Releases: sricharankrishnan/vowelz
Releases · sricharankrishnan/vowelz
Version 2.0.0
[Fix] Breaking Changes
- package will now have a traditional CommonJS import style
- changes made to test files for the import
- all tests are passing
- also tested the updates made with 'npm link'
- updates made to ReadME file as well
Version 1.2.4
[build] Unit Tests
- created all required unit tests with jests for the package. all
critical methods were covered in these tests - removed/corrected some methods in the package
Version 1.1.3
[build] Unit Testing
created unit test for the following
- get-count-of-unique-vowels
- accepts-only-string-arg
- remove-all-vowels-from-string
additionally, correct a method in the package as well by adding
'toLowerCase()' when checking for unique vowels in an input string
Version 1.1.2
[build] Added New Methods
vowelEncryption: recevies a string and then encrypts the vowels with
some predefined special characters -
replaceVowelsWithCharacter: receives a string and a character, the
method would replace every vowel present in the string with the
character -
countAllVowels: counts the number of vowels in a string and return the
counts in the form of an object
Updated Pkg Version
- Package version was updated
- The library has been published @ NPM (
Initial Release
[feat] Package Build
- using babel to transpile from es6 to es5
- created required directory structure for package distribution
- did some testing with npm link
- root index.js file to help import the actual package