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This is a repository containing my personal solutions to the Advent of Code challenges. All challenge files must be downloaded from the Advent of Code website and to be used without modification must be named as dayN in inputs/<year>/ (where N is which day of 25 we are at, with a variable digit count).

Running all solutions

  1. Make sure you have installed Java 21 or higher, and that gradle is directed to use Java 21.
  2. Place all solutions in the inputs/<year>/ directory, as files named as dayN without an extension or with the .txt extension.
  3. Run ./gradlew run to run all solutions.

If any exceptions are thrown, the program will catch them, print the error message, and export the stacktrace to a dayN_error.txt file. It will then continue to the next solution.


I am licensing this under the MIT license even though I suggest people not use my solutions. I'd still consider myself not the best when it comes to programming in general, but I have felt that I've improved. However, GeneralUtils might actually have some good code. Nothing ever is good code if I touch it.

Proceed with caution!