Stefan Bloom GH:
Ensured fetchData incorporated correct BE endpoint. I implemented DOM manipulation when calling a method to display coupons. By studying existing js code, was able to hide and show correct data to user and made aesthetic CSS styling changes.
Fork both the BE and FE little shop/silk road linked. Clone down and run the rails server for the BE portion, then 'npm run dev' in FE terminal and follow link http://localhost:5173/ to open the page.
I worked about 5 hours on this FE repo. I researched CSS stylings, dabbled quite a bit in the pages element inspector and read main.js from top to bottom multiple times.
Ruby/Rails, JS, CSS. Learned how the BE and FE actually communicated and worked in service to each other to create a basic web application. Spent majority of time with BE Rails.
Researching the docs and getting the confidence to try new things. I was challenged by fear of migrations ruining my work, many, many refactors and diving deep into docs and stack overflow to figure out how I could accomplisha nd create functionality. Learning wins included cementing TDD knowledge (especially for /requests), building class methods and getting my Postman responses where I wanted them to be.