These tools are in constant development by members of ESALQ/USP Statistical Genetics Laboratory. Feel free to contribute sending pull requests or contacting one of us.
This shiny app performs statistical genetics analysis for diverse purposes. Please, check the left menu items for each feature detailed description.
Features implemented by now:
Single environment analysis
Multi environment analysis
Assumptions tests
Selection indices
There are three ways of using this app:
- (Public access) Install the package locally and run the app:
Because this shiny App is made using Golem, it works like a package and the dependencies will be automatically installed.
- (Public access) Run directly from GitHub:
runGitHub("statgen-esalq/StatGenESALQ_App", ref="main")
The user can run this app directly by executing the 'app.R' script, which is present on the main page.
PS: Why "main" and not "master".
It will require that the dependencies packages are already installed.
- (Public access) Install Docker and access the app via container:
docker run --rm -e USERID=$(id -u) -e GROUPID=$(id -g) -p 80:80 -e DISABLE_AUTH=true cristaniguti/statgenapp
The App will be available in the port localhost:80
. Using container you will not need any installation but Docker (you don't even need to have R installed). It works in any operational system.