A Basic Experiment in Parser and Compilers and Stack VM . A basic stack based CPU with Assembly language and basic commands. A basic programming Languge Parsed to Tokens to e parsed to expressions to be compiled to assembly code to be executed on the virtual CPU... Also to be used to Parse English grammar to make abstract syntax trees.
Current Position: Tokens created; Parser created(still in progress); InstructionSet StackVM-CPU-RAM (WORKING); Basic Language - Simple Language Defined (expressions being created to execute on cpu instruction set).
Issues: ? None as of yet ? Currently solving how to manage codeblocks (without creating named structure).
Extra Works: Would like to implement functions/subs/lambadas.
A basic programming language designed in stages to be compiled and executed on a virtual machine :
the language is translated to an assembly code to be executed on a Virtual Stack based CPU
The process of tokeninzing the input and susequentially into an executable abstract syntax tree
the tree generates the required assembly code and executes the code in a virtual environment.
INT = [96 / 96.4] : Integers and floating points are handled the same
boolean = [True/False] : Standard True or False
String = "HelloWorld" : Strings must be surrounded in quotes
Print "HelloWorld" : Prints String Quotes Signify String Content
Print 34 : Prints Integer or Floating Point
Print [True/False] : Prints a Boolean True
Print $Variable$ : Prints a Variable Variables must be surrounded in Dollar signs
CLS : Clears the screen of the console
Dim $Variable$ as [INT / Boolean / string] = [98 / [True/False] / "HelloWorld" / $Variable$] - The full assignment can be used
Dim $Variable$ as [INT / Boolean / string] - The Half Assigment will use Default values = / 0 / "" / False
$variable$ = [98 / [True/False] / "HelloWorld" / $Variable$] - Re-Assignment - Variable must be instantiated
IF_THEN : If Condition = true then ExecuteStatements (Condition must be a Boolean Expression)
If (Condition) then : The condition will evaluate to true allowing for the statments to be executed or the end of the statment will be realised
[Statements] : THe END IF signifys the end of the statement
End if
IF_THEN_ELSE : If Condition = True then executes Statements else ExecuteStatements (Condition must be a Boolean Expression)
If (Condition) then : the Condition will be evaluated and the (THEN) first statements executed.if true or
[Statements_1] : if false the second statements (ELSE) will be evaluated. THe END IF signifys the end of the statement
End if
DO_WHILE_LOOP : if Condition is true then execute the statements ,
DO While (Condition) : The LOOP signifys the end of the loop. (Condition must be a Boolean Expression)
FOR_NEXT_LOOP : : the indicator is used as a marker for the counter of the loop
FOR [$I$] = Start to Finish : a start value is given and a finish value is given
[Statements_1] : The statements sre executed ;
Next : and the Next Marks the end of the LOOP
Description :
This assembly language is specific to this virtual processor
Enableing for the code to be executed on the cpu:
This is a Micro based instruction set (Misc) Uses Reverse Polish Notation
_PUSH : Pushes items on to the stack (top)
_POP : Pops items off the stack (top)
_PEEK : Views items on the stack (top)
_WAIT : Pauses execution of code
_PAUSE : Pauses execution of code
_HALT : HALT execution of code
_RESUME : Resumes execution of code
_DUP : Duplicates item on the stack (top)
_JMP : Jumps to location
_JIF_T : Jump if true
_JIF_F : Jump if False
_JIF_EQ : Jump if Equals
_JIF_GT : Jump if Greater than
_JIF_LT : Jump if Less than
_LOAD : Load Memory Address
_STORE : Store at memeory Address
_REMOVE : Removes item at memeory address so location can be free for replacement or updated item
_CALL : call location in memory
_RET : Return to location called
_PRINT_M : Prints to TextConsole Display
_ADD : Adds last two items on the stack
_SUB : subracts last two items on the stack
_MUL : multiplys last two items on the stack
_DIV : divides last two items on the stack
_AND : if both last two items on the stack are true
_OR : if either last two items on the stack are true
_NOT : if both last two items on the stack are not true
_IS_EQ : if both last two items on the stack are Equals
_IS_GT : both items are compared
_IS_GTE : both items are compared
_IS_LT : both items are compared
_IS_LTE : both items are compared
_TO_POS : number is sent to negative
_TO_NEG : number is sent to positive
_INCR : number is incremented by 1
_DECR : number is Decremented by 2
The ability to parse text to a set of rules as well as, create a set of production rules enabling for, the generation of a collection of Syntax Trees, for each statement or codeblock.
This may be applied to a Language such as English to generate Syntax Trees based on Customized grammars. This will further Extend the SpydazWeb AI SDK; It is also noted that the ability to generate some form of Generic Code will also be potentially achieved. It is my understanding that there is a simular functionality in microsoft roslyn and Experssions etc.
The Journey of Creation Reveals a lot about the microsoft compilr as well as the original basic/Interperter and compiler.
Create A Compiler to ExecuteCode or Compile as Console Application or Generate ConvertedCode to Script. maybe generate machine code language and execute on a virtual cpu stack based or register based???
Create a Lexer to tokenize the input based upon a grammar with defined rules Create a Parser to parse Tokens into Abstract Syntax statments (Constant/Unary/Binary/Trinary) Select - Correct Expressions for detected syntax load and execute? Execute: Expressions to Assembly > Functions : Decisions regarding evaluation of sub nodes before executing on stack vm simplfing the execution process Execute - execute optimized tree on STACK Virtual machine
Curently _ CLose!!!