This repository holds the answers to the 4th homework of Algorithmic Methods of Data Mining, Data Science course at Sapienza University of Rome.
This homework was carried out by Giacomo Ruà, Stefano D'Arrigo and Tansel Simsek (Group 6).
The main goal of this homework was to write important algorithms and functions from scratch, in order to further understand them.
The answers are provided in a notebook file, as described in the "Content" section that follows.
- main.ipynb: Jupyter notebook containing the results of our data analysis. This link is provided in case of rendering issues.
- scripts/
- : this script file contains the functions we wrote to answer to Question 1.
- : this script file contains the functions we wrote to answer to Question 2.
- utils/
- Algorithmic_question.ipynb : this Jupyter notebook contains the Latex source of Question 3, provided in a separate file due to some Latex rendering issues of the GitHub visualizer.
- counting_sort.png : image of the rendered Latex of Question 3.