Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architecture
See doc/srnotes.txt for Steve's notes on organization and such (still TBD as of this writing).
Quick guide to repository contents as of 01/2017:
- doc/ => documentation (still TBD as of this writing)
- hardware/pe => Artem's PE generator (right?)
- hardware/sb => Ankita's switchbox generator (yes?)
- sr-proposal/ => Steve's proposal for a unified framework for the generators
For a quick example of how Steve's proposal works, you can do this (assumes github repository is mapped to CGRA/ and that the "make" and "" commands are both working and available in your path):
% cd CGRA/sr-proposal % ls */test_pe.svp tst/test_pe.svp % make gen GENESIS_TOP=test_pe % ls */ genesis_verif/ % ./genesis_clean.cmd
What did this do? Well, if everything worked correctly...
- the "make" command used the information in CGRA/Makefile to find and process the Genesis file tst/test_pe.svp, producing the verilog file genesis_verif/
- the "genesis_clean.cmd" cleaned everything up and put it back the way it was before you started the example.