This repo contains code for a simple freeware 32-bit FPU. So far it's just add, subtract, and multiply. It's not even close to being IEEE compliant, but it seems to add 2.0 and 2.0 okay. It's designed to be synthesizable, but I've never done that (yet). For now, it's just RTL that runs correctly on a simulator.
Files include
- addsub.v - add/sub driver
- sradd.v - core adder, needs driver to work correctly
- srsub.v - core subtractor, needs driver to work correctly
- srmul.v - multiplier, works find standalone
See test dir test/
for examples of how to use the FPU.
For now, see 0notes-fpu.txt
for all the gory technicals.
What got me here so far:
- needed a simple 32-bit add/sub/mul unit for my freeware FFT
- initially I used designware, but that's not free, is it
- looked for freeware. looked here, looked there. freeware sucked
- so I wrote my own. it sucks too, but it's mine haha
See test/TODO.txt