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Code to accompany Angus & Newton (2019), "Collaboration leads to cooperation on sparse networks"


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Collaboration leads to cooperation on sparse networks (Angus & Newton, 2019)

Codebase to run (in MATLAB) the numerical experiments reported in the paper, or replicate the main figures from the paper, or explore their data.

If using the code, please cite: SD Angus, JN Newton. (2019). v1.1.0 specialistgeneralist/Collaborating2Cooperate. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3567213


Getting started


For full functionality you will need:

  • A recent version of MATLAB (tested with v2017b);
  • Toolboxes: parallel toolbox, statistics toolbox; and
  • The SimRunner package [1], version 1.0.1 included in this package.

If you do not have the parallel toolbox, replace parfor with for in the main_exp.m file. If you do not have the statistics_toolbox then the SimRunner [1] package will fall back to using average of previous runs for the prediction of total run time end, as opposed to performing an ensemble random forest model estimation.

Ref [1] Simon D Angus. (2017, October 26). specialistgeneralist/SimRunner. Zenodo.


See the help documentation of main_exp provided below for Examples and Figure replication instructions.

If you wish to produce a simple time-series plot of a given set of conditions, copy and adapt the file example/params_example.m and then (from the main directory) run with:

setup; cd example
params_example_copy     % gives param-structure P to the workspace
res = main_exp(P);

Explore the time-series of the run created with e.g.,

plot(res.XT.xt), set(gca,'Ylim', [0 1])

Inspect the Graph that was used in this run (open the output file with e.g. Graphviz (,

adj2dot(res.more_res.G)     % --> produces ''

Recreating the figures from the paper

See the instructions given in the help documentation of main_exp below.

Contours figure

Contours fig

Networks figure (at benchmark conditions)

Networks fig

Timeseries figure (at benchmark conditions)

Timeseries fig

Main help file and instructions

Recreate in Matlab with help main_exp.

%MAIN_EXP Run coalitional PD experiments, Angus & Newton (2019).
%   RES = MAIN_EXP(P) conducts a single experimental condition of the 
%   Coalitional PD model, with input parameter structure P and producing 
%   output structure RES.
%   if P.R = 1 (single replicate):
%      RES has following structure,
%         res.XT           .. the pop-fraction of D-players t \in 1..T
%         res.more_res.G   .. the Graph (adjacency matrix), G
%         res.more_res.fX  .. the strategy profile for players 1..n for each 
%         of the final R1_nper_store periods.
%   elseif P.R > 1 (multiple replicates):
%      RES has a more simple structure,
%         res.XT   .. as above, but per replicate.
%   Examples (start from main directory):
%      % ** Set up a parallel session **
%      parpool              % start parallel pool with default cluster
%      % Run a single set of parameters,
%      setup; cd example    % ensure everything on path, go to example dir
%      params_example       % provides 'P'
%      res = main_exp(P);
%      % Run a multiple parameter study, single replicate, rich output,
%      % produce average cooperation network .dot files
%      setup; cd example    % ensure everything on path, go to example dir
%      SimRunner('main_exp', 'runfile_example_R1.txt', 'test_R1');
%      load test_R1.mat
%      fig_networks(summary, 50)    % avg C colouring from last 50 updates
%               .. produces net_ex[1-9].dot in pwd, use Graphviz to explore
%      fig_timeseries(summary)      % avg C timeseries by exp.
%      % Run a multiple parameter study, many replicates, simple output,
%      setup; cd example    % ensure everything on path, go to example dir
%      SimRunner('main_exp', 'runfile_example_R2.txt', 'test_R2');
%      load test_R2.mat
%      fig_timeseries(summary)      % avg C timeseries by exp.
%   Figure replication:
%      % Contour plot panel
%      setup; cd replication
%      fig_contours
%      % .. explore timeseries of benchmark study
%      load exp010a_baseline
%      fig_timeseries(summary)
%      % Networks panel (open .dot files with e.g. Graphviz)
%      setup; cd replication
%      load exp017_p0p5_long
%      fig_networks(summary, 500)   % --> produces net_ex{1,2,3}.dot
%      % Timeseries figure
%      setup; cd replication
%      load exp016_e1p0_long
%      fig_timeseries(summary)
%   Functions
%   ---------
%   To create a coalitional library:
%    MakeNetLib     Build a coalition library for fast run-time simulation.
%    MakeGraph      Make a graph from a menu of types.
%    GetAllCoalitions_k     Find all possible coalitions, given G and K.
%   Conducting experiments:
%    choose_one     A fast version of RANDSAMPLE, returning only 1 item.
%    game_table     Provides a game table, PI.
%    GetKpdf        Obtain a discrete binomial probability distribution.
%    InitStrats     Initialise strategies with given fraction of C.
%    LogUpdates     Provide detailed 'story' information to a log-file.
%    UpdatePayoffs  Calculate total payoffs to each agent in the game.
%    ApplyBetterResponse        Return a vector of better-response strategies.
%    ChooseCoalition_Binomial   Choose a coalition from the library.
%   Visualisation:
%    fig_contours   Make all panels of avg C contour plot in (p,e) space.
%    fig_networks   Write a .dot graph file for networks, nodes shaded by %C.
%    fig_timeseries Plot coloured frac C time-series line plot.

Conducting Robustness Experiments

Robustness experiments, as included in the supplementary information can be re-created by adjusting the runfile parameters:

DisruptionActive = false;
DoRunTimeCoalitionCreation = false;
CoalitionalSwitchingCost = 0;