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#1. DataTest Why? a. Because Customers sometimes don't know what they are paying for. b. TRAI can keep a better watch on Operators.
How? a. Track change in data connectivity. b. Categorise the connectivity into NC,2G,3G,4G.
Use? a. User can keep track of what connection is he ACTUALLY paying for. b. Send complain reports to TRAI, in case of discrepancies. c. TRAI gets location and provider based user data of complains. d. Build Surveys with the data received

#2. CallDrops Why? a. It is one of the biggest issue in India. b. TRAI spends a lot of resources to track this.
How? a. Using signal strength and voice quality during a call. b. In case the call terminates with a weak signal strength, it is because of call drop.
Use? a. User gets statistics of dorpped calls to all the calls. b. Send complain reports to TRAI, in case he is experiencing lot of call-drops. c. TRAI gets location and provider based user data of complains. d. Build Surveys with the data received

#3. TRAICaller Why? a. Based on actual data from TRAI(not crowdsourced like Truecaller) b. User need to know, who is calling him/her
How? a. Use TRAI Data and not crowdsourced b. Location-based hash-search for caller details(faster)
Use? a. DoNotDisturb feature b. One-Tap save to contacts c. Generate location based spammers data d. Build Surveys with the data received

#4. TRAIBot Why? a. World is moving to AI b. Use of less human resources and manual intervention c. Connect to a greater user-based
How? a. Facebook messenger as an end-point b. Natural Language Processing along with self-learning c. services integrated to python core
Use? a. Easy Complaint system for users b. Easy categorising of complains for TRAI c. Build Surveys with the data received

#5. TRAISurveys Why? a. Important source of valuable data collection b. National reach through apps c. Automated surveys
How? a. Surveys pushed to cloud b. Automated surveys using trend analysis c. Backend application for the TRAI to monitor responses and push surveys
Use? a. Location & provider based surveys can be pushed b. Based on trend surveys based on other complain reports or the TRAIBot

#6. Cloud Why? a. Easy to manage, integrable, flexible disaster recovery b. Low cost and no server maintenance
How? a. Microsoft's Azure Mobile Service b. SDKs to almost all platforms c. REST APIs for all languages
Use? a. Can be accessed by both TSPs and TRAI. b. Allow MachineLearning data based trend analysis. c. Connect all the services we built including the TRAIBot.


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