Parse XLSX, XLSM and CSV Files from Excel
- PHP >= 7.0.*
- Magento >= 2.1.*
- Magento >= 2.1
Load Uploader and Parser via DI, so they can be used in your method.
$file = $this->uploader->upload(['fileId' => \Magento\ImportExport\Model\Import::FIELD_NAME_SOURCE_FILE]);
$data = $this->parser->readFile($file);
foreach ($data as $index => $values) {
var_dump($index, $values);
If you have any issues with this extension, open an issue on GitHub.
Any contribution is highly appreciated. The best way to contribute code is to open a pull request on GitHub.
Staempfli Webteam and all other contributors
Open Software License ("OSL") v. 3.0
(c) 2016, Stämpfli AG