springdoc-openapi v1.6.10 released! Latest
#1700 - Support PageableDefault#value()
#1706 - ßAdd RouterOperationCustomizer
#1754 - Default value and description of the page parameter when enabled property
#1755 - Adjust name of the parameters page and size when set property
#1742 - Optimize the group order problem
upgrade to spring-boot 2.7.2
upgrade swagger-ui: 4.13.2
upgrade classgraph: 4.8.149
upgrade spring-native: 0.12.1
upgrqde swagger-core: 2.2.2
upgrage therapi-runtime-javadoc: 0.15.0
#1684 - incorrect generic param for multi interfaces
#1687 , #1688 - kotlin ByteArray property incorrect
#1692 - More specific bean name for objectMapperProvider
#1684 - Incorrect generic param for multi interfaces
#1707 - Concurrent problems when initializing multiple GroupedOpenApi parallelly
#1690 - Expected file to be in alphabetical order.
#1713 - ObjectMapperProvider to sort all properties.
#1717 , #1718 - javadoc of JsonUnwrapped fields not set
#1748 , #1712 , Generated server url computation not cleared
#1696 - incorrect generic param for multi interfaces
#1749 - Update server out of cache
#1734 - springdoc-openapi-kotlin and springdoc-openapi-common do not agree on conditions for auto configuration
#1761 - Exception documenting RestControllerEndpoint with PostMapping
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