Codebase to run (in MATLAB) the numerical experiments reported in the paper, or replicate the main figures from the paper, or explore their data.
If using the code, please cite: SD Angus, JN Newton. (2019). v1.1.0 specialistgeneralist/Collaborating2Cooperate. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3567213
For full functionality you will need:
- A recent version of MATLAB (tested with v2017b);
- Toolboxes: parallel toolbox, statistics toolbox; and
- The SimRunner package [1], version 1.0.1 included in this package.
If you do not have the parallel toolbox, replace parfor
with for
in the main_exp.m
file. If you do not have the statistics_toolbox then the SimRunner [1] package will fall back to using average of previous runs for the prediction of total run time end, as opposed to performing an ensemble random forest model estimation.
Ref [1] Simon D Angus. (2017, October 26). specialistgeneralist/SimRunner. Zenodo.
See the help documentation of main_exp
provided below for Examples and Figure replication instructions.
If you wish to produce a simple time-series plot of a given set of conditions, copy and adapt the file example/params_example.m
and then (from the main directory) run with:
setup; cd example
params_example_copy % gives param-structure P to the workspace
res = main_exp(P);
Explore the time-series of the run created with e.g.,
plot(res.XT.xt), set(gca,'Ylim', [0 1])
Inspect the Graph that was used in this run (open the output file with e.g. Graphviz (,
adj2dot(res.more_res.G) % --> produces ''
See the instructions given in the help documentation of main_exp
Recreate in Matlab with help main_exp
%MAIN_EXP Run coalitional PD experiments, Angus & Newton (2019).
% RES = MAIN_EXP(P) conducts a single experimental condition of the
% Coalitional PD model, with input parameter structure P and producing
% output structure RES.
% if P.R = 1 (single replicate):
% RES has following structure,
% res.XT .. the pop-fraction of D-players t \in 1..T
% res.more_res.G .. the Graph (adjacency matrix), G
% res.more_res.fX .. the strategy profile for players 1..n for each
% of the final R1_nper_store periods.
% elseif P.R > 1 (multiple replicates):
% RES has a more simple structure,
% res.XT .. as above, but per replicate.
% Examples (start from main directory):
% % ** Set up a parallel session **
% parpool % start parallel pool with default cluster
% % Run a single set of parameters,
% setup; cd example % ensure everything on path, go to example dir
% params_example % provides 'P'
% res = main_exp(P);
% % Run a multiple parameter study, single replicate, rich output,
% % produce average cooperation network .dot files
% setup; cd example % ensure everything on path, go to example dir
% SimRunner('main_exp', 'runfile_example_R1.txt', 'test_R1');
% load test_R1.mat
% fig_networks(summary, 50) % avg C colouring from last 50 updates
% .. produces net_ex[1-9].dot in pwd, use Graphviz to explore
% fig_timeseries(summary) % avg C timeseries by exp.
% % Run a multiple parameter study, many replicates, simple output,
% setup; cd example % ensure everything on path, go to example dir
% SimRunner('main_exp', 'runfile_example_R2.txt', 'test_R2');
% load test_R2.mat
% fig_timeseries(summary) % avg C timeseries by exp.
% Figure replication:
% % Contour plot panel
% setup; cd replication
% fig_contours
% % .. explore timeseries of benchmark study
% load exp010a_baseline
% fig_timeseries(summary)
% % Networks panel (open .dot files with e.g. Graphviz)
% setup; cd replication
% load exp017_p0p5_long
% fig_networks(summary, 500) % --> produces net_ex{1,2,3}.dot
% % Timeseries figure
% setup; cd replication
% load exp016_e1p0_long
% fig_timeseries(summary)
% Functions
% ---------
% To create a coalitional library:
% MakeNetLib Build a coalition library for fast run-time simulation.
% MakeGraph Make a graph from a menu of types.
% GetAllCoalitions_k Find all possible coalitions, given G and K.
% Conducting experiments:
% choose_one A fast version of RANDSAMPLE, returning only 1 item.
% game_table Provides a game table, PI.
% GetKpdf Obtain a discrete binomial probability distribution.
% InitStrats Initialise strategies with given fraction of C.
% LogUpdates Provide detailed 'story' information to a log-file.
% UpdatePayoffs Calculate total payoffs to each agent in the game.
% ApplyBetterResponse Return a vector of better-response strategies.
% ChooseCoalition_Binomial Choose a coalition from the library.
% Visualisation:
% fig_contours Make all panels of avg C contour plot in (p,e) space.
% fig_networks Write a .dot graph file for networks, nodes shaded by %C.
% fig_timeseries Plot coloured frac C time-series line plot.
Robustness experiments, as included in the supplementary information can be re-created by adjusting the runfile parameters:
DisruptionActive = false;
DoRunTimeCoalitionCreation = false;
CoalitionalSwitchingCost = 0;