Angular Component Library for rapidly building dashboards & portals.
- Admin Portal
- Platform Configuration
- System Monitoring / Jobs
- Reporting Dashboard
- SaaS Back-office
Basically any sidebar-based dashboard with cards, tables, modals & forms.
- Content Projection (named slots)
- Defaults & Standards (works with minimal setup in a standard way)
- Configure & Compose (specify what you need, build what you want)
- Customize & Override (color outside the lines and enjoy freedom)
For more information on underlying paradigms, visit
- Core & Common (button, icon, alert, card etc.)
- Layout (sidebar, top-bar, navigation, card-page, sidebar-page etc.)
- Tables (data-table, table, search, filter, pagination etc.)
- Forms (text-input, select-input, multi-select-input, etc.)
For more information about components, check the documentation or
run the example
project in this repository.
The docs are currently not yet live. Please run the
project locally instead for now withng serve
To install StandardKit UI Components through npm, use:
npm i @standardkit/ui
Go to angular.json
and add the scss folder to your include paths like this:
Don't forget to add it for your tests as well!
"architect": {
"build": {
"options": {
"stylePreprocessorOptions": {
"includePaths": ["node_modules/@standardkit/ui/src/styles"]
Then, add the base styling and the theme variables.
@use "@standardkit/ui/base";
@use "@standardkit/ui/theme";
// Include StandardKit Fonts
@include theme.include-default-fonts;
@include theme.use-default-font;
Install font awesome icons:
npm install --save @fortawesome/fontawesome-free
Add the icon path to your angular.json as well.
<ui-header brand="Admin Portal">
<ui-user-menu [items]="menuItems"></ui-user-menu>
<ui-sidebar [navigationItems]="navigationItems"></ui-sidebar>
<ui-top-bar [isFullWidth]="true" name="Data Table">
<ui-breadcrumbs [breadcrumbs]="breadcrumbs"></ui-breadcrumbs>
<ui-button (buttonClick)="onAddItem()" icon="plus">Add Item</ui-button>
<ui-data-table (request)="onRequest($event)" [columns]="columns" [response]="response"></ui-data-table>
<ui-form [formGroup]="form">
<ui-field name="name">
<ui-text-input formControlName="name">
<ng-container slot="error">Name is required</ng-container>
<ui-button [isSubmit]="true" (click)="onSubmit()" icon="save">Submit</ui-button>
Angular | StandardKit |
Angular 16 |
Standardkit 0.1.0 |
Angular 17 |
not supported |
Angular 18 |
StandardKit 0.2.0 |
Angular 19 - legacy |
StandardKit 0.3.0 |
Angular 19 - standalone |
StandardKit 0.4.x |
Warning: 19 - standalone is currently a work in progress. Migrate at your own risk.
- Change imports from SkButtonModule to UiButton
- change template usages from
error slot now becomesslot="error"
(new) instead ofslot="footer"
now has abuttonClick
event that handleskeydown
and takes into accountdisabled
- Rich text input has been removed along with the quill dependency. If you want to continue using it, copy the component from old source code.
Just upgrade angular itself, nothing is changed only version bumps. Create an issue if you need help migrating through v17.