Warning: Backend is under active development and subject to a changing API. Use at own risk. BC breaks between versions will be documented in changelog file.
The backend consists of three major modules.
- Network-scan: Collects, updates and exposes network data (nodes, organizatins, stats,...).
- Notifications: Allows users to subscribe to network events and receive (email) notifications.
- History-scan: Scans history archives for errors.
The core module contains app wide functionality like logging, configuration, database, etc.
> pnpm install # install dependencies
> pnpm build # build the code into the lib folder
# Database migrations are run automatically when the code is first run.
Copy env.dist to .env and configure the environment variables.
Every package has a README.md file with more detailed information.
pnpm start-api
pnpm verify-archives
pnpm scan-network
The test folder contains both unit and integration tests. A test database is required for the integration tests that you can configure with the DATABASE_TEST_URL env variable.
pnpm test
pnpm test:unit
pnpm test:integration
pnpm build
pnpm typeorm migration:generate src/core/infrastructure/database/migrations/{{MIGRATION_DESCRIPTION}} -d lib/core/infrastructure/database/AppDataSource.js