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Releases: strayr/strayr-k-macros

Bed Management

10 Dec 13:58
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Bed Management Pre-release

Long promised preview of my bed management code, designed for inductive probes where the thickness of the printbed above the steel base is critical.

Measure each bed just once using klipper's built-in PROBE_CALIBRATE and save new beds with informative names from the console.

BED_RECALCULATE_NOZZLE_OFFSET can apply the change in offset after a nozzle change to all bed profiles, with just one PROBE_CALIBRATE needed on a bed previously saved.

See and

Full Changelog: v0.4...v0.501

January 2023 release

10 Dec 13:48
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This has been dogfooded for nearly a year now and is working well. I should probably add some history here, but it's all in