springdoc-openapi v1.5.6 released!
[1.5.6] - 2021-03-16
#1107 - use HTTP 302 status for UI redirect
#1104 - switch from 'redirect:' prefix to ResponseEntity for redirecting UI index
#1085 - enable recalculating oauth2 redirect url while cache is disable
Upgrade swagger-ui version to: 3.45.0
Upgrade swagger-core to v2.1.7
#1081 - Spring Data Rest: RequestBody for POST, PUT, PATCH should be required.
#1082 - Spring Data Rest: Wrong schema for request body in association controllers.
#1083 - Spring Data Rest: No model for Paged Collection.
#1082 - Spring Data Rest: Wrong schema for request body in association controllers.
#1084 - Spring Data Rest: Relations to exported Repositories are handled as if they were embedded.
#1095 - Spring Data Rest: Exception while generating api doc with inheritance
#1098 - NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "java.util.Map.forEach(java.util.function.BiConsumer)" because "properties" is null.
#1097 - ConversionFailedException: When accessing v3/api-docs.
#1105 - Collection methods are added to the supported entity methods.
#1106 - Required multipart/form-data
parameters not reflected in generated schema.
#1096 - Fix certain WebConversionServiceProvider#convert
calls by supplying contextual information
You can’t perform that action at this time.