Getopt::Long File::Basename XML::Writer Data::Dumper Math::Round Cwd 'abs_path'
Create one HTML file with one Krona per sample from biom TSV OTU table. -i otu_table.tsv -o krona.html
### 1.0 ###
# AUTHOR: Sebastien THEIL
# VERSION: 1.0
# LAST MODIF: 2017-09-13
# PURPOSE: This script is used to parse csv file containing tax_id field and creates Krona charts.
USAGE: perl -i blast_csv_extended_1 -i blast_csv_extended_2 ... -i blast_csv_extended_n [OPTIONS]
### OPTIONS ###
-i|input <BLAST CSV> Blast CSV extended file and CSV group file corresponding to blast (optional)
-o|output <DIRECTORY> Output directory
-help|h Print this help and exit