Repo for evaluating Lacuna on various projects. This repo contains all source code to evaluate the effectivity of the different (combinations of) analysers on the todomvc project.
The ground truth values of the todomvc project are gathered with the help of extensive test-cases and the dynamic-deadfunction-detector repo; which automatically logs all alive functions.
After which Lacuna is applied to each of there projects with all different combinations of analysers.
The results are compared and a confusion matrix is generated.
Lets get down to business.
- Run
- In the todomvc folder run
git apply ../todomvc.diff
This step will create a normalized version of the application: no inline scripts, no externally hosted scripts.
node todomvc_lacuna_normalizer.js
Creates the examples.normalized
Requires renaming of examples.normalized to examples.lacunized
This function runs very slow as it does every evaluation many more times than
use node todomvc_lacuna2.js
which only runs lacuna once for every analyzer
framework combination.
-- Note this doesn't work for now.
node todomvc_lacuna.js
can create examples.lacunized should enable createDestinationFolder().
Creates examples.lacunized.instrumented
node todomvc_instrumenter.js
This step is optional as it only needs to be ran once Fetch _all_functions.txt by running the instrumenter
Get _alive_functions by running the following commands in the todomvc folder:
gulp test-server
in test folder
npm run test
(May require you to rename the example.lacunized.instrumented to examples)
Modify getStatistics.js to have the examples folders point to the good directory. A different directory can be chosen for the ground truth values and the Lacuna values.
After an examples folder is there that contains all the log files, all_functions, alive_functions,
Run node getStatistics.js
which will create the logs and the statistics
When all stats are there, compute the averages with node getAvgStatistics.js