- You will complete the Popular Names Activity found in the Data Computing eBook https://dtkaplan.github.io/DataComputingEbook/project-popular-names.html#project-popular-names
- You will choose at least five (5) names for the activity. They can be anynames you like.
- The plot shown at the beginning is the goal for the end of the activity, NOT the first task in the activity.
- Complete the "activity-popular-names-template.Rmd" with your answers.
- Steps 2 and 6 do not require you to add anything to the RMarkdown document. Please actually write out these steps. Writing things out is an important step in learning coding.
- Submit the completed RMarkdown (.Rmd) and RNotebook (.nb.html) to Canvas before deadline
- Remember to push your changes to GitHub
Assignment is worth a total of 10 points
- [1 point] Turn in BOTH RNotebook (.nb.html) and the RMarkdown (.Rmd) file to Canvas
- [1 point] Changes pushed to GitHub with atleast 3 commits
- [1 point] Step 1: show how you used summary functions to explore the raw data set
- [not graded] Step 2: sketch the plot you plan to create--this does not have to be submitted
- [1 point] Step 3 and 4: attempt to answer all questions about the data
- [1 point] Step 5: explanation of data wrangling steps in English (not code)
- [not graded] Step 6: complete this in your notes--this does not have to be submitted
- [3 points] Step 7: Data wrangling
- correct use of
- correct use of
- correct use of
- correct use of
- [2 points]
graph of first names
- always "PULL" before you do anything
- always "PUSH" when you're done
- always write descriptive commit messages
- run all code chunks in your R Notebook before you "preview" the HTML document.
- Please make sure the HTML document that you submit to Canvas has rendered properly!