List of resources to learn ECMAScript 6! (codename: Harmony)
- How to Collaborate
- Articles & Tutorials
- Books
- Built with ES6
- Courses
- Learn with Code
- Podcasts
- Screencasts
- Slides
- Talks
- Transpilers/Polyfills
- More Useful Links
Just send a pull request or open an issue to send more useful links! After it, I'll update the list!
- Nicholas Zakas' articles
- A guide to 2ality’s posts on 6
- Axel Rauschmayer's articles
- Javascript ES6: Learn important features in a few minutes
- ES6 for Node
- Use ECMAScript 6 Today
- Rewriting A WebApp With ECMAScript 6
- Toward Modern Web Apps with ECMAScript 6
- A Few New Things Coming To JavaScript
- Summary of ECMAScript 6 major features
- 5 Great Features in EcmaScript 6 (ES6 Harmony)
- An introduction to ES6
- ECMAScript 6: Jump in, the water is warm!
- ECMAScript 6 – Playing around in Harmony
- ECMAScript 6 features: classes
- Playing with iterators and generators in ECMAScript 6
- Performance in ECMAScript 6
- Architecture of ECMAScript 6 Modules
- ECMAScript 6 Generators
- Destructuring Assignment in ECMAScript 6
- Hanging up on Callbacks: Generators in ECMAScript 6
- ECMAScript 6 Classes
- ECMAScript 6
- ES6! Let's do it
- What's Coming to JavaScript: Picking the ECMAScript 6 Environments
- ECMAScript 6—Alec Larsen
- ES6 - episode 01 | episode 02 | episode 03 | episode 04
- ES6 - the let keyword
- ECMAscript 6 Lessons -
- Ode to Code
- EcmaScript 6 - My Favorite Things
- An Overview of ECMAScript 6 - Axel Rauschmayer
- ECMAScript 6:� A Better JavaScript for the Ambient Computing Era
- Speakerdeck presentations
- Slideshare Presentations
- Presentations
- Brendan Eich: ECMA Harmony and the Future of JavaScript
- Dave Herman: The Future of JavaScript
- What's ECMAScript 6 Good For? - Presentation by Julio Cesar Ody
- Hanging Up On Callbacks: Using ECMAScript 6 Generators
- Axel Rauschmayer - ECMAScript 6, The Future of JavaScript
- ECMAScript 6 with Kit Cambridge
- Kit Cambridge, "EcmaScript Next: The Subtleties of ES 6" at W3Conf 2013
- Yehuda Katz - ECMAScript 6
- Ben Newman - Easing into ECMAScript 6 and Beyond
- Rick Waldron - The Future of JavaScript
- CodeFest 2013. Axel Rauschmayer: "An overview of ECMAScript 6, the next version of JavaScript"
- What's new on EcmaScript6
- Practical Workflows for ES6 Modules - Fluent 2014
- The State of JavaScript - Brendan Eich
- Luke Hoban: ECMAScript 6
- es6-shim - ECMAScript 6 (Harmony) compatibility shims for legacy JavaScript engines
- es6-collections - Map, WeakMap, and Set fast/simple shim for Harmony collections
- shepherd-js - ES:Harmony compliant module loader and module maker that fits nicely with each and every JS file you can have to work with.
- require-hm - RequireJS loader plugin that supports ES6 Modules.
- es6-module-loader - An ES6 Module Loader polyfill based on the latest spec.
- es6features - Overview of ECMAScript 6 features
- ECMAScript 6 compatibility table
- ES6 Fiddle
- ECMAScript 6 Resources For The Curious JavaScripter
- ES6 what can be shimmed and what not.
- EcmaScript Sixth Edition Overview
- needs You!
- JSFixed - share your feelings, loves, hates, proposals on
- es-discuss - Discussion of ECMAScript