Solution allows user to communicate with Pepper robot
Java (Android Studio)
- Google AppCompat
- Picasso - Image downloading and caching library
- ChatKit - Message UI library
- CircleIndicator - Customed Circle Indicator
- Butterknife - Field and method binding for Android views
Google Cloud Platform Account with an App Engine Project and a SQL Database Instance on the Google Cloud Platform
- Google Cloud SDK and Cloud SQL Proxy
- Google Cloud SDK
- Cloud SQL Proxy
- Python 2.7 & 3 (Used Pacakages: Flask, Requests, flask_sqlalchemy, sqlalchemy)
which can be installed using pip
Ex: pip install <packagename>
To upload and run the Cloud Server in the Cloud:
- Using the Google Cloud SDK go to the Cloud Server folder from our repository
- run the command: gcloud app deploy
To setup a local instance of the Cloud Server: - Using the Google Cloud SDK go to the folder with the cloud_sql_proxy.exe you downloaded
a. Run a proxy by using the command: cloud_sql_proxy.exe -instances==tcp:
(Note: PROJECTNAME should be the “cloud_sql_instances:” value in app.yaml) - Using a terminal go to the Cloud Server folder from our repository
a. Run the Cloud Server instance by using: python
- Flask – Web framework used
- Flask-sqlalchemy – Object Relational Mapper used to interact with Database
- Urllib2 - Python library for sending HTTP POST requests
- BaseHTTPServer - Python library for receiving and handling HTTP POST requests
Built with Bootstrap/JQuery, qimessaging.js and robotutilis.js from pepperhacking/robot-jumpstarter
- Pepperhacking/robot- jumpstarter Author(s): [email protected]
- Service built with naoqi (see qimessaging service guide for more details)
To install service onto Pepper's head (Service must be run to connect Pepper's Tablet to Pepper Server)
- run command below to copy current directory into Pepper's head
- rsync -av . [email protected]:~/telepresence_server
- ssh into Pepper's head
- cd into telepresence_server
- run
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