNs.
- JoeWDavies/geoblender - Tutorials for making 3D-looking maps with Blender and QGIS
- matheusfacure/causal-inf-and-personalization-manning - Images for the Manning liveProject on causal inference and personalization
- mdsumner/mapbox.stuff - mapbox explorations with R, coming out of various other projects ... WIP
- higepon/mml - My notes for "Mathematics for Machine Leaning" book
- SixArm/pitch-deck-template - SixArm® pItch deck template
- logseq/awesome-logseq - Awesome Logseq resources created by the community <3
- radiantearth/geo-ml-model-catalog - Geospatial ML Model Catalog Spec
- lil-rose/guia-git - Guía de Git que estoy haciendo en español para poder compartir con mis compañeros de universidad.
- borquezmartin/Fuentes-de-Investigacion - Repositorio de distintas páginas y fuentes para a la investigación.
- iVoider/PlayCover - PlayCover is a project that allows you to sideload iOS apps on macOS (currently arm, Intel support will be tested)
- acmi-lab/superheroes-deep-learning - Thrilling tales of heroic feats by ML's larger-than-life champions.
- opengeospatial/wkt - A standalone reference describing the Well-known Text Representation of Geometry. (Work In Progress)
- factbook/factbook.json - World Factbook Country Profiles in JSON - Free Open Public Domain Data - No API Key Required ;-)
- khangich/machine-learning-interview - Machine Learning Interviews from FAANG, Snapchat, LinkedIn. I have offers from Snapchat, Coupang, Stitchfix etc. Blog: mlengineer.io.
- michael-andreuzza/wvsc-serendipity -
- abhishekkrthakur/approaching_almost_nlp - Approaching (Almost) Any Natural Language Processing Problem
- jfiksel/github-classroom-for-teachers -
- daviddao/awful-ai - 😈Awful AI is a curated list to track current scary usages of AI - hoping to raise awareness
- trimstray/the-book-of-secret-knowledge - A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
- alvarogutyerrez/TheDiscreteChoiceDataBank - Collection of publicly available Discrete Choice Datasets
- TheComputerM/awesome-svelte - ⚡ A curated list of awesome Svelte resources
- veltman/principles - Things to keep in mind when making stuff for the web
- pluja/awesome-privacy - Awesome Privacy - A curated list of services and alternatives that respect your privacy because PRIVACY MATTERS.
- 255kb/stack-on-a-budget - A collection of services with great free tiers for developers on a budget. Sponsored by Mockoon, the best mock API tool. https://mockoon.com
- psenough/teach_yourself_demoscene_in_14_days - guidebook idea from http://www.pouet.net/topic.php?which=10882&page=1
- jan-matthis/ansible_julia - Ansible role to install Julia on Linux
- svelte-brasil/awesome-svelte - Uma lista de coisas incríveis relacionadas ao Svelte
- aidmin-io/docs -
- public-transport/transport-apis - machine-readable list of transport API endpoints
- samapriya/awesome-gee-community-datasets - Community Datasets added by users and made available for use at large
- mikepqr/real-estate-scrape-eg - A repository demonstrating the use of real-estate-scrape to store the estimated value of a property on Redfin and Zillow every night using Github Actions.
- eugeneyan/applied-ml - 📚 Papers & tech blogs by companies sharing their work on data science & machine learning in production.
- sfomuseum-data/sfomuseum-data-architecture - Architectural features that are part of SFO and the SFO Museum collection.
- thedaviddias/Front-End-Checklist - 🗂 The perfect Front-End Checklist for modern websites and meticulous developers
- sol-eng/powerpoint - Render PowerPoint presentations from R Markdown documents
- mjskay/by_row - A proposal for an alternative to rowwise() and mutate() + map()
- tlverse/tlverse - 📦 🧰 Your One Stop to Targeted Learning in R with the tlverse
- AlexMartinFR/alfred-wordreference - 📚 WordReference for Alfred. Translations at your fingertips!
- andrea-ballatore/open-geo-data-education - Open Geospatial Datasets for GIS Education: This is a repository of open geospatial datasets to be used in an educational context. I created these files over years of teaching Geographic Data Science and GIS. All original datasets are freely available online with open data licenses (see the dataset attribution for details). All the datasets in this repository have been selected, cleaned, harmonised, and repackaged for GIS exercises in a higher-education context. This is a pretty time-intensive process that other educators can hopefully avoid by using these versions.
- DallasMorningNews/awesome-news-hacks - List of open source code projects by journalists for journalists. Part of Hack Swap session at NICAR 2017.
- dair-ai/ml-visuals - 🎨 ML Visuals contains figures and templates which you can reuse and customize to improve your scientific writing.
- tmcw/github-best-practices - how to use this dang site!
- davidski/database_connections - ⚙️Demonstration code to connect R on MacOS to various database flavors.
- jbhuang0604/awesome-computer-vision - A curated list of awesome computer vision resources
- srush/awesome-ml-tracking -
- rocky-linux/rocky - Rocky Linux is a community enterprise Operating System designed to be 100% bug-for-bug compatible with Enterprise Linux created in response to the effective discontinuation of CentOS.
- protontypes/awesome-twitter-action - Keep readers up to date on new entries to your awesome list.
- nashory/gans-awesome-applications - Curated list of awesome GAN applications and demo
- pat-s/alfred-r - #rstats Alfred workflow
- extra-activista/avance-02 -
- derek-corcoran-barrios/UsosDeSueloChile - Manejo de usos de suelo de Chile basado en Zhao
- upptime/upptime - ⬆️ Uptime monitor and status page powered by GitHub Actions, Issues, and Pages
- reHackable/awesome-reMarkable - A curated list of projects related to the reMarkable tablet
- binhnguyennus/awesome-scalability - The Patterns of Scalable, Reliable, and Performant Large-Scale Systems
- causaltext/causal-text-papers - Curated research at the intersection of causal inference and natural language processing.
- 1995parham/awesome-tile38 - 😎 A list of awesome tile38 software and resources
- martinfleis/pgpkg - Faster I/O with geopackages using pygeos geometries
- jboscomendoza/lexicos-nrc-afinn - Traducción al español de los léxicos Afinn y NRC para uso en Procesamiento Natural del Lenguaje (NLP)
- johan/world.geo.json - Annotated geo-json geometry files for the world
- okdb-io/okdb - Realtime data layer for javascript apps
- desireevl/awesome-quantum-computing - A curated list of awesome quantum computing learning and developing resources.
- lukicdarkoo/rpi-wifi - Configures simultaneous AP and Managed Mode Wifi on Raspberry Pi
- taichino/croniter - croniter is a python module to provide iteration for datetime object.
- nfultz/awesome-jupyterlab - A curated list of awesome JupyterLab extensions and resources
- elyase/awesome-gpt3 -
- mjhea0/awesome-fastapi - A curated list of awesome things related to FastAPI
- RLesur/chrome_print - R Markdown HTML documents to PDF using Travis and pagedown
- pritambaral/hostapd-rtl871xdrv - Hostapd driver for RTL8188{C|CU|CUS} wifi chips.
- jdbarillas/executive_summary -
- geostarters/gdal_snipets - Useful examples working with GDAL
- npalomin/streetspace_dataset_ldn -
- simonw/latest-datasette-with-all-plugins - Deploys Datasette with the latest version of every plugin
- KasperZutterman/Second-Brain - A curated list of awesome Public Zettelkastens 🗄️ / Second Brains 🧠 / Digital Gardens 🌱
- harryprince/awesome-leaflet - An awesome leaflet related package collection
- echohacking/wiki - The wiki in this repo contains information on debugging ports and software running on early Amazon Echo devices.
- rubjo/ultimate-dark-neo - Sublime Text 3 theme + scheme, inspired by Spacegray + Mariana
- paultopia/sample-writing-project - small sample writing project to show how to use markdown + git + pandoc for academic writing
- alulsh/personal-security-checklist - Personal security checklist for securing your devices and accounts.
- MoonPadUSer/macOSMavericksTheme - A Theme for macOS Mojave/Catalina to make it look like macOS Mavericks
- tidymodels/cloudstart - RStudio Cloud ☁️ resources to accompany tidymodels.org
- vibertthio/awesome-machine-learning-art - 🤖🎨🎸A curated list of awesome projects, works, people, articles, and resource for creating art (including music) with machine learning. It's machine learning art.
- grantmcdermott/arch-tips - Customization log for my Arch setup
- executablebooks/myst - Myst - Markedly Structured Text
- matt-auckland/retro-css - A list of retro-inspired CSS frameworks and design systems
- secretGeek/AwesomeCSV - 🕶️A curated list of awesome tools for dealing with CSV.
- igorbarinov/awesome-data-engineering - A curated list of data engineering tools for software developers
- mercari/ml-system-design-pattern - System design patterns for machine learning
- dccuchile/CC5206 - Introducción a la Minería de Datos
- softwareunderground/awesome-open-geoscience - Curated from repositories that make our lives as geoscientists, hackers and data wranglers easier or just more awesome
- andkret/Cookbook - The Data Engineering Cookbook
- krlmlr/awesome-vctrs - A curated list of amazingly awesome R vector classes
- yangzhao98/estimatr - estimatr: Fast Estimators for Design-Based Inference
- geopandas/geo-arrow-spec - Specifications for storing geospatial data in Apache Arrow and Apache Parquet
- feltcoop/why-svelte - Why Svelte is our choice for a large web project in 2020
- harismuneer/Ultimate-Facebook-Scraper - 🤖 A Software that automates your social media interactions to collect posts, photos, videos, interests, friends, followers, and much more on Facebook.
- bradleyboehmke/data-science-learning-resources - A collection of data science and machine learning resources that I've found helpful (I only post what I've read!)
- thomasp85/ggplot2_workshop - Material for "Drawing Anything with ggplot2" workshop
- amzn/computer-vision-basics-in-microsoft-excel - Computer Vision Basics in Microsoft Excel (using just formulas)
- cevr/overnight - A soft vibrant VSCode theme - Based on Sarah Drasner's Night Owl and Dan Abramov's Overreacted blog
- jcrashkit/whonow - A "malicious" DNS server for executing DNS Rebinding attacks on the fly (public instance running on rebind.network:53)
- erikgahner/awesome-ggplot2 - A curated list of awesome ggplot2 tutorials, packages etc.
- deanmarchiori/culburra - Artistic town street map made with Open Street Map data and ggplot2
- h2oai/awesome-h2o - A curated list of research, applications and projects built using the H2O Machine Learning platform
- chebizarro/tegola-playground - Docker Compose scripts for orchestrating a Tegola instance with PostGIS and sample data
- ianmcook/rstudioconf2020 - "Bridging the Gap between SQL and R" rstudio::conf 2020 slides
- RobPo/lorapaper - LoraPaper Arduino Library
- thereseanders/design-ds-classroom - Materials for the Designing the Data Science Classroom workshop at rstudio::conf 2020
- janert/d3-for-the-impatient - Examples and code for the book "D3 for the Impatient"
- kbariotis/templates - A set of standard document templates.
- igorbrigadir/twitter-advanced-search - Advanced Search for Twitter.
- Computational-Content-Analysis-2020/Readings-Responses - Repository for organising "exemplary" readings, and posting reponses.
- napsternxg/awesome-causality - Resources related to causality
- wattry/run-docker-external-storage - Discusses how to setup a docker environment on macOS 10.13: High Sierra (Lobo) and 10.14: Mojave
- 0x4447/0x4447_product_s3_email - 📫 A serverless email server on AWS using S3 and SES
- kjw0612/awesome-random-forest - Random Forest - a curated list of resources regarding random forest
- arcticicestudio/nord-iterm2 - An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant iTerm2 color scheme.
- useR-stl/geospatial-dev-day - Repository to organize Geospatial Dev Day at useR! 2020: July 6, 2020
- urbica/gis-notebook - Jupyter Notebook Python GIS Stack
- EthicalML/awesome-production-machine-learning - A curated list of awesome open source libraries to deploy, monitor, version and scale your machine learning
- rguo12/awesome-causality-algorithms - An index of algorithms for learning causality with data
- yassouali/ML-paper-notes - 📓 Notes and summaries of various ML, Computer Vision & NLP papers.
- alirezadir/Production-Level-Deep-Learning - A guideline for building practical production-level deep learning systems to be deployed in real world applications.
- danliIDEA/R-Resources-for-Social-Scientists - My collection of resources related to R
- heyalexej/awesome-images - A curated list of amazingly awesome free (stock) photo resources inspired by all the other awesomes.
- vlgiitr/DL_Topics - List of DL topics and resources essential for cracking interviews
- danistefanovic/build-your-own-x - 🤓 Build your own (insert technology here)
- thunlp/PLMpapers - Must-read Papers on pre-trained language models.
- dccuchile/beto - BETO - Spanish version of the BERT model
- CalvinWalzel/awesome-svelte - 🎉 A curated list of awesome things related to Svelte
- inlets/inlets-archived - Cloud Native Tunnel, now inlets PRO
- public-transport/generating-transit-maps - How to automatically generate transit maps.
- Jyouhou/SceneTextPapers - Tracking the latest progress in Scene Text Detection and Recognition: Must-read papers well organized
- ossu/computer-science - 🎓 Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!
- mgbilby/TSV-to-OJS-Native-XML-Converter - Generate an OJS Native XML (Articles and Issues) file from an Excel spreadsheet
- patrickshox/Mojave-Dark-RStudio-Theme - A Total-IDE Dark RStudio Theme inspired by Apple's dark aestheticcc.
- LeEnno/alfred-terminalfinder - Alfred workflow to open current Finder window in Terminal/iTerm and vice versa.
- oreillymedia/open_government - Open Government, released as part of #PDFtribute
- dav009/awesome-spanish-nlp - Curated list of Linguistic Resources for doing NLP & CL on Spanish
- Robinlovelace/londonOD -
- sharedstreets/tracejson - A GeoJSON extension for GPS path data
- alasdairrae/wpc - A repository containing data, including geodata, for UK parliamentary constituencies
- propublica/data-institute-2019 - Materials for the ProPublica Data Institute 2019
- jnolis/synthwave85 - A 80s style theme for RStudio v1.2+
- urbanSpatial/classifying_satellite_imagery_in_R -
- mihail911/nlp-library - curated collection of papers for the nlp practitioner 📖👩🔬
- vercel/now-examples - Old examples of Vercel projects you can deploy yourself
- r0f1/datascience - Curated list of Python resources for data science.
- matloff/TidyverseSkeptic - An opinionated view of the Tidyverse "dialect" of the R language.
- spacetelescope/z2jh-aws-ansible - Idempotent setup and teardown of Jupyterhub for AWS with k8s
- llSourcell/Learn-Natural-Language-Processing-Curriculum - This is the curriculum for "Learn Natu