This repository contains a Julia implementation of the simulations described in Bayesian nonparametric estimation of the probability of discovering new species by Lijoi, Mena, and Prünster (2007). A deck of slides used to present this project can be found here.
The simulations described both in the paper and in the slides are implemented as unit tests for the SpeciesBNP
package defined in src/SpeciesBNP.jl
As such, they can be run from the project directory as follows:
git clone
cd lijoi07
julia --project=.
using Pkg; Pkg.test()
This generates some summary graphs for the simulations that are saved in img/
, if not already present.
This project was proposed by Professors C. Feinauer, I. Prünster, and G. Zanella as part of their course 20605 - Machine Learning 2.