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Configuring Spud Core

veloper edited this page Oct 15, 2012 · 3 revisions

The spud suite of engines is designed to be very modular and configurable. Spud Core is the only central dependency of the entire set of spud engines and is where configuration options that globally affect the spud engine suite are located.

Below are a list of the configuration options available and their default values:

Spud::Core.configure do |config|
    config.admin_applications = [{:name => "Users",
        :thumbnail => "spud/admin/users_thumb.png",
        :url => "/spud/admin/users",
        :order => 100}]
    config.site_name = "Company Name"
    config.sitemap_urls += []
    config.from_address = "[email protected]"
  1. admin_applications - The admin_applications config option is an array of admin apps that are available int the spud administrative panel. Spud core comes with a user management app by default. Adding your own apps can be done like so:
config.admin_applications += [{:name => "App Name",:thumbnail => "thumb_url",:url => "/spud/admin/url_to_resource"}]
  1. site_name - This is where you specify your site_name. This variable will be used throughout the administrative panel and other spud suite gems to render your company name in areas such as page title, company branding, etc.

  2. sitemap_urls - This is an array of url_helper functions that point to sitemap generators. If you wish to add your own sitemap to be listed in spuds sitemapindex then you can add it here. Spud CMS is an example of a spud engine that adds :spud_cms_sitemap_url as a sitemap url.

  3. from_address - This is the default from address that ActionMailer uses with regards to spud email notifications

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