Generates word cloud from a user's tweets(and retweets)
First, get your consumer_key, consumer_secret, access_token_key, access_token_secret from here
Then, clone this repository and install the requirements.
$ git clone
$ cd twitter-word-cloud-generator
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Then, open the 'keys.json' file. Replace all the "XXXXX" by the corresponding secret keys that you obtained from
After that, run the '' file passing the username of the user whose tweets you want to see the wordcloud of. You can also pass the desired filename of the output file, without extenstion. If not passed, it defaults to 'my_wordcloud.png'
$ python username [filename]
For example, if I wanted to generate a word cloud of my tweets in the file 'output_word_cloud.png' :
$ python sudeeph_b output_word_cloud
This saves the wordcloud as seen below in 'output_word_cloud.png'