Galileo is a basic object tracker inspired by sites such as SatelliteTracker3D, StarlinkMap, and KeepTrack. Galileo currently uses satellite.js and its SGP4 calculations for forward and backward object propogation. It is designed for flexible development, and with a smooth user experience in mind.
Galileo is built using ES2020 and Vite. To run locally, install git and node.
git clone # Clone files to local
cd ./galileo-app/ # Switch into the directory
npm install # Install dependencies
then either
npm run dev # Run a hot dev version
npm run build # Build the project
npm start # Start the server
to start a copy.
Galileo displays a fullscreen rendering of earth and sattelites using @react-three-fiber and Tailwind.css to style the page. Galileo allows for past & future date manipulation and provides many keyboard shortcuts for users to navigate between objects. Galileo features other visuals such as orbit displays, a dynamic hexasphere, and more.
Galileo may be updated in the future to allow use with live sensors & data and/or the ability to control local communication devices.
- Hook up live feed (camera maybe)
- Control physical antenna
- Detect, track, and predict trajectories of objects (not necessary satellites)
Galileo Tracker v1.0
View source code on Github
At certain angles, all objects will disappear from view (likely not in frustrum)
Object corner textures visible at certain angles
Switch time zone?
Some calculations redundant
Can't enter date manually into panel
Request location from user automatically?
Switch between ECI / ECF coordinates