The goal of this project is to create Stackbill resources via terraform
This would help us to create the stackbill resources via Terraform.
- Clone this repository
- Run file
Provider configuration
# This is required for Terraform 0.13+
terraform {
required_providers {
stackbill = {
source = "stackbill/stackbill"
version = "0.1.0"
provider "stackbill" {
api_key = "Place your api key here"
secret_key = "Place your secret key here"
url = "Place your api url here"
resource "stackbill_instance" "my-server" {
compute_offering_uuid = "2f7b1b02-078f-42fb-aece-aa21bfa89e1a"
cpu_core = "3"
# disk_size = 0
hypervisor_name = "string"
# memory = "0"
name = "AzTestingVmFour"
network_uuid = "0c7cc302-abe5-4687-8351-26aba55b3d0d"
# security_group_name = "string"
# ssh_key_name = "string"
# storage_offering_uuid = "string"
template_uuid = "e39172b4-715b-44ac-ada2-7f97f733eecc"
zone_uuid = "74b12720-73ce-49b6-857f-48cdac6dcd3f"
# - Optional values
data "stackbill_compute_offering_list" "all" {
zone_uuid = "74b12720-73ce-49b6-857f-48cdac6dcd3f"
#uuid = "c674ac49-32cd-4aae-96f8-25458bded6ad"
# Display compute offering list
output "all_compute_offerings" {
value = data.stackbill_compute_offering_list.all.computeofferings
# - Optional values