Api for coinmarketcap, where it is possible to obtain information on daily quotes, Currencies, most quoted pairs and any information provided by CoinMarketcap charts
download this repository at the root of your project or use NPM to install this library in your Node project.
~$ npm install coinmarketcaps-api --save
To use this library, it is necessary to import and build it into your project's index file or wherever you want to use it.
import marketcap from "./index.js";
If necessary, you can define the API version you want to use and the data path you want to get.
var coin = new marketcap();
(async () => {
// var coins = await coin.all()
// var coins = await coin.exchangeMap('binance')
// var coins = await coin.coinMap('bitcoin')
// var coins = await coin.rank();
// var coins = await coin.halfYear(1);
// var coins = await coin.historical(2);
var coins = await coin.query();
//var coins = await coin.category();
- @victorRatts: Telegram