You can find here the slides and the sample code of my talk "Kubernetes Developer Survival Kit Talk" that I presented on Continuous Lifecycle in Mannheim at 13rd November 2024.
The demo application based on Java and Spring Boot is in folder 'sample-app'. A second demo application based on NodeJS and ExpressJs is in the folder 'sample-js-app'
Furthermore, there exists a sample how to mock depended systems for the local development with Mockserver.
- Docker CE
- Helm Charts
- Trivy
- Helm Secret Plugin
- Docker Compose
- Minikube
- K9s
- Monokle Desktop
- Mockserver
- 12 Factor App
- A visual guide on troubleshooting Kubernetes deployments
- Kubernetes Documentation - Troubleshooting Applications
- Kubernetes Feature - Debug Container
- Article about Container Image Build Tools (German)
- What's going on in my cluster? by Matthias Haeussler
- Wenn ich das nur vorher gewusst hätte: Kubernetes für Entwickler by Stefan Schlott (German)
- Kubernetes-Lektionen aus der Wolke by Jochen Mader
- We Moved one Java Product to Kubernetes and This Is What We Learned by Carlos Sanchez
- Secrets of Performance Tuning Java on Kubernetes by Bruno Borges