Insert SVG into a PDF document created with PDFKit.
npm install svg-to-pdfkit --save
SVGtoPDF(doc, svg, x, y, options);
If you prefer, you can add the function to the PDFDocument prototype:
PDFDocument.prototype.addSVG = function(svg, x, y, options) {
return SVGtoPDF(this, svg, x, y, options), this;
And then simply call:
doc.addSVG(svg, x, y, options);
doc [PDFDocument] = the PDF document created with PDFKit
svg [SVGElement or string] = the SVG object or XML code
x, y [number] = the position where the SVG will be added
options [Object] = >
- width, height [number] = initial viewport, by default it's the page dimensions
- preserveAspectRatio [string] = override alignment of the SVG content inside its viewport
- useCSS [boolean] = use the CSS styles computed by the browser (for SVGElement only)
- fontCallback [function] = function called to get the fonts, see source code
- imageCallback [function] = same as above for the images (for Node.js)
- documentCallback [function] = same as above for the external SVG documents
- colorCallback [function] = function called to get color, making mapping to CMYK possible
- warningCallback [function] = function called when there is a warning
- assumePt [boolean] = assume that units are PDF points instead of SVG pixels
- precision [number] = precision factor for approximative calculations (default = 3)
- shapes: rect, circle, path, ellipse, line, polyline, polygon
- special elements: use, nested svg
- text elements: text, tspan, textPath
- text attributes: x, y, dx, dy, rotate, text-anchor, textLength, word-spacing, letter-spacing, font-size
- styling: with attributes only
- colors: fill, stroke & color (rgb, rgba, hex, string), fill-opacity, stroke-opacity & opacity
- units: all standard units
- transformations: transform, viewBox & preserveAspectRatio attributes
- clip paths & masks
- images
- fonts
- gradients
- patterns
- links
- filters
- text attributes: font-variant, writing-mode, unicode-bidi
- foreignObject (#37)
- other things I don't even know they exist
- Use an updated PDFKit version (≥0.8.1): see here how to build it, or use the prebuilt file in the examples folder.
- There are bugs, please send issues and/or pull requests.
- PDFKit, the JavaScript PDF generation library for Node and the browser.
- For inserting SVG graphics into a PDFKit document there is also svgkit.
- For the opposite conversion, from PDF to SVG, you can use Mozilla's PDF.js.