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stangandaho committed May 7, 2024
1 parent 734b0a7 commit 29ea9c0
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Showing 2 changed files with 0 additions and 1,207 deletions.
369 changes: 0 additions & 369 deletions R/auxiliary_functions.R
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Expand Up @@ -5,195 +5,6 @@
## %######################################################%##

#' pre_tr_te
#' @noRd
pre_tr_te <- function(data, p_names, h) {
train <- list()
test <- list()

if (any(c("train", "train-test", "test")
unique(data[, p_names[h]]))) {
np2 <- 1

filt <- grepl("train", data[, p_names[h]])
train[[1]] <- data[filt, ] %>%
dplyr::select(-p_names[!p_names == p_names[h]])

filt <- grepl("test", data[, p_names[h]])
test[[1]] <- data[filt, ] %>%
dplyr::select(-p_names[!p_names == p_names[h]])
} else {
np2 <- max(data[p_names[h]])

for (i in 1:np2) {
train[[i]] <- data[data[p_names[h]] != i, ] %>%
dplyr::select(-p_names[!p_names == p_names[h]])

test[[i]] <- data[data[p_names[h]] == i, ] %>%
dplyr::select(-p_names[!p_names == p_names[h]])
return(list(train = train, test = test, np2 = np2))

# Inverse bioclim
#' @noRd
bio <- function(data, env_layer) {
. <- NULL
if (class(data)[1] != "data.frame") {
data <- data.frame(data)
if (!methods::is(env_layer, "SpatRaster")) {
env_layer <- terra::rast(env_layer)

data <- na.omit(data)

result <- env_layer[[1]]
result[] <- NA

minv <- apply(data, 2, min)
maxv <- apply(data, 2, max)
vnames <- names(data)

data_2 <- data %>%
na.omit() %>%
apply(., 2, sort) %>%

rnk <- function(x, y) {
b <- apply(y, 1, FUN = function(z) sum(x < z))
t <- apply(y, 1, FUN = function(z) sum(x == z))
r <- (b + 0.5 * t) / length(x)
i <- which(r > 0.5)
r[i] <- 1 - r[i]
r * 2

var_df <-
var_df <- na.omit(var_df)

k <- (apply(t(var_df) >= minv, 2, all) &
apply(t(var_df) <= maxv, 2, all))

for (j in vnames) {
var_df[k, j] <- rnk(
data_2[, j],
var_df[k, j, drop = FALSE]
var_df[!k, ] <- 0
res <- apply(var_df, 1, min)
result[as.numeric(names(res))] <- res

inv_bio <- function(e, p) {
if (!methods::is(e, "SpatRaster")) {
e <- terra::rast(e)
r <- bio(data = terra::extract(e, p)[-1], env_layer = e)
r <- (r - terra::minmax(r)[1]) /
(terra::minmax(r)[2] - terra::minmax(r)[1])
r <- r <= 0.01 # environmental constrain
r[which(r[, ] == FALSE)] <- NA

#' Inverse geo
#' @noRd
inv_geo <- function(e, p, d) {
colnames(p) <- c("x", "y")
p <- terra::vect(p, geom = c("x", "y"), crs = terra::crs(e))
b <- terra::buffer(p, width = d)
b <- terra::rasterize(b, e, background = 0)
e <- terra::mask(e, b, maskvalues = 1)

#' Boyce
#' @description This function calculate Boyce index performance metric. Codes were adapted from
#' enmSdm package.
#' @noRd
boyce <- function(pres,
n_bins = 101,
n_width = 0.1) {
lowest <- min(c(pres, contrast), na.rm = TRUE)
highest <- max(c(pres, contrast), na.rm = TRUE) + .Machine$double.eps
window_width <- n_width * (highest - lowest)

lows <- seq(lowest, highest - window_width, length.out = n_bins)
highs <- seq(lowest + window_width + .Machine$double.eps, highest, length.out = n_bins)

## initiate variables to store predicted/expected (P/E) values
freq_pres <- NA
freq_contrast <- NA

# tally proportion of test presences/background in each class
for (i in 1:n_bins) {
# number of presence predictions in a class
freq_pres[i] <-
sum(pres >= lows[i] & pres < highs[i], na.rm = TRUE)

# number of background predictions in this class
freq_contrast[i] <-
sum(contrast >= lows[i] & contrast < highs[i], na.rm = TRUE)

# mean bin prediction
mean_pred <- rowMeans(cbind(lows, highs))

# add small number to each bin that has 0 background frequency but does have a presence frequency > 0
if (any(freq_pres > 0 & freq_contrast == 0)) {
small_value <- 0.5
freq_contrast[freq_pres > 0 & freq_contrast == 0] <- small_value

# remove classes with 0 presence frequency
if (any(freq_pres == 0)) {
zeros <- which(freq_pres == 0)
mean_pred[zeros] <- NA
freq_pres[zeros] <- NA
freq_contrast[zeros] <- NA

# remove classes with 0 background frequency
if (any(0 %in% freq_contrast)) {
zeros <- which(freq_pres == 0)
mean_pred[zeros] <- NA
freq_pres[zeros] <- NA
freq_contrast[zeros] <- NA

P <- freq_pres / length(pres)
E <- freq_contrast / length(contrast)
PE <- P / E

# remove NAs
rm_nas <- stats::complete.cases(data.frame(mean_pred, PE))
# mean_pred <- mean_pred[rm_nas]
# PE <- PE[rm_nas]

# calculate Boyce index
result <- stats::cor(
x = ifelse(, 0, mean_pred),
y = ifelse(, 0, PE), method = "spearman"

# maxnet:::predict.maxnet()
#' Predict maxnet
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -243,183 +54,3 @@ predict_maxnet <- function(object, newdata, clamp = TRUE, type = c("link", "expo
return(1/(1 + exp(-object$entropy - link)))

#' Outliers with Reverse Jackknife
#' @noRd
rev_jack <- function(v) {
v2 <- v
v <- unique(v)
lgh <- length(v) - 1
t1 <- (0.95 * sqrt(length(v))) + 0.2
x <- sort(v)
y <- rep(0, lgh)
for (i in seq_len(lgh)) {
x1 <- x[i + 1]
if (x[i] < mean(v)) {
y[i] <- (x1 - x[i]) * (mean(v) - x[i])
} else {
y[i] <- (x1 - x[i]) * (x1 - mean(v))
my <- mean(y)
z <- y / (sqrt(sum((y - my)^2) / lgh))
out <- rep(0, length(v2))
if (any(z > t1)) {
f <- which(z > t1)
v <- x[f]
if (v < median(x)) {
xa <- (v2 <= v) * 1
out <- out + xa
if (v > median(x)) {
xb <- (v2 >= v) * 1
out <- out + xb
} else {
out <- out
return(which(out == 1))

#' Calculate amount of data for each training dataset in a given partition
#' @noRd
n_training <- function(data, partition) {
. <- partt <- NULL
if (any(c("train", "train-test", "test")
(data %>%
dplyr::select(dplyr::starts_with({{partition}})) %>%
dplyr::pull() %>%
unique()))) {
nn_part <- data %>%
dplyr::select(dplyr::starts_with({{partition}})) %>%
apply(., 2, table) %>%
nn_part <- nn_part %>% dplyr::mutate(partt = rownames(nn_part))
nn_part$partt[grepl("train", nn_part$partt)] <- "train"
nn_part <- nn_part %>%
dplyr::filter(partt == "train") %>%
nn_part <- colSums(nn_part)
} else {
data <- data %>%

nn_part <- list()
for(ppp in 1:ncol(data)){
nn_part[[ppp]] <- data %>% dplyr::pull(ppp) %>% table() %>% c()
sm <- nn_part[[ppp]] %>% sum()
nn_part[[ppp]] <- sapply(nn_part[[ppp]], function(x) sum(sm-x))
nn_part <- unlist(nn_part)

#' Calculate number of coefficient for gam models
#' @noRd
n_coefficients <- function(data, predictors, predictors_f = NULL, k = 10){
data <- data.frame(data)
n_levels <- rep(NA, length(predictors_f))
for(fff in 1:length(predictors_f)){
n_levels[fff] <- unique(data[, predictors_f]) %>% na.omit() %>% length()
n_levels <- sum(n_levels)
n_levels <- 0
n <- (k - 1) * length(predictors) + n_levels

#' Euclidean distance for extrapolation
#' @noRd
euc_dist <- function(x, y) {
if (!methods::is(x, "matrix")) {
x <- as.matrix(x)
if (!methods::is(y, "matrix")) {
y <- as.matrix(y)
result <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(x), ncol = nrow(y))
for (ii in 1:nrow(y)) {
result[, ii] <- sqrt(colSums((t(x) - y[ii, ]) ^ 2))
rownames(result) <- rownames(x)
colnames(result) <- rownames(y)

#' Moran I, based on ape package
#' @noRd
morani <- function(x, weight, na.rm = FALSE, scaled = TRUE) {
if (dim(weight)[1] != dim(weight)[2]) {
stop("'weight' must be a square matrix")
n <- length(x)
if (dim(weight)[1] != n) {
stop("'weight' must have as many rows as observations in 'x'")
ei <- -1 / (n - 1)
nas <-
if (any(nas)) {
if (na.rm) {
x <- x[!nas]
n <- length(x)
weight <- weight[!nas, !nas]
} else {
warning("'x' has missing values: maybe you wanted to set na.rm = TRUE?")
rs <- rowSums(weight)
rs[rs == 0] <- 1
weight <- weight / rs
s <- sum(weight)
m <- mean(x)
y <- x - m
cv <- sum(weight * y %o% y)
v <- sum(y^2)
res <- (n / s) * (cv / v)
if (scaled) {
imax <- (n / s) * (sd(rowSums(weight) * y) / sqrt(v / (n - 1)))
res <- res / imax


#' Mahalanobis distance
#' @noRd
mah_dist <- function(x, y, cov) {
if (!methods::is(x, "matrix")) {
x <- as.matrix(x)
if (!methods::is(y, "matrix")) {
y <- as.matrix(y)
result <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(x), ncol = nrow(y))
for (ii in 1:nrow(y)) {
# root square of squared Mahalanobis distance
result[, ii] <- sqrt(mahalanobis(x = x, center = y[ii, ], cov = cov))
rownames(result) <- rownames(x)
colnames(result) <- rownames(y)

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